
Training workshop: Definition of multilateral market access strategies and consortium constitution

  • Introduction:
    • José Manuel Maceira Blanco (Secretario General Adjunto de la Confederación de Empresarios de Galicia – CEG)
    • Covadonga Toca Carús (Directora del Instituto Galego de Promoción Económica – IGAPE)
  • Speaker: Javier Vallejo Poza
  • Modality: Hybrid. On-site at the CEG Salón de Actos (Santiago de Compostela).
  • Date and time: Wednesday, September 18, 2024 – 09:00 hours. Approximate duration: 5 hours (including coffee break).

On Wednesday, September 18th, the Galician Confederation of Entrepreneurs (CEG) will hold a training workshop on Definition of multilateral market access strategies and consortium constitution organized by the International Tendering Service SALT of the CEG in collaboration with Javier Vallejo Poza, consultant with over 20 years of experience in business internationalization in the field of international technical assistance projects and development cooperation.

This workshop ( on-site and online) is aimed to all companies of the Galician business network interested in succeeding in multilateral calls for tender. With an eminently practical approach, the objective of the workshop is to provide participants with useful tools that allow them to design the basis of their own strategy for accessing the international tender market, adapted to their company. In addition, the importance of the constitution of consortia, the process of defining and searching for the most appropriate consortium for each project, the tools and strategies for the detection of potential partners and some practical strategies of approach and contact will be presented.

The content of the workshop includes:

  • Contextualization of multilateral calls for proposals.
  • Elaboration of an access strategy and organization within the company
  • Key success factors
  • Practical guidelines on consortium constitution
  • Definition and search for the most appropriate consortium for each project
  • Tools and strategies for selecting potential partners
  • The process of approaching and negotiating with partners

Once the workshop has concluded, the speaker will be available for those companies that wish a specific face-to-face interaction, and a small tutoring agenda will be organized for this purpose.

The deadline for registration is Monday, September 16th, being necessary to register of the CEG – SALT Tender Service web platform. For further information and registration in the training, please contact the service through the following e-mail: