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A: Agricultura, ganadería, silvicultura y pesca
A01: Agricultura, ganadería, caza y servicios relacionados con las mismas
A011: Cultivos no perennes
A0111: Cultivo de cereales (excepto arroz), leguminosas y semillas oleaginosas
A0112: Cultivo de arroz
A0113: Cultivo de hortalizas, raíces y tubérculos
A0114: Cultivo de caña de azúcar
A0115: Cultivo de tabaco
A0116: Cultivo de plantas para fibras textiles
A0119: Otros cultivos no perennes
A012: Cultivos perennes
A0121: Cultivo de la vid
A0122: Cultivo de frutos tropicales y subtropicales
A0123: Cultivo de cítricos
A0124: Cultivo de frutos con hueso y pepitas
A0125: Cultivo de otros árboles y arbustos frutales y frutos secos
A0126: Cultivo de frutos oleaginosos
A0127: Cultivo de plantas para bebidas
A0128: Cultivo de especias, plantas aromáticas, medicinales y farmacéuticas
A0129: Otros cultivos perennes
A013: Propagación de plantas
A0130: Propagación de plantas
A014: Producción ganadera
A0141: Explotación de ganado bovino para la producción de leche
A0142: Explotación de otro ganado bovino y búfalos
A0143: Explotación de caballos y otros equinos
A0144: Explotación de camellos y otros camélidos
A0145: Explotación de ganado ovino y caprino
A0146: Explotación de ganado porcino
A0147: Avicultura
A0149: Otras explotaciones de ganado
A015: Producción agrícola combinada con la producción ganadera
A0150: Producción agrícola combinada con la producción ganadera
A016: Actividades de apoyo a la agricultura, a la ganadería y de preparación posterior a la cosecha
A0161: Actividades de apoyo a la agricultura
A0162: Actividades de apoyo a la ganadería
A0163: Actividades de preparación posterior a la cosecha
A0164: Tratamiento de semillas para reproducción
A017: Caza, captura de animales y servicios relacionados con las mismas
A0170: Caza, captura de animales y servicios relacionados con las mismas
A02: Silvicultura y explotación forestal
A021: Silvicultura y otras actividades forestales
A0210: Silvicultura y otras actividades forestales
A022: Explotación de la madera
A0220: Explotación de la madera
A023: Recolección de productos silvestres, excepto madera
A0230: Recolección de productos silvestres, excepto madera
A024: Servicios de apoyo a la silvicultura
A0240: Servicios de apoyo a la silvicultura
A03: Pesca y acuicultura
A031: Pesca
A0311: Pesca marina
A0312: Pesca en agua dulce
A032: Acuicultura
A0321: Acuicultura marina
A0322: Acuicultura en agua dulce
B: Industrias extractivas
B05: Extracción de antracita, hulla y lignito
B051: Extracción de antracita y hulla
B0510: Extracción de antracita y hulla
B052: Extracción de lignito
B0520: Extracción de lignito
B06: Extracción de crudo de petróleo y gas natural
B061: Extracción de crudo de petróleo
B0610: Extracción de crudo de petróleo
B062: Extracción de gas natural
B0620: Extracción de gas natural
B07: Extracción de minerales metálicos
B071: Extracción de minerales de hierro
B0710: Extracción de minerales de hierro
B072: Extracción de minerales metálicos no férreos
B0721: Extracción de minerales de uranio y torio
B0729: Extracción de otros minerales metálicos no férreos
B08: Otras industrias extractivas
B081: Extracción de piedra, arena y arcilla
B0811: Extracción de piedra ornamental y para la construcción, piedra caliza, yeso, creta y pizarra
B0812: Extracción de gravas y arenas; extracción de arcilla y caolín
B089: Industrias extractivas n.c.o.p.
B0891: Extracción de minerales para productos químicos y fertilizantes
B0892: Extracción de turba
B0893: Extracción de sal
B0899: Otras industrias extractivas n.c.o.p.
B09: Actividades de apoyo a las industrias extractivas
B091: Actividades de apoyo a la extracción de petróleo y gas natural
B0910: Actividades de apoyo a la extracción de petróleo y gas natural
B099: Actividades de apoyo a otras industrias extractivas
B0990: Actividades de apoyo a otras industrias extractivas
C: Industria manufacturera
C10: Industria de la alimentación
C101: Procesado y conservación de carne y elaboración de productos cárnicos
C1011: Procesado y conservación de carne
C1012: Procesado y conservación de volatería
C1013: Elaboración de productos cárnicos y de volatería
C102: Procesado y conservación de pescados, crustáceos y moluscos
C1021: Procesado de pescados, crustáceos y moluscos
C1022: Fabricación de conservas de pescado
C103: Procesado y conservación de frutas y hortalizas
C1031: Procesado y conservación de patatas
C1032: Elaboración de zumos de frutas y hortalizas
C1039: Otro procesado y conservación de frutas y hortalizas
C104: Fabricación de aceites y grasas vegetales y animales
C1042: Fabricación de margarina y grasas comestibles similares
C1043: Fabricación de aceite de oliva
C1044: Fabricación de otros aceites y grasas
C105: Fabricación de productos lácteos
C1052: Elaboración de helados
C1053: Fabricación de quesos
C1054: Preparación de leche y otros productos lácteos
C106: Fabricación de productos de molinería, almidones y productos amiláceos
C1061: Fabricación de productos de molinería
C1062: Fabricación de almidones y productos amiláceos
C107: Fabricación de productos de panadería y pastas alimenticias
C1071: Fabricación de pan y de productos frescos de panadería y pastelería
C1072: Fabricación de galletas y productos de panadería y pastelería de larga duración
C1073: Fabricación de pastas alimenticias, cuscús y productos similares
C108: Fabricación de otros productos alimenticios
C1081: Fabricación de azúcar
C1082: Fabricación de cacao, chocolate y productos de confitería
C1083: Elaboración de café, té e infusiones
C1084: Elaboración de especias, salsas y condimentos
C1085: Elaboración de platos y comidas preparados
C1086: Elaboración de preparados alimenticios homogeneizados y alimentos dietéticos
C1089: Elaboración de otros productos alimenticios n.c.o.p.
C109: Fabricación de productos para la alimentación animal
C1091: Fabricación de productos para la alimentación de animales de granja
C1092: Fabricación de productos para la alimentación de animales de compañía
C11: Fabricación de bebidas
C110: Fabricación de bebidas
C1101: Destilación, rectificación y mezcla de bebidas alcohólicas
C1102: Elaboración de vinos
C1103: Elaboración de sidra y otras bebidas fermentadas a partir de frutas
C1104: Elaboración de otras bebidas no destiladas, procedentes de la fermentación
C1105: Fabricación de cerveza
C1106: Fabricación de malta
C1107: Fabricación de bebidas no alcohólicas; producción de aguas minerales y otras aguas embotelladas
C12: Industria del tabaco
C120: Industria del tabaco
C1200: Industria del tabaco
C13: Industria textil
C131: Preparación e hilado de fibras textiles
C1310: Preparación e hilado de fibras textiles
C132: Fabricación de tejidos textiles
C1320: Fabricación de tejidos textiles
C133: Acabado de textiles
C1330: Acabado de textiles
C139: Fabricación de otros productos textiles
C1391: Fabricación de tejidos de punto
C1392: Fabricación de artículos confeccionados con textiles, excepto prendas de vestir
C1393: Fabricación de alfombras y moquetas
C1394: Fabricación de cuerdas, cordeles, bramantes y redes
C1395: Fabricación de telas no tejidas y artículos confeccionados con ellas, excepto prendas de vestir
C1396: Fabricación de otros productos textiles de uso técnico e industrial
C1399: Fabricación de otros productos textiles n.c.o.p.
C14: Confección de prendas de vestir
C141: Confección de prendas de vestir, excepto de peletería
C1411: Confección de prendas de vestir de cuero
C1412: Confección de ropa de trabajo
C1413: Confección de otras prendas de vestir exteriores
C1414: Confección de ropa interior
C1419: Confección de otras prendas de vestir y accesorios
C142: Fabricación de artículos de peletería
C1420: Fabricación de artículos de peletería
C143: Confección de prendas de vestir de punto
C1431: Confección de calcetería
C1439: Confección de otras prendas de vestir de punto
C15: Industria del cuero y del calzado
C1511: Preparación, curtido y acabado del cuero; preparación y teñido de pieles
C1512: Fabricación de artículos de marroquinería, viaje y de guarnicionería y talabartería
C152: Fabricación de calzado
C1520: Fabricación de calzado
C16: Industria de la madera y del corcho, excepto muebles; cestería y espartería
C161: Aserrado y cepillado de la madera
C1610: Aserrado y cepillado de la madera
C162: Fabricación de productos de madera, corcho, cestería y espartería
C1621: Fabricación de chapas y tableros de madera
C1622: Fabricación de suelos de madera ensamblados
C1624: Fabricación de envases y embalajes de madera
C1629: Fabricación de otros productos de madera; artículos de corcho, cestería y espartería
C17: Industria del papel
C171: Fabricación de pasta papelera, papel y cartón
C1711: Fabricación de pasta papelera
C1712: Fabricación de papel y cartón
C172: Fabricación de artículos de papel y de cartón
C1721: Fabricación de papel y cartón ondulados; fabricación de envases y embalajes de papel y cartón
C1722: Fabricación de artículos de papel y cartón para uso doméstico, sanitario e higiénico
C1723: Fabricación de artículos de papelería
C1724: Fabricación de papeles pintados
C1729: Fabricación de otros artículos de papel y cartón
C18: Artes gráficas y reproducción de soportes grabados
C181: Artes gráficas y servicios relacionados con las mismas
C1811: Artes gráficas y servicios relacionados con las mismas
C1812: Otras actividades de impresión y artes gráficas
C1813: Servicios de preimpresión y preparación de soportes
C1814: Encuadernación y servicios relacionados con la misma
C182: Reproducción de soportes grabados
C1820: Reproducción de soportes grabados
C19: Coquerías y refino de petróleo
C191: Coquerías
C1910: Coquerías
C192: Refino de petróleo
C1920: Refino de petróleo
C20: Industria química
C2011: Fabricación de gases industriales
C2012: Fabricación de colorantes y pigmentos
C2013: Fabricación de otros productos básicos de química inorgánica
C2014: Fabricación de otros productos básicos de química orgánica
C2015: Fabricación de fertilizantes y compuestos nitrogenados
C2016: Fabricación de plásticos en formas primarias
C2017: Fabricación de caucho sintético en formas primarias
C202: Fabricación de pesticidas y otros productos agroquímicos
C2020: Fabricación de pesticidas y otros productos agroquímicos
C203: Fabricación de pinturas, barnices y revestimientos similares; tintas de imprenta y masillas
C2030: Fabricación de pinturas, barnices y revestimientos similares; tintas de imprenta y masillas
C2041: Fabricación de jabones, detergentes y otros artículos de limpieza y abrillantamiento
C2042: Fabricación de perfumes y cosméticos
C205: Fabricación de otros productos químicos
C2051: Fabricación de explosivos
C2052: Fabricación de colas
C2053: Fabricación de aceites esenciales
C2059: Fabricación de otros productos químicos n.c.o.p.
C206: Fabricación de fibras artificiales y sintéticas
C2060: Fabricación de fibras artificiales y sintéticas
C21: Fabricación de productos farmacéuticos
C211: Fabricación de productos farmacéuticos de base
C2110: Fabricación de productos farmacéuticos de base
C212: Fabricación de especialidades farmacéuticas
C2120: Fabricación de especialidades farmacéuticas
C22: Fabricación de productos de caucho y plásticos
C221: Fabricación de productos de caucho
C2211: Fabricación de neumáticos y cámaras de caucho; reconstrucción y recauchutado de neumáticos
C2219: Fabricación de otros productos de caucho
C222: Fabricación de productos de plástico
C2221: Fabricación de placas, hojas, tubos y perfiles de plástico
C2222: Fabricación de envases y embalajes de plástico
C2223: Fabricación de productos de plástico para la construcción
C2229: Fabricación de otros productos de plástico
C23: Fabricación de otros productos minerales no metálicos
C231: Fabricación de vidrio y productos de vidrio
C2311: Fabricación de vidrio plano
C2312: Manipulado y transformación de vidrio plano
C2313: Fabricación de vidrio hueco
C2314: Fabricación de fibra de vidrio
C2319: Fabricación y manipulado de otro vidrio, incluido el vidrio técnico
C232: Fabricación de productos cerámicos refractarios
C2320: Fabricación de productos cerámicos refractarios
C233: Fabricación de productos cerámicos para la construcción
C2331: Fabricación de azulejos y baldosas de cerámica
C2332: Fabricación de ladrillos, tejas y productos de tierras cocidas para la construcción
C234: Fabricación de otros productos cerámicos
C2341: Fabricación de artículos cerámicos de uso doméstico y ornamental
C2342: Fabricación de aparatos sanitarios cerámicos
C2343: Fabricación de aisladores y piezas aislantes de material cerámico
C2344: Fabricación de otros productos cerámicos de uso técnico
C2349: Fabricación de otros productos cerámicos
C235: Fabricación de cemento, cal y yeso
C2351: Fabricación de cemento
C2352: Fabricación de cal y yeso
C236: Fabricación de elementos de hormigón, cemento y yeso
C2361: Fabricación de elementos de hormigón para la construcción
C2362: Fabricación de elementos de yeso para la construcción
C2363: Fabricación de hormigón fresco
C2364: Fabricación de mortero
C2365: Fabricación de fibrocemento
C2369: Fabricación de otros productos de hormigón, yeso y cemento
C237: Corte, tallado y acabado de la piedra
C2370: Corte, tallado y acabado de la piedra
C239: Fabricación de productos abrasivos y productos minerales no metálicos n.c.o.p.
C2391: Fabricación de productos abrasivos
C2399: Fabricación de otros productos minerales no metálicos n.c.o.p.
C24: Metalurgia; fabricación de productos de hierro, acero y ferroaleaciones
C241: Fabricación de productos básicos de hierro, acero y ferroaleaciones
C2410: Fabricación de productos básicos de hierro, acero y ferroaleaciones
C242: Fabricación de tubos, tuberías, perfiles huecos y sus accesorios, de acero
C2420: Fabricación de tubos, tuberías, perfiles huecos y sus accesorios, de acero
C243: Fabricación de otros productos de primera transformación del acero
C2431: Estirado en frío
C2432: Laminación en frío
C2433: Producción de perfiles en frío por conformación con plegado
C2434: Trefilado en frío
C244: Producción de metales preciosos y de otros metales no férreos
C2441: Producción de metales preciosos
C2442: Producción de aluminio
C2443: Producción de plomo, zinc y estaño
C2444: Producción de cobre
C2445: Producción de otros metales no férreos
C2446: Procesamiento de combustibles nucleares
C245: Fundición de metales
C2451: Fundición de hierro
C2452: Fundición de acero
C2453: Fundición de metales ligeros
C2454: Fundición de otros metales no férreos
C25: Fabricación de productos metálicos, excepto maquinaria y equipo
C251: Fabricación de elementos metálicos para la construcción
C2511: Fabricación de estructuras metálicas y sus componentes
C2512: Fabricación de carpintería metálica
C252: Fabricación de cisternas, grandes depósitos y contenedores de metal
C2521: Fabricación de radiadores y calderas para calefacción central
C2529: Fabricación de otras cisternas, grandes depósitos y contenedores de metal
C253: Fabricación de generadores de vapor, excepto calderas de calefacción central
C2530: Fabricación de generadores de vapor, excepto calderas de calefacción central
C254: Fabricación de armas y municiones
C2540: Fabricación de armas y municiones
C255: Forja, estampación y embutición de metales; metalurgia de polvos
C2550: Forja, estampación y embutición de metales; metalurgia de polvos
C256: Tratamiento y revestimiento de metales; ingeniería mecánica por cuenta de terceros
C2561: Tratamiento y revestimiento de metales
C2562: Ingeniería mecánica por cuenta de terceros
C257: Fabricación de artículos de cuchillería y cubertería, herramientas y ferretería
C2571: Fabricación de artículos de cuchillería y cubertería
C2572: Fabricación de cerraduras y herrajes
C2573: Fabricación de herramientas
C259: Fabricación de otros productos metálicos
C2591: Fabricación de bidones y toneles de hierro o acero
C2592: Fabricación de envases y embalajes metálicos ligeros
C2593: Fabricación de productos de alambre, cadenas y muelles
C2594: Fabricación de pernos y productos de tornillería
C2599: Fabricación de otros productos metálicos n.c.o.p.
C26: Fabricación de productos informáticos, electrónicos y ópticos
C261: Fabricación de componentes electrónicos y circuitos impresos ensamblados
C2611: Fabricación de componentes electrónicos
C2612: Fabricación de circuitos impresos ensamblados
C262: Fabricación de ordenadores y equipos periféricos
C2620: Fabricación de ordenadores y equipos periféricos
C263: Fabricación de equipos de telecomunicaciones
C2630: Fabricación de equipos de telecomunicaciones
C264: Fabricación de productos electrónicos de consumo
C2640: Fabricación de productos electrónicos de consumo
C265: Fabricación de instrumentos y aparatos de medida, verificación y navegación; fabricación de relojes
C2651: Fabricación de instrumentos y aparatos de medida, verificación y navegación
C2652: Fabricación de relojes
C266: Fabricación de equipos de radiación, electromédicos y electroterapéuticos
C2660: Fabricación de equipos de radiación, electromédicos y electroterapéuticos
C267: Fabricación de instrumentos de óptica y equipo fotográfico
C2670: Fabricación de instrumentos de óptica y equipo fotográfico
C268: Fabricación de soportes magnéticos y ópticos
C2680: Fabricación de soportes magnéticos y ópticos
C27: Fabricación de material y equipo eléctrico
C2711: Fabricación de motores, generadores y transformadores eléctricos
C2712: Fabricación de aparatos de distribución y control eléctrico
C272: Fabricación de pilas y acumuladores eléctricos
C2720: Fabricación de pilas y acumuladores eléctricos
C273: Fabricación de cables y dispositivos de cableado
C2731: Fabricación de cables de fibra óptica
C2732: Fabricación de otros hilos y cables electrónicos y eléctricos
C2733: Fabricación de dispositivos de cableado
C274: Fabricación de lámparas y aparatos eléctricos de iluminación
C2740: Fabricación de lámparas y aparatos eléctricos de iluminación
C275: Fabricación de aparatos domésticos
C2751: Fabricación de electrodomésticos
C2752: Fabricación de aparatos domésticos no eléctricos
C279: Fabricación de otro material y equipo eléctrico
C2790: Fabricación de otro material y equipo eléctrico
C28: Fabricación de maquinaria y equipo n.c.o.p.
C281: Fabricación de maquinaria de uso general
C2812: Fabricación de equipos de transmisión hidráulica y neumática
C2813: Fabricación de otras bombas y compresores
C2814: Fabricación de otra grifería y válvulas
C2815: Fabricación de cojinetes, engranajes y órganos mecánicos de transmisión
C282: Fabricación de otra maquinaria de uso general
C2821: Fabricación de hornos y quemadores
C2822: Fabricación de maquinaria de elevación y manipulación
C2823: Fabricación de máquinas y equipos de oficina, excepto equipos informáticos
C2824: Fabricación de herramientas eléctricas manuales
C2825: Fabricación de maquinaria de ventilación y refrigeración no doméstica
C2829: Fabricación de otra maquinaria de uso general n.c.o.p.
C283: Fabricación de maquinaria agraria y forestal
C2830: Fabricación de maquinaria agraria y forestal
C284: Fabricación de máquinas herramienta para trabajar el metal y otras máquinas herramienta
C2841: Fabricación de máquinas herramienta para trabajar el metal
C2849: Fabricación de otras máquinas herramienta
C289: Fabricación de otra maquinaria para usos específicos
C2891: Fabricación de maquinaria para la industria metalúrgica
C2892: Fabricación de maquinaria para las industrias extractivas y de la construcción
C2893: Fabricación de maquinaria para la industria de la alimentación, bebidas y tabaco
C2894: Fabricación de maquinaria para las industrias textil, de la confección y del cuero
C2895: Fabricación de maquinaria para la industria del papel y del cartón
C2896: Fabricación de maquinaria para la industria del plástico y el caucho
C2899: Fabricación de otra maquinaria para usos específicos n.c.o.p.
C29: Fabricación de vehículos de motor, remolques y semirremolques
C291: Fabricación de vehículos de motor
C2910: Fabricación de vehículos de motor
C292: Fabricación de carrocerías para vehículos de motor; fabricación de remolques y semirremolques
C2920: Fabricación de carrocerías para vehículos de motor; fabricación de remolques y semirremolques
C293: Fabricación de componentes, piezas y accesorios para vehículos de motor
C2931: Fabricación de equipos eléctricos y electrónicos para vehículos de motor
C2932: Fabricación de otros componentes, piezas y accesorios para vehículos de motor
C30: Fabricación de otro material de transporte
C301: Construcción naval
C3011: Construcción de barcos y estructuras flotantes
C3012: Construcción de embarcaciones de recreo y deporte
C302: Fabricación de locomotoras y material ferroviario
C3020: Fabricación de locomotoras y material ferroviario
C303: Construcción aeronáutica y espacial y su maquinaria
C3030: Construcción aeronáutica y espacial y su maquinaria
C304: Fabricación de vehículos militares de combate
C3040: Fabricación de vehículos militares de combate
C309: Fabricación de otro material de transporte n.c.o.p.
C3091: Fabricación de motocicletas
C3092: Fabricación de bicicletas y de vehículos para personas con discapacidad
C3099: Fabricación de otro material de transporte n.c.o.p.
C31: Fabricación de muebles
C310: Fabricación de muebles
C3101: Fabricación de muebles de oficina y de establecimientos comerciales
C3102: Fabricación de muebles de cocina
C3103: Fabricación de colchones
C3109: Fabricación de otros muebles
C32: Otras industrias manufactureras
C321: Fabricación de artículos de joyería, bisutería y similares
C3211: Fabricación de monedas
C3212: Fabricación de artículos de joyería y artículos similares
C3213: Fabricación de artículos de bisutería y artículos similares
C322: Fabricación de instrumentos musicales
C3220: Fabricación de instrumentos musicales
C323: Fabricación de artículos de deporte
C3230: Fabricación de artículos de deporte
C324: Fabricación de juegos y juguetes
C3240: Fabricación de juegos y juguetes
C325: Fabricación de instrumentos y suministros médicos y odontológicos
C3250: Fabricación de instrumentos y suministros médicos y odontológicos
C329: Industrias manufactureras n.c.o.p.
C3291: Fabricación de escobas, brochas y cepillos
C3299: Otras industrias manufactureras n.c.o.p.
C33: Reparación e instalación de maquinaria y equipo
C331: Reparación de productos metálicos, maquinaria y equipo
C3311: Reparación de productos metálicos
C3312: Reparación de maquinaria
C3313: Reparación de equipos electrónicos y ópticos
C3314: Reparación de equipos eléctricos
C3315: Reparación y mantenimiento naval
C3316: Reparación y mantenimiento aeronáutico y espacial
C3317: Reparación y mantenimiento de otro material de transporte
C3319: Reparación de otros equipos
C332: Instalación de máquinas y equipos industriales
C3320: Instalación de máquinas y equipos industriales
D: Suministro de energía eléctrica, gas, vapor y aire acondicionado
D35: Suministro de energía eléctrica, gas, vapor y aire acondicionado
D351: Producción, transporte y distribución de energía eléctrica
D3512: Transporte de energía eléctrica
D3513: Distribución de energía eléctrica
D3514: Comercio de energía eléctrica
D3515: Producción de energía hidroeléctrica
D3516: Producción de energía eléctrica de origen térmico convencional
D3517: Producción de energía eléctrica de origen nuclear
D3518: Producción de energía eléctrica de origen eólico
D3519: Producción de energía eléctrica de otros tipos
D352: Producción de gas; distribución por tubería de combustibles gaseosos
D3521: Producción de gas
D3522: Distribución por tubería de combustibles gaseosos
D3523: Comercio de gas por tubería
D353: Suministro de vapor y aire acondicionado
D3530: Suministro de vapor y aire acondicionado
E: Suministro de agua, actividades de saneamiento, gestión de residuos y descontaminación
E36: Captación, depuración y distribución de agua
E360: Captación, depuración y distribución de agua
E3600: Captación, depuración y distribución de agua
E37: Recogida y tratamiento de aguas residuales
E370: Recogida y tratamiento de aguas residuales
E3700: Recogida y tratamiento de aguas residuales
E38: Recogida, tratamiento y eliminación de residuos; valorización
E381: Recogida de residuos
E3811: Recogida de residuos no peligrosos
E3812: Recogida de residuos peligrosos
E382: Tratamiento y eliminación de residuos
E3821: Tratamiento y eliminación de residuos no peligrosos
E3822: Tratamiento y eliminación de residuos peligrosos
E383: Valorización
E3831: Separación y clasificación de materiales
E3832: Valorización de materiales ya clasificados
E39: Actividades de descontaminación y otros servicios de gestión de residuos
E390: Actividades de descontaminación y otros servicios de gestión de residuos
E3900: Actividades de descontaminación y otros servicios de gestión de residuos
F: Construcción
F41: Construcción de edificios
F411: Promoción inmobiliaria
F4110: Promoción inmobiliaria
F412: Construcción de edificios
F4121: Construcción de edificios residenciales
F4122: Construcción de edificios no residenciales
F42: Ingeniería civil
F421: Construcción de carreteras y vías férreas, puentes y túneles
F4211: Construcción de carreteras y autopistas
F4212: Construcción de vías férreas de superficie y subterráneas
F4213: Construcción de puentes y túneles
F422: Construcción de redes
F4221: Construcción de redes para fluidos
F4222: Construcción de redes eléctricas y de telecomunicaciones
F429: Construcción de otros proyectos de ingeniería civil
F4291: Obras hidráulicas
F4299: Construcción de otros proyectos de ingeniería civil n.c.o.p.
F43: Actividades de construcción especializada
F431: Demolición y preparación de terrenos
F4311: Demolición
F4312: Preparación de terrenos
F4313: Perforaciones y sondeos
F432: Instalaciones eléctricas, de fontanería y otras instalaciones en obras de construcción
F4321: Instalaciones eléctricas
F4322: Fontanería, instalaciones de sistemas de calefacción y aire acondicionado
F4329: Otras instalaciones en obras de construcción
F433: Acabado de edificios
F4331: Revocamiento
F4332: Instalación de carpintería
F4333: Revestimiento de suelos y paredes
F4334: Pintura y acristalamiento
F4339: Otro acabado de edificios
F439: Otras actividades de construcción especializada
F4391: Construcción de cubiertas
F4399: Otras actividades de construcción especializada n.c.o.p.
G: Comercio al por mayor y al por menor; reparación de vehículos de motor y motocicletas
G45: Venta y reparación de vehículos de motor y motocicletas
G451: Venta de vehículos de motor
G4511: Venta de automóviles y vehículos de motor ligeros
G4519: Venta de otros vehículos de motor
G452: Mantenimiento y reparación de vehículos de motor
G4520: Mantenimiento y reparación de vehículos de motor
G453: Comercio de repuestos y accesorios de vehículos de motor
G4531: Comercio al por mayor de repuestos y accesorios de vehículos de motor
G4532: Comercio al por menor de repuestos y accesorios de vehículos de motor
G454: Venta, mantenimiento y reparación de motocicletas y de sus repuestos y accesorios
G4540: Venta, mantenimiento y reparación de motocicletas y de sus repuestos y accesorios
G46: Comercio al por mayor e intermediarios del comercio, excepto de vehículos de motor y motocicletas
G461: Intermediarios del comercio
G4612: Intermediarios del comercio de combustibles, minerales, metales y productos químicos industriales
G4613: Intermediarios del comercio de la madera y materiales de construcción
G4614: Intermediarios del comercio de maquinaria, equipo industrial, embarcaciones y aeronaves
G4615: Intermediarios del comercio de muebles, artículos para el hogar y ferretería
G4616: Intermediarios del comercio de textiles, prendas de vestir, peletería, calzado y artículos de cuero
G4617: Intermediarios del comercio de productos alimenticios, bebidas y tabaco
G4618: Intermediarios del comercio especializados en la venta de otros productos específicos
G4619: Intermediarios del comercio de productos diversos
G462: Comercio al por mayor de materias primas agrarias y de animales vivos
G4621: Comercio al por mayor de cereales, tabaco en rama, simientes y alimentos para animales
G4622: Comercio al por mayor de flores y plantas
G4623: Comercio al por mayor de animales vivos
G4624: Comercio al por mayor de cueros y pieles
G463: Comercio al por mayor de productos alimenticios, bebidas y tabaco
G4631: Comercio al por mayor de frutas y hortalizas
G4632: Comercio al por mayor de carne y productos cárnicos
G4633: Comercio al por mayor de productos lácteos, huevos, aceites y grasas comestibles
G4634: Comercio al por mayor de bebidas
G4635: Comercio al por mayor de productos del tabaco
G4636: Comercio al por mayor de azúcar, chocolate y confitería
G4637: Comercio al por mayor de café, té, cacao y especias
G4638: Comercio al por mayor de pescados y mariscos y otros productos alimenticios
G4639: Comercio al por mayor, no especializado, de productos alimenticios, bebidas y tabaco
G464: Comercio al por mayor de artículos de uso doméstico
G4641: Comercio al por mayor de textiles
G4642: Comercio al por mayor de prendas de vestir y calzado
G4643: Comercio al por mayor de aparatos electrodomésticos
G4644: Comercio al por mayor de porcelana, cristalería y artículos de limpieza
G4645: Comercio al por mayor de productos perfumería y cosmética
G4646: Comercio al por mayor de productos farmacéuticos
G4647: Comercio al por mayor de muebles, alfombras y aparatos de iluminación
G4648: Comercio al por mayor de artículos de relojería y joyería
G4649: Comercio al por mayor de otros artículos de uso doméstico
G465: Comercio al por mayor de equipos para las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones
G4651: Comercio al por mayor de ordenadores, equipos periféricos y programas informáticos
G4652: Comercio al por mayor de equipos electrónicos y de telecomunicaciones y sus componentes
G466: Comercio al por mayor de otra maquinaria, equipos y suministros
G4661: Comercio al por mayor de maquinaria, equipos y suministros agrícolas
G4662: Comercio al por mayor de máquinas herramienta
G4663: Comercio al por mayor de maquinaria para la minería, la construcción y la ingeniería civil
G4664: Comercio al por mayor de maquinaria para la industria textil y de máquinas de coser y tricotar
G4665: Comercio al por mayor de muebles de oficina
G4666: Comercio al por mayor de otra maquinaria y equipo de oficina
G4669: Comercio al por mayor de otra maquinaria y equipo
G467: Otro comercio al por mayor especializado
G4671: Comercio al por mayor de combustibles sólidos, líquidos y gaseosos, y productos similares
G4672: Comercio al por mayor de metales y minerales metálicos
G4673: Comercio al por mayor de madera, materiales de construcción y aparatos sanitarios
G4674: Comercio al por mayor de ferretería, fontanería y calefacción
G4675: Comercio al por mayor de productos químicos
G4676: Comercio al por mayor de otros productos semielaborados
G4677: Comercio al por mayor de chatarra y productos de desecho
G469: Comercio al por mayor no especializado
G4690: Comercio al por mayor no especializado
G47: Comercio al por menor, excepto de vehículos de motor y motocicletas
G471: Comercio al por menor en establecimientos no especializados
G4719: Otro comercio al por menor en establecimientos no especializados
G472: Comercio al por menor de productos alimenticios, bebidas y tabaco en establecimientos especializados
G4721: Comercio al por menor de frutas y hortalizas en establecimientos especializados
G4722: Comercio al por menor de carne y productos cárnicos en establecimientos especializados
G4723: Comercio al por menor de pescados y mariscos en establecimientos especializados
G4725: Comercio al por menor de bebidas en establecimientos especializados
G4726: Comercio al por menor de productos de tabaco en establecimientos especializados
G4729: Otro comercio al por menor de productos alimenticios en establecimientos especializados
G473: Comercio al por menor de combustible para la automoción en establecimientos especializados
G4730: Comercio al por menor de combustible para la automoción en establecimientos especializados
G4742: Comercio al por menor de equipos de telecomunicaciones en establecimientos especializados
G4743: Comercio al por menor de equipos de audio y vídeo en establecimientos especializados
G475: Comercio al por menor de otros artículos de uso doméstico en establecimientos especializados
G4751: Comercio al por menor de textiles en establecimientos especializados
G4752: Comercio al por menor de ferretería, pintura y vidrio en establecimientos especializados
G4754: Comercio al por menor de aparatos electrodomésticos en establecimientos especializados
G476: Comercio al por menor de artículos culturales y recreativos en establecimientos especializados
G4761: Comercio al por menor de libros en establecimientos especializados
G4762: Comercio al por menor de periódicos y artículos de papelería en establecimientos especializados
G4763: Comercio al por menor de grabaciones de música y vídeo en establecimientos especializados
G4764: Comercio al por menor de artículos deportivos en establecimientos especializados
G4765: Comercio al por menor de juegos y juguetes en establecimientos especializados
G477: Comercio al por menor de otros artículos en establecimientos especializados
G4771: Comercio al por menor de prendas de vestir en establecimientos especializados
G4772: Comercio al por menor de calzado y artículos de cuero en establecimientos especializados
G4773: Comercio al por menor de productos farmacéuticos en establecimientos especializados
G4774: Comercio al por menor de artículos médicos y ortopédicos en establecimientos especializados
G4775: Comercio al por menor de productos cosméticos e higiénicos en establecimientos especializados
G4777: Comercio al por menor de artículos de relojería y joyería en establecimientos especializados
G4778: Otro comercio al por menor de artículos nuevos en establecimientos especializados
G4779: Comercio al por menor de artículos de segunda mano en establecimientos
G478: Comercio al por menor en puestos de venta y en mercadillos
G4789: Comercio al por menor de otros productos en puestos de venta y en mercadillos
G479: Comercio al por menor no realizado ni en establecimientos, ni en puestos de venta ni en mercadillos
G4791: Comercio al por menor por correspondencia o Internet
H: Transporte y almacenamiento
H49: Transporte terrestre y por tubería
H491: Transporte interurbano de pasajeros por ferrocarril
H4910: Transporte interurbano de pasajeros por ferrocarril
H492: Transporte de mercancías por ferrocarril
H4920: Transporte de mercancías por ferrocarril
H493: Otro transporte terrestre de pasajeros
H4931: Transporte terrestre urbano y suburbano de pasajeros
H4932: Transporte por taxi
H4939: tipos de transporte terrestre de pasajeros n.c.o.p.
H494: Transporte de mercancías por carretera y servicios de mudanza
H4941: Transporte de mercancías por carretera
H4942: Servicios de mudanza
H495: Transporte por tubería
H4950: Transporte por tubería
H50: Transporte marítimo y por vías navegables interiores
H501: Transporte marítimo de pasajeros
H5010: Transporte marítimo de pasajeros
H502: Transporte marítimo de mercancías
H5020: Transporte marítimo de mercancías
H503: Transporte de pasajeros por vías navegables interiores
H5030: Transporte de pasajeros por vías navegables interiores
H504: Transporte de mercancías por vías navegables interiores
H5040: Transporte de mercancías por vías navegables interiores
H51: Transporte aéreo
H511: Transporte aéreo de pasajeros
H5110: Transporte aéreo de pasajeros
H512: Transporte aéreo de mercancías y transporte espacial
H5121: Transporte aéreo de mercancías
H5122: Transporte espacial
H52: Almacenamiento y actividades anexas al transporte
H521: Depósito y almacenamiento
H5210: Depósito y almacenamiento
H522: Actividades anexas al transporte
H5221: Actividades anexas al transporte terrestre
H5222: Actividades anexas al transporte marítimo y por vías navegables interiores
H5223: Actividades anexas al transporte aéreo
H5224: Manipulación de mercancías
H5229: Otras actividades anexas al transporte
H53: Actividades postales y de correos
H531: Actividades postales sometidas a la obligación del servicio universal
H5310: Actividades postales sometidas a la obligación del servicio universal
H532: Otras actividades postales y de correos
H5320: Otras actividades postales y de correos
I: Hostelería
I55: Servicios de alojamiento
I551: Hoteles y alojamientos similares
I5510: Hoteles y alojamientos similares
I552: Alojamientos turísticos y otros alojamientos de corta estancia
I5520: Alojamientos turísticos y otros alojamientos de corta estancia
I553: Campings y aparcamientos para caravanas
I5530: Campings y aparcamientos para caravanas
I559: Otros alojamientos
I5590: Otros alojamientos
I56: Servicios de comidas y bebidas
I561: Restaurantes y puestos de comidas
I5610: Restaurantes y puestos de comidas
I562: Provisión de comidas preparadas para eventos y otros servicios de comidas
I5621: Provisión de comidas preparadas para eventos
I5629: Otros servicios de comidas
I563: Establecimientos de bebidas
I5630: Establecimientos de bebidas
J: Información y comunicaciones
J58: Edición
J581: Edición de libros, periódicos y otras actividades editoriales
J5811: Edición de libros
J5812: Edición de directorios y guías de direcciones postales
J5813: Edición de periódicos
J5814: Edición de revistas
J5819: Otras actividades editoriales
J582: Edición de programas informáticos
J5821: Edición de videojuegos
J5829: Edición de otros programas informáticos
J591: Actividades cinematográficas, de vídeo y de programas de televisión
J5912: Actividades de postproducción cinematográfica, de vídeo y de programas de televisión
J5914: Actividades de exhibición cinematográfica
J5915: Actividades de producción cinematográfica y de vídeo
J5916: Actividades de producciones de programas de televisión
J5917: Actividades de distribución cinematográfica y de vídeo
J5918: Actividades de distribución de programas de televisión
J592: Actividades de grabación de sonido y edición musical
J5920: Actividades de grabación de sonido y edición musical
J60: Actividades de programación y emisión de radio y televisión
J601: Actividades de radiodifusión
J6010: Actividades de radiodifusión
J602: Actividades de programación y emisión de televisión
J6020: Actividades de programación y emisión de televisión
J61: Telecomunicaciones
J611: Telecomunicaciones por cable
J6110: Telecomunicaciones por cable
J612: Telecomunicaciones inalámbricas
J6120: Telecomunicaciones inalámbricas
J613: Telecomunicaciones por satélite
J6130: Telecomunicaciones por satélite
J619: Otras actividades de telecomunicaciones
J6190: Otras actividades de telecomunicaciones
J62: Programación, consultoría y otras actividades relacionadas con la informática
J620: Programación, consultoría y otras actividades relacionadas con la informática
J6201: Actividades de programación informática
J6202: Actividades de consultoría informática
J6203: Gestión de recursos informáticos
J6209: Otros servicios relacionados con las tecnologías de la información y la informática
J63: Servicios de información
J631: Proceso de datos, hosting y actividades relacionadas; portales web
J6311: Proceso de datos, hosting y actividades relacionadas
J6312: Portales web
J639: Otros servicios de información
J6391: Actividades de las agencias de noticias
J6399: Otros servicios de información n.c.o.p.
K: Actividades financieras y de seguros
K64: Servicios financieros, excepto seguros y fondos de pensiones
K641: Intermediación monetaria
K6411: Banco central
K6419: Otra intermediación monetaria
K642: Actividades de las sociedades holding
K6420: Actividades de las sociedades holding
K643: Inversión colectiva, fondos y entidades financieras similares
K6430: Inversión colectiva, fondos y entidades financieras similares
K649: Otros servicios financieros, excepto seguros y fondos de pensiones
K6491: Arrendamiento financiero
K6492: Otras actividades crediticias
K6499: Otros servicios financieros, excepto seguros y fondos de pensiones n.c.o.p.
K65: Seguros, reaseguros y fondos de pensiones, excepto Seguridad Social obligatoria
K651: Seguros
K6511: Seguros de vida
K6512: Seguros distintos de los seguros de vida
K652: Reaseguros
K6520: Reaseguros
K653: Fondos de pensiones
K6530: Fondos de pensiones
K66: Actividades auxiliares a los servicios financieros y a los seguros
K661: Actividades auxiliares a los servicios financieros, excepto seguros y fondos de pensiones
K6611: Administración de mercados financieros
K6612: Actividades de intermediación en operaciones con valores y otros activos
K6619: Otras actividades auxiliares a los servicios financieros, excepto seguros y fondos de pensiones
K662: Actividades auxiliares a seguros y fondos de pensiones
K6621: Evaluación de riesgos y daños
K6622: Actividades de agentes y corredores de seguros
K6629: Otras actividades auxiliares a seguros y fondos de pensiones
K663: Actividades de gestión de fondos
K6630: Actividades de gestión de fondos
L: Actividades inmobiliarias
L68: Actividades inmobiliarias
L681: Compraventa de bienes inmobiliarios por cuenta propia
L6810: Compraventa de bienes inmobiliarios por cuenta propia
L682: Alquiler de bienes inmobiliarios por cuenta propia
L6820: Alquiler de bienes inmobiliarios por cuenta propia
L683: Actividades inmobiliarias por cuenta de terceros
L6831: Agentes de la propiedad inmobiliaria
L6832: Gestión y administración de la propiedad inmobiliaria
M: Actividades profesionales, científicas y técnicas
M69: Actividades jurídicas y de contabilidad
M691: Actividades jurídicas
M6910: Actividades jurídicas
M692: Actividades de contabilidad, teneduría de libros, auditoría y asesoría fiscal
M6920: Actividades de contabilidad, teneduría de libros, auditoría y asesoría fiscal
M70: Actividades de las sedes centrales; actividades de consultoría de gestión empresarial
M701: Actividades de las sedes centrales
M7010: Actividades de las sedes centrales
M702: Actividades de consultoría de gestión empresarial
M7021: Relaciones públicas y comunicación
M7022: Otras actividades de consultoría de gestión empresarial
M71: Servicios técnicos de arquitectura e ingeniería; ensayos y análisis técnicos
M7111: Servicios técnicos de arquitectura
M7112: Servicios técnicos de ingeniería y otras actividades relacionadas con el asesoramiento técnico
M712: Ensayos y análisis técnicos
M7120: Ensayos y análisis técnicos
M72: Investigación y desarrollo
M721: Investigación y desarrollo experimental en ciencias naturales y técnicas
M7211: Investigación y desarrollo experimental en biotecnología
M7219: Otra investigación y desarrollo experimental en ciencias naturales y técnicas
M722: Investigación y desarrollo experimental en ciencias sociales y humanidades
M7220: Investigación y desarrollo experimental en ciencias sociales y humanidades
M73: Publicidad y estudios de mercado
M731: Publicidad
M7311: Agencias de publicidad
M7312: Servicios de representación de medios de comunicación
M732: Estudio de mercado y realización de encuestas de opinión pública
M7320: Estudio de mercado y realización de encuestas de opinión pública
M74: Otras actividades profesionales, científicas y técnicas
M741: Actividades de diseño especializado
M7410: Actividades de diseño especializado
M742: Actividades de fotografía
M7420: Actividades de fotografía
M743: Actividades de traducción e interpretación
M7430: Actividades de traducción e interpretación
M749: Otras actividades profesionales, científicas y técnicas n.c.o.p.
M7490: Otras actividades profesionales, científicas y técnicas n.c.o.p.
M75: Actividades veterinarias
M750: Actividades veterinarias
M7500: Actividades veterinarias
N: Actividades administrativas y servicios auxliares
N77: Actividades de alquiler
N771: Alquiler de vehículos de motor
N7711: Alquiler de automóviles y vehículos de motor ligeros
N7712: Alquiler de camiones
N772: Alquiler de efectos personales y artículos de uso doméstico
N7721: Alquiler de artículos de ocio y deportivos
N7722: Alquiler de cintas de vídeo y discos
N7729: Alquiler de otros efectos personales y artículos de uso doméstico
N773: Alquiler de otra maquinaria, equipos y bienes tangibles
N7731: Alquiler de maquinaria y equipo de uso agrícola
N7732: Alquiler de maquinaria y equipo para la construcción e ingeniería civil
N7733: Alquiler de maquinaria y equipo de oficina, incluidos ordenadores
N7734: Alquiler de medios de navegación
N7735: Alquiler de medios de transporte aéreo
N7739: Alquiler de otra maquinaria, equipos y bienes tangibles n.c.o.p.
N78: Actividades relacionadas con el empleo
N781: Actividades de las agencias de colocación
N7810: Actividades de las agencias de colocación
N782: Actividades de las empresas de trabajo temporal
N7820: Actividades de las empresas de trabajo temporal
N783: Otra provisión de recursos humanos
N7830: Otra provisión de recursos humanos
N791: Actividades de agencias de viajes y operadores turísticos
N7911: Actividades de las agencias de viajes
N7912: Actividades de los operadores turísticos
N799: Otros servicios de reservas y actividades relacionadas con los mismos
N7990: Otros servicios de reservas y actividades relacionadas con los mismos
N80: Actividades de seguridad e investigación
N801: Actividades de seguridad privada
N8010: Actividades de seguridad privada
N802: Servicios de sistemas de seguridad
N8020: Servicios de sistemas de seguridad
N803: Actividades de investigación
N8030: Actividades de investigación
N81: Servicios a edificios y actividades de jardinería
N811: Servicios integrales a edificios e instalaciones
N8110: Servicios integrales a edificios e instalaciones
N812: Actividades de limpieza
N8121: Limpieza general de edificios
N8122: Otras actividades de limpieza industrial y de edificios
N8129: Otras actividades de limpieza
N813: Actividades de jardinería
N8130: Actividades de jardinería
N82: Actividades administrativas de oficina y otras actividades auxiliares a las empresas
N821: Actividades administrativas y auxiliares de oficina
N8211: Servicios administrativos combinados
N8219: Actividades de fotocopiado, preparación de documentos y otras actividades especializadas de oficina
N822: Actividades de los centros de llamadas
N8220: Actividades de los centros de llamadas
N823: Organización de convenciones y ferias de muestras
N8230: Organización de convenciones y ferias de muestras
N829: Actividades de apoyo a las empresas n.c.o.p.
N8291: Actividades de las agencias de cobros y de información comercial
N8292: Actividades de envasado y empaquetado
N8299: Otras actividades de apoyo a las empresas n.c.o.p.
O: Administración Pública y defensa; Seguridad Social obligatoria
O84: Administración Pública y defensa; Seguridad Social obligatoria
O841: Administración Pública y de la política económica y social
O8411: Actividades generales de la Administración Pública
O8413: Regulación de la actividad económica y contribución a su mayor eficiencia
O842: Prestación de servicios a la comunidad en general
O8421: Asuntos exteriores
O8422: Defensa
O8423: Justicia
O8424: Orden público y seguridad
O8425: Protección civil
O843: Seguridad Social obligatoria
O8430: Seguridad Social obligatoria
P: Educación
P85: Educación
P851: Educación preprimaria
P8510: Educación preprimaria
P852: Educación primaria
P8520: Educación primaria
P853: Educación secundaria
P8531: Educación secundaria general
P8532: Educación secundaria técnica y profesional
P854: Educación postsecundaria
P8541: Educación postsecundaria no terciaria
P8543: Educación universitaria
P8544: Educación terciaria no universitaria
P855: Otra educación
P8551: Educación deportiva y recreativa
P8552: Educación cultural
P8553: Actividades de las escuelas de conducción y pilotaje
P8559: Otra educación n.c.o.p.
P856: Actividades auxiliares a la educación
P8560: Actividades auxiliares a la educación
Q: Actividades sanitarias y de servicios sociales
Q86: Actividades sanitarias
Q861: Actividades hospitalarias
Q8610: Actividades hospitalarias
Q862: Actividades médicas y odontológicas
Q8621: Actividades de medicina general
Q8622: Actividades de medicina especializada
Q8623: Actividades odontológicas
Q869: Otras actividades sanitarias
Q8690: Otras actividades sanitarias
Q87: Asistencia en establecimientos residenciales
Q871: Asistencia en establecimientos residenciales con cuidados sanitarios
Q8710: Asistencia en establecimientos residenciales con cuidados sanitarios
Q873: Asistencia en establecimientos residenciales para personas mayores y con discapacidad física
Q8731: Asistencia en establecimientos residenciales para personas mayores
Q8732: Asistencia en establecimientos residenciales para personas con discapacidad física
Q879: Otras actividades de asistencia en establecimientos residenciales
Q8790: Otras actividades de asistencia en establecimientos residenciales
Q88: Actividades de servicios sociales sin alojamiento
Q881: Actividades de servicios sociales sin alojamiento para personas mayores y con discapacidad
Q8811: Actividades de servicios sociales sin alojamiento para personas mayores
Q8812: Actividades de servicios sociales sin alojamiento para personas con discapacidad
Q889: Otros actividades de servicios sociales sin alojamiento
Q8891: Actividades de cuidado diurno de niños
Q8899: Otros actividades de servicios sociales sin alojamiento n.c.o.p.
R: Actividades artísticas, recreativas y de entrenimiento
R90: Actividades de creación, artísticas y espectáculos
R900: Actividades de creación, artísticas y espectáculos
R9001: Artes escénicas
R9002: Actividades auxiliares a las artes escénicas
R9003: Creación artística y literaria
R9004: Gestión de salas de espectáculos
R91: Actividades de bibliotecas, archivos, museos y otras actividades culturales
R910: Actividades de bibliotecas, archivos, museos y otras actividades culturales
R9102: Actividades de museos
R9103: Gestión de lugares y edificios históricos
R9104: Actividades de los jardines botánicos, parques zoológicos y reservas naturales
R9105: Actividades de bibliotecas
R9106: Actividades de archivos
R92: Actividades de juegos de azar y apuestas
R920: Actividades de juegos de azar y apuestas
R9200: Actividades de juegos de azar y apuestas
R93: Actividades deportivas, recreativas y de entretenimiento
R931: Actividades deportivas
R9311: Gestión de instalaciones deportivas
R9312: Actividades de los clubes deportivos
R9313: Actividades de los gimnasios
R9319: Otras actividades deportivas
R932: Actividades recreativas y de entretenimiento
R9321: Actividades de los parques de atracciones y los parques temáticos
R9329: Otras actividades recreativas y de entretenimiento
S: Otros servicios
S94: Actividades asociativas
S941: Actividades de organizaciones empresariales, profesionales y patronales
S9411: Actividades de organizaciones empresariales y patronales
S9412: Actividades de organizaciones profesionales
S942: Actividades sindicales
S9420: Actividades sindicales
S949: Otras actividades asociativas
S9491: Actividades de organizaciones religiosas
S9492: Actividades de organizaciones políticas
S9499: Otras actividades asociativas n.c.o.p.
S95: Reparación de ordenadores, efectos personales y artículos de uso doméstico
S951: Reparación de ordenadores y equipos de comunicación
S9511: Reparación de ordenadores y equipos periféricos
S9512: Reparación de equipos de comunicación
S952: Reparación de efectos personales y artículos de uso doméstico
S9521: Reparación de aparatos electrónicos de audio y vídeo de uso doméstico
S9522: Reparación de aparatos electrodomésticos y de equipos para el hogar y el jardín
S9523: Reparación de calzado y artículos de cuero
S9524: Reparación de muebles y artículos de menaje
S9525: Reparación de relojes y joyería
S9529: Reparación de otros efectos personales y artículos de uso doméstico
S96: Otros servicios personales
S960: Otros servicios personales
S9601: Lavado y limpieza de prendas textiles y de piel
S9602: Peluquería y otros tratamientos de belleza
S9603: Pompas fúnebres y actividades relacionadas
S9604: Actividades de mantenimiento físico
S9609: Otras servicios personales n.c.o.p.
T97: Actividades de los hogares como empleadores de personal doméstico
T970: Actividades de los hogares como empleadores de personal doméstico
T9700: Actividades de los hogares como empleadores de personal doméstico
T98: Actividades de los hogares como productores de bienes y servicios para uso propio
T981: Actividades de los hogares como productores de bienes para uso propio
T9810: Actividades de los hogares como productores de bienes para uso propio
T982: Actividades de los hogares como productores de servicios para uso propio
T9820: Actividades de los hogares como productores de servicios para uso propio
U: Actividades de organizaciones y organismos extraterritoriales
U99: Actividades de organizaciones y organismos extraterritoriales
U990: Actividades de organizaciones y organismos extraterritoriales
U9900: Actividades de organizaciones y organismos extraterritoriales
Dont know what it is? Look for it here:
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03000000: Agricultural, farming, fishing, forestry and related products
03100000: Agricultural and horticultural products
03110000: Crops, products of market gardening and horticulture
03111000: Seeds
03111100: Soya beans
03111200: Peanuts
03111300: Sunflower seeds
03111400: Cotton seeds
03111500: Sesame seeds
03111600: Mustard seeds
03111700: Vegetable seeds
03111800: Fruit seeds
03111900: Flower seeds
03112000: Unmanufactured tobacco
03113000: Plants used for sugar manufacturing
03113100: Sugar beet
03113200: Sugar cane
03114000: Straw and forage
03114100: Straw
03114200: Forage
03115000: Raw vegetable materials
03115100: Raw vegetable materials used in textile production
03115110: Cotton
03115120: Jute
03115130: Flax
03116000: Natural rubber and latex, and associated products
03116100: Natural rubber
03116200: Natural latex
03116300: Latex products
03117000: Plants used in specific fields
03117100: Plants used in perfumery or pharmacy, or for insecticidal or similar purposes
03117110: Plants used in perfumery
03117120: Plants used in pharmacy
03117130: Plants used for insecticidal purposes
03117140: Plants used for fungicidal or similar purposes
03117200: Seeds of plants used in specific fields
03120000: Horticultural and nursery products
03121000: Horticultural products
03121100: Live plants, bulbs, roots, cuttings and slips
03121200: Cut flowers
03121210: Floral arrangements
03130000: Beverage and spice crops
03131000: Beverage crops
03131100: Coffee beans
03131200: Tea bushes
03131300: Maté
03131400: Cocoa beans
03132000: Unprocessed spices
03140000: Animal products and related products
03141000: Bulls' semen
03142000: Animal products
03142100: Natural honey
03142200: Snails
03142300: Edible products of animal origin
03142400: Waxes
03142500: Eggs
03143000: Products of mixed farming
03144000: Agricultural supplies
03200000: Cereals, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and nuts
03210000: Cereals and potatoes
03211000: Cereals
03211100: Wheat
03211110: Durum wheat
03211120: Soft wheat
03211200: Maize
03211300: Rice
03211400: Barley
03211500: Rye
03211600: Oats
03211700: Malt
03211900: Grain products
03212000: Potatoes and dried vegetables
03212100: Potatoes
03212200: Dried leguminous vegetables and pulses
03212210: Dried leguminous vegetables
03212211: Lentils
03212212: Chick peas
03212213: Dried peas
03212220: Pulses
03220000: Vegetables, fruits and nuts
03221000: Vegetables
03221100: Root and tuber vegetables
03221110: Root vegetables
03221111: Beetroot
03221112: Carrots
03221113: Onions
03221114: Turnips
03221120: Tuber vegetables
03221200: Fruit vegetables
03221210: Beans
03221211: Broad beans
03221212: Green beans
03221213: Runner beans
03221220: Peas
03221221: Garden peas
03221222: Mange-tout
03221230: Peppers
03221240: Tomatoes
03221250: Courgettes
03221260: Mushrooms
03221270: Cucumbers
03221300: Leaf vegetables
03221310: Lettuce
03221320: Salad leaves
03221330: Artichokes
03221340: Spinach
03221400: Cabbage vegetables
03221410: Cabbage
03221420: Cauliflower
03221430: Broccoli
03221440: Brussels sprouts
03222000: Fruit and nuts
03222100: Tropical fruit and nuts
03222110: Tropical fruit
03222111: Bananas
03222112: Pineapples
03222113: Mangoes
03222114: Dates
03222115: Raisins
03222116: Figs
03222117: Avocados
03222118: Kiwi fruit
03222120: Coconuts
03222200: Citrus fruit
03222210: Lemons
03222220: Oranges
03222230: Grapefruit
03222240: Tangerines
03222250: Limes
03222300: Non-tropical fruit
03222310: Berry fruit
03222311: Currants
03222312: Gooseberries
03222313: Strawberries
03222314: Raspberries
03222315: Cranberries
03222320: Apples, pears and quinces
03222321: Apples
03222322: Pears
03222323: Quinces
03222330: Stone fruit
03222331: Apricots
03222332: Peaches
03222333: Cherries
03222334: Plums
03222340: Grapes
03222341: Table grapes
03222342: Wine grapes
03222400: Olives
03300000: Farming, hunting and fishing products
03310000: Fish, crustaceans and aquatic products
03311000: Fish
03311100: Flat fish
03311110: Sole
03311120: Plaice
03311200: Fish of the cod family
03311210: Cod
03311220: Pollock
03311230: Hake
03311240: Haddock
03311300: Herring
03311400: Tuna
03311500: Whiting
03311600: Whitebait
03311700: Salmon
03312000: Crustaceans
03312100: Oysters
03312200: Shellfish
03312300: Aquatic invertebrates
03313000: Aquatic products
03313100: Corals or similar products
03313200: Natural sponges
03313300: Seaweeds
03313310: Algae
03320000: Cattle, livestock and small animals
03321000: Cattle
03321100: Bovine cattle
03321200: Calves
03322000: Livestock
03322100: Sheep
03322200: Goats
03322300: Horses
03323000: Pigs
03324000: Live poultry
03325000: Small animals
03325100: Rabbits
03325200: Hares
03330000: Farm animal products
03331000: Fresh milk from sheep and goats
03331100: Sheep's milk
03331200: Goats' milk
03332000: Wool and animal hair
03332100: Shorn wool
03332200: Animal hair
03333000: Fresh cows' milk
03340000: Animal ear tags
03341000: Bovine ear tags
03400000: Forestry and logging products
03410000: Wood
03411000: Coniferous wood
03412000: Tropical wood
03413000: Fuel wood
03414000: Rough wood
03415000: Softwood
03416000: Wood waste
03417000: Scrap wood
03417100: Sawdust
03418000: Logs
03418100: Hardwood
03419000: Timber
03419100: Timber products
03419200: Mining timber
03420000: Gums
03421000: Balsams
03422000: Lac
03430000: Cork
03431000: Natural cork
03432000: Basketware
03432100: Wickerwork
03440000: Forestry products
03441000: Ornamental plants, grasses, mosses or lichens
03450000: Tree-nursery products
03451000: Plants
03451100: Bedding plants
03451200: Flower bulbs
03451300: Shrubs
03452000: Trees
03460000: Pulp
03461000: Wood pulp
03461100: Chemical wood pulp
09000000: Petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy
09100000: Fuels
09110000: Solid fuels
09111000: Coal and coal-based fuels
09111100: Coal
09111200: Coal-based fuels
09111210: Hard coal
09111220: Briquettes
09111300: Fossil fuels
09111400: Wood fuels
09112000: Lignite and peat
09112100: Lignite
09112200: Peat
09113000: Coke
09120000: Gaseous fuels
09121000: Coal gas, mains gas or similar gases
09121100: Coal gas or similar gases
09121200: Mains gas
09122000: Propane and butane
09122100: Propane gas
09122110: Liquefied propane gas
09122200: Butane gas
09122210: Liquefied butane gas
09123000: Natural gas
09130000: Petroleum and distillates
09131000: Aviation kerosene
09131100: Kerosene jet type fuels
09132000: Petrol
09132100: Unleaded petrol
09132200: Leaded petrol
09132300: Petrol with ethanol
09133000: Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
09134000: Gas oils
09134100: Diesel oil
09134200: Diesel fuel
09134210: Diesel fuel (0,2)
09134220: Diesel fuel (EN 590)
09134230: Biodiesel
09134231: Biodiesel (B20)
09134232: Biodiesel (B100)
09135000: Fuel oils
09135100: Heating oil
09135110: Low-sulphur combustible oils
09200000: Petroleum, coal and oil products
09210000: Lubricating preparations
09211000: Lubricating oils and lubricating agents
09211100: Motor oils
09211200: Compressor lube oils
09211300: Turbine lube oils
09211400: Gear oils
09211500: Reductor oils
09211600: Oils for use in hydraulic systems and other purposes
09211610: Liquids for hydraulic purposes
09211620: Mould release oils
09211630: Anti-corrosion oils
09211640: Electrical insulating oils
09211650: Brake fluids
09211700: White oils and liquid paraffin
09211710: White oils
09211720: Liquid paraffin
09211800: Petroleum oils and preparations
09211810: Light oils
09211820: Petroleum oils
09211900: Lubricating traction oils
09220000: Petroleum jelly, waxes and special spirits
09221000: Petroleum jelly and waxes
09221100: Petroleum jelly
09221200: Paraffin wax
09221300: Petroleum wax
09221400: Petroleum residues
09222000: Special spirits
09222100: White spirit
09230000: Petroleum (crude)
09240000: Oil and coal-related products
09241000: Bituminous or oil shale
09242000: Coal-related products
09242100: Coal oil
09300000: Electricity, heating, solar and nuclear energy
09310000: Electricity
09320000: Steam, hot water and associated products
09321000: Hot water
09322000: Steam
09323000: District heating
09324000: Long-distance heating
09330000: Solar energy
09331000: Solar panels
09331100: Solar collectors for heat production
09331200: Solar photovoltaic modules
09332000: Solar installation
09340000: Nuclear fuels
09341000: Uranium
09342000: Plutonium
09343000: Radioactive materials
09344000: Radio-isotopes
14000000: Mining, basic metals and related products
14200000: Sand and clay
14210000: Gravel, sand, crushed stone and aggregates
14211000: Sand
14211100: Natural sand
14212100: Pebbles and gravel
14212110: Pebbles
14212120: Gravel
14212200: Aggregates
14212210: Sand-gravel mix
14212300: Broken and crushed stone
14212310: Ballast
14212320: Crushed granite
14212330: Crushed basalt
14212400: Soil
14212410: Topsoil
14212420: Subsoil
14212430: Stone chippings
14213000: Macadam, tarmac and tar sands
14213100: Macadam
14213200: Tarmac
14213300: Tar sands
14220000: Clay and kaolin
14221000: Clay
14222000: Kaolin
14300000: Chemical and fertiliser minerals
14310000: Fertiliser minerals
14311000: Natural calcium, aluminium calcium phosphate and crude natural potassium salts
14311100: Natural calcium
14311200: Aluminium calcium phosphates
14311300: Crude natural potassium salts
14312000: Iron pyrites
14312100: Unroasted iron pyrites
14320000: Chemical minerals
14400000: Salt and pure sodium chloride
14410000: Rock salt
14420000: Sea salt
14430000: Evaporated salt and pure sodium chloride
14450000: Salt in brine
14500000: Related mining and quarrying products
14521000: Precious and semi-precious stones
14521100: Precious stones
14521140: Dust or powder of precious stones
14521200: Semi-precious stones
14521210: Dust or powder of semi-precious stones
14522000: Industrial diamonds, pumice stone, emery and other natural abrasives
14522100: Pumice stone
14522200: Industrial diamonds
14522300: Emery
14522400: Natural abrasives
14523000: Related minerals, precious metals and associated products
14523100: Minerals
14523200: Gold
14523300: Silver
14523400: Platinum
14600000: Metal ores and alloys
14610000: Metal ores
14611000: Iron ores
14612000: Non-ferrous metal ores
14612100: Copper ores
14612200: Nickel ores
14612300: Aluminium ores
14612400: Precious-metal ores
14612500: Lead ores
14612600: Zinc ores
14612700: Tin ores
14613000: Uranium and thorium ores
14613100: Uranium ores
14613200: Thorium ores
14614000: Miscellaneous ores
14620000: Alloys
14621000: Ferro-alloys
14621100: Non-ECSC ferro-alloys
14621110: Ferro-manganese
14621120: Ferro-chromium
14621130: Ferro-nickel
14622000: Steel
14630000: Slag, dross, ferrous waste and scrap
14700000: Basic metals
14710000: Iron, lead, zinc, tin and copper
14711000: Iron
14711100: Pig iron
14712000: Lead
14713000: Zinc
14714000: Tin
14715000: Copper
14720000: Aluminium, nickel, scandium, titanium and vanadium
14721000: Aluminium
14721100: Aluminium oxide
14722000: Nickel
14723000: Scandium
14724000: Titanium
14725000: Vanadium
14730000: Chromium, manganese, cobalt, yttrium and zirconium
14731000: Chromium
14732000: Manganese
14733000: Cobalt
14734000: Yttrium
14735000: Zirconium
14740000: Molybdenum, technetium, ruthenium and rhodium
14741000: Molybdenum
14742000: Technetium
14743000: Ruthenium
14744000: Rhodium
14750000: Cadmium, lutetium, hafnium, tantalum and tungsten
14751000: Cadmium
14752000: Lutetium
14753000: Hafnium
14754000: Tantalum
14755000: Tungsten
14760000: Iridium, gallium, indium, thallium and barium
14761000: Iridium
14762000: Gallium
14763000: Indium
14764000: Thallium
14765000: Barium
14770000: Caesium, strontium, rubidium and calcium
14771000: Caesium
14772000: Strontium
14773000: Rubidium
14774000: Calcium
14780000: Potassium, magnesium, sodium and lithium
14781000: Potassium
14782000: Magnesium
14783000: Sodium
14784000: Lithium
14790000: Niobium, osmium, rhenium and palladium
14791000: Niobium
14792000: Osmium
14793000: Rhenium
14794000: Palladium
14800000: Miscellaneous non-metallic mineral products
14810000: Abrasive products
14811000: Millstones, grindstones and grinding wheels
14811100: Millstones
14811200: Grindstones
14811300: Grinding wheels
14812000: Abrasive powder or grain
14813000: Artificial corundum
14814000: Artificial graphite
14820000: Glass
14830000: Fibreglass
14900000: Recovered secondary raw materials
14910000: Recovered secondary metal raw materials
14920000: Recovered secondary non-metal raw materials
14930000: Ash and residues containing metals
15000000: Food, beverages, tobacco and related products
15100000: Animal products, meat and meat products
15110000: Meat
15111000: Bovine meat
15111100: Beef
15111200: Veal
15112000: Poultry
15112100: Fresh poultry
15112110: Geese
15112120: Turkeys
15112130: Chickens
15112140: Ducks
15112300: Poultry livers
15112310: Foie gras
15113000: Pork
15114000: Offal
15115000: Lamb and mutton
15115100: Lamb
15115200: Mutton
15117000: Goat meat
15118000: Horse, ass, mule or hinny meat
15118100: Horsemeat
15118900: Ass, mule or hinny meat
15119000: Various meats
15119100: Rabbit meat
15119200: Hare meat
15119300: Game
15119400: Frogs' legs
15119500: Pigeons
15119600: Fish meat
15130000: Meat products
15131000: Meat preserves and preparations
15131100: Sausage-meat products
15131110: Sausage meat
15131120: Sausage products
15131130: Sausages
15131134: Black pudding and other blood sausages
15131135: Poultry sausages
15131200: Dried, salted, smoked or seasoned meat
15131210: Gammon
15131220: Bacon
15131230: Salami
15131300: Liver preparations
15131310: Pâté
15131320: Preparations of goose or duck liver
15131400: Pork products
15131410: Ham
15131420: Meatballs
15131490: Prepared pork dishes
15131500: Poultry products
15131600: Beef and veal products
15131610: Beef meatballs
15131620: Minced beef
15131640: Beefburgers
15131700: Meat preparations
15200000: Prepared and preserved fish
15210000: Fish fillets, fish livers and roe
15211000: Fish fillets
15211100: Fresh fish fillets
15212000: Fish roe
15213000: Fish livers
15220000: Frozen fish, fish fillets and other fish meat
15221000: Frozen fish
15229000: Frozen fish products
15230000: Dried or salted fish; fish in brine; smoked fish
15231000: Dried fish
15232000: Salted fish
15233000: Fish in brine
15234000: Smoked fish
15235000: Preserved fish
15240000: Canned or tinned fish and other prepared or preserved fish
15241000: Coated, canned or tinned fish
15241100: Canned salmon
15241200: Prepared or preserved herring
15241300: Sardines
15241400: Canned tuna
15241500: Mackerel
15241600: Anchovies
15241700: Fish fingers
15241800: Coated fish preparations
15242000: Prepared fish dishes
15243000: Preparations of fish
15244000: Caviar and fish eggs
15244100: Caviar
15244200: Fish eggs
15250000: Seafood
15251000: Frozen crustaceans
15252000: Prepared or preserved crustaceans
15253000: Shellfish products
15300000: Fruit, vegetables and related products
15310000: Potatoes and potato products
15311000: Frozen potatoes
15311100: Chips or french fries
15311200: Diced, sliced and other frozen potatoes
15312000: Potato products
15312100: Instant mashed potatoes
15312200: Part-fried potato chips
15312300: Potato crisps
15312310: Flavoured potato crisps
15312400: Potato snacks
15312500: Potato croquettes
15313000: Processed potatoes
15320000: Fruit and vegetable juices
15321000: Fruit juices
15321100: Orange juice
15321200: Grapefruit juice
15321300: Lemon juice
15321400: Pineapple juice
15321500: Grape juice
15321600: Apple juice
15321700: Mixtures of unconcentrated juices
15321800: Concentrated juices
15322000: Vegetable juices
15322100: Tomato juice
15330000: Processed fruit and vegetables
15331000: Processed vegetables
15331100: Fresh or frozen vegetables
15331110: Processed root vegetables
15331120: Processed tuber vegetables
15331130: Beans, peas, peppers, tomatoes and other vegetables
15331131: Processed beans
15331132: Processed peas
15331133: Split peas
15331134: Processed tomatoes
15331135: Processed mushrooms
15331136: Processed peppers
15331137: Soybean sprouts
15331138: Truffles
15331140: Leaf and cabbage vegetables
15331142: Processed cabbage
15331150: Processed pulses
15331170: Frozen vegetables
15331400: Preserved and/or canned vegetables
15331410: Beans in tomato sauce
15331411: Baked beans
15331420: Preserved tomatoes
15331423: Canned tomatoes
15331425: Tomato purée
15331427: Concentrated tomato purée
15331428: Tomato sauce
15331430: Canned mushrooms
15331450: Processed olives
15331460: Canned vegetables
15331461: Canned sauerkraut
15331462: Canned peas
15331463: Canned shelled beans
15331464: Canned whole beans
15331465: Canned asparagus
15331466: Canned olives
15331470: Sweet corn
15331480: Provisionally preserved vegetables
15331500: Vegetables preserved in vinegar
15332000: Processed fruit and nuts
15332100: Processed fruit
15332140: Processed apples
15332150: Processed pears
15332160: Processed bananas
15332170: Rhubarb
15332180: Melons
15332200: Jams and marmalades; fruit jellies; fruit or nut purée and pastes
15332230: Marmalades
15332231: Orange marmalade
15332232: Lemon marmalade
15332240: Fruit jellies
15332250: Fruit pastes
15332260: Nut pastes
15332261: Peanut butter
15332270: Fruit purées
15332290: Jams
15332291: Apricot jam
15332292: Blackberry jam
15332293: Blackcurrant jam
15332294: Cherry jam
15332295: Raspberry jam
15332296: Strawberry jam
15332300: Processed nuts
15332310: Roasted or salted nuts
15332400: Preserved fruits
15332410: Dried fruit
15332411: Processed currants
15332412: Processed raisins
15332419: Sultanas
15333000: Vegetable by-products
15400000: Animal or vegetable oils and fats
15410000: Crude animal or vegetable oils and fats
15411000: Animal or vegetable oils
15411100: Vegetable oils
15411110: Olive oil
15411120: Sesame oil
15411130: Groundnut oil
15411140: Coconut oil
15411200: Cooking oil
15411210: Frying oil
15412000: Fats
15412100: Animal fats
15412200: Vegetable fats
15413000: Solid residues of vegetable fats or oils
15413100: Oilcake
15420000: Refined oils and fats
15421000: Refined oils
15422000: Refined fats
15423000: Hydrogenated or esterified oils or fats
15424000: Vegetable waxes
15430000: Edible fats
15431000: Margarine and similar preparations
15431100: Margarine
15431110: Liquid margarine
15431200: Reduced or low-fat spreads
15500000: Dairy products
15510000: Milk and cream
15511000: Milk
15511100: Pasteurised milk
15511200: Sterilised milk
15511210: UHT milk
15511300: Skimmed milk
15511400: Semi-skimmed milk
15511500: Full-cream milk
15511600: Condensed milk
15511700: Milk powder
15512000: Cream
15512100: Single cream
15512200: Double cream
15512300: Clotted cream
15512900: Whipping cream
15530000: Butter
15540000: Cheese products
15541000: Table cheese
15542000: Fresh cheese
15542100: Cottage cheese
15542200: Soft cheese
15542300: Feta cheese
15543000: Grated, powdered, blue-veined and other cheese
15543100: Blue cheese
15543200: Cheddar cheese
15543300: Grated cheese
15543400: Parmesan cheese
15544000: Hard cheese
15545000: Cheese spreads
15550000: Assorted dairy products
15551000: Yoghurt and other fermented milk products
15551300: Yoghurt
15551310: Unflavoured yoghurt
15551320: Flavoured yoghurt
15551500: Buttermilk
15552000: Casein
15553000: Lactose or lactose syrup
15554000: Whey
15555000: Ice cream and similar products
15555100: Ice cream
15555200: Sorbet
15600000: Grain mill products, starches and starch products
15610000: Grain mill products
15611000: Husked rice
15612000: Cereal or vegetable flour and related products
15612100: Wheat flour
15612110: Wholemeal flour
15612120: Breadmaking flour
15612130: Plain flour
15612150: Pastry flour
15612190: Self-raising flour
15612200: Cereal flour
15612210: Corn flour
15612220: Rice flour
15612300: Vegetable flour and meal
15612400: Mixes for the preparation of baker's wares
15612410: Cake mixes
15612420: Baking mixes
15612500: Bakery products
15613000: Cereal grain products
15613100: Ground oats
15613300: Cereal products
15613310: Prepared breakfast cereals
15613311: Cornflakes
15613313: Muesli or equivalent
15613319: Puffed wheat
15613380: Rolled oats
15614000: Processed rice
15614100: Long-grain rice
15614200: Milled rice
15614300: Broken rice
15615000: Bran
15620000: Starches and starch products
15621000: Corn oil
15622000: Glucose and glucose products; fructose and fructose products
15622100: Glucose and glucose products
15622110: Glucose
15622120: Glucose syrup
15622300: Fructose and fructose products
15622310: Fructose
15622320: Fructose preparations
15622321: Fructose solutions
15622322: Fructose syrup
15623000: Starches
15624000: Tapioca
15625000: Semolina
15626000: Custard powder
15700000: Animal feedstuffs
15710000: Prepared animal feeds for farm and other animals
15711000: Fish food
15712000: Dry fodder
15713000: Pet food
15800000: Miscellaneous food products
15810000: Bread products, fresh pastry goods and cakes
15811000: Bread products
15811100: Bread
15811200: Rolls
15811300: Croissants
15811400: Crumpets
15811500: Prepared bread products
15811510: Sandwiches
15811511: Prepared sandwiches
15812000: Pastry goods and cakes
15812100: Pastry goods
15812120: Pies
15812121: Savoury pies
15812122: Sweet pies
15812200: Cakes
15813000: Morning goods
15820000: Rusks and biscuits; preserved pastry goods and cakes
15821000: Toasted bread products and pastry goods
15821100: Toasted bread products
15821110: Toasted bread
15821130: Crispbread
15821150: Rusks
15821200: Sweet biscuits
15830000: Sugar and related products
15831000: Sugar
15831200: White sugar
15831300: Maple sugar and maple syrup
15831400: Molasses
15831500: Sugar syrups
15831600: Honey
15832000: Sugar-manufacture waste
15833000: Sugar products
15833100: Desserts
15833110: Flans
15840000: Cocoa; chocolate and sugar confectionery
15841000: Cocoa
15841100: Cocoa paste
15841200: Cocoa butter, fat or oil
15841300: Unsweetened cocoa powder
15841400: Sweetened cocoa powder
15842000: Chocolate and sugar confectionery
15842100: Chocolate
15842200: Chocolate products
15842210: Drinking chocolate
15842220: Chocolate bars
15842300: Confectionery
15842310: Boiled sweets
15842320: Nougat
15842400: Fruit, nuts or fruit peel preserved by sugar
15850000: Pasta products
15851000: Farinaceous products
15851100: Uncooked pasta
15851200: Prepared pasta and couscous
15851210: Prepared pasta
15851220: Stuffed pasta
15851230: Lasagne
15851250: Couscous
15851290: Canned pasta
15860000: Coffee, tea and related products
15861000: Coffee
15861100: Roasted coffee
15861200: Decaffeinated coffee
15862000: Coffee substitutes
15863000: Tea
15863100: Green tea
15863200: Black tea
15864000: Preparations of tea or maté
15864100: Teabags
15865000: Herbal infusions
15870000: Condiments and seasonings
15871000: Vinegar; sauces; mixed condiments; mustard flour and meal; prepared mustard
15871100: Vinegar and vinegar substitutes
15871110: Vinegar or equivalent
15871200: Sauces, mixed condiments and mixed seasonings
15871210: Soya sauce
15871230: Tomato ketchup
15871250: Mustard
15871260: Sauces
15871270: Mixed condiments
15871273: Mayonnaise
15871274: Sandwich spreads
15871279: Chutney
15872000: Herbs and spices
15872100: Pepper
15872200: Spices
15872300: Herbs
15872400: Salt
15872500: Ginger
15880000: Special nutritional products
15881000: Homogenised food preparations
15882000: Dietetic products
15884000: Baby food
15890000: Miscellaneous food products and dried goods
15891000: Soups and broths
15891100: Meat soups
15891200: Fish soups
15891300: Mixed soups
15891400: Soups
15891410: Soup mixes
15891500: Broths
15891600: Stocks
15891610: Mixes for stocks
15891900: Vegetable soups
15892000: Vegetable saps, extracts, peptic substances and thickeners
15892100: Vegetable saps
15892200: Vegetable extracts
15892400: Thickeners
15893000: Dry goods
15893100: Food mixes
15893200: Dessert mixes
15893300: Gravy mixes
15894000: Processed food products
15894100: Vegan packs
15894200: Prepared meals
15894210: School meals
15894220: Hospital meals
15894300: Prepared dishes
15894400: Snacks
15894500: Vending-machine ingredients
15894600: Sandwich fillings
15894700: Delicatessen
15895000: Fast-food products
15895100: Hamburgers
15896000: Deep-frozen products
15897000: Canned goods and field rations
15897100: Field rations
15897200: Canned goods
15897300: Food parcels
15898000: Yeast
15899000: Baking powder
15900000: Beverages, tobacco and related products
15910000: Distilled alcoholic beverages
15911000: Spirituous beverages
15911100: Spirits
15911200: Liqueurs
15930000: Wines
15931000: Unflavoured wines
15931100: Sparkling wine
15931200: Table wine
15931300: Port
15931400: Madeira
15931500: Grape must
15931600: Sherry
15932000: Wine lees
15940000: Cider and other fruit wines
15941000: Cider
15942000: Fruit wines
15950000: Non-distilled fermented beverages
15951000: Vermouth
15960000: Malt beer
15961000: Beer
15961100: Lager
15962000: Brewing or distilling dregs
15980000: Non-alcoholic beverages
15981000: Mineral water
15981100: Still mineral water
15981200: Sparkling mineral water
15981300: Water in solid form
15981310: Ice
15981320: Snow
15981400: Flavoured mineral waters
15982000: Soft drinks
15982100: Fruit squashes
15982200: Chocolate milk
15990000: Tobacco, tobacco goods and supplies
15991000: Tobacco goods
15991100: Cigars
15991200: Cigarillos
15991300: Cigarettes
15992000: Tobacco
15992100: Manufactured tobacco
15993000: Tobacconist supplies
15994000: Cigarette paper and filter paper
15994100: Cigarette paper
15994200: Filter paper
16000000: Agricultural machinery
16100000: Agricultural and forestry machinery for soil preparation or cultivation
16110000: Ploughs or disc harrows
16120000: Harrows, scarifiers, cultivators, weeders or hoes
16130000: Seeders, planters or transplanters
16140000: Manure spreaders
16141000: Fertiliser distributors
16150000: Lawn or sports-ground rollers
16160000: Miscellaneous gardening equipment
16300000: Harvesting machinery
16310000: Mowers
16311000: Lawnmowers
16311100: Lawn, park or sports-ground mowers
16320000: Haymaking machinery
16330000: Straw or fodder balers
16331000: Pick-up balers
16340000: Harvesting and threshing machinery
16400000: Spraying machinery for agriculture or horticulture
16500000: Self-loading or unloading trailers and semi-trailers for agriculture
16510000: Self-loading trailers for agriculture
16520000: Unloading trailers for agriculture
16530000: Self-loading semi-trailers for agriculture
16540000: Unloading semi-trailers for agriculture
16600000: Specialist agricultural or forestry machinery
16610000: Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading eggs, fruit or other produce
16611000: Machines for cleaning produce
16611100: Machines for cleaning eggs
16611200: Machines for cleaning fruit
16612000: Machines for sorting or grading produce
16612100: Machines for sorting or grading eggs
16612200: Machines for sorting or grading fruit
16613000: Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading seed, grain or dried vegetables
16620000: Milking machines
16630000: Machinery for preparing animal feeding stuffs
16640000: Bee-keeping machinery
16650000: Poultry-keeping machinery
16651000: Poultry incubators and brooders
16700000: Tractors
16710000: Pedestrian-controlled agricultural tractors
16720000: Used tractors
16730000: Traction motors
16800000: Parts of agricultural and forestry machinery
16810000: Parts of agricultural machinery
16820000: Parts of forestry machinery
18000000: Clothing, footwear, luggage articles and accessories
18100000: Occupational clothing, special workwear and accessories
18110000: Occupational clothing
18113000: Industrial clothing
18114000: Coveralls
18130000: Special workwear
18132000: Flying clothing
18132100: Flight jackets
18132200: Flight suits
18140000: Workwear accessories
18141000: Work gloves
18142000: Safety visors
18143000: Protective gear
18200000: Outerwear
18210000: Coats
18211000: Capes
18212000: Cloaks
18213000: Wind jackets
18220000: Weatherproof clothing
18221000: Waterproof clothing
18221100: Waterproof capes
18221200: Anoraks
18221300: Raincoats
18222000: Corporate clothing
18222100: Suits
18222200: Ensembles
18223000: Jackets and blazers
18223100: Blazers
18223200: Jackets
18224000: Clothing made of coated or impregnated textile fabrics
18230000: Miscellaneous outerwear
18231000: Dresses
18232000: Skirts
18233000: Shorts
18234000: Trousers
18235000: Pullovers, cardigans and similar articles
18235100: Pullovers
18235200: Cardigans
18235300: Sweatshirts
18235400: Waistcoats
18300000: Garments
18310000: Underwear
18311000: Slips
18312000: Underpants
18313000: Panties
18314000: Bathrobes
18315000: Stockings
18316000: Tights
18317000: Socks
18318000: Nightwear
18318100: Nightshirts
18318200: Dressing gowns
18318300: Pyjamas
18318400: Vests
18318500: Nightdresses
18320000: Brassieres, corsets, suspenders and similar articles
18321000: Brassieres
18322000: Corsets
18323000: Suspenders
18330000: T-shirts and shirts
18331000: T-shirts
18332000: Shirts
18333000: Polo shirts
18400000: Special clothing and accessories
18410000: Special clothing
18411000: Baby clothing
18412000: Sportswear
18412100: Tracksuits
18412200: Sports shirts
18412300: Ski suits
18412800: Swimwear
18420000: Clothing accessories
18421000: Handkerchiefs
18422000: Scarves
18423000: Ties
18424000: Gloves
18424300: Disposable gloves
18424400: Mittens
18424500: Gauntlets
18425000: Belts
18425100: Bandoliers
18440000: Hats and headgear
18441000: Hats
18443000: Headgear and headgear accessories
18443100: Headbands
18443300: Headgear
18443310: Berets
18443320: Field caps
18443330: Hoods
18443340: Caps
18443400: Chin straps for headgear
18443500: Visors
18444000: Protective headgear
18444100: Safety headgear
18444110: Helmets
18444111: Crash helmets
18444112: Bicycle helmets
18444200: Hard hats
18450000: Fasteners (clothing)
18451000: Buttons
18451100: Parts of buttons
18452000: Safety pins
18453000: Zip fasteners
18500000: Jewellery, watches and related articles
18510000: Jewellery and related articles
18511000: Precious stone for jewellery
18511100: Diamonds
18511200: Rubies
18511300: Emeralds
18511400: Opal stone
18511500: Quartz stone
18511600: Tourmaline stone
18512000: Coins and medals
18512100: Coins
18512200: Medals
18513000: Articles of jewellery
18513100: Pearls
18513200: Goldsmiths' wares
18513300: Articles of precious metal
18513400: Articles of precious or semi-precious stones
18513500: Silversmiths' wares
18520000: Personal horology
18521000: Watches
18521100: Glass for watches
18522000: Wristwatches
18523000: Stopwatches
18530000: Presents and rewards
18600000: Furs and articles of fur
18610000: Fur articles
18611000: Fur skins
18612000: Fur clothing
18613000: Artificial fur articles
18620000: Furs
18800000: Footwear
18810000: Footwear other than sports and protective footwear
18811000: Waterproof footwear
18812000: Footwear with rubber or plastic parts
18812100: Sandals with uppers of rubber or plastics
18812200: Rubber boots
18812300: Town footwear with rubber or plastic uppers
18812400: Flip-flops
18813000: Footwear with uppers of leather
18813100: Sandals
18813200: Slippers
18813300: Town footwear
18814000: Footwear with uppers of textile materials
18815000: Boots
18815100: Ankle boots
18815200: Calf boots
18815300: Knee boots
18815400: Waders
18816000: Galoshes
18820000: Sports footwear
18821000: Ski footwear
18821100: Cross-country ski footwear
18822000: Training shoes
18823000: Climbing boots
18824000: Football boots
18830000: Protective footwear
18831000: Footwear incorporating a protective metal toecap
18832000: Special footwear
18832100: Flying footwear
18840000: Parts of footwear
18841000: Footwear uppers
18842000: Soles
18843000: Heels
18900000: Luggage, saddlery, sacks and bags
18910000: Saddlery
18911000: Saddles
18912000: Riding crops
18913000: Whips
18920000: Luggage
18921000: Suitcases
18923000: Pouches and wallets
18923100: Pouches
18923200: Wallets
18924000: Trunks
18925000: Water-bottle holders and holsters
18925100: Water-bottle holders
18925200: Holsters
18929000: Toilet cases
18930000: Sacks and bags
18931000: Travel bags
18931100: Rucksacks
18932000: Sports bags
18933000: Mail or parcel bags
18933100: Post pouches
18934000: Kitbags
18935000: Laundry bags
18936000: Textile bags
18937000: Goods-packing sacks
18937100: Goods-packing bags
18938000: Padded bags
18939000: Handbags
19000000: Leather and textile fabrics, plastic and rubber materials
19100000: Leather
19110000: Chamois leather
19120000: Leather of bovine or equine animals
19130000: Leather of sheep, goats or pigs
19131000: Sheep- or lamb-skin leather
19132000: Goat- or kid-skin leather
19133000: Pig leather
19140000: Leather of other animals, composite leather and other leather
19141000: Leather of other animals
19142000: Composite leather
19143000: Imitation leather
19144000: Patent leather
19160000: Watch straps
19170000: Leather articles used in machinery or mechanical appliances
19200000: Textile fabrics and related items
19210000: Woven fabrics
19211000: Synthetic woven fabrics
19211100: Mixed woven fabrics
19212000: Woven fabrics of cotton
19212100: Ticking
19212200: Denim
19212300: Canvas
19212310: Canvas items
19212400: Poplin
19212500: Webbing
19212510: Webbing straps
19220000: Woollen fabrics
19230000: Linen fabrics
19231000: Linen
19240000: Special fabrics
19241000: Pile
19242000: Terry towelling
19243000: Upholstery fabrics
19244000: Curtain fabrics
19245000: Lining fabrics
19250000: Knitted or crocheted fabrics
19251000: Knitted fabrics
19251100: Pile fabrics
19252000: Crocheted fabrics
19260000: Cloth
19270000: Non-woven fabrics
19280000: Animal wool, hides and skins
19281000: Wool
19282000: Animal skins
19283000: Bird skins and feathers
19400000: Textile yarn and thread
19410000: Natural textile fibres
19420000: Artificial textile fibres
19430000: Textile yarn and thread of natural fibres
19431000: Silk yarn
19432000: Wool yarn
19433000: Cotton yarn
19434000: Flax yarn
19435000: Sewing thread and yarn of natural fibres
19435100: Sewing thread
19435200: Knitting yarn
19436000: Vegetable textile-fibre yarn
19440000: Synthetic yarn or thread
19441000: Synthetic yarn
19442000: Synthetic thread
19442100: Synthetic sewing thread
19442200: Synthetic knitting yarn
19500000: Rubber and plastic materials
19510000: Rubber products
19511000: Rubber inner tubes, treads and flaps
19511100: Tyre flaps
19511200: Inner tubes
19511300: Tyre treads
19512000: Unvulcanised rubber articles
19513000: Rubberised textile fabrics
19513100: Tyre-cord fabric
19513200: Adhesive tape of rubberised textiles
19514000: Reclaimed rubber
19520000: Plastic products
19521000: Polystyrene products
19521100: Polystyrene sheeting
19521200: Polystyrene slabs
19522000: Resins
19522100: Epoxy resin
19522110: Epoxy-resin tubing
19600000: Leather, textile, rubber and plastic waste
19610000: Leather waste
19620000: Textile waste
19630000: Rubber waste
19640000: Polythene waste and refuse sacks and bags
19700000: Synthetic rubber and fibres
19710000: Synthetic rubber
19720000: Synthetic fibres
19721000: Synthetic filament tow
19722000: High-tenacity yarn
19723000: Single textured yarn
19724000: Synthetic monofilament
19730000: Artificial fibres
19731000: Artificial staple fibres
19732000: Polypropylene
19733000: Artificial textured yarn
22000000: Printed matter and related products
22100000: Printed books, brochures and leaflets
22110000: Printed books
22111000: School books
22112000: Textbooks
22113000: Library books
22114000: Dictionaries, maps, music books and other books
22114100: Dictionaries
22114200: Atlases
22114300: Maps
22114310: Cadastral maps
22114311: Blueprints
22114400: Printed music
22114500: Encyclopaedias
22120000: Publications
22121000: Technical publications
22130000: Directories
22140000: Leaflets
22150000: Brochures
22160000: Booklets
22200000: Newspapers, journals, periodicals and magazines
22210000: Newspapers
22211000: Journals
22211100: Official journals
22212000: Periodicals
22212100: Serials
22213000: Magazines
22300000: Postcards, greeting cards and other printed matter
22310000: Postcards
22312000: Pictures
22313000: Transfers
22314000: Designs
22315000: Photographs
22320000: Greeting cards
22321000: Christmas cards
22410000: Stamps
22411000: Christmas stamps
22412000: New stamps
22413000: Savings stamps
22414000: Mail stamp holders
22420000: Stamp-impressed paper
22430000: Banknotes
22440000: Cheque forms
22450000: Security-type printed matter
22451000: Passports
22452000: Postal orders
22453000: Car-tax discs
22454000: Driving licences
22455000: ID cards
22455100: Identity bracelet
22456000: Permits
22457000: Entrance cards
22458000: Bespoke printed matter
22459000: Tickets
22459100: Advertising stickers and strips
22460000: Trade-advertising material, commercial catalogues and manuals
22461000: Catalogues
22461100: List holders
22462000: Advertising material
22470000: Manuals
22471000: Computer manuals
22472000: Instruction manuals
22473000: Technical manuals
22500000: Printing plates or cylinders or other media for use in printing
22510000: Offset plates
22520000: Dry-etching equipment
22521000: Embossing equipment
22600000: Ink
22610000: Printing ink
22611000: Intaglio ink
22612000: India ink
22810000: Paper or paperboard registers
22813000: Account books
22814000: Receipt books
22815000: Notebooks
22816000: Pads
22816100: Note pads
22816200: Shorthand notebook
22816300: Sticky-note pads
22817000: Diaries or personal organisers
22819000: Address books
22820000: Forms
22821000: Electoral forms
22822000: Business forms
22822100: Continuous business forms
22822200: Non-continuous business forms
22830000: Exercise books
22831000: Refills for school notebooks
22832000: Exercise papers
22840000: Albums for samples
22841000: Collection albums
22841100: Stamp books
22841200: Philatelic binders
22850000: Binders and related accessories
22851000: Binders
22852000: Folders
22852100: File covers
22853000: File holders
22900000: Miscellaneous printed matter
22990000: Newsprint, handmade paper and other uncoated paper or paperboard for graphic purposes
22991000: Paper for newsprint
22992000: Hand-made paper or paperboard
22993000: Photosensitive, heat-sensitive or thermographic paper and paperboard
22993100: Photosensitive paper or paperboard
22993200: Heat-sensitive paper or paperboard
22993300: Thermographic paper or paperboard
22993400: Corrugated paper or paperboard
24000000: Chemical products
24100000: Gases
24110000: Industrial gases
24111000: Hydrogen, argon, rare gases, nitrogen and oxygen
24111100: Argon
24111200: Rare gases
24111300: Helium
24111400: Neon
24111500: Medical gases
24111600: Hydrogen
24111700: Nitrogen
24111800: Liquid nitrogen
24111900: Oxygen
24112000: Inorganic oxygen compounds
24112100: Carbon dioxide
24112200: Nitrogen oxides
24112300: Gaseous inorganic oxygen compounds
24113000: Liquid and compressed air
24113100: Liquid air
24113200: Compressed air
24200000: Dyes and pigments
24210000: Oxides, peroxides and hydroxides
24211000: Zinc oxide and peroxide, titanium oxide, dyes and pigments
24211100: Zinc oxide
24211200: Zinc peroxide
24211300: Titanium oxide
24212000: Chromium, manganese, magnesium, lead and copper oxides and hydroxides
24212100: Chromium oxide
24212200: Manganese oxide
24212300: Lead oxide
24212400: Copper oxide
24212500: Magnesium oxide
24212600: Hydroxides for dyes and pigments
24212610: Chromium hydroxide
24212620: Manganese hydroxide
24212630: Lead hydroxide
24212640: Copper hydroxide
24212650: Magnesium hydroxide
24213000: Hydrated lime
24220000: Tanning extracts, dyeing extracts, tannins and colouring matter
24221000: Dyeing extracts
24222000: Tanning extracts
24223000: Tannins
24224000: Colouring matter
24225000: Tanning preparations
24300000: Basic inorganic and organic chemicals
24310000: Basic inorganic chemicals
24311000: Chemical elements, inorganic acids and compounds
24311100: Metalloids
24311110: Phosphides
24311120: Carbides
24311130: Hydrides
24311140: Nitrides
24311150: Azides
24311160: Silicides
24311170: Borides
24311180: Refined sulphur
24311200: Halogen
24311300: Alkali metals
24311310: Mercury
24311400: Hydrogen chloride, inorganic acids, silicon dioxide and sulphur dioxide
24311410: Inorganic acids
24311411: Sulphuric acid
24311420: Phosphoric acid
24311430: Polyphosphoric acids
24311440: Hexafluorosilicic acid
24311450: Sulphur dioxide
24311460: Silicon dioxide
24311470: Hydrogen chloride
24311500: Hydroxides as basic inorganic chemicals
24311510: Metal oxides
24311511: Iron pyrites and iron oxides
24311520: Sodium hydroxide
24311521: Caustic soda
24311522: Liquid soda
24311600: Sulphur compounds
24311700: Sulphur
24311800: Carbon
24311900: Chlorine
24312000: Metallic halogenates; hypochlorites, chlorates and perchlorates
24312100: Metallic halogenates
24312110: Sodium hexafluorosilicate
24312120: Chlorides
24312121: Aluminium chloride
24312122: Ferric chloride
24312123: Poly aluminium chloride
24312130: Aluminium chlorohydrate
24312200: Hypochlorites and chlorates
24312210: Sodium chlorite
24312220: Sodium hypochlorite
24313000: Sulphides, sulphates; nitrates, phosphates and carbonates
24313100: Sulphides, sulphites and sulphates
24313110: Miscellaneous sulphides
24313111: Hydrogen sulphide
24313112: Polysulphides
24313120: Sulphates
24313121: Sodium thiosulphate
24313122: Ferric sulphate
24313123: Sulphate of aluminium
24313124: Sodium sulphate
24313125: Iron sulphate
24313126: Copper sulphate
24313200: Phosphinates, phosphonates, phosphates and polyphosphates
24313210: Sodium hexametaphosphate
24313220: Phosphates
24313300: Carbonates
24313310: Sodium carbonate
24313320: Sodium bicarbonate
24313400: Nitrates
24314000: Miscellaneous metal acid salts
24314100: Potassium permanganate
24314200: Oxometallic acid salts
24315000: Miscellaneous inorganic chemicals
24315100: Heavy water, other isotopes and their compounds
24315210: Cyanides
24315220: Cyanide oxide
24315230: Fulminates
24315240: Cyanates
24315300: Hydrogen peroxide
24315400: Piezo-electric quartz
24315500: Compounds of rare earth metals
24315600: Silicates
24315610: Sodium silicate
24315700: Borates and perborates
24316000: Distilled water
24317000: Synthetic stones
24317100: Synthetic precious stones
24317200: Synthetic semi-precious stones
24320000: Basic organic chemicals
24321000: Hydrocarbons
24321100: Saturated hydrocarbons
24321110: Saturated acyclic hydrocarbons
24321111: Methane
24321112: Ethylene
24321113: Propene
24321114: Butene
24321115: Acetylene
24321120: Saturated cyclic hydrocarbons
24321200: Unsaturated hydrocarbons
24321210: Unsaturated acyclic hydrocarbons
24321220: Unsaturated cyclic hydrocarbons
24321221: Benzene
24321222: Toluene
24321223: O-xylenes
24321224: M-xylenes
24321225: Styrene
24321226: Ethylbenzene
24321300: Other halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons
24321310: Tetrachloroethylene
24321320: Carbon tetrachloride
24322100: Industrial fatty alcohols
24322200: Monohydric alcohols
24322210: Methanol
24322220: Ethanol
24322300: Diols, polyalcohols and derivatives
24322310: Ethylene glycol
24322320: Alcohol derivatives
24322400: Phenols and derivatives
24322500: Alcohol
24322510: Ethyl alcohol
24323000: Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids
24323100: Acid oils from refining
24323200: Carboxylic acids
24323210: Acetic acid
24323220: Peracetic acid
24323300: Unsaturated monocarboxylic acids and compounds
24323310: Esters of methacrylic acid
24323320: Esters of acrylic acid
24323400: Aromatic polycarboxylic and carboxylic acids
24324000: Organic compounds with nitrogen functions
24324100: Amine function compounds
24324200: Oxygen-function amino-compounds
24324300: Ureines
24324400: Compounds with nitrogen functions
24325000: Organo-sulphur compounds
24326000: Aldehyde, ketone, organic peroxides and ethers
24326100: Aldehyde function compounds
24326200: Ketone and quinone function compounds
24326300: Organic peroxides
24326310: Ethylene oxide
24326320: Ethers
24327000: Miscellaneous organic chemicals
24327100: Vegetable derivatives for dyeing
24327200: Wood charcoal
24327300: Oils and products of the distillation of high-temperature coal tar, pitch and pitch tar
24327310: Coal tar
24327311: Creosote
24327320: Pitch
24327330: Pitch tar
24327400: Resin products
24327500: Residual lyes from the manufacture of wood pulp
24400000: Fertilisers and nitrogen compounds
24410000: Nitrogenous fertilisers
24411000: Nitric acid and salts
24411100: Sodium nitrate
24412000: Sulphonitric acids
24413000: Ammonia
24413100: Liquid ammonia
24413200: Ammonium chloride
24413300: Ammonium sulphate
24420000: Phosphatic fertilisers
24421000: Mineral phosphatic fertilisers
24422000: Chemical phosphatic fertilisers
24430000: Animal or vegetal fertilisers
24440000: Miscellaneous fertilisers
24450000: Agro-chemical products
24451000: Pesticides
24452000: Insecticides
24453000: Herbicides
24454000: Plant-growth regulators
24455000: Disinfectants
24456000: Rodenticides
24457000: Fungicides
24500000: Plastics in primary forms
24510000: Primary-form polymers of ethylene
24520000: Primary-form polymers of propylene
24530000: Primary-form polymers of styrene
24540000: Primary-form of vinyl polymers
24541000: Primary-form polymers of vinyl acetate
24542000: Primary-form acrylic polymers
24550000: Primary-form of polyesters
24560000: Primary-form polyamides
24570000: Primary-form urea resins
24580000: Primary-form amino-resins
24590000: Primary-form silicones
24600000: Explosives
24610000: Prepared explosives
24611000: Propellant powders
24611100: Propergol fuels
24612000: Miscellaneous explosives
24612100: Dynamite
24612200: TNT
24612300: Nitro-glycerine
24613000: Signalling flares, rain rockets, fog signals and pyrotechnic articles
24613100: Bird-scaring cartridges
24613200: Fireworks
24615000: Fuses, caps, igniters and electric detonators
24900000: Fine and various chemical products
24910000: Glues
24911000: Gelatines
24911200: Adhesives
24920000: Essential oils
24930000: Photographic chemicals
24931000: Photographic plates and films
24931200: Emulsions for photographic use
24931210: Photographic developers
24931220: Photographic fixers
24931230: X-ray developers
24931240: X-ray fixers
24931250: Culture medium
24931260: Image intensifiers
24950000: Specialised chemical products
24951000: Greases and lubricants
24951100: Lubricants
24951110: Drilling mud
24951120: Silicon grease
24951130: Drilling fluids
24951200: Additives for oils
24951210: Fire-extinguisher powder
24951220: Fire-extinguisher agents
24951230: Fire-extinguisher charges
24951300: Hydraulic fluids
24951310: De-icing agents
24951311: Anti-freezing preparations
24951400: Chemically-modified fats and oils
24952000: Modelling pastes
24952100: Dental wax
24953000: Finishing agents
24954000: Activated carbon
24954100: New activated carbon
24954200: Regenerated activated carbon
24955000: Chemical toilets
24956000: Peptones and protein substances
24957000: Chemical additives
24957100: Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores
24957200: Additives for cements, mortars or concretes
24958000: Chemical products for the oil and gas industry
24958100: Downhole chemicals
24958200: Flocculating agents
24958300: Mud chemicals
24958400: Gel ampoules for stemming explosives
24959000: Aerosols and chemicals in disc form
24959100: Aerosols
24959200: Chemical elements in disc form
24960000: Various chemical products
24961000: Radiator fluids
24962000: Water-treatment chemicals
24963000: Anti-corrosion products
24964000: Glycerol
24965000: Enzymes
30000000: Office and computing machinery, equipment and supplies except furniture and software packages
30100000: Office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers, printers and furniture
30110000: Word-processing machines
30111000: Word processors
30120000: Photocopying and offset printing equipment
30121000: Photocopying and thermocopying equipment
30121100: Photocopiers
30121200: Photocopying equipment
30121300: Reproduction equipment
30121400: Duplicating machines
30121410: Faxswitch machines
30121420: Digital senders
30121430: Digital duplicators
30122000: Office-type offset printing machinery
30122100: Digital offset systems
30122200: Digital offset equipments
30123000: Office and business machines
30123100: Ticket-validation machines
30123200: Automatic cash dispensers
30123300: Stencil duplicating machines
30123400: Folding machines
30123500: Perforation machines
30123600: Coin-handling machines
30123610: Coin-sorting machines
30123620: Coin-counting machines
30123630: Coin-wrapping machines
30124000: Parts and accessories of office machines
30124100: Fusers
30124110: Fuser oil
30124120: Fuser wiper
30124130: Fuser lamps
30124140: Fuser cleaning pad
30124150: Fuser filters
30124200: Fuser kits
30124300: Drums for office machine
30124400: Staple cartridges
30124500: Scanner accessories
30124510: Endorsers
30124520: Scanner document feeders
30124530: Scanner transparency adapters
30125000: Parts and accessories of photocopying apparatus
30125100: Toner cartridges
30125110: Toner for laser printers/fax machines
30125120: Toner for photocopiers
30125130: Toner for data-processing and research and documentation centres
30130000: Post-office equipment
30131000: Mailroom equipment
30131100: Paper or envelope folding machines
30131200: Envelope-stuffing machines
30131300: Addressing machines
30131400: Postage machines
30131500: Mail opening machines
30131600: Mail sealing machines
30131700: Stamp canceling machines
30131800: Stamp affixers
30132000: Sorting equipment
30132100: Mail-sorting equipment
30132200: Banknote counting machines
30132300: Sorters
30133000: Mailing equipment
30133100: Bulk-mailing equipment
30140000: Calculating and accounting machines
30141000: Calculating machines
30141100: Pocket calculators
30141200: Desktop calculators
30141300: Printing calculators
30141400: Adding machines
30142000: Accounting machines and cash registers
30142100: Accounting machines
30142200: Cash registers
30144000: Calculation-type machines
30144100: Postage-franking machines
30144200: Ticket-issuing machines
30144300: Vehicle-counting machines
30144400: Automatic fare collection
30145000: Parts and accessories calculating machines
30145100: Calculator rolls
30150000: Typewriters
30151000: Electronic typewriters
30152000: Parts and accessories of typewriters
30160000: Magnetic cards
30161000: Credit cards
30162000: Smart cards
30163000: Charge cards
30163100: Agency fuel cards
30170000: Labelling machines
30171000: Dating or numbering machines
30172000: Identification ID press machines
30173000: Label applying machines
30174000: Label making machines
30175000: Lettering equipment
30176000: Tape embosser
30177000: Automatic labelling systems
30178000: Semi automatic labelling systems
30179000: Label dispensers
30180000: Check endorsing and writing machines
30181000: Check endorsing machines
30182000: Check writing machines
30190000: Various office equipment and supplies
30191000: Office equipment except furniture
30191100: Filing equipment
30191110: Card carousel systems
30191120: Magazine racks
30191130: Clipboards
30191140: Personal identification accessories
30191200: Overhead projectors
30191400: Shredders
30192000: Office supplies
30192100: Erasers
30192110: Ink products
30192111: Ink pads
30192112: Ink sources for printing machinery
30192113: Ink cartridges
30192121: Ballpoint pens
30192122: Fountain pens
30192123: Fibre pens
30192124: Felt-tipped pens
30192125: Markers
30192126: Technical pens
30192127: Pen holders
30192130: Pencils
30192131: Propelling or sliding pencils
30192132: Pencil lead refills
30192133: Pencil sharpeners
30192134: Pencil holders
30192150: Date stamps
30192151: Sealing stamps
30192152: Numbering stamps
30192153: Phrase stamps
30192154: Replacement stamp pads
30192155: Office stamp holders
30192160: Correctors
30192170: Notice boards
30192200: Measuring tapes
30192300: Ink ribbons
30192310: Typewriter ribbons
30192320: Printer ribbons
30192330: Calculator ribbons and drums
30192340: Facsimile ribbons
30192350: Cash register ribbons
30192400: Reprographic supplies
30192500: Overhead transparencies
30192600: Drawing boards
30192700: Stationery
30192800: Self-adhesive labels
30192900: Correction media
30192910: Correction film or tape
30192920: Correction fluid
30192930: Correction pens
30192940: Correction pen refills
30192950: Electrical erasers
30193000: Organisers and accessories
30193100: Desk drawer organisers
30193200: Desktop trays or organisers
30193300: Hanging organisers
30193400: Book ends
30193500: Literature rack
30193600: Support for diaries or calendars
30193700: File storage box
30193800: Message holders
30193900: Copy holders
30194000: Drafting supplies
30194100: Curves
30194200: Drafting dots, tapes and films
30194210: Drafting dots or tapes
30194220: Drafting films
30194300: Drafting kits, sets and papers
30194310: Drafting kits or sets
30194320: Drafting papers
30194400: Drafting table covers
30194500: Lettering aids
30194600: Protractors
30194700: Templates
30194800: T-squares and triangles
30194810: T-squares
30194820: Triangles
30194900: Work surface protection covers
30195000: Boards
30195100: Planning boards or accessories
30195200: Electronic copyboards or accessories
30195300: Letter boards or accessories
30195400: Dry erase boards or accessories
30195500: Chalk boards or accessories
30195600: Bulletin boards or accessories
30195700: Board cleaning kits or accessories
30195800: Hanging rails or holders
30195900: Whiteboards and magnetic boards
30195910: Whiteboards
30195911: Whiteboard accessories
30195912: Whiteboard easels
30195913: Flipchart easels
30195920: Magnetic boards
30195921: Erasers for magnetic boards
30196000: Planning systems
30196100: Meeting planners
30196200: Appointment books or refills
30196300: Suggestion box
30197000: Small office equipment
30197100: Staples, tacks, drawing pins
30197110: Staples
30197120: Tacks
30197130: Drawing pins
30197200: Ring binders and paper clips
30197210: Ring binders
30197220: Paper clips
30197221: Paperclip holder
30197300: Letter openers, staplers and hole punches
30197310: Letter openers
30197320: Staplers
30197321: Staple removers
30197330: Hole punches
30197400: Stamp sponge
30197500: Sealing wax
30197510: Sealing wax accessories
30197600: Processed paper and paperboard
30197610: Composite paper and paperboard
30197620: Writing paper
30197621: Flipchart pad
30197630: Printing paper
30197640: Self-copy or other copy paper
30197641: Thermographic paper
30197642: Photocopier paper and xerographic paper
30197643: Photocopier paper
30197644: Xerographic paper
30197645: Card for printing
30198000: Lottery machines
30198100: Pulling machines
30199000: Paper stationery and other items
30199100: Carbon paper, self-copy paper, paper duplicator stencils and carbonless paper
30199110: Carbon paper
30199120: Self-copy paper
30199130: Carbonless paper
30199140: Paper duplicator stencils
30199200: Envelopes, letter cards and plain postcards
30199210: Letter cards
30199220: Plain postcards
30199230: Envelopes
30199240: Mailing kit
30199300: Embossed or perforated paper
30199310: Embossed or perforated printing paper
30199320: Embossed or perforated writing paper
30199330: Continuous paper for computer printers
30199340: Continuous forms
30199400: Gummed or adhesive paper
30199410: Self-adhesive paper
30199500: Box files, letter trays, storage boxes and similar articles
30199600: Dividers for stationery
30199700: Printed stationery except forms
30199710: Printed envelopes
30199711: Printed window envelopes
30199712: Printed non-window envelopes
30199713: Printed X-ray envelopes
30199720: Notepaper
30199730: Business cards
30199731: Business card holders
30199740: Compliment slips
30199750: Coupons
30199760: Labels
30199761: Bar-coded labels
30199762: Luggage tags
30199763: Theft protection labels
30199770: Luncheon vouchers
30199780: Blotting pads
30199790: Timetables
30199791: Wall planners
30199792: Calendars
30199793: Diary stands
30200000: Computer equipment and supplies
30210000: Data-processing machines (hardware)
30211000: Mainframe computer
30211100: Super computer
30211200: Mainframe hardware
30211300: Computer platforms
30211400: Computer configurations
30211500: Central processing unit (CPU) or processors
30212000: Minicomputer hardware
30212100: Central processing units for minicomputers
30213000: Personal computers
30213100: Portable computers
30213200: Tablet computer
30213300: Desktop computer
30213400: Central processing units for personal computers
30213500: Pocket computers
30214000: Workstations
30215000: Microcomputer hardware
30215100: Central processing units for microcomputers
30216000: Magnetic or optical readers
30216100: Optical readers
30216110: Scanners for computer use
30216120: Optical-character-recognition equipment
30216130: Barcode readers
30216200: Magnetic card readers
30216300: Punchcard readers
30220000: Digital cartography equipment
30221000: Digital cadastral maps
30230000: Computer-related equipment
30231000: Computer screens and consoles
30231100: Computer terminals
30231200: Consoles
30231300: Display screens
30231310: Flat panel displays
30231320: Touch screen monitors
30232000: Peripheral equipment
30232100: Printers and plotters
30232110: Laser printers
30232120: Dot-matrix printers
30232130: Colour graphics printers
30232140: Plotters
30232150: Inkjet printers
30232600: Encoders
30232700: Central controlling unit
30233000: Media storage and reader devices
30233100: Computer storage units
30233110: Magnetic card storage units
30233120: Magnetic tape storage units
30233130: Magnetic disk storage units
30233131: Floppy-disk drives
30233132: Hard-disk drives
30233140: Direct-access storage devices (DASD)
30233141: Redundant Array of Independent Disk (RAID)
30233150: Optical-disk drives
30233151: Compact disk (CD) reader and/or burner
30233152: Digital versatile disc (DVD) reader and/or burner
30233153: Compact disk (CD) and digital versatile disk (DVD) reader and/or burner
30233160: Tape streamers
30233161: Cassette-handling equipment
30233170: Carousel units
30233180: Flash memory storage devices
30233190: Disk controller
30233300: Smart card readers
30233310: Fingerprint readers
30233320: Combined smart card and fingerprint readers
30234000: Storage media
30234100: Magnetic disk
30234200: Optical disks
30234300: Compact disks (CDs)
30234400: Digital versatile disks (DVDs)
30234500: Memory storage media
30234600: Flash memory
30234700: Magnetic tapes
30236000: Miscellaneous computer equipment
30236100: Memory-expansion equipment
30236110: Random access memory (RAM)
30236111: Dynamic random access memory (DRAM)
30236112: Static random access memory (SRAM)
30236113: Synchronous dynamic random access memory (SDRAM)
30236114: Rambus dynamic random access memory (RDRAM)
30236115: Synchronous graphic random access memory (SGRAM)
30236120: Read only memory (ROM)
30236121: Programmable read only memory (PROM)
30236122: Erasable programmable read only memory (EPROM)
30236123: Electronically erasable programmable read only memory (EEPROM)
30236200: Data-processing equipment
30237000: Parts, accessories and supplies for computers
30237100: Parts of computers
30237110: Network interfaces
30237120: Computer ports
30237121: Serial infrared ports
30237130: Computer cards
30237131: Electronic cards
30237132: Universal Serial Bus (USB) Interfaces
30237133: Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA) adaptors and interfaces
30237134: Graphic accelerator cards
30237135: Network interfaces cards
30237136: Audio cards
30237140: Motherboards
30237200: Computer accessories
30237210: Anti-glare screens
30237220: Mousepads
30237230: Caches
30237240: Web camera
30237250: Computer cleaning accessories
30237251: Computer cleaning kits
30237252: Pressurised air dusters
30237253: Dust covers for computer equipment
30237260: Monitor wall mount arms
30237270: Portable computer carrying cases
30237280: Power supply accessories
30237290: Keyboard wrist rests
30237295: Keyguards
30237300: Computer supplies
30237310: Font cartridges for printers
30237320: Diskettes
30237330: Digital Audio Tape (DAT) cartridges
30237340: Digital Linear Tape (DLT) cartridges
30237350: Data cartridges
30237360: Linear Tape-Open (LTO) cartridges
30237370: Recording cartridges
30237380: CD-ROM
30237400: Data entry accessories
30237410: Computer mouse
30237420: Joysticks
30237430: Light pens
30237440: Trackballs
30237450: Graphics tablets
30237460: Computer keyboards
30237461: Programmable keyboards
30237470: Braille pads
30237475: Electric sensors
30237480: Input units
30238000: Library automation equipment
31000000: Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting
31100000: Electric motors, generators and transformers
31110000: Electric motors
31111000: Adapters
31120000: Generators
31121000: Generating sets
31121100: Generating sets with compression-ignition engines
31121110: Power converters
31121111: Electric rotary converters
31121200: Generating sets with spark-ignition engines
31121300: Wind-energy generators
31121310: Windmills
31121320: Wind turbines
31121330: Wind turbine generators
31121331: Turbine rotors
31121340: Wind farm
31122000: Generator units
31122100: Fuel cells
31124000: Steam-turbine generator and related apparatus
31124100: Turbine generator sets
31124200: Turbine generator control apparatus
31126000: Dynamos
31127000: Emergency generator
31128000: Turbogenerator
31130000: Alternators
31131000: Single-phase motors
31131100: Actuators
31131200: Anodes
31132000: Multi-phase motors
31140000: Cooling towers
31141000: Water coolers
31150000: Ballasts for discharge lamps or tubes
31151000: Static converters
31153000: Rectifiers
31154000: Uninterruptible power supplies
31155000: Inverters
31156000: Interruptible power supplies
31157000: Inductors
31158000: Chargers
31158100: Battery chargers
31158200: Supercharger
31158300: Turbocharger
31160000: Parts of electric motors, generators and transformers
31161000: Parts for electrical motors and generators
31161100: Excitation systems
31161200: Gas cooling systems
31161300: Generator rotors
31161400: Primary water systems
31161500: Seal oil systems
31161600: Stator cooling water systems
31161700: Parts of steam generators
31161800: Parts of gas generators
31161900: Voltage-control systems
31162000: Parts of transformers, inductors and static converters
31162100: Parts of condensers
31170000: Transformers
31171000: Liquid dielectric transformers
31172000: Voltage transformers
31173000: Instrument transformer
31174000: Power supply transformers
31200000: Electricity distribution and control apparatus
31210000: Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits
31211000: Boards and fuse boxes
31211100: Boards for electrical apparatus
31211110: Control panels
31211200: Fuse boxes
31211300: Fuses
31211310: Cut-outs
31211320: Fuse blocks
31211330: Fuse wires
31211340: Fuse clips
31212000: Circuit breakers
31212100: Overhead circuit breakers
31212200: Circuit testers
31212300: Magnetic circuit breakers
31212400: Miniature circuit breakers
31213000: Distribution equipment
31213100: Distribution boxes
31213200: Distribution transformers
31213300: Cable distribution cabinet
31213400: Distribution system
31214000: Switchgear
31214100: Switches
31214110: Isolating switches
31214120: Earthing switch
31214130: Safety switches
31214140: Dimmer switches
31214150: Drum switches
31214160: Pressure switches
31214170: Toggle switches
31214180: Slide switches
31214190: Limit switches
31214200: Switch disconnector
31214300: Outdoor switching installations
31214400: Fuse switch disconnector
31214500: Electric switchboards
31214510: Distribution switchboards
31214520: Medium-voltage switchboards
31215000: Voltage limiters
31216000: Lightning arrestors
31216100: Lightning-protection equipment
31216200: Lightning conductors
31217000: Surge suppressors
31218000: Busbars
31219000: Protection boxes
31220000: Electrical circuit components
31221000: Electrical relays
31221100: Power relays
31221200: General purpose relays
31221300: Socket relays
31221400: Alternating voltage relays
31221500: Mercury relays
31221600: Time relays
31221700: Overload relays
31223000: Lamp-holders
31224000: Connections and contact elements
31224100: Plugs and sockets
31224200: Coaxial connectors
31224300: Connection boxes
31224400: Connection cables
31224500: Terminals
31224600: Dimmers
31224700: Junction boxes
31224800: Cable joining kits
31224810: Extension cables
31230000: Parts of electricity distribution or control apparatus
31300000: Insulated wire and cable
31310000: Mains
31311000: Mains connections
31320000: Power distribution cables
31321000: Electricity power lines
31321100: Overhead power lines
31321200: Low- and medium-voltage cable
31321210: Low-voltage cable
31321220: Medium-voltage cable
31321300: High-voltage cable
31321400: Underwater cable
31321500: Submarine cable
31321600: Shielded cable
31321700: Signalling cable
31330000: Coaxial cable
31340000: Insulated cable accessories
31341000: Insulated cable reels
31342000: Insulated cable junctions
31343000: Insulated cable joints
31344000: Insulated cable glands
31350000: Electric conductors for data and control purposes
31351000: Electric conductors for access control systems
31400000: Accumulators, primary cells and primary batteries
31410000: Primary cells
31411000: Alkaline batteries
31420000: Primary batteries
31421000: Lead batteries
31422000: Battery packs
31430000: Electric accumulators
31431000: Lead-acid accumulators
31432000: Nickel-cadmium accumulators
31433000: Nickel-iron accumulators
31434000: Lithium accumulators
31440000: Batteries
31500000: Lighting equipment and electric lamps
31510000: Electric filament lamps
31511000: Sealed-beam lamp units
31512000: Tungsten halogen filament lamps
31512100: Halogen bulbs, linear
31512200: Halogen bulbs, bi-pin
31512300: Halogen bulbs, dichroic
31514000: Discharge lamps
31515000: Ultraviolet lamps
31516000: Infrared lamps
31517000: Arc lamps
31518000: Signalling lights
31518100: Floodlights
31518200: Emergency lighting equipment
31518210: Stormlights
31518220: Light stick
31518300: Rooflights
31518500: Mercury-vapour lamps
31518600: Searchlights
31519000: Incandescent and neon lamps
31519100: Incandescent lamps
31519200: Neon lamps
31520000: Lamps and light fittings
31521000: Lamps
31521100: Desk lamps
31521200: Floor-standing lamps
31521300: Portable electric lamps
31521310: Warning lights
31521320: Torches
31521330: Rechargeable portable electric lamps
31522000: Christmas tree lights
31523000: Illuminated signs and nameplates
31523100: Advertising neon lights
31523200: Permanent message signs
31523300: Illuminated nameplates
31524000: Ceiling or wall light fittings
31524100: Ceiling light fittings
31524110: Operating-theatre lamps
31524120: Ceiling lights
31524200: Wall light fittings
31524210: Wall lights
31527000: Spotlights
31527200: Exterior lights
31527210: Lanterns
31527260: Lighting systems
31527270: Platforms lighting
31527300: Domestic lights
31527400: Underwater lights
31530000: Parts of lamps and lighting equipment
31531000: Light bulbs
31531100: Electric tubes
31532000: Parts of lamps and light fittings
31532100: Tube lamps
31532110: Fluorescent tube lamps
31532120: Compact fluorescent tube lamps
31532200: Ring lamps
31532210: Fluorescent ring lamps
31532300: Globe lamps
31532310: Compact fluorescent globe lamps
31532400: Lamps sockets
31532500: Lamp starters
31532510: Starters for fluorescent lamps
31532600: Lamp reactors
31532610: Reactors for fluorescent lamps
31532700: Lamp covers
31532800: Lamp arms
31532900: Fluorescent lights
31532910: Fluorescent tubes
31532920: Bulbs and fluorescent lamps
31600000: Electrical equipment and apparatus
31610000: Electrical equipment for engines and vehicles
31611000: Wiring sets
31612000: Electrical wiring looms for engines
31612200: Starter motors
31612300: Electrical signalling equipment for engines
31612310: Blinkers
31620000: Sound or visual signalling apparatus
31625000: Burglar and fire alarms
31625100: Fire-detection systems
31625200: Fire-alarm systems
31625300: Burglar-alarm systems
31630000: Magnets
31640000: Machines and apparatus with individual functions
31642000: Electronic detection apparatus
31642100: Detection apparatus for metal pipes
31642200: Detection apparatus for mines
31642300: Detection apparatus for plastics
31642400: Detection apparatus for non-metallic objects
31642500: Detection apparatus for timber
31643000: Particle accelerators
31643100: Linear accelerators
31644000: Miscellaneous data recorders
31645000: Pinball machines
31650000: Insulating fittings
31651000: Electrical tape
31660000: Carbon electrodes
31670000: Electrical parts of machinery or apparatus
31671000: Glass envelopes and cathode-ray tubes
31671100: Glass envelopes
31671200: Cathode-ray tubes
31680000: Electrical supplies and accessories
31681000: Electrical accessories
31681100: Electrical contacts
31681200: Electric pumps
31681300: Electrical circuits
31681400: Electrical components
31681410: Electrical materials
31681500: Rechargers
31682000: Electricity supplies
31682100: Electricity boxes
31682110: Electricity box covers
31682200: Instrument panels
31682210: Instrumentation and control equipment
31682220: Mixing panels
31682230: Graphic display panels
31682300: Medium-voltage equipment
31682310: Medium-voltage panels
31682400: Overhead electrical equipment
31682410: Overhead cable carriers
31682500: Emergency electricity equipment
31682510: Emergency power systems
31682520: Emergency shutdown systems
31682530: Emergency power supplies
31682540: Substation equipment
31700000: Electronic, electromechanical and electrotechnical supplies
31710000: Electronic equipment
31711000: Electronic supplies
31711100: Electronic components
31711110: Transceivers
31711120: Transducers
31711130: Resistors
31711131: Electrical resistors
31711140: Electrodes
31711150: Electrical capacitors
31711151: Fixed capacitors
31711152: Variable or adjustable capacitors
31711154: Capacitor banks
31711155: Capacitor networks
31711200: Electronic scoreboards
31711300: Electronic timekeeping systems
31711310: System for recording attendance
31711400: Valves and tubes
31711410: Cathode-ray television picture tubes
31711411: Television camera tubes
31711420: Microwave tubes and equipment
31711421: Magnetrons
31711422: Microwave equipment
31711423: Microwave radio equipment
31711424: Klystrons
31711430: Valve tubes
31711440: Receiver or amplifier valves and tubes
31711500: Parts of electronic assemblies
31711510: Parts of electrical capacitors
31711520: Parts of electrical resistors, rheostats and potentiometers
31711530: Parts of electronic valves and tubes
31712000: Microelectronic machinery and apparatus and microsystems
31712100: Microelectronic machinery and apparatus
31712110: Electronic integrated circuits and microassemblies
31712111: Phone cards
31712112: SIM cards
31712113: Cards containing integrated circuits
31712114: Integrated electronic circuits
31712115: Microassemblies
31712116: Microprocessors
31712117: Integrated circuit packages
31712118: Integrated circuit sockets or mounts
31712119: Integrated circuit lids
31712200: Microsystems
31712300: Printed circuits
31712310: Populated printed circuit boards
31712320: Unpopulated printed circuit boards
31712330: Semiconductors
31712331: Photovoltaic cells
31712332: Thyristors
31712333: Diacs
31712334: Triacs
31712335: Optical coupled isolators
31712336: Crystal oscillators
31712340: Diodes
31712341: Light-emitting diodes
31712342: Microwave or small signal diodes
31712343: Zener diodes
31712344: Schottky diodes
31712345: Tunnel diodes
31712346: Photosensitive diodes
31712347: Power or solar diodes
31712348: Laser diodes
31712349: Radio frequency (RF) diodes
31712350: Transistors
31712351: Photo sensitive transistors
31712352: Field effect transistors (FET)
31712353: Metal oxide field effect transistors (MOSFET)
31712354: Transistor chips
31712355: Bipolar darlington or radio frequency (RF) transistors
31712356: Unijunction transistors
31712357: Insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBT)
31712358: Junction field effect transistors (JFET)
31712359: Bipolar junction transistors (BJT)
31712360: Mounted piezo-electric crystals
31720000: Electromechanical equipment
31730000: Electrotechnical equipment
31731000: Electrotechnical supplies
31731100: Modules
32000000: Radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment
32200000: Transmission apparatus for radiotelephony, radiotelegraphy, radio broadcasting and television
32210000: Broadcasting equipment
32211000: Broadcast production equipment
32220000: Television transmission apparatus without reception apparatus
32221000: Radio beacons
32222000: Video-signal coding machines
32223000: Video transmission apparatus
32224000: Television transmission apparatus
32230000: Radio transmission apparatus with reception apparatus
32231000: Closed-circuit television apparatus
32232000: Video-conferencing equipment
32233000: Radio-frequency booster stations
32234000: Closed-circuit television cameras
32235000: Closed-circuit surveillance system
32236000: Radio telephones
32237000: Walkie-talkies
32240000: Television cameras
32250000: Mobile telephones
32251000: Car telephones
32251100: Hands-free set
32252000: GSM telephones
32252100: Hands-free mobile telephones
32252110: Hands-free mobile telephones (wireless)
32260000: Data-transmission equipment
32270000: Digital transmission apparatus
32300000: Television and radio receivers, and sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus
32310000: Radio broadcast receivers
32320000: Television and audio-visual equipment
32321000: Television projection equipment
32321100: Film equipment
32321200: Audio-visual equipment
32321300: Audio-visual materials
32322000: Multimedia equipment
32323000: Video monitors
32323100: Colour video monitors
32323200: Monochrome video monitors
32323300: Video equipment
32323400: Video-playback equipment
32323500: Video-surveillance system
32324000: Televisions
32324100: Colour televisions
32324200: Monochrome televisions
32324300: Television equipment
32324310: Satellite antennas
32324400: Television aerials
32324500: Video tuners
32324600: Digital-TV boxes
32330000: Apparatus for sound, video-recording and reproduction
32331000: Turntables
32331100: Record players
32331200: Cassette players
32331300: Sound-reproduction apparatus
32331500: Recorders
32331600: MP3 player
32332000: Magnetic tape recorders
32332100: Dictating machines
32332200: Telephone-answering machines
32332300: Sound recorders
32333000: Video recording or reproducing apparatus
32333100: Video recorders
32333200: Video camcorders
32333300: Video-reproducing apparatus
32333400: Video players
32340000: Microphones and loudspeakers
32341000: Microphones
32342000: Loudspeakers
32342100: Headphones
32342200: Earphones
32342300: Microphones and speaker sets
32342400: Acoustic devices
32342410: Sound equipment
32342411: Mini speakers
32342412: Speakers
32342420: Studio mixing console
32342430: Speech-compression system
32342440: Voice-mail system
32342450: Voice recorders
32343000: Amplifiers
32343100: Audio-frequency amplifiers
32343200: Megaphones
32344000: Reception apparatus for radiotelephony or radiotelegraphy
32344100: Portable receivers for calling and paging
32344110: Voice-logging system
32344200: Radio receivers
32344210: Radio equipment
32344220: Radio pagers
32344230: Radio stations
32344240: Radio tower
32344250: Radio installations
32344260: Radio and multiplex equipment
32344270: Radio and telephone control system
32344280: Portable radios
32350000: Parts of sound and video equipment
32351000: Accessories for sound and video equipment
32351100: Video-editing equipment
32351200: Screens
32351300: Audio equipment accessories
32351310: Audio cassettes
32352000: Aerials and reflectors
32352100: Parts of radio and radar equipment
32352200: Radar spare parts and accessories
32353000: Sound recordings
32353100: Records
32353200: Music cassettes
32354000: Film products
32354100: Radiology film
32354110: X-ray film
32354120: Blue diazo film
32354200: Cinematographic film
32354300: Photographic film
32354400: Instant-print film
32354500: Video films
32354600: Video cassettes
32354700: Video tapes
32354800: Cling film
32360000: Intercom equipment
32400000: Networks
32410000: Local area network
32411000: Token-ring network
32412000: Communications network
32412100: Telecommunications network
32412110: Internet network
32412120: Intranet network
32413000: Integrated network
32413100: Network routers
32415000: Ethernet network
32416000: ISDN network
32416100: ISDX network
32417000: Multimedia networks
32418000: Radio network
32420000: Network equipment
32421000: Network cabling
32422000: Network components
32423000: Network hubs
32424000: Network infrastructure
32425000: Network operating system
32426000: Network publishing system
32427000: Network system
32428000: Network upgrade
32429000: Telephone network equipment
32430000: Wide area network
32440000: Telemetry and terminal equipment
32441000: Telemetry equipment
32441100: Telemetry surveillance system
32441200: Telemetry and control equipment
32441300: Telematics system
32442000: Terminal equipment
32442100: Terminal boards
32442200: Terminal boxes
32442300: Terminal emulators
32442400: Termination blocks
32500000: Telecommunications equipment and supplies
32510000: Wireless telecommunications system
32520000: Telecommunications cable and equipment
32521000: Telecommunications cable
32522000: Telecommunications equipment
32523000: Telecommunications facilities
32524000: Telecommunications system
32530000: Satellite-related communications equipment
32531000: Satellite communications equipment
32532000: Satellite dishes
32533000: Satellite earth stations
32534000: Satellite platforms
32540000: Switchboards
32541000: Switchboard equipment
32542000: Switchboard panels
32543000: Telephone switchboards
32544000: PABX equipment
32545000: PABX systems
32546000: Digital switching equipment
32546100: Digital switchboards
32547000: Vacuum switchboards
32550000: Telephone equipment
32551000: Telephone cables and associated equipment
32551100: Telephone connections
32551200: Telephone exchanges
32551300: Telephone headsets
32551400: Telephone network
32551500: Telephone cables
32552000: Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy
32552100: Telephone sets
32552110: Cordless telephones
32552120: Emergency telephones
32552130: Public telephones
32552140: Payphone equipment
32552150: Telephones for visually-impaired
32552160: Telephones for hearing-impaired
32552200: Teleprinters
32552300: Telephonic or telegraphic switching apparatus
32552310: Digital telephone exchanges
32552320: Multiplexers
32552330: Telephone switching apparatus
32552400: Audio-frequency signal conversion apparatus
32552410: Modems
32552420: Frequency converter
32552430: Coding equipment
32552500: Teletext apparatus
32552510: Videotext terminals
32552520: Telex equipment
32552600: Entrance telephones
32553000: Parts of electrical telephonic or telegraphic apparatus
32560000: Fibre-optic materials
32561000: Fibre-optic connections
32562000: Optical-fibre cables
32562100: Optical-fibre cables for information transmission
32562200: Optical telecommunication cables
32562300: Optical-fibre cables for data transmission
32570000: Communications equipment
32571000: Communications infrastructure
32572000: Communications cable
32572100: Communications cable with multiple electrical conductors
32572200: Communications cable with coaxial conductors
32572300: Communications cable for special applications
32573000: Communications control system
32580000: Data equipment
32581000: Data-communications equipment
32581100: Data-transmission cable
32581110: Data-transmission cable with multiple electrical conductors
32581120: Data-transmission cable with coaxial conductors
32581130: Data-transmission cable for special applications
32581200: Fax equipment
32581210: Accessories and components for fax equipment
32582000: Data carriers
32583000: Data and voice media
32584000: Data-bearing media
33000000: Medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products
33100000: Medical equipments
33110000: Imaging equipment for medical, dental and veterinary use
33111000: X-ray devices
33111100: X-ray table
33111200: X-ray workstations
33111300: X-ray processing devices
33111400: X-ray fluoroscopy devices
33111500: Dental X-ray
33111600: Radiography devices
33111610: Magnetic resonance unit
33111620: Gamma cameras
33111640: Thermographs
33111650: Mammography devices
33111660: Bone densitometers
33111700: Angiography room
33111710: Angiography supplies
33111720: Angiography devices
33111721: Digital angiography devices
33111730: Angioplasty supplies
33111740: Angioplasty devices
33111800: Diagnostic X-ray system
33112000: Echo, ultrasound and doppler imaging equipment
33112100: Ultrasonic heart detector
33112200: Ultrasonic unit
33112300: Ultrasound scanners
33112310: Colour-flow doppler
33112320: Doppler equipment
33112330: Echoencephalographs
33112340: Echocardiographs
33113000: Magnetic resonance imaging equipment
33113100: Magnetic resonance scanners
33113110: Nuclear magnetic resonance scanners
33114000: Spectroscopy devices
33115000: Tomography devices
33115100: CT scanners
33115200: CAT scanners
33120000: Recording systems and exploration devices
33121000: Long term ambulatory recording system
33121100: Electro-encephalographs
33121200: Scintigraphy devices
33121300: Electromyographs
33121400: Audiometers
33121500: Electrocardiogram
33122000: Ophthalmology equipment
33123000: Cardiovascular devices
33123100: Tensiometer
33123200: Electrocardiography devices
33123210: Cardiac-monitoring devices
33123220: Cardio-angiography devices
33123230: Cardiographs
33124000: Diagnostics and radiodiagnostic devices and supplies
33124100: Diagnostic devices
33124110: Diagnostic systems
33124120: Diagnostic ultrasound devices
33124130: Diagnostic supplies
33124131: Reagent strips
33124200: Radiodiagnostic devices
33124210: Radiodiagnostic supplies
33125000: Urology, exploration devices
33126000: Stomatology devices
33127000: Immuno-analysis devices
33128000: Medical laser other than for surgery
33130000: Dental and subspecialty instruments and devices
33131000: Dental hand instrument
33131100: Dental surgical instrument
33131110: Dental nippers, brushes, retractors and burnishers
33131111: Dental nippers
33131112: Dental operative brushes
33131113: Dental retractors
33131114: Dental burnishers
33131120: Dental cryosurgical, gauges, elevators and excavators
33131121: Dental cryosurgical units
33131122: Dental depth gauges
33131123: Dental elevators
33131124: Dental excavators
33131130: Dental fingers protectors and forceps
33131131: Dental fingers protectors
33131132: Dental forceps
33131140: Dental mirrors and reamers
33131141: Dental mirrors
33131142: Dental reamers
33131150: Dental root tip picks, scalers and scale
33131151: Dental root tip picks
33131152: Dental scalers
33131153: Dental scale
33131160: Dental scissors and knives
33131161: Dental scissors
33131162: Dental knives
33131170: Dental spatulas, tweezers and wax carvers
33131171: Dental spatulas
33131172: Dental tweezers
33131173: Dental wax carvers
33131200: Dental suture needle
33131300: Dental disposable instrument
33131400: Dental probe
33131500: Dental extraction instrument
33131510: Dental drills
33131600: Dental filling instrument
33132000: Dental implant
33133000: Dental impression accessories
33134000: Endodontics accessories
33135000: Orthodontic devices
33136000: Rotary and abrasive instrument
33137000: Dental prophylaxis accessories
33138000: Prosthodontic and relining products
33138100: Dentures
33140000: Medical consumables
33141000: Disposable non-chemical medical consumables and haematological consumables
33141100: Dressings; clip, suture, ligature supplies
33141110: Dressings
33141111: Adhesive dressings
33141112: Plasters
33141113: Bandages
33141114: Medical gauze
33141115: Medical wadding
33141116: Dressing packs
33141117: Cotton wool
33141118: Wipes
33141119: Compresses
33141120: Clip, suture, ligature supplies
33141121: Surgical sutures
33141122: Surgical staples
33141123: Sharps containers
33141124: Sharps pads
33141125: Material for surgical sutures
33141126: Ligatures
33141127: Absorbable haemostatics
33141128: Needles for sutures
33141200: Catheters
33141210: Balloon catheters
33141220: Cannulae
33141230: Dilator
33141240: Catheter accessories
33141300: Venepuncture, blood sampling devices
33141310: Syringes
33141320: Medical needles
33141321: Anesthesia needles
33141322: Arterial needles
33141323: Biopsy needles
33141324: Dialysis needles
33141325: Fistula needles
33141326: Radiology procedural needles
33141327: Vented needles
33141328: Epidural needles
33141329: Amniocentesia needles
33141400: Wire-cutter and bistoury; surgical gloves
33141410: Wire-cutter and bistoury
33141411: Scalpels and blades
33141420: Surgical gloves
33141500: Haematological consumables
33141510: Blood products
33141520: Plasma extracts
33141530: Blood coagulants
33141540: Albumin
33141550: Heparin
33141560: Human organs
33141570: Human blood
33141580: Animal blood
33141600: Collector and collection bags, drainage and kits
33141610: Collection bag
33141613: Blood bags
33141614: Plasma bags
33141615: Bags for urine
33141620: Medical kits
33141621: Incontinence kit
33141622: AIDS-prevention kits
33141623: First-aid boxes
33141624: Administration sets
33141625: Diagnostic kits
33141626: Dosage kits
33141630: Blood plasma filters
33141640: Drain
33141641: Probes
33141642: Drain accessories
33141700: Orthopaedic supplies
33141710: Crutches
33141720: Walking aids
33141730: Surgical collars
33141740: Orthopaedic footwear
33141750: Artificial joints
33141760: Splints
33141770: Fracture appliances, pins and plates
33141800: Dental consumables
33141810: Dental filling materials
33141820: Teeth
33141821: Porcelain teeth
33141822: Acrylic teeth
33141830: Cement base
33141840: Dental haemostatic
33141850: Dental hygiene products
33141900: Blood lancets
33150000: Radiotherapy, mechanotherapy, electrotherapy and physical therapy devices
33151000: Radiotherapy devices and supplies
33151100: Gamma therapy devices
33151200: X-ray therapy devices
33151300: Spectrographs
33151400: Radiotherapy supplies
33152000: Incubators
33153000: Lithotripter
33154000: Mechanotherapy devices
33155000: Physical therapy devices
33156000: Psychology testing devices
33157000: Gas-therapy and respiratory devices
33157100: Medical gas masks
33157110: Oxygen mask
33157200: Oxygen kits
33157300: Oxygen tents
33157400: Medical breathing devices
33157500: Hyperbaric chambers
33157700: Blow bottle
33157800: Oxygen administration unit
33157810: Oxygen therapy unit
33158000: Electrical, electromagnetic and mechanical treatment
33158100: Electromagnetic unit
33158200: Electrotherapy devices
33158210: Stimulator
33158300: Ultraviolet medical devices
33158400: Mechanical therapy unit
33158500: Infrared medical devices
33159000: Clinical chemistry system
33160000: Operating techniques
33161000: Electrosurgical unit
33162000: Operating theatre devices and instruments
33162100: Operating-theatre devices
33162200: Operating-theatre instruments
33163000: Tent for medical use
33164000: Coelioscopy devices
33164100: Colposcope
33165000: Cryosurgical and cryotherapy devices
33166000: Dermatological devices
33167000: Surgical lights
33168000: Endoscopy, endosurgery devices
33168100: Endoscopes
33169000: Surgical instruments
33169100: Surgical laser
33169200: Surgical baskets
33169300: Surgical trays
33169400: Surgical containers
33169500: Surgical tracking and tracing systems
33170000: Anaesthesia and resuscitation
33171000: Instruments for anaesthesia and resuscitation
33171100: Instruments for anaesthesia
33171110: Anaesthesia mask
33171200: Instruments for resuscitation
33171210: Resuscitation mask
33171300: Epidural kits or packs
33172000: Anaesthesia and resuscitation devices
33172100: Anaesthesia devices
33172200: Resuscitation devices
33180000: Functional support
33181000: Renal support devices
33181100: Haemodialysis devices
33181200: Dialysis filters
33181300: Haemodialysis individual monitor
33181400: Haemodialysis multiposition
33181500: Renal consumables
33181510: Renal fluid
33181520: Renal dialysis consumables
33182000: Cardiac support devices
33182100: Defibrillator
33182200: Cardiac stimulation devices
33182210: Pacemaker
33182220: Cardiac valve
33182230: Ventricle
33182240: Parts and accessories for pacemakers
33182241: Batteries for pacemakers
33182300: Cardiac surgery devices
33182400: Cardiac X-ray system
33183000: Orthopaedic support devices
33183100: Orthopaedic implants
33183200: Orthopaedic prostheses
33183300: Osteosynthesis devices
33184000: Artificial parts of the body
33184100: Surgical implants
33184200: Vascular prostheses
33184300: Artificial parts of the heart
33184400: Breast prostheses
33184410: Internal breast prostheses
33184420: External breast prostheses
33184500: Coronary endoprostheses
33184600: False eyes
33185000: Hearing aids
33185100: Parts and accessories for hearing aids
33185200: Cochlear implant
33185300: Otolaryngology implant
33185400: Larynx artificial
33186000: Extracorporeal circulatory unit
33186100: Oxygenator
33186200: Blood and fluid warming
33190000: Miscellaneous medical devices and products
33191000: Sterilisation, disinfection and hygiene devices
33191100: Steriliser
33191110: Autoclaves
33192000: Medical furniture
33192100: Beds for medical use
33192110: Orthopaedic beds
33192120: Hospital beds
33192130: Motorised beds
33192140: Psychiatric couches
33192150: Therapy beds
33192160: Stretchers
33192200: Medical tables
33192210: Examination tables
33192230: Operating tables
33192300: Medical furniture except beds and tables
33192310: Traction or suspension devices for medical beds
33192320: Urine-bottle holders
33192330: Transfusion pods
33192340: Operating theatre furniture except tables
33192350: Medical cultivation cabinet
33192400: Dental workstations
33192410: Dental chairs
33192500: Test tubes
33192600: Lifting equipment for health care sector
33193000: Invalid carriages, wheelchairs and associated devices
33193100: Invalid carriages and wheelchairs
33193110: Invalid carriages
33193120: Wheelchairs
33193121: Motorised wheelchairs
33193200: Parts and accessories for invalid carriages and wheelchairs
33193210: Parts and accessories for invalid carriages
33193211: Motors for invalid carriages
33193212: Steering devices for invalid carriages
33193213: Control devices for invalid carriages
33193214: Chassis for invalid carriages
33193220: Parts and accessories for wheelchairs
33193221: Wheelchair cushions
33193222: Wheelchair frames
33193223: Wheelchair seats
33193224: Wheelchair wheels
33193225: Wheelchair tyres
33194000: Devices and instruments for transfusion and infusion
33194100: Devices and instruments for infusion
33194110: Infusion pumps
33194120: Infusion supplies
33194200: Devices and instruments for transfusion
33194210: Blood-transfusion devices
33194220: Blood-transfusion supplies
33195000: Patient-monitoring system
33195100: Monitors
33195110: Respiratory monitors
33195200: Central monitoring station
33196000: Medical aids
33196100: Devices for the elderly
33196200: Devices for the disabled
33197000: Medical computer equipment
33198000: Hospital paper articles
33198100: Paper compresses
33198200: Paper sterilisation pouches or wraps
33199000: Medical clothing
33600000: Pharmaceutical products
33610000: Medicinal products for the alimentary tract and metabolism
33611000: Medicinal products for acid related disorders
33612000: Medicinal products for functional gastrointestinal disorders
33613000: Laxatives
33614000: Antidiarrhoeals, intestinal anti-inflammatory/anti-infective agents
33615000: Medicinal products used in diabetes
33615100: Insulin
33616000: Vitamins
33616100: Provitamins
33617000: Mineral supplements
33620000: Medicinal products for the blood, blood-forming organs and the cardiovascular system
33621000: Medicinal products for the blood and blood-forming organs
33621100: Antithrombotic agents
33621200: Antihaemorrhagics
33621300: Antianaemic preparations
33621400: Blood substitutes and perfusion solutions
33622000: Medicinal products for the cardiovascular system
33622100: Cardiac therapy medicinal products
33622200: Antihypertensives
33622300: Diuretics
33622400: Vasoprotectives
33622500: Antihaemorrhoidals for topical use
33622600: Beta-blocking agents
33622700: Calcium channel blockers
33622800: Agents acting on the renin-angiotensin system
33630000: Medicinal products for dermatology and the musculo-skeletal system
33631000: Medicinal products for dermatology
33631100: Antifungals for dermatological use
33631110: Salicylic acids
33631200: Emollients and protectives
33631300: Antipsoriatics
33631400: Antibiotics and chemotherapeutics for dermatological use
33631500: Corticosteroids for dermatological use and dermatological preparations
33631600: Antiseptics and disinfectants
33631700: Anti-acne preparations
33632000: Medicinal products for the musculo-skeletal system
33632100: Anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic products
33632200: Muscle relaxants
33632300: Antigout preparations
33640000: Medicinal products for the genitourinary system and hormones
33641000: Medicinal products for the genitourinary system and sex hormones
33641100: Gynaecological anti-infectives and antiseptics
33641200: Other gynaecologicals
33641300: Sex hormones and modulators of the genital system
33641400: Contraceptives
33641410: Oral contraceptives
33641420: Chemical contraceptives
33642000: Systemic hormonal preparations, excl. sex hormones
33642100: Pituitary, hypothalamic hormones and analogues
33642200: Corticosteroids for systemic use
33642300: Thyroid therapy medicinal products
33650000: General anti-infectives for systemic use, vaccines, antineoplastic and immunodulating agents
33651000: General anti-infectives for systemic use and vaccines
33651100: Antibacterials for systemic use
33651200: Antimycotics for systemic use
33651300: Antimycobacterials
33651400: Antivirals for systemic use
33651500: Immune sera and immunoglobulins
33651510: Antisera
33651520: Immunoglobulins
33651600: Vaccines
33651610: Diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus vaccines
33651620: Diphtheria-tetanus vaccines
33651630: BCG vaccines (dried)
33651640: Measles-mumps-rubella vaccines
33651650: Typhus vaccines
33651660: Influenza vaccines
33651670: Polio vaccines
33651680: Hepatitis B vaccines
33651690: Vaccines for veterinary medicine
33652000: Antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents
33652100: Antineoplastic agents
33652200: Endocrine therapy medicinal products
33652300: Immunosuppressive agents
33660000: Medicinal products for the nervous system and sensory organs
33661000: Medicinal products for the nervous system
33661100: Anaesthetics
33661200: Analgesics
33661300: Antiepileptics
33661400: Anti-Parkinson medicinal products
33661500: Psycholeptics
33661600: Psychoanaleptics
33661700: Other nervous system medicinal products
33662000: Medicinal products for sensory organs
33662100: Ophthalmologicals
33670000: Medicinal products for the respiratory system
33673000: Medicinal products for obstructive airway diseases
33674000: Cough and cold preparations
33675000: Antihistamines for systemic use
33680000: Pharmaceutical articles
33681000: Teats, nipple shields and similar articles for babies
33682000: Rubber tiles
33683000: Rubber cushioning
33690000: Various medicinal products
33691000: Antiparasitic products, insecticides and repellents
33691100: Antiprotozoals
33691200: Anthelmintics
33691300: Ectoparasiticides, incl. scabicides, insecticides and repellents
33692000: Medical solutions
33692100: Infusion solutions
33692200: Parenteral nutrition products
33692210: Parenteral feeding solutions
33692300: Enteral feeds
33692400: Perfusion solutions
33692500: Injectable solutions
33692510: Intravenous fluids
33692600: Galenical solutions
33692700: Glucose solutions
33692800: Dialysis solutions
33693000: Other therapeutic products
33693100: Toxins
33693200: Nicotine substitutes
33693300: Addiction treatment
33694000: Diagnostic agents
33695000: All other non-therapeutic products
33696000: Reagents and contrast media
33696100: Blood-grouping reagents
33696200: Blood-testing reagents
33696300: Chemical reagents
33696400: Isotopic reagents
33696500: Laboratory reagents
33696600: Reagents for electrophoresis
33696700: Urological reagents
33696800: X-ray contrast media
33697000: Medical preparations excluding dental consumables
33697100: Enema preparations
33697110: Bone reconstruction cements
33698000: Clinical products
33698100: Microbiological cultures
33698200: Glands and their extracts
33698300: Peptic substances
33700000: Personal care products
33710000: Perfumes, toiletries and condoms
33711000: Perfumes and toiletries
33711100: Toilet waters
33711110: Deodorants
33711120: Antiperspirants
33711130: Colognes
33711140: Fragrances
33711150: Rose water
33711200: Make-up preparations
33711300: Manicure or pedicure preparations
33711400: Beauty products
33711410: Cotton buds
33711420: Makeup kits
33711430: Disposable personal wipes
33711440: Lip balm
33711450: Tattoos
33711500: Skin-care products
33711510: Sun protection products
33711520: Bath gels
33711530: Shower caps
33711540: Para-pharmaceutical creams or lotions
33711600: Hair preparations and articles
33711610: Shampoos
33711620: Combs
33711630: Wigs
33711640: Vanity kits
33711700: Articles and preparations for oral or dental hygiene
33711710: Toothbrushes
33711720: Toothpaste
33711730: Toothpicks
33711740: Mouthwash
33711750: Mouth fresheners
33711760: Dental floss
33711770: Infant soother, pacifier and dummy
33711780: Denture cleaning tablets
33711790: Dental kits
33711800: Shaving preparations
33711810: Shaving creams
33711900: Soap
33712000: Condoms
33713000: Foot care products
33720000: Razors and manicure or pedicure sets
33721000: Razors
33721100: Razor blades
33721200: Shavers
33722000: Manicure or pedicure sets
33722100: Manicure sets
33722110: Manicure implements
33722200: Pedicure sets
33722210: Pedicure implements
33722300: Barrettes
33730000: Eye care products and corrective lenses
33731000: Contact lenses
33731100: Corrective lenses
33731110: Intraocular lenses
33731120: Spectacle lenses
33732000: Contact lenses lotions
33733000: Sunglasses
33734000: Spectacles
33734100: Frames and mountings for spectacles
33734200: Glass for spectacles
33735000: Goggles
33735100: Protective goggles
33735200: Frames and mountings for goggles
33740000: Hand and nails care products
33741000: Hand care products
33741100: Hand cleaner
33741200: Hand or body lotions
33741300: Hand sanitizer
33742000: Nail care products
33742100: Nail clippers
33742200: Nail polish
33750000: Baby care products
33751000: Disposable nappies
33752000: Nursing pad
33760000: Toilet paper, handkerchiefs, hand towels and serviettes
33761000: Toilet paper
33762000: Paper handkerchiefs
33763000: Paper hand towels
33764000: Paper serviettes
33770000: Paper sanitary
33771000: Sanitary paper products
33771100: Sanitary towels or tampons
33771200: Paper napkin liners
33772000: Disposable paper products
33790000: Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware
33791000: Hygienic glassware
33792000: Pharmaceutical glassware
33793000: Laboratory glassware
33900000: Post-mortem and mortuary equipment and supplies
33910000: Pathology dissection instruments and supplies
33911000: Autopsy scissors
33912000: Autopsy dissection kits
33912100: Autopsy dissection forceps
33913000: Autopsy bullet probes
33914000: Post-mortem thread, needles or incision clips
33914100: Post-mortem thread
33914200: Post-mortem needles
33914300: Post-mortem incision clips
33915000: Autopsy vein directors
33916000: Autopsy saw blades or accessories
33916100: Autopsy saws
33917000: Dissection boards or pads
33918000: Cases for post-mortem surgical instruments or accessories
33919000: Instrument rolls for post-mortem surgical instruments or accessories
33920000: Autopsy equipment and supplies
33921000: Bone dust collectors
33922000: Cadaver transport bags
33923000: Autopsy head rests, body boards or hanging scales
33923100: Autopsy head rests
33923200: Autopsy body boards
33923300: Autopsy hanging scales
33924000: Autopsy infectious disease kits
33925000: Post-mortem identification tags or bracelets
33926000: Autopsy fluid collection vacuum aspirators or tubing
33927000: Post-mortem rectal thermometers
33928000: Post-mortem finger straighteners
33929000: Cadaver tissue builder kits
33930000: Autopsy furniture
33931000: Autopsy grossing workstations or accessories
33932000: Autopsy sinks or accessories
33933000: Autopsy tables or accessories
33933100: Autopsy tables
33934000: Necropsy tables or accessories
33935000: Post-mortem animal dissection tables or accessories
33936000: Embalming workstations or accessories
33937000: Autopsy downdraft workstations or accessories
33940000: Cadaver transport and storage equipment and supplies
33941000: Cadaver storage racks
33942000: Cadaver carriers
33943000: Cadaver scissor lift trolleys
33944000: Morgue cabinet refrigerators or freezers
33945000: Morgue walk in refrigerators
33946000: Autopsy carts
33947000: Cadaver trays
33948000: Cadaver lifter or transfer devices
33949000: Body transport containers
33950000: Clinical forensics equipment and supplies
33951000: Post-mortem fingerprint or impression materials
33952000: Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation
33953000: Post-mortem blood detection kits or supplies
33954000: Biological evidence collection kits
33960000: Embalming equipment and supplies
33961000: Embalming cavity injectors
33962000: Embalming vein drainage tubes
33963000: Embalming fluids or chemical treatments
33964000: Embalming injecting tubes
33965000: Embalming sinks or accessories
33966000: Embalming kits
33967000: Embalming injector needles
33968000: Eye caps
33970000: Mortuary equipment and supplies
33971000: Mortuary outfits
33972000: Mortuary packs
33973000: Mortuary wraps
33974000: Mortuary aspirators
33975000: Mortuary hardening compounds
34000000: Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation
34100000: Motor vehicles
34110000: Passenger cars
34111000: Estate and saloon cars
34111100: Estate cars
34111200: Saloon cars
34113000: 4-wheel-drive vehicles
34113100: Jeeps
34113200: All-terrain vehicles
34113300: Off-road vehicles
34114000: Specialist vehicles
34114100: Emergency vehicles
34114110: Rescue vehicles
34114120: Paramedic vehicles
34114121: Ambulances
34114122: Patient-transport vehicles
34114200: Police cars
34114210: Prisoner-transport vehicles
34114300: Welfare vehicles
34114400: Minibuses
34115000: Other passenger cars
34115200: Motor vehicles for the transport of fewer than 10 persons
34115300: Second-hand transport vehicles
34120000: Motor vehicles for the transport of 10 or more persons
34121000: Buses and coaches
34121100: Public-service buses
34121200: Articulated buses
34121300: Double-decker buses
34121400: Low-floor buses
34121500: Coaches
34130000: Motor vehicles for the transport of goods
34131000: Pick-ups
34132000: Motor sledges
34133000: Articulated trucks
34133100: Tankers
34133110: Fuel-tanker trucks
34134000: Flatbed and Tipper trucks
34134100: Flatbed trucks
34134200: Tipper trucks
34136000: Vans
34136100: Light vans
34136200: Panel vans
34137000: Second-hand goods vehicles
34138000: Road tractor units
34139000: Chassis
34139100: Chassis cabs
34139200: Chassis bodies
34139300: Complete chassis
34140000: Heavy-duty motor vehicles
34142000: Crane and dumper trucks
34142100: Elevator-platforms trucks
34142200: Skip loaders
34142300: Dumper trucks
34143000: Winter-maintenance vehicles
34144000: Special-purpose motor vehicles
34144100: Mobile drilling derricks
34144200: Vehicles for the emergency services
34144210: Firefighting vehicles
34144211: Turntable-ladder trucks
34144212: Water-tender vehicles
34144213: Fire engines
34144220: Breakdown vehicles
34144300: Mobile bridges
34144400: Road-maintenance vehicles
34144410: Gully emptiers
34144420: Salt spreaders
34144430: Road-sweeping vehicles
34144431: Suction-sweeper vehicles
34144440: Gritter vehicles
34144450: Sprinkler vehicles
34144500: Vehicles for refuse and sewage
34144510: Vehicles for refuse
34144511: Refuse-collection vehicles
34144512: Refuse-compaction vehicles
34144520: Sewage tankers
34144700: Utility vehicles
34144710: Wheeled loaders
34144730: Aircraft-refuelling vehicles
34144740: Aircraft-towing vehicles
34144750: Cargo carriers
34144751: Straddle carriers
34144760: Mobile library vehicles
34144800: Mobile homes
34144900: Electric vehicles
34144910: Electric buses
34150000: Simulators
34151000: Driving simulators
34152000: Training simulators
34200000: Vehicle bodies, trailers or semi-trailers
34210000: Vehicle bodies
34211000: Bus bodies, ambulance bodies and vehicle bodies for goods vehicles
34211100: Bus bodies
34211200: Ambulance bodies
34211300: Vehicle bodies for goods vehicles
34220000: Trailers, semi-trailers and mobile containers
34221000: Special-purpose mobile containers
34221100: Mobile incident units
34221200: Mobile emergency units
34221300: Chemical incident unit
34223000: Trailers and semi-trailers
34223100: Semi-trailers
34223200: Bowsers
34223300: Trailers
34223310: General-purpose trailers
34223320: Horsebox trailers
34223330: Mobile units on trailers
34223340: Tanker trailers
34223350: Turntable-ladder trailers
34223360: Refuelling trailers
34223370: Tipper trailers
34223400: Caravan-type trailers and semi-trailers
34224000: Parts of trailers, semi-trailers and other vehicles
34224100: Parts of trailers and semi-trailers
34224200: Parts of other vehicles
34300000: Parts and accessories for vehicles and their engines
34310000: Engines and engine parts
34311000: Engines
34311100: Internal-combustion engines for motor vehicles and motorcycles
34311110: Spark-ignition engines
34311120: Compression-ignition engines
34312000: Engine parts
34312100: Fan belts
34312200: Spark plugs
34312300: Vehicle radiators
34312400: Pistons
34312500: Gaskets
34312600: Rubber conveyor belts
34312700: Rubber transmission belts
34320000: Mechanical spare parts except engines and engine parts
34321000: Axles and gearboxes
34321100: Axles
34321200: Gearboxes
34322000: Brakes and brake parts
34322100: Brake equipment
34322200: Disc brakes
34322300: Brake linings
34322400: Brake pads
34322500: Brake shoes
34324000: Wheels, parts and accessories
34324100: Wheel-balancing equipment
34325000: Silencers and exhaust pipes
34325100: Silencers
34325200: Exhaust pipes
34326000: Vehicle jacks, clutches and associated parts
34326100: Clutches and associated parts
34326200: Vehicle jacks
34327000: Steering wheels, columns and boxes
34327100: Steering wheels
34327200: Columns and boxes
34328000: Test benches, vehicle conversion kits and seat belts
34328100: Test benches
34328200: Vehicle conversion kits
34328300: Seat belts
34330000: Spare parts for goods vehicles, vans and cars
34350000: Tyres for heavy/light-duty vehicles
34351000: Light-duty tyres
34351100: Tyres for motor cars
34352000: Heavy-duty tyres
34352100: Tyres for trucks
34352200: Tyres for buses
34352300: Agrarian tyres
34360000: Seats for civil aircraft
34370000: Seats for motor vehicles
34390000: Tractor accessories
34400000: Motorcycles, bicycles and sidecars
34410000: Motorcycles
34411000: Parts and accessories for motorcycles
34411100: Motorcycle sidecars
34411110: Parts and accessories for motorcycle sidecars
34411200: Tyres for motorcycles
34420000: Motor scooters and cycles with auxiliary motors
34421000: Motor scooters
34422000: Cycles with auxiliary motors
34430000: Bicycles
34431000: Non-motorised bicycles
34432000: Parts and accessories for bicycles
34432100: Tyres for bicycles
34500000: Ships and boats
34510000: Ships
34511100: Marine patrol vessels
34512000: Ships and similar vessels for the transport of persons or goods
34512100: Ferry boats
34512200: Cruise ships
34512300: Bulk carriers
34512400: Cargo ships
34512500: Goods vessels
34512600: Container carriers
34512700: Ro-Ro vessels
34512800: Tanker ships
34512900: Car carriers
34512950: Refrigerated vessels
34513000: Fishing, emergency and other special vessels
34513100: Fishing vessels
34513150: Factory ships
34513200: Tug boats
34513250: Dredgers
34513300: Seagoing floating docks
34513350: Dive-support vessels
34513400: Floating cranes
34513450: Production vessels
34513500: Seismic survey vessels
34513550: Survey vessels
34513600: Pollution-control vessels
34513650: Fire vessels
34513700: Rescue vessels
34513750: Light vessels
34514000: Floating or submersible drilling or production platforms
34514100: Drillships
34514200: Jack-up rigs
34514300: Platforms drilling rigs
34514400: Floating drilling platforms
34514500: Floating production facility
34514600: Semi-submersible rigs
34514700: Mobile platforms
34514800: Offshore platforms
34514900: Drilling platforms
34515000: Floating structures
34515100: Marker buoys
34515200: Inflatable rafts
34516000: Marine fenders
34520000: Boats
34521000: Specialised boats
34521100: Surveillance boats
34521200: Customs patrol boats
34521300: Police patrol boats
34521400: Lifeboats
34522000: Pleasure and sporting boats
34522100: Sailing boats
34522150: Catamaran sailing boats
34522200: Rescue dinghies
34522250: Sailing dinghies
34522300: Small craft
34522350: Fibreglass dinghies
34522400: Semi-rigid dinghies
34522450: Inflatable craft
34522500: Rubber dinghies
34522550: Canoes
34522600: Rowing boats
34522700: Pedal boats
34600000: Railway and tramway locomotives and rolling stock and associated parts
34610000: Rail locomotives and tenders
34611000: Locomotives
34612000: Locomotive tenders and cable cars
34612100: Locomotive tenders
34612200: Cable cars
34620000: Rolling stock
34621000: Railway maintenance or service vehicles, and railway freight wagons
34621100: Railway freight wagons
34621200: Railway maintenance or service vehicles
34622000: Railway and tramway passenger coaches, and trolleybuses
34622100: Tramway passenger coaches
34622200: Railway passenger coaches
34622300: Trolleybuses
34622400: Railway carriages
34622500: Luggage vans and special-purpose vans
34630000: Parts of railway or tramway locomotives or rolling stock; railways traffic-control equipment
34631000: Parts of locomotives or rolling stock
34631100: Monobloc wheels
34631200: Buffers and drawgear
34631300: Rolling-stock seats
34631400: Wheel axles and tyres and other parts of locomotives or rolling stock
34632000: Railways traffic-control equipment
34632100: Mechanical signalling
34632200: Electrical signalling equipment for railways
34632300: Electrical installations for railways
34640000: Automotive elements
34700000: Aircraft and spacecraft
34710000: Helicopters, aeroplanes, spacecraft and other powered aircraft
34711000: Helicopters and aeroplanes
34711100: Aeroplanes
34711110: Fixed-wing aircrafts
34711200: Non-piloted aircraft
34711300: Piloted aircraft
34711400: Special-purpose aircraft
34711500: Helicopters
34712000: Spacecraft, satellites and launch vehicles
34712100: Spacecraft
34712200: Satellites
34712300: Spacecraft launchers
34720000: Balloons, dirigibles and other non-powered aircraft
34721000: Gliders
34721100: Hang-gliders
34722000: Balloons and dirigibles
34722100: Balloons
34722200: Dirigibles
34730000: Parts for aircraft, spacecraft and helicopters
34731000: Parts for aircraft
34731100: Aircraft engines
34731200: Turbojets
34731300: Turbopropellers
34731400: Jet engines
34731500: Parts for aircraft engines
34731600: Parts for turbojets or turbopropellers
34731700: Parts for helicopters
34731800: Tyres for aircraft
34740000: Aircraft or spacecraft equipment, trainers, simulators and associated parts
34741000: Aircraft equipment
34741100: Aircraft-launching gear
34741200: Aircraft catapult systems
34741300: Deck-arresting gear
34741400: Flight simulators
34741500: Ground flying trainer
34741600: Air-sickness bags
34900000: Miscellaneous transport equipment and spare parts
34911000: Horse or hand-drawn carts and other non-mechanically-propelled vehicles
34911100: Trolleys
34912000: Baggage carts
34912100: Pushchairs
34913000: Miscellaneous spare parts
34913100: Used tyres
34913200: Retreaded tyres
34913300: Fenders
34913400: Clocks for vehicles
34913500: Vehicle locks
34913510: Bicycle locks
34913600: Ship propellers
34913700: Firefighting vehicle ladders
34913800: Anchors
34920000: Road equipment
34921000: Road-maintenance equipment
34921100: Road sweepers
34921200: Runway sweepers
34922000: Road-marking equipment
34922100: Road markings
34922110: Glass beads for road marking
34923000: Road traffic-control equipment
34924000: Variable message signs
34926000: Car park control equipment
34927000: Toll equipment
34927100: Road salt
34928000: Road furniture
34928100: Crash barriers
34928110: Road barriers
34928120: Barrier components
34928200: Fences
34928210: Wooden posts
34928220: Fencing components
34928230: Noise fence
34928300: Safety barriers
34928310: Safety fencing
34928320: Guardrails
34928330: Paravalanche devices
34928340: Snow fences
34928400: Urban furniture
34928410: Marker posts
34928420: Road-danger lamps
34928430: Beacons
34928440: Bus-stop posts
34928450: Bollards
34928460: Road cones
34928470: Signage
34928471: Sign materials
34928472: Sign posts
34928480: Waste and rubbish containers and bins
34928500: Street-lighting equipment
34928510: Street-lighting columns
34928520: Lampposts
34928530: Street lamps
34929000: Highway materials
34930000: Marine equipment
34931000: Harbour equipment
34931100: Docking installations
34931200: Passenger boarding bridges for ships
34931300: Passenger boarding stairs for ships
34931400: Ship bridge simulators
34931500: Vessel traffic control equipment
34932000: Radar sets
34933000: Navigation equipment
34934000: Propeller blades
34940000: Railway equipment
34941000: Rails and accessories
34941100: Rods
34941200: Track rails
34941300: Tramline
34941500: Crossheads
34941600: Crossovers
34941800: Railway points
34942000: Signalling equipment
34942100: Signal posts
34942200: Signalling boxes
34943000: Train-monitoring system
34944000: Points heating system
34945000: Track-alignment machinery
34946000: Railway-track construction materials and supplies
34946100: Railway-track construction materials
34946110: Rails
34946120: Railway materials
34946121: Fishplates and sole plates
34946122: Check rails
34946200: Railway-track construction supplies
34946210: Current-conducting rails
34946220: Switch blades, crossing frogs, point rods and crossing pieces
34946221: Switch blades
34946222: Crossing frogs
34946223: Point rods
34946224: Crossing pieces
34946230: Rail clips, bedplates and ties
34946231: Rail clips
34946232: Bedplates and ties
34946240: Chairs and chair wedges
34947000: Sleepers and parts of sleepers
34947100: Sleepers
34947200: Parts of sleepers
34950000: Loadbearing equipment
34951000: Access platforms
34951200: Sludge-handling equipment
34951300: Sludge-drier installation
34952000: Hydraulic-platforms hoists
34953000: Access ramps
34953100: Ferry ramps
34953300: Passenger walkway
34954000: Gantries
34955000: Floating dock
34955100: Floating storage unit
34960000: Airport equipment
34961000: Baggage-handling system
34961100: Baggage-handling equipment
34962000: Air-traffic control equipment
34962100: Control tower equipment
34962200: Air-traffic control
34962210: Air-traffic control simulation
34962220: Air-traffic control systems
34962230: Air-traffic control training
34963000: Instrument Landing System (ILS)
34964000: Doppler VHF Omni direction Range (DVOR)
34965000: Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)
34966000: Radio Direction Finder and Non-Directional Beacon
34966100: Radio Direction Finder (RDF)
34966200: Non-Directional Beacon (NDB)
34967000: Airport Communication System (COM)
34968000: Airport Surveillance System and Lighting System
34968100: Airport Surveillance System (SUR)
34968200: Airport Lighting System (PAPI)
34969000: Passenger boarding bridges and stairs for aircraft
34969100: Passenger boarding bridges for aircraft
34969200: Passenger boarding stairs for aircraft
34970000: Traffic-monitoring equipment
34971000: Speed camera equipment
34972000: Traffic-flow measuring system
34980000: Transport tickets
34990000: Control, safety, signalling and light equipment
34991000: Field operating lights
34992000: Signs and illuminated signs
34992100: Illuminated traffic signs
34992200: Road signs
34992300: Street signs
34993000: Road lights
34993100: Tunnel lighting
34994000: Lighting for ship guidance and illumination
34994100: Lighting for river guidance and illumination
34995000: Lighting for aircraft guidance and illumination
34996000: Control, safety or signalling equipment for roads
34996100: Traffic lights
34996200: Control, safety or signalling equipment for inland waterways
34996300: Control, safety or signalling equipment for parking facilities
34997000: Control, safety or signalling equipment for airports
34997100: Flight recorders
34997200: Airport lighting
34997210: Runway lights
34998000: Control, safety or signalling equipment for port installations
34999000: Signal generators, aerial signal splitters and electroplating machines
34999100: Signal generators
34999200: Aerial signal splitters
34999300: Electroplating machines
34999400: Scale models
34999410: Aircraft scale models
34999420: Boat scale models
35000000: Security, fire-fighting, police and defence equipment
35100000: Emergency and security equipment
35110000: Firefighting, rescue and safety equipment
35111000: Firefighting equipment
35111100: Breathing apparatus for firefighting
35111200: Firefighting materials
35111300: Fire extinguishers
35111310: Foam packages
35111320: Portable fire-extinguishers
35111400: Fire escape equipment
35111500: Fire suppression system
35111510: Fire suppression hand tools
35111520: Fire suppression foam or similar compounds
35112000: Rescue and emergency equipment
35112100: Emergency training dolls
35112200: Emergency shower
35112300: Eye shower
35113000: Safety equipment
35113100: Site-safety equipment
35113110: Nuclear-reactor protection system
35113200: Nuclear, biological, chemical and radiological protection equipment
35113210: Nuclear safety equipment
35113300: Safety installations
35113400: Protective and safety clothing
35113410: Garments for biological or chemical protection
35113420: Nuclear and radiological protection clothing
35113430: Safety vests
35113440: Reflective vests
35113450: Protective coats or ponchos
35113460: Protective socks or hosiery
35113470: Protective shirts or pants
35113480: Protective wristbands
35113490: Protective frock
35120000: Surveillance and security systems and devices
35121000: Security equipment
35121100: Buzzers
35121200: Detector for forged money
35121300: Security fittings
35121400: Security bags
35121500: Seals
35121600: Tags
35121700: Alarm systems
35121800: Convex security mirrors
35121900: Radar detectors
35123000: Site-identification equipment
35123100: Magnetic-card system
35123200: Flexible-working-hours equipment
35123300: Timekeeping system
35123400: Identification badges
35123500: Video identification systems
35124000: Metal detectors
35125000: Surveillance system
35125100: Sensors
35125110: Biometric sensors
35125200: Time control system or working time recorder
35125300: Security cameras
35126000: Bar code scanning equipment
35200000: Police equipment
35210000: Targets for shooting practice
35220000: Anti-riot equipment
35221000: Water cannons
35230000: Handcuffs
35240000: Sirens
35250000: Repellents for canine attack
35260000: Police signs
35261000: Information panels
35261100: Changing message indicator panels
35262000: Crossing control signalling equipment
35300000: Weapons, ammunition and associated parts
35310000: Miscellaneous weapons
35311000: Swords, cutlasses, bayonets and lances
35311100: Swords
35311200: Cutlasses
35311300: Bayonets
35311400: Lances
35312000: Gas guns
35320000: Firearms
35321000: Light firearms
35321100: Hand guns
35321200: Rifles
35321300: Machine guns
35322000: Artillery
35322100: Anti-aircraft
35322200: Self-propelled artillery
35322300: Towed artillery
35322400: Mortars
35322500: Howitzer
35330000: Ammunition
35331000: Ammunition for firearms and warfare
35331100: Bullets
35331200: Shells
35331300: Grenades
35331400: Land mines
35331500: Cartridges
35332000: Ammunition for naval warfare
35332100: Torpedoes
35332200: Sea mines
35333000: Ammunition for aerial warfare
35333100: Bombs
35333200: Rockets
35340000: Parts of firearms and ammunition
35341000: Parts of light firearms
35341100: Gunmetal pipe fittings
35342000: Parts of rocket launchers
35343000: Parts of mortars
35400000: Military vehicles and associated parts
35410000: Armoured military vehicles
35411000: Battle tanks
35411100: Main battle tanks
35411200: Light battle tanks
35412000: Armoured combat vehicles
35412100: Infantry fighting vehicles
35412200: Armoured personnel carriers
35412300: Armoured weapon carriers
35412400: Reconnaissance and patrol vehicles
35412500: Command and liaison vehicles
35420000: Parts of military vehicles
35421000: Mechanical spare parts for military vehicles
35421100: Engines and engine parts for military vehicles
35422000: Electronic and electrical spare parts for military vehicles
35500000: Warships and associated parts
35510000: Warships
35511000: Surface combatant
35511100: Aircraft carriers
35511200: Destroyers and frigates
35511300: Corvettes and patrol boats
35511400: Amphibious crafts and ships
35512000: Submarines
35512100: Strategic submarine nuclear fuelled
35512200: Attack submarine nuclear fuelled
35512300: Attack submarine diesel fuelled
35512400: Unmanned underwater vehicles
35513000: Mine warfare and auxiliary ships
35513100: Mine hunter/minesweeper
35513200: Auxiliary research vessel
35513300: Auxiliary intelligence collection vessel
35513400: Auxiliary hospital; cargo; tanker; ro-ro vessel
35520000: Parts for warships
35521000: Hull and mechanical spare parts for warships
35521100: Engines and engine parts for warships
35522000: Electronic and electrical spare parts for warships
35600000: Military aircrafts, missiles and spacecrafts
35610000: Military aircrafts
35611100: Fighter aircrafts
35611200: Fighter-bomber/ground attack aircrafts
35611300: Bomber aircrafts
35611400: Military transport aircrafts
35611500: Training aircrafts
35611600: Maritime patrol aircrafts
35611700: Tanker aircrafts
35611800: Reconnaissance aircrafts
35612100: Combat helicopters
35612200: Anti submarine warfare helicopters
35612300: Support helicopters
35612400: Military transport helicopters
35612500: Search and rescue helicopters
35613000: Unmanned aerial vehicles
35613100: Unmanned combat aerial vehicles
35620000: Missiles
35621000: Strategic missiles
35621100: Strategic anti-ballistic missiles
35621200: Inter continental ballistic missiles
35621300: Submarine launched ballistic missiles
35621400: Intermediate range ballistic missiles
35622000: Tactical missiles
35622100: Air-to-air missiles
35622200: Air-to-ground missiles
35622300: Anti-ship missiles
35622400: Anti-submarines rockets
35622500: Tactical anti-ballistic missiles
35622600: Anti-tank guided missiles
35622700: Surface-to-air missiles
35623000: Cruise missiles
35623100: Air/ground/sea launched cruise missiles
35630000: Military spacecrafts
35631000: Military satellites
35631100: Communication satellites
35631200: Observation satellites
35631300: Navigation satellites
35640000: Parts for military aerospace equipment
35641000: Structure and mechanical spare parts for military aerospace equipment
35641100: Engines and engine parts for military aerospace equipment
35642000: Electronic and electrical spare parts for military aerospace equipment
35700000: Military electronic systems
35710000: Command, control, communication and computer systems
35711000: Command, control, communication systems
35712000: Tactical command, control and communication systems
35720000: Intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance
35721000: Electronic intelligence system
35722000: Radar
35723000: Air defence radar
35730000: Electronic warfare systems and counter measures
35740000: Battle simulators
35800000: Individual and support equipment
35810000: Individual equipment
35811100: Fire-brigade uniforms
35811200: Police uniforms
35811300: Military uniforms
35812000: Combat uniforms
35812100: Camouflage jackets
35812200: Combat suits
35812300: Combat gear
35813000: Military helmets
35813100: Helmet covers
35814000: Gas masks
35815000: Garments for anti-ballistic protection
35815100: Bullet-proof vests
35820000: Support equipment
35821000: Flags
35821100: Flagpole
37000000: Musical instruments, sport goods, games, toys, handicraft, art materials and accessories
37300000: Musical instruments and parts
37310000: Musical instruments
37311000: Keyboard instruments
37311100: Pianos
37311200: Accordions
37311300: Musical organs
37311400: Celestas
37312000: Brass instruments
37312100: Trumpets
37312200: Trombones
37312300: Sousaphones
37312400: Saxophones
37312500: Whistle
37312600: Bugles
37312700: Saxhorns
37312800: Mellophones
37312900: Alto, baritone, flugel and French horns
37312910: Alto horns
37312920: Baritone horns
37312930: Flugel horns
37312940: French horns
37313000: String instruments
37313100: Harpsichords
37313200: Clavichords
37313300: Guitars
37313400: Violins
37313500: Harps
37313600: Banjos
37313700: Mandolins
37313800: Violoncellos
37313900: Basses
37314000: Wind instruments
37314100: Clarinets
37314200: Oboes
37314300: Musical cornets and flutes
37314310: Musical cornets
37314320: Musical flutes
37314400: Piccolos
37314500: Bagpipes
37314600: Harmonicas
37314700: Kazoos
37314800: English horns
37314900: Ocarinas
37315000: Electrically amplified musical instruments
37315100: Synthesisers
37316000: Percussion instruments
37316100: Cymbals
37316200: Bells (instrument)
37316300: Tambourines
37316400: Castanets
37316500: Drums (instrument)
37316600: Xylophones
37316700: Vibraphones
37320000: Parts and accessories of musical instruments
37321000: Accessories of musical instruments
37321100: Metronomes
37321200: Reeds
37321300: Accessories for stringed instruments
37321400: Instrument strings or picks
37321500: Percussion instrument accessory
37321600: Musical instrument pouches or cases or accessories
37321700: Musical instrument stands or sheet holders
37322000: Parts of musical instruments
37322100: Tuning pins
37322200: Music boxes or mechanisms
37322300: Mouthpieces
37322400: Mutes
37322500: Tuning bars
37322600: Conductors' batons
37322700: Piccolo pads
37400000: Sports goods and equipment
37410000: Outdoor sports equipment
37411000: Winter equipments
37411100: Skiing and snowboarding equipment
37411110: Ski boots
37411120: Skis
37411130: Ski poles
37411140: Bindings
37411150: Snowboards
37411160: Skiing outfits
37411200: Skating and ice hockey equipment
37411210: Hockey pucks
37411220: Ice skates
37411230: Hockey sticks
37411300: Arctic clothing and equipment
37412000: Water-sports equipment
37412100: Water skis
37412200: Scuba and snorkelling gear
37412210: Buoyancy compensators
37412220: Scuba tanks
37412230: Scuba regulators
37412240: Diving instruments or accessories
37412241: Breathing apparatus for diving
37412242: Diving wear
37412243: Immersion suits
37412250: Masks, fins or snorkels
37412260: Wetsuits
37412270: Dry suits
37412300: Surf and swim equipment and accessories
37412310: Wakeboards, kneeboards or boogieboards
37412320: Windsurfing equipment
37412330: Surfboards
37412340: Swim goggles or swim fins
37412350: Parasailing equipment
37413000: Articles for hunting or fishing
37413100: Fishing tackle
37413110: Fishing rods
37413120: Fishing line
37413130: Fishing reels
37413140: Fishing lures
37413150: Fishing bait
37413160: Fishing weights or sinkers
37413200: Hunting products
37413210: Animal calls
37413220: Sporting decoys
37413230: Sporting traps
37413240: Gun barrel
37414000: Camping goods
37414100: Sleeping pads
37414200: Ice chests
37414300: Tent repair kits
37414600: Camping or outdoor stoves
37414700: Drink coolers
37414800: Survival suits
37415000: Athletics equipment
37416000: Leisure equipment
37420000: Gymnasium equipment
37421000: Gymnasium mats
37422000: Gymnastic bars or beams
37422100: Gymnastic bars
37422200: Gymnastic beams
37423000: Gymnastic ropes or rings or climbing accessories
37423100: Gymnastic ropes
37423200: Gymnastic rings
37423300: Gymnastic climbing accessories
37424000: Gymnastic vaulting equipment
37425000: Gymnastic trampolines
37426000: Balance equipment
37430000: Boxing equipment
37431000: Boxing rings
37432000: Punching bags
37433000: Boxing gloves
37440000: Fitness equipments
37441000: Aerobic training equipment
37441100: Treadmills
37441200: Stair climbers
37441300: Stationary bicycles
37441400: Rowing machines
37441500: Jump ropes
37441600: Exercise trampolines
37441700: Exercise balls
37441800: Step aerobic equipment
37441900: Cross trainers
37442000: Weight and resistance training equipment
37442100: Dumbbells
37442200: Barbells
37442300: Lower and upper body resistance machines
37442310: Lower body resistance machines
37442320: Upper body resistance machines
37442400: Weight benches or racks
37442500: Fitness weights
37442600: Pilates machines
37442700: Grip strengtheners
37442800: Resistance bands and tubes
37442810: Resistance bands
37442820: Resistance tubes
37442900: Multi gyms
37450000: Field and court sports equipment
37451000: Field sports equipment
37451100: Baseballs
37451110: Baseball backstops or fences
37451120: Baseball bases
37451130: Baseball bats
37451140: Baseball batting aids
37451150: Baseball gloves
37451160: Baseball or softball protective gear
37451200: Field hockey equipment
37451210: Field hockey balls
37451220: Field hockey sticks
37451300: Footballs
37451310: Football blocking sleds
37451320: Football kicking tees
37451330: Football tackling dummies
37451340: Flag football gear
37451400: Lacrosse balls
37451500: Lacrosse sticks
37451600: Pitching machines
37451700: Soccer balls
37451710: Soccer field marking equipment
37451720: Soccer protective equipment
37451730: Soccer training aids
37451800: Softballs
37451810: Softball bats
37451820: Softball gloves
37451900: Handballs
37451920: Team handball school sets
37452000: Racquet and court sports equipment
37452100: Badminton equipment
37452110: Badminton birdies or shuttlecocks
37452120: Badminton rackets
37452200: Basketballs
37452210: Basketball complete game systems
37452300: Floor hockey protective equipment
37452400: Racquetball balls, grips and strings
37452410: Racquetball balls
37452420: Racquetball grips
37452430: Racquetball strings
37452500: Racquetball rackets
37452600: Squash equipment
37452610: Squash balls
37452620: Squash racquets
37452700: Tennis equipment
37452710: Tennis balls
37452720: Tennis court equipment
37452730: Tennis racquets
37452740: Tennis training aids
37452800: Tether balls and poles
37452810: Tether balls
37452820: Tether poles
37452900: Volleyballs
37452910: Volleyball gymnasium standards
37452920: Volleyball storage for balls or nets
37453000: Track sports equipment
37453100: Javelins
37453200: Jumping bars
37453300: Discus
37453400: Shotputs
37453500: Vaulting poles
37453600: Hurdles
37453700: Batons
37460000: Target and table games and equipments
37461000: Table games and equipment
37461100: Air hockey tables or accessories
37461200: Foosballs
37461210: Foosball replacement players
37461220: Foosball tables
37461300: Pool cues
37461400: Shuffleboard equipment
37461500: Tennis tables
37461510: Table tennis balls
37461520: Table tennis paddles
37462000: Target games and equipment
37462100: Archery equipments
37462110: Archery arm guards
37462120: Archery arrows
37462130: Archery backstops
37462140: Archery bow strings
37462150: Archery bows
37462160: Archery gloves
37462170: Archery target stands
37462180: Archery targets
37462200: Darts
37462210: Dart boards
37462300: Throwing targets
37462400: Trapshooting equipment
37470000: Golf and bowling equipments
37471000: Golf equipment
37471100: Golf bags
37471200: Golf balls
37471300: Golf clubs
37471400: Golf tees
37471500: Golf club head covers
37471600: Golf gloves
37471700: Divot fixers
37471800: Golfscopes
37471900: Golf putting partner
37472000: Bowling equipments
37480000: Machinery or apparatus for leisure equipment
37481000: Ice maintenance machines
37482000: Sports information billboards
37500000: Games and toys; fairground amusements
37510000: Dolls
37511000: Doll houses
37512000: Doll parts or accessories
37513000: Puppets
37513100: Puppet theatres
37520000: Toys
37521000: Toy musical instruments
37522000: Wheeled toys
37523000: Puzzles
37524000: Games
37524100: Educational games
37524200: Board games
37524300: Classic games
37524400: Collaborative games
37524500: Strategy games
37524600: Memory games
37524700: Game accessories
37524800: Lotto games
37524810: Lottery formulary
37524900: Game kits
37525000: Toy balloons and balls
37526000: Toy pails
37527000: Toy trains and vehicles
37527100: Toy trains
37527200: Toy vehicles
37528000: Toy weapons
37529000: Inflatable and riding toys
37529100: Inflatable toys
37529200: Riding toys
37530000: Articles for funfair, table or parlour games
37531000: Playing cards
37532000: Video games
37533000: Billiards
37533100: Billiard balls
37533200: Billiard chalk
37533300: Billiard cue tips
37533400: Billiard racks
37533500: Billiard tables
37534000: Coin- or disc-operated games
37535000: Roundabouts, swings, shooting galleries and other fairground amusements
37535100: Swings
37535200: Playground equipment
37535210: Playground swings
37535220: Playground climbing apparatus
37535230: Playground merry go rounds
37535240: Playground slides
37535250: Playground see saws
37535260: Playground tunnels
37535270: Playground sandboxes
37535280: Playground bleachers
37535290: Wall and rope climbing equipment
37535291: Wall climbing equipment
37535292: Rope climbing equipment
37540000: Gambling machines
37800000: Handicraft and art supplies
37810000: Handicraft supplies
37820000: Art supplies
37821000: Artists' brushes
37822000: Drawing pens
37822100: Crayons
37822200: Drawing charcoal
37822300: Chalks
37822400: Pastels
37823000: Greaseproof paper and other paper items
37823100: Greaseproof paper
37823200: Tracing paper
37823300: Glassine paper
37823400: Transparent or translucent paper
37823500: Art and craft paper
37823600: Drawing paper
37823700: Paper for maps
37823800: Multi-ply paper and paperboard
37823900: Kraftliner
38000000: Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)
38100000: Navigational and meteorological instruments
38110000: Navigational instruments
38111000: Direction-finding equipment
38111100: Compasses
38111110: Compass accessories
38112000: Sextants
38112100: Global navigation and positioning systems (GPS or equivalent)
38113000: Sonars
38114000: Echo sounders
38115000: Radar apparatus
38115100: Radar surveillance equipment
38120000: Meteorological instruments
38121000: Anemometers
38122000: Barometers
38123000: Precipitation or evaporation recorders
38124000: Radiosonde apparatus
38125000: Rainfall recorders
38126000: Surface observing apparatus
38126100: Precipitation or evaporation surface observing apparatus
38126200: Solar radiation surface observing apparatus
38126300: Temperature or humidity surface observing apparatus
38126400: Wind surface observing apparatus
38127000: Weather stations
38128000: Meteorology instrument accessories
38200000: Geological and geophysical instruments
38210000: Geological compasses
38220000: Geological prospecting apparatus
38221000: Geographic information systems (GIS or equivalent)
38230000: Electromagnetic geophysical instruments
38240000: Gravity geophysical instruments
38250000: Induced polarization IP geophysical instruments
38260000: Magnetometer geophysical instruments
38270000: Resistivity geophysical instruments
38280000: Gravimeters
38290000: Surveying, hydrographic, oceanographic and hydrological instruments and appliances
38291000: Telemetry apparatus
38292000: Hydrographic instruments
38293000: Seismic equipment
38294000: Theodolites
38295000: Topography equipment
38296000: Surveying instruments
38300000: Measuring instruments
38310000: Precision balances
38311000: Electronic scales and accessories
38311100: Electronic analytical balances
38311200: Electronic technical balances
38311210: Calibration weights
38320000: Drafting tables
38321000: Drafting machines
38322000: Pantographs
38323000: Slide rules
38330000: Hand-held instruments for measuring length
38331000: Squares
38340000: Instruments for measuring quantities
38341000: Apparatus for measuring radiation
38341100: Electron-beam recorders
38341200: Radiation dosimeters
38341300: Instruments for measuring electrical quantities
38341310: Ammeters
38341320: Voltmeters
38341400: Geiger counters
38341500: Contamination-monitoring devices
38341600: Radiation monitors
38342000: Oscilloscopes
38342100: Oscillographs
38343000: Error-monitoring equipment
38344000: Pollution-monitoring devices
38400000: Instruments for checking physical characteristics
38410000: Metering instruments
38411000: Hydrometers
38412000: Thermometers
38413000: Pyrometers
38414000: Hygrometers
38415000: Psychrometers
38416000: PH meters
38417000: Thermocouples
38418000: Calorimeters
38420000: Instruments for measuring flow, level and pressure of liquids and gases
38421000: Flow-measuring equipment
38421100: Water meters
38421110: Flowmeters
38422000: Level-measuring equipment
38423000: Pressure-measuring equipment
38423100: Pressure gauges
38424000: Measuring and control equipment
38425000: Fluid mechanics equipment
38425100: Manometers
38425200: Viscosimeters
38425300: Depth indicators
38425400: Structure estimation apparatus
38425500: Strength estimation apparatus
38425600: Pycnometers
38425700: Surface tension measuring instruments
38425800: Densitometers
38426000: Coulometers
38427000: Fluxmeters
38428000: Rheometers
38429000: Rotameters
38430000: Detection and analysis apparatus
38431000: Detection apparatus
38431100: Gas-detection apparatus
38431200: Smoke-detection apparatus
38431300: Fault detectors
38432000: Analysis apparatus
38432100: Gas-analysis apparatus
38432200: Chromatographs
38432210: Gas chromatographs
38432300: Smoke-analysis apparatus
38433000: Spectrometers
38433100: Mass spectrometer
38433200: Emission measurement equipment
38433210: Emission spectrometer
38433300: Spectrum analyser
38434000: Analysers
38434100: Expansion analysers
38434200: Sound-measuring equipment
38434210: Sonometers
38434220: Sound velocity analyzers
38434300: Noise-measuring equipment
38434310: Decibel meter
38434400: Vibration analysers
38434500: Biochemical analysers
38434510: Cytometers
38434520: Blood analysers
38434530: Milk analysers
38434540: Biomedical equipment
38434550: Blood-cell counters
38434560: Chemistry analyser
38434570: Haematology analysers
38434580: Immunoassay analysers
38435000: Apparatus for detecting fluids
38436000: Shakers and accessories
38436100: Mechanical shakers
38436110: Erlenmeyer flask basket for shakers
38436120: Erlenmeyer flask clamps for shakers
38436130: Stands for separating funnels
38436140: Platform for Erlenmeyer flask clamps for shakers
38436150: Petri dish stand for shakers
38436160: Test tube stand for shakers
38436170: Flask adaptor for shakers
38436200: Rotating evaporators
38436210: Protective shield for rotating evaporators
38436220: Boiling temperature sensor for rotating evaporators
38436230: Pressure regulator for rotating evaporators
38436300: Incubating shakers
38436310: Heating plates
38436320: Heating plates for flasks
38436400: Magnetic shakers
38436410: Thermal regulators for mechanical shakers with heating plates
38436500: Mechanical stirrers
38436510: Blade impellers for mechanical stirrers
38436600: Immersion homogenisers
38436610: Dispersing instruments for immersion homogenisers
38436700: Ultrasound disintegrators
38436710: Probes for ultrasound disintegrators
38436720: Converters for ultrasound disintegrators
38436730: Continuous-flow chambers for ultrasound disintegrators
38436800: Rotating blade homogenizers
38437000: Laboratory pipettes and accessories
38437100: Pipettes
38437110: Pipette tips
38437120: Pipette stands
38500000: Checking and testing apparatus
38510000: Microscopes
38511000: Electron microscopes
38511100: Scanning electron microscopes
38511200: Transmission electron microscope
38512000: Ion and molecular microscopes
38512100: Ion microscopes
38512200: Molecular microscopes
38513000: Inverted and metallurgical microscopes
38513100: Inverted microscopes
38513200: Metallurgical microscopes
38514000: Darkfield and scanning probe microscopes
38514100: Darkfield microscopes
38514200: Scanning probe microscopes
38515000: Fluorescent and polarising microscopes
38515100: Polarising microscopes
38515200: Fluorescent microscopes
38516000: Monocular and/or binocular light compound microscopes
38517000: Acoustic and projection microscopes
38517100: Acoustic microscopes
38517200: Projection microscopes
38518000: Wide field, stereo or dissecting light microscopes
38518100: Wide field microscopes
38518200: Stereo or dissecting light microscopes
38519000: Miscellaneous compounds for microscopes
38519100: Illuminators for microscopes
38519200: Microscope objectives
38519300: Photo or video attachments for microscopes
38519310: Photo attachments for microscopes
38519320: Video attachments for microscopes
38519400: Automated microscope stages
38519500: Laboratory microscope replacement bulbs
38519600: Microscope eyepieces, condensers, collectors, tubes, stages and covers
38519610: Microscope eyepieces
38519620: Microscope condensers
38519630: Microscope collectors
38519640: Microscope tubes
38519650: Microscope stages
38519660: Microscope covers
38520000: Scanners
38521000: Pressure scanners
38522000: Chromatographic scanners
38527100: Ionization chamber dosimeters
38527200: Dosimeters
38527300: Secondary standard dosimetry systems
38527400: Phantom dosimeters
38530000: Diffraction apparatus
38540000: Machines and apparatus for testing and measuring
38541000: Solderability testers
38542000: Servo-hydraulic test apparatus
38543000: Gas-detection equipment
38544000: Drug detection apparatus
38545000: Gas-testing kits
38546000: Explosives detection system
38546100: Bomb detectors
38547000: Dosimetry system
38548000: Instruments for vehicles
38550000: Meters
38551000: Energy meters
38552000: Electronic meters
38553000: Magnetic meters
38554000: Electricity meters
38560000: Production counters
38561000: Revolution counters
38561100: Speed indicators for vehicles
38561110: Tachometers
38561120: Taxi meters
38562000: Stroboscopes
38570000: Regulating and controlling instruments and apparatus
38571000: Speed limiters
38580000: Non-medical equipment based on the use of radiations
38581000: Baggage-scanning equipment
38582000: X-ray inspection equipment
38600000: Optical instruments
38620000: Polarising material
38621000: Fibre-optic apparatus
38622000: Mirrors
38623000: Optical filters
38624000: Optical aids
38630000: Astronomical and optical instruments
38631000: Binoculars
38632000: Nightglasses
38633000: Telescopic sights
38634000: Optical microscopes
38635000: Telescopes
38636000: Specialist optical instruments
38636100: Lasers
38636110: Industrial lasers
38640000: Liquid crystal devices
38641000: Periscopes
38650000: Photographic equipment
38651000: Cameras
38651100: Camera lenses
38651200: Camera bodies
38651300: Cameras for preparing printing plates or cylinders
38651400: Instant print cameras
38651500: Cinematographic cameras
38651600: Digital cameras
38652000: Cinematographic projectors
38652100: Projectors
38652110: Slide projectors
38652120: Video projectors
38652200: Enlargers
38652300: Reducers
38653000: Apparatus for photographic laboratories
38653100: Flashlights
38653110: Photographic flashbulbs
38653111: Photographic flashcubes
38653200: Photographic enlargers
38653300: Apparatus and equipment for developing film
38653400: Projection screens
38654000: Microfilm and microfiche equipment
38654100: Microfilm equipment
38654110: Microfilm readers
38654200: Microfiche equipment
38654210: Microfiche readers
38654300: Microform equipment
38654310: Microform readers
38700000: Time registers and the like; parking meters
38710000: Time registers
38720000: Time recorders
38730000: Parking meters
38731000: Token meters
38740000: Process timers
38750000: Time switches
38800000: Industrial process control equipment and remote-control equipment
38810000: Industrial process control equipment
38820000: Remote-control equipment
38821000: Radio remote-control apparatus
38822000: Remote-control siren devices
38900000: Miscellaneous evaluation or testing instruments
38910000: Hygiene monitoring and testing equipment
38911000: Manual swab test kits
38912000: Automated swab test kits
38920000: Seed and feed equipment
38921000: Grain analysers
38922000: Seed counters
38923000: Feed analysers
38930000: Humidity and moisture measuring instruments
38931000: Temperature humidity testers
38932000: Moisture meters
38940000: Nuclear evaluation instruments
38941000: Alpha counters
38942000: Alpha beta counters
38943000: Beta counters
38944000: Beta gamma counters
38945000: Gamma counters
38946000: KVP meters
38947000: X-ray microanalysers
38950000: Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) equipment
38951000: Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) equipment
38960000: Alcohol ignition lock
38970000: Research, testing and scientific technical simulator
39100000: Furniture
39110000: Seats, chairs and related products, and associated parts
39111000: Seats
39111100: Swivel seats
39111200: Theatre seats
39111300: Ejector seats
39112000: Chairs
39112100: Dining chairs
39113000: Miscellaneous seats and chairs
39113100: Armchairs
39113200: Settees
39113300: Bench seats
39113400: Deck chairs
39113500: Stools
39113600: Benches
39113700: Footrests
39114000: Parts of seats
39114100: Upholstering
39120000: Tables, cupboards, desk and bookcases
39121000: Desks and tables
39121100: Desks
39121200: Tables
39122000: Cupboards and bookcases
39122100: Cupboards
39122200: Bookcases
39130000: Office furniture
39131000: Office shelving
39131100: Archive shelving
39132000: Filing systems
39132100: Filing cabinets
39132200: Card-index cabinets
39132300: Hanging files
39132400: Carousel systems
39132500: Office trolleys
39133000: Display units
39134000: Computer furniture
39134100: Computer tables
39135000: Sorting tables
39135100: Sorting frames
39136000: Coat hangers
39137000: Water softeners
39140000: Domestic furniture
39141000: Kitchen furniture and equipment
39141100: Shelves
39141200: Worktops
39141300: Cabinets
39141400: Fitted kitchens
39141500: Fume cupboards
39142000: Garden furniture
39143000: Bedroom, dining room and living-room furniture
39143100: Bedroom furniture
39143110: Beds and bedding and specialist soft furnishings
39143111: Mattress supports
39143112: Mattresses
39143113: Specialist soft furnishings
39143114: Electric blankets
39143115: Rubber sheets
39143116: Cots
39143120: Bedroom furniture, other than beds and beddings
39143121: Wardrobes
39143122: Chests of drawers
39143123: Bedside tables
39143200: Dining-room furniture
39143210: Dining tables
39143300: Living-room furniture
39143310: Coffee tables
39144000: Bathroom furniture
39145000: Wine cellar fixtures
39150000: Miscellaneous furniture and equipment
39151000: Miscellaneous furniture
39151100: Racking
39151200: Work benches
39151300: Modular furniture
39152000: Mobile bookshelves
39153000: Conference-room furniture
39153100: Bookstands
39154000: Exhibition equipment
39154100: Exhibition stands
39155000: Library furniture
39155100: Library equipment
39156000: Lounge and reception-area furniture
39157000: Parts of furniture
39160000: School furniture
39161000: Kindergarten furniture
39162000: Educational equipment
39162100: Teaching equipment
39162110: Teaching supplies
39162200: Training aids and devices
39170000: Shop furniture
39171000: Display cases
39172000: Counters
39172100: Servery counters
39173000: Storage units
39174000: Shop signs
39180000: Laboratory furniture
39181000: Laboratory benching
39190000: Wallpaper and other coverings
39191000: Paper- or paperboard-based wall coverings
39191100: Wallpaper
39192000: Textile wall coverings
39193000: Paper- or paperboard-based floor coverings
39200000: Furnishing
39220000: Kitchen equipment, household and domestic items and catering supplies
39221000: Kitchen equipment
39221100: Kitchenware
39221110: Crockery
39221120: Cups and glasses
39221121: Cups
39221122: Cuplets
39221123: Drinking glasses
39221130: Food containers
39221140: Water canteens
39221150: Vacuum flasks
39221160: Trays
39221170: Drying racks
39221180: Cooking utensils
39221190: Plate racks
39221200: Tableware
39221210: Plates
39221220: Dishes
39221230: Saucers
39221240: Bowls
39221250: Decanters
39221260: Mess tins
39222000: Catering supplies
39222100: Disposable catering supplies
39222110: Disposable cutlery and plates
39222120: Disposable cups
39222200: Food trays
39223000: Spoons, forks
39223100: Spoons
39223200: Forks
39224000: Brooms and brushes and other articles of various types
39224100: Brooms
39224200: Brushes
39224210: Painters' brushes
39224300: Brooms and brushes and other articles for household cleaning
39224310: Toilet brushes
39224320: Sponges
39224330: Buckets
39224340: Bins
39224350: Dustpans
39225000: Lighters, articles of combustible materials, pyrotechnics, matches and liquid or liquefied gas fuels
39225100: Cigarette lighters
39225200: Pyrophoric alloys
39225300: Matches
39225400: Gas fuels for lighters
39225500: Pyrotechnics
39225600: Candles
39225700: Bottles, jars and phials
39225710: Bottles
39225720: Jars
39225730: Phials
39226000: Carboys, bottle cases, flasks and bobbins
39226100: Bottle cases
39226200: Carboys and flasks
39226210: Carboys
39226220: Flasks
39226300: Spools or bobbins
39227000: Sewing and knitting needles, and thimbles
39227100: Sewing needles or knitting needles
39227110: Sewing needles
39227120: Knitting needles
39227200: Thimbles
39230000: Special-purpose product
39234000: Compost boxes
39235000: Tokens
39236000: Spray booths
39237000: Snow poles
39240000: Cutlery
39241000: Knives and scissors
39241100: Knives
39241110: Table knives
39241120: Cooks' knives
39241130: Utility knives
39241200: Scissors
39254000: Horology
39254100: Clocks
39254110: Alarm clocks
39254120: Wall clocks
39254130: Glass for clocks
39260000: Delivery trays and desk equipment
39261000: Delivery trays
39263000: Desk equipment
39263100: Desk sets
39264000: Fittings for loose-leaf binders or files
39265000: Hooks and eyes
39270000: Religious articles
39290000: Miscellaneous furnishing
39291000: Laundry supplies
39292000: School slates or boards with writing or drawing surfaces or instruments
39292100: Blackboards
39292110: Erasers for blackboards
39292200: Writing slates
39292300: Drawing instruments
39292400: Writing instruments
39292500: Rulers
39293000: Artificial products
39293100: Artificial fruit
39293200: Artificial flowers
39293300: Artificial grass
39293400: Artificial lawn
39293500: Imitation jewellery
39294000: Apparatus and equipment designed for demonstrational purposes
39294100: Information and promotion products
39295000: Umbrellas and sunshades; walking sticks and seat sticks
39295100: Sunshades
39295200: Umbrellas
39295300: Seat sticks
39295400: Walking sticks
39295500: Parts, trimmings and accessories of umbrellas, sunshades, walking sticks and similar articles
39296000: Funeral supplies
39296100: Coffins
39297000: Barracks supplies
39298000: Statuettes, ornaments; photograph or picture frames, and mirrors
39298100: Photograph frames
39298200: Picture frames
39298300: Flower bowls
39298400: Statuettes
39298500: Ornaments
39298600: Globes
39298700: Trophies
39298800: Aquariums
39298900: Miscellaneous decoration items
39298910: Christmas tree
39299000: Glassware
39299100: Glass ampoules
39299200: Safety glass
39299300: Glass mirrors
39300000: Miscellaneous equipment
39310000: Catering equipment
39311000: Light catering equipment
39312000: Food-preparation equipment
39312100: Meat slicers
39312200: Canteen equipment
39313000: Hotel equipment
39314000: Industrial kitchen equipment
39315000: Restaurant equipment
39330000: Disinfection equipment
39340000: Gas network equipment
39341000: Gas pressure equipment
39350000: Sewerage works equipment
39360000: Sealing equipment
39370000: Water installations
39500000: Textile articles
39510000: Textile household articles
39511000: Blankets and travelling rugs
39511100: Blankets
39511200: Travelling rugs
39512000: Bed linen
39512100: Sheets
39512200: Duvet covers
39512300: Mattress covers
39512400: Eiderdowns
39512500: Pillowcases
39512600: Bolstercases
39513000: Table linen
39513100: Tablecloths
39513200: Table napkins
39514000: Toilet and kitchen linen
39514100: Towels
39514200: Tea towels
39514300: Roller towels
39514400: Automatic towel dispensers
39514500: Face cloths
39515000: Curtains, drapes, valances and textile blinds
39515100: Curtains
39515110: Smoke curtains
39515200: Drapes
39515300: Valances
39515400: Blinds
39515410: Interior blinds
39515420: Textile blinds
39515430: Venetian blinds
39515440: Vertical blinds
39516000: Furnishing articles
39516100: Soft furnishings
39516110: Cushions
39516120: Pillows
39518000: Hospital linen
39518100: Operating-theatre drapes
39518200: Operating-theatre sheets
39520000: Made-up textile articles
39522000: Tarpaulins, sails for boats, sailboards or land craft, awnings, sunblinds, tents and camping goods
39522100: Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds
39522110: Tarpaulins
39522120: Awnings
39522130: Sunblinds
39522200: Camouflage covers
39522400: Sails
39522500: Textile camping goods
39522510: Pneumatic mattresses
39522520: Camp beds
39522530: Tents
39522540: Sleeping bags
39522541: Sleeping bags filled with feathers or down
39523000: Parachutes
39523100: Dirigible parachutes
39523200: Rotochutes
39525000: Miscellaneous manufactured textile articles
39525100: Dusters
39525200: Filter elements of cloth
39525300: Life jackets
39525400: Fire blankets
39525500: Mosquito nets
39525600: Dishcloths
39525700: Life belts
39525800: Cleaning cloths
39525810: Polishing cloths
39530000: Carpets, mats and rugs
39531000: Carpets
39531100: Knotted carpeting
39531200: Woven carpeting
39531300: Tufted carpeting
39531310: Carpet tiles
39531400: Carpeting
39532000: Mats
39533000: Rugs
39534000: Industrial carpeting
39540000: Miscellaneous cordage, rope, twine and netting
39541000: Cordage, rope, twine and netting
39541100: Twine, cordage and rope
39541110: Rope
39541120: Cordage
39541130: String
39541140: Twine
39541200: Textile nets
39541210: Knotted nets
39541220: Slings
39542000: Rags
39550000: Non-woven articles
39560000: Miscellaneous textile articles
39561000: Tulle, lace, narrow-woven fabrics, trimmings and embroidery
39561100: Narrow-woven fabrics; trimmings
39561110: Ribbon
39561120: Textile tape
39561130: Textile labels and badges
39561131: Textile labels
39561132: Textile badges
39561133: Insignia
39561140: Ornamental trimmings
39561141: Braids
39561142: Epaulettes
39561200: Net fabrics
39562000: Felt
39563000: Textile wadding, yarns, fabrics and articles for technical uses
39563100: Textile wadding
39563200: Metallised yarn
39563300: Woven fabrics of metal thread
39563400: Impregnated, coated or covered textile fabrics
39563500: Textile articles for technical uses
39563510: Textile hosepiping
39563520: Textile conveyor belts
39563530: Ventilation ducting
39563600: Quilted textile products
39700000: Domestic appliances
39710000: Electrical domestic appliances
39711000: Electrical domestic appliances for use with foodstuffs
39711100: Refrigerators and freezers
39711110: Refrigerator-freezers
39711120: Freezers
39711121: Chest-type freezers
39711122: Household freezers
39711123: Upright-type freezers
39711124: Industrial freezers
39711130: Refrigerators
39711200: Food processors
39711210: Food blenders
39711211: Food mixers
39711300: Electrothermic appliances
39711310: Electric coffee makers
39711320: Electric tea makers
39711330: Electric toasters
39711340: Plate warmers
39711350: Waffle irons
39711360: Ovens
39711361: Electric ovens
39711362: Microwave ovens
39711400: Roasters, hobs, hotplates and boiling rings
39711410: Roasters
39711420: Hobs
39711430: Hotplates
39711440: Boiling rings
39711500: Can openers
39712000: Electrical domestic appliances for use with the human body
39712100: Hair clippers
39712200: Hairdressing appliances
39712210: Hair dryers
39712300: Hand-drying apparatus
39713000: Electrical domestic appliances for cleaning; smoothing irons
39713100: Dishwashing machines
39713200: Clothes-washing and drying machines
39713210: Washer/dryers
39713211: Drying and pressing unit
39713300: Rubbish compactors
39713400: Floor-maintenance machines
39713410: Floor-cleaning machines
39713420: Floor polishers
39713430: Vacuum cleaners
39713431: Accessories for vacuum cleaners
39713500: Electric irons
39713510: Steam irons
39714000: Ventilating or recycling hoods
39714100: Ventilators
39714110: Extraction ventilators
39715000: Water heaters and heating for buildings; plumbing equipment
39715100: Electric instantaneous or storage water heaters and immersion heaters
39715200: Heating equipment
39715210: Central-heating equipment
39715220: Electric heating resistors
39715230: Electric soil-heating apparatus
39715240: Electric space-heating apparatus
39715300: Plumbing equipment
39716000: Parts of electrical domestic appliances
39717000: Fans and air-conditioning appliances
39717100: Fans
39717200: Air-conditioning appliances
39720000: Non-electric domestic appliances
39721000: Domestic cooking or heating equipment
39721100: Domestic cooking appliances
39721200: Gas refrigerators
39721300: Non-electric air heaters or hot air-distributors
39721310: Air heaters
39721320: Air dryers
39721321: Compressed-air dryers
39721400: Instantaneous or storage non-electric water heaters
39721410: Gas appliances
39721411: Gas heaters
39722000: Parts of stoves, cookers, plate warmers and domestic appliances
39722100: Parts of stoves
39722200: Parts of cookers
39722300: Parts of plate warmers
39800000: Cleaning and polishing products
39810000: Odoriferous preparations and waxes
39811000: Preparations for perfuming or deodorising rooms
39811100: Air freshener
39811110: Air freshener dispensers
39811200: Air sanitisers
39811300: Deodorisers
39812000: Polishes and creams
39812100: Floor polishes
39812200: Shoe polishes
39812300: Polishing waxes
39812400: Sweeping compounds
39812500: Sealants
39813000: Scouring pastes and powders
39820000: Organic surface-active agents
39821000: Ammonia cleaners
39822000: Caustic cleaners
39830000: Cleaning products
39831000: Washing preparations
39831100: Oil dispersant
39831200: Detergents
39831210: Dishwasher detergents
39831220: Degreasing agents
39831230: Grease digesters
39831240: Cleaning compounds
39831250: Rinsing solutions
39831300: Floor cleaners
39831400: Screen cleaners
39831500: Automotive cleaners
39831600: Toilet cleaners
39831700: Automatic soap dispensers
39832000: Dishwashing products
39832100: Dishwashing powder
39833000: Anti-dust products
39834000: Jewellery cleaning solutions
41000000: Collected and purified water
41100000: Natural water
41110000: Drinking water
41120000: Non-drinking water
42000000: Industrial machinery
42100000: Machinery for the production and use of mechanical power
42110000: Turbines and motors
42111000: Motors
42111100: Outboard motors for marine propulsion
42112000: Turbine installations
42112100: Steam turbines
42112200: Hydraulic turbines
42112210: Water wheels
42112300: Gas turbines
42112400: Turbine equipment
42112410: Turbine instruments
42113000: Parts of turbines
42113100: Parts of steam turbines
42113110: Base plates
42113120: Casings
42113130: Condenser air-cooling systems
42113150: Lubricating oil systems
42113160: Moisture separators
42113161: Dehumidifiers
42113170: Rotary equipment
42113171: Rotors
42113172: Blades
42113190: Turning gear
42113200: Parts of hydraulic turbines
42113300: Parts of gas turbines
42113310: Air-inlet systems
42113320: Gas-injection module
42113390: Fuel-gas systems
42113400: Parts of water wheels
42120000: Pumps and compressors
42121000: Hydraulic or pneumatic power engines and motors
42121100: Hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders
42121200: Hydraulic power engines
42121300: Pneumatic power engines
42121400: Hydraulic power motors
42121500: Pneumatic power motors
42122000: Pumps
42122100: Pumps for liquids
42122110: Pumps for firefighting
42122120: Helicopter refuelling package
42122130: Water pumps
42122160: Cooling pumps
42122161: Cooling-water pumps
42122170: Lubricating pumps
42122180: Fuel pumps
42122190: Concrete pumps
42122200: Reciprocating positive-displacement pumps for liquids
42122210: Hydraulic power packs
42122220: Sewage pumps
42122230: Dosing pumps
42122300: Pressure boosters for liquids
42122400: Centrifugal pumps and liquid elevators
42122410: Pumps for medical use
42122411: Nutritional pumps
42122419: Perfusion pumps
42122420: Liquid elevators
42122430: Centrifugal pumps
42122440: Rotary pumps
42122450: Vacuum pumps
42122460: Air pumps
42122480: Impeller pumps
42122500: Laboratory pumps and accessories
42122510: Peristaltic pumps
42123000: Compressors
42123100: Gas compressors
42123200: Rotary compressors
42123300: Compressors for refrigerating equipment
42123400: Air compressors
42123410: Mounted air compressors
42123500: Turbo-compressors
42123600: Reciprocating displacement compressors
42123610: Compressed-air package
42123700: Centrifugal compressors
42123800: Compressors for use in civil aircraft
42124000: Parts of pumps, compressors, engines or motors
42124100: Parts of engines or motors
42124130: Parts of pneumatic engines
42124150: Parts of hydraulic power engines or motors
42124170: Parts of reaction engines
42124200: Parts of pumps or liquid elevators
42124210: Parts of fuel, hand and concrete pumps
42124211: Parts of fuel pumps
42124212: Parts of hand pumps
42124213: Parts of concrete pumps
42124220: Parts of reciprocating positive-displacement pumps
42124221: Parts of hydraulic power packs
42124222: Parts of dosing pumps
42124230: Parts of rotary positive-displacement pumps
42124290: Parts of centrifugal pumps
42124300: Parts of air or vacuum pumps, of air or gas compressors
42124310: Parts of air pumps
42124320: Parts of vacuum pumps
42124330: Parts of air compressors
42124340: Parts of gas compressors
42130000: Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances
42131000: Taps, cocks and valves
42131100: Valves defined by function
42131110: Central-heating radiator valves
42131120: Sluice valves
42131130: Temperature regulators
42131140: Pressure-reducing, control, check or safety valves
42131141: Pressure-reducing valves
42131142: Control valves
42131143: Flood-control valves
42131144: Process-control valves
42131145: Check valves
42131146: Non-return valves
42131147: Safety valves
42131148: Stop valves
42131150: Standpipe valves
42131160: Hydrants
42131170: Gas-cylinder outlet valves
42131200: Valves defined by construction
42131210: Knife valves
42131220: Penstock valves
42131230: Gate valves
42131240: Globe valves
42131250: Needle valves
42131260: Ball valves
42131270: Plug valves
42131280: Butterfly valves
42131290: Diaphragm valves
42131291: Sliding valves
42131292: Flap valves
42131300: Christmas trees and other assemblies of valves
42131310: Oilrig Christmas trees
42131320: Choke manifolds
42131390: Assemblies of valves
42131400: Sanitary taps, cocks
42132000: Parts of taps and valves
42132100: Valve actuators
42132110: Electric valve actuators
42132120: Hydraulic valve actuators
42132130: Pneumatic valve actuators
42132200: Tap parts
42132300: Valve parts
42140000: Gears, gearing and driving elements
42141000: Plain gears, gearing and driving elements
42141100: Transmission, cam- and crank- shafts
42141110: Transmission shafts
42141120: Camshafts
42141130: Crankshafts
42141200: Bearing housings
42141300: Gears and gearing
42141400: Flywheels and pulleys
42141410: Winches
42141500: Clutches
42141600: Pulley blocks
42141700: Shaft couplings
42141800: Universal joints
42142000: Parts of gearing and driving elements
42142100: Parts of gearing elements
42142200: Parts of driving elements
42150000: Nuclear reactors and parts
42151000: Nuclear reactors
42152000: Parts of nuclear reactors
42152100: Reactor-cooling systems
42152200: Parts of nuclear-reactor vessels
42160000: Boiler installations
42161000: Hot-water boilers
42162000: Steam-generating boilers
42163000: Steam generators
42164000: Auxiliary plant for use with boilers
42165000: Steam condensers
42200000: Machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing and associated parts
42210000: Food, beverage and tobacco-processing machinery
42211000: Dairy machinery
42211100: Centrifugal cream separators
42212000: Machinery for processing cereals or dried vegetables
42213000: Machinery used in the manufacture of alcoholic or fruit beverages
42214000: Cooking ovens, dryers for agricultural products and equipment for cooking or heating
42214100: Cooking ovens
42214110: Grills
42214200: Dryers for agricultural products
42215000: Machinery for the industrial preparation or manufacture of food or drink
42215100: Food-cutting machines
42215110: Bread-slicing machines
42215120: Bacon slicers
42215200: Food-processing machinery
42215300: Pasta-making machines
42216000: Machinery for processing tobacco
42220000: Parts of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing
42221000: Parts of machinery for food processing
42221100: Parts of dairy machinery
42221110: Parts of milking machines
42222000: Parts of machinery for beverage processing
42223000: Parts of machinery for tobacco processing
42300000: Industrial or laboratory furnaces, incinerators and ovens
42310000: Furnace burners
42320000: Waste incinerators
42330000: Smelting furnaces
42340000: Non-domestic ovens
42341000: Commercial ovens
42350000: Cremators
42390000: Parts of furnace burners, furnaces or ovens
42400000: Lifting and handling equipment and parts
42410000: Lifting and handling equipment
42411000: Pulley tackle and hoists
42412000: Pithead winding gear, winches for underground use, and capstans
42412100: Pithead winding gear and winches for use underground
42412110: Pithead winding gear
42412120: Winches for use underground
42412200: Capstans
42413000: Jacks and vehicle hoists
42413100: Built-in jacking systems
42413200: Hydraulic jacks
42413300: Pneumatic jacks
42413400: Mechanical jacks
42413500: Vehicle hoists
42414000: Cranes, mobile lifting frames and works trucks fitted with a crane
42414100: Cranes
42414110: Harbour cranes
42414120: Quayside cranes
42414130: Stacker cranes
42414140: Container cranes
42414150: Tower cranes
42414200: Overhead travelling cranes
42414210: Travelling crane
42414220: Traversing bridge
42414300: Portal jib cranes
42414310: Mobile lifting frames
42414320: Pedestal jib cranes
42414400: Vehicle-mounted cranes
42414410: Cranes for trucks
42414500: Bridge cranes
42415000: Forklift trucks, works trucks, railway-station platforms tractors
42415100: Lifting trucks
42415110: Forklift trucks
42415200: Works trucks
42415210: Works trucks fitted with handling equipment
42415300: Railway-station platforms tractors
42415310: Free-steered vehicles (FSVS)
42415320: Equipment for emergency vehicles
42416000: Lifts, skip hoists, hoists, escalators and moving walkways
42416100: Lifts
42416110: Bath lifts
42416120: Goods lifts
42416130: Mechanical lifts
42416200: Skip hoists
42416210: Bin-lifts
42416300: Hoists
42416400: Escalators
42416500: Moving walkways
42417000: Elevators and conveyors
42417100: Pneumatic elevators or conveyors
42417200: Conveyors
42417210: Bucket-type, continuous-action elevators or conveyors
42417220: Belt-type continuous-action elevators or conveyors
42417230: Armoured-faced conveyors (AFCS) for mining
42417300: Conveyor equipment
42417310: Conveyor belts
42418000: Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery
42418100: Mine-wagon pushers and locomotive or wagon traversers
42418200: Monorail or ski-lift equipment
42418210: Overhead monorail equipment
42418220: Chairlifts
42418290: Ski-lift equipment
42418300: Flare tip removal equipment
42418400: Carousel storage and retrieval machines
42418500: Mechanical handling equipment
42418900: Loading or handling machinery
42418910: Loading equipment
42418920: Unloading equipment
42418930: Sideloaders
42418940: Container-handling equipment
42419000: Parts of lifting and handling equipment
42419100: Parts of cranes
42419200: Parts of works trucks
42419500: Parts of lift, skip hoists or escalators
42419510: Parts of lifts
42419520: Parts of skip hoists
42419530: Parts of escalators
42419540: Parts of moving walkways
42419800: Parts of conveyors
42419810: Parts of belt conveyors
42419890: Parts of bucket conveyors
42419900: Parts of winding gear and other lifting or handling equipment
42420000: Buckets, shovels, grabs and grips for cranes or excavators
42500000: Cooling and ventilation equipment
42510000: Heat-exchange units, air-conditioning and refrigerating equipment, and filtering machinery
42511000: Heat-exchange units and machinery for liquefying air or other gases
42511100: Heat-exchange units
42511110: Heat pumps
42511200: Machinery for liquefying air or other gases
42512000: Air-conditioning installations
42512100: Window air-conditioning machines
42512200: Wall air-conditioning machines
42512300: HVAC packages
42512400: Vehicle air conditioners
42512500: Parts of air-conditioning machines
42512510: Dampers
42512520: Louvres
42513000: Refrigerating and freezing equipment
42513100: Freezing equipment
42513200: Refrigerating equipment
42513210: Refrigerated showcases
42513220: Refrigerated counters
42513290: Commercial refrigerating equipment
42514000: Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying gases
42514200: Electrostatic air and gas cleaners
42514300: Filtering apparatus
42514310: Air filters
42514320: Gas filters
42515000: District heating boiler
42520000: Ventilation equipment
42521000: Smoke-extraction equipment
42522000: Non-domestic fans
42522100: Parts of fans
42530000: Parts of refrigerating and freezing equipment and heat pumps
42531000: Parts of refrigerating equipment
42532000: Parts of freezing equipment
42533000: Parts of heat pumps
42600000: Machine tools
42610000: Machine tools operated by laser and machining centres
42611000: Special-purpose machine tools
42612000: Machining centre
42612100: Horizontal-spindle machining centre
42612200: Vertical-spindle machining centre
42620000: Lathes, boring and milling machine tools
42621000: Lathes
42621100: CNC lathe
42622000: Threading or tapping machines
42623000: Milling machines
42630000: Metal-working machine tools
42631000: Machine tools for finishing metals
42632000: Numerically-controlled machines for metal
42633000: Bending, folding, straightening or flattening machines
42634000: Forging machines
42635000: Die-stamping machines
42636000: Presses
42636100: Hydraulic presses
42637000: Machine tools for drilling, boring or milling metal
42637100: Machine tools for drilling metal
42637200: Machine tools for boring metal
42637300: Machine tools for milling metal
42638000: Metal-working machining centre
42640000: Machine tools for working hard materials except metals
42641000: Machine tools for working stone, ceramics, concrete or glass
42641100: Machine tools for working stone
42641200: Machine tools for working ceramics
42641300: Machine tools for working concrete
42641400: Machine tools for working glass
42642000: Machine tools for working wood, bone, cork, hard rubber or hard plastics
42642100: Machine tools for working wood
42642200: Machine tools for working bone
42642300: Machine tools for working cork
42642400: Machine tools for working hard rubber
42642500: Machine tools for working hard plastics
42650000: Pneumatic or motorised hand tools
42651000: Pneumatic hand tools
42652000: Hand-held electromechanical tools
42660000: Soldering, brazing and welding tools, surface tempering and hot-spraying machines and equipment
42661000: Soldering and brazing equipment
42661100: Soldering equipment
42661200: Brazing equipment
42662000: Welding equipment
42662100: Electric welding equipment
42662200: Non-electric welding equipment
42663000: Surface tempering machines
42664000: Fusion equipment
42664100: Fusion equipment for plastics
42665000: Metal-spraying machinery
42670000: Parts and accessories of machine tools
42671000: Tool holders
42671100: Laboratory tool carriers
42671110: Test tube racks for baths
42672000: Machine-tool work holders
42673000: Machine-tool dividing special attachments
42674000: Parts and accessories for metal-working machine tools
42675000: Parts and accessories for hard material-working machine tools
42675100: Parts of chain saws
42676000: Parts of hand tools
42677000: Parts of pneumatic tools
42700000: Machinery for textile, apparel and leather production
42710000: Machinery for textiles
42711000: Machines for processing man-made textile materials
42712000: Textile spinning machines
42713000: Weaving machines
42714000: Knitting machines
42715000: Sewing machines
42716000: Laundry washing, dry-cleaning and drying machines
42716100: Washing installation
42716110: Washing equipment
42716120: Washing machines
42716130: Dry-cleaning machines
42716200: Drying machines
42717000: Linen ironing and folding equipment
42717100: Linen folding equipment
42718000: Textile-finishing machinery
42718100: Ironing machines
42718200: Ironing presses
42720000: Parts of machinery for textile and apparel production
42800000: Machinery for paper or paperboard production
42810000: Parts of machinery for paper or paperboard production
42900000: Miscellaneous general and special-purpose machinery
42910000: Distilling, filtering or rectifying apparatus
42912000: Liquid filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus
42912100: Machinery and apparatus for filtering liquids
42912110: Drilling-mud filtering apparatus
42912120: Hydrocyclone machinery
42912130: Apparatus for filtering or purifying beverages
42912300: Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying water
42912310: Water filtration apparatus
42912320: De-aeration apparatus
42912330: Water-purifying apparatus
42912340: Desalination apparatus
42912350: Filtration plant equipment
42913000: Oil, petrol and air-intake filters
42913300: Oil filters
42913400: Petrol filters
42913500: Air-intake filters
42914000: Recycling equipment
42920000: Machinery for cleaning bottles, packing and weighing and spraying machinery
42921000: Machinery for cleaning, filling, packing or wrapping bottles or other containers
42921100: Machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers
42921200: Machinery for filling or closing bottles, cans or other containers
42921300: Packing or wrapping machinery
42921310: Strapping machines
42921320: Packaging machines
42921330: Wrapping machines
42923000: Weighing machinery and scales
42923100: Weighing machinery
42923110: Balances
42923200: Scales
42923210: Shop scales
42923220: Scales for continuous weighing of goods
42923230: Checkweigher scales
42924200: Steam or sand blasting machines
42924300: Spraying equipment
42924310: Spray guns
42924700: Mechanical appliances for projecting, dispersing or spraying
42924710: Gas-dispersing apparatus
42924720: Decontamination equipment
42924730: Pressurised water cleaning apparatus
42924740: High-pressure cleaning apparatus
42924790: Odour-masking apparatus
42930000: Centrifuges, calendering or vending machines
42931000: Centrifuges
42931100: Laboratory centrifuges and accessories
42931110: Floor-model centrifuges
42931120: Tabletop centrifuges
42931130: Inserts for centrifuges
42931140: Rotary equipment for centrifuges
42932000: Calendering machines
42932100: Rolling machines
42933000: Vending machines
42933100: Sanitary vending machines
42933200: Stamp-vending machines
42933300: Automatic goods-vending machines
42940000: Machinery for the heat treatment of materials
42941000: Machinery for the heat treatment of gas
42942000: Ovens and accessories
42942200: Vacuum ovens
42943000: Thermostatic baths and accessories
42943100: Refrigeration coils
42943200: Ultrasonic baths
42943210: Immersion thermostats
42943300: Immersion coolers
42943400: Refrigerated and refrigerated/heating circulators
42943500: Recirculating coolers
42943600: High-temperature circulators
42943700: Heating circulators
42943710: Bath covers
42950000: Parts of general-purpose machinery
42952000: Parts of centrifuges
42953000: Parts of calendering machines
42954000: Parts of rolling machines
42955000: Parts of filtering machinery
42956000: Parts of purifying machinery
42957000: Parts of spraying machines
42958000: Weights for weighing machines
42959000: Non-domestic dishwashing machines
42961000: Command and control system
42961100: Access control system
42961200: Scada or equivalent system
42961300: Vehicle location system
42961400: Dispatch system
42962000: Printing and graphics equipment
42962100: Film printing system
42962200: Printing press
42962300: Graphics workstations
42962400: Hectographs
42962500: Engraving machines
42963000: Coin press
42964000: Office automation equipment
42965000: Information-processing equipment
42965100: Warehouse management system
42965110: Depot system
42967000: Controller unit
42967100: Digital remote-control unit
42968000: Dispensers
42968100: Drinks dispensers
42968200: Sanitary dispensing machines
42968300: Toilet-roll dispenser system
42970000: Parts of dishwashing machines and of machines for cleaning, filling, packing or wrapping
42971000: Parts of dishwashing machines
42972000: Parts of cleaning machines
42973000: Parts of filling machines
42974000: Parts of packing machines
42975000: Parts of wrapping machines
42980000: Gas generators
42981000: Ozone generators
42990000: Miscellaneous special-purpose machinery
42991000: Paper, printing and bookbinding machinery and parts
42991100: Bookbinding machinery
42991110: Book-sewing machinery
42991200: Printing machinery
42991210: Offset printing machinery
42991220: Typesetting machinery
42991230: Ticket printers
42991300: Photocomposing system
42991400: Dryers for wood, paper pulp, paper or paperboard
42991500: Parts of printing or bookbinding machinery
42992000: Special-purpose electrical goods
42992100: Faraday cage
42992200: Anechoic chamber
42992300: Electromagnetic absorbent material
42993000: Chemical industry machinery
42993100: Chlorinators
42993200: Dosing plant
42994000: Machinery for working rubber or plastics
42994100: Machines for the production of plastic windows and frames
42994200: Machinery for working plastics
42994220: Lamination accessories
42994230: Laminators
42995000: Miscellaneous cleaning machines
42995100: Tunnel washer
42995200: Beach cleaning machines
42996000: Machinery for the treatment of sewage
42996100: Comminutors
42996110: Macerators for the treatment of sewage
42996200: Sewage presses
42996300: Scrapers
42996400: Mixer units
42996500: Sewage screens
42996600: Oxygenation equipment
42996700: Precipitators
42996800: Sedimentation beds
42996900: Sludge-processing equipment
42997000: Pipeline machinery
42997100: Machines for inspecting the internal surface of pipelines
42997200: Machines for cleaning the internal surface of pipelines
42997300: Industrial robots
42998000: Pallet-picking system
42998100: Pallet-retrieving system
42999000: Non-domestic vacuum cleaners and floor polishers
42999100: Non-domestic vacuum cleaners
42999200: Non-domestic floor polishers
42999300: Parts of non-domestic vacuum cleaners
42999400: Parts of non-domestic floor polishers
43000000: Machinery for mining, quarrying, construction equipment
43100000: Mining equipment
43120000: Coal or rock cutters and tunnelling machinery, and boring or sinking machinery
43121000: Well-drilling machinery
43121100: Wellhead running tools
43121200: Riser connector apparatus
43121300: Well-completion equipment
43121400: Well-intervention equipment
43121500: Well-testing equipment
43121600: Blowout prevention (BOP) apparatus
43122000: Coal or rock-cutting machinery
43123000: Tunnelling machinery
43124000: Boring machinery
43124100: Moles
43124900: Rock-drilling equipment
43125000: Sinking machinery
43130000: Drilling equipment
43131000: Offshore production platforms
43131100: Offshore equipment
43131200: Offshore drilling unit
43132000: Oil drilling equipment
43132100: Drilling machinery
43132200: Drilling rig
43132300: Drills
43132400: Line equipment
43132500: Liner hangers
43133000: Oil platform equipment
43133100: Skid units
43133200: Skid-mounted modules
43134000: Oil-field machinery
43134100: Submersible pumps
43135000: Subsea equipment
43135100: Subsea control systems
43136000: Downhole equipment
43140000: Mobile hydraulic-powered mine roof supports
43200000: Earthmoving and excavating machinery, and associated parts
43210000: Earthmoving machinery
43211000: Bulldozers
43212000: Angle-dozers
43220000: Graders and levellers
43221000: Road graders
43230000: Scraper machines
43240000: Tamping machines
43250000: Front-end shovel loaders
43251000: Front-end shovel loaders with backhoe
43252000: Front-end shovel loaders without backhoe
43260000: Mechanical shovels, excavators and shovel loaders, and mining machinery
43261000: Mechanical shovels
43261100: Mechanical shovel loaders
43262000: Excavating machinery
43262100: Mechanical excavators
43300000: Construction machinery and equipment
43310000: Civil engineering machinery
43311000: Pile drivers
43312000: Road-surfacing machinery
43312100: Planers
43312200: Chippers
43312300: Paving machinery
43312400: Road rollers
43312500: Mechanical rollers
43313000: Snowploughs and snowblowers
43313100: Snowploughs
43313200: Snowblowers
43314000: Pile extractors
43315000: Compacting machinery
43316000: Cable-laying machinery
43320000: Construction equipment
43321000: Bridge-suspension equipment
43322000: Dismantling equipment
43323000: Irrigation equipment
43324000: Drainage equipment
43324100: Equipment for swimming pools
43325000: Park and playground equipment
43325100: Grounds-maintenance equipment
43327000: Prefabricated equipment
43328000: Hydraulic installations
43328100: Hydraulic equipment
43329000: Equipment sets
43400000: Mineral-processing and foundry mould-forming machinery
43410000: Mineral-processing machinery
43411000: Sorting and screening machines
43412000: Machines for mixing gravel with bitumen
43413000: Concrete or mortar mixers
43413100: Cement mixers
43414000: Grinding machines
43414100: Coal pulverising mills
43415000: Foundry moulds
43420000: Foundry mould-forming machinery
43500000: Track-laying vehicles
43600000: Parts of machinery for mining, quarrying and construction
43610000: Parts for boring machinery
43611000: Parts for well-drilling machinery
43611100: Bridge plugs
43611200: Industrial drill bits
43611300: Drilling jars
43611400: Iron roughnecks
43611500: Rotary tables
43611600: Mudline suspension equipment
43611700: Tieback equipment
43612000: Parts of well-extraction machinery
43612100: Casing hangers
43612200: Liner hanger equipment
43612300: Production riser tensioners
43612400: Wellheads
43612500: Production riser tieback equipment
43612600: Wellhead control system
43612700: Wellhead equipment
43612800: Rig-jacking systems
43613000: Parts of coal or rock cutting machinery
43613100: Parts of coal cutting machinery
43613200: Parts of rock cutting machinery
43614000: Parts of tunnelling machinery
43620000: Parts of mineral-processing machinery
43630000: Parts of sinking machinery
43640000: Parts of excavating machinery
43700000: Machinery for metallurgy and associated parts
43710000: Metal-rolling machinery
43711000: Parts of metal-rolling machinery
43720000: Casting machines
43721000: Parts of casting machines
43800000: Workshop equipment
43810000: Woodworking equipment
43811000: Sanding machines
43812000: Sawing equipment
43820000: Shoe-making equipment
43830000: Power tools
43840000: Blacksmiths' equipment
44100000: Construction materials and associated items
44110000: Construction materials
44111000: Building materials
44111100: Bricks
44111200: Cement
44111210: Drilling cement
44111300: Ceramics
44111400: Paints and wallcoverings
44111500: Insulators and insulating fittings
44111510: Insulators
44111511: Electrical insulators
44111520: Thermal insulating material
44111530: Electrical insulating fittings
44111540: Insulating glass
44111600: Blocks
44111700: Tiles
44111800: Mortar (construction)
44111900: Ceramic flags
44112000: Miscellaneous building structures
44112100: Shelters
44112110: Shelter parts
44112120: Profile sections
44112200: Floor coverings
44112210: Solid flooring
44112220: False floors
44112230: Linoleum
44112240: Parquet
44112300: Partitions
44112310: Partition walls
44112400: Roof
44112410: Roof frames
44112420: Roof supports
44112430: Roof trusses
44112500: Roofing materials
44112510: Shingles
44112600: Sound insulation
44112700: Beams
44113000: Road-construction materials
44113100: Paving materials
44113120: Paving slabs
44113130: Paving stones
44113140: Roadstone
44113200: Flagstones
44113300: Coated materials
44113310: Coated road materials
44113320: Coated roadstone
44113330: Coating materials
44113500: Glass beads
44113600: Bitumen and asphalt
44113610: Bitumen
44113620: Asphalt
44113700: Road-repair materials
44113800: Road-surfacing materials
44113810: Surface dressing
44113900: Road-maintenance materials
44113910: Winter-maintenance materials
44114000: Concrete
44114100: Ready-mixed concrete
44114200: Concrete products
44114210: Concrete piles
44114220: Concrete pipes and fittings
44114250: Concrete slabs
44115000: Building fittings
44115100: Ducting
44115200: Plumbing and heating materials
44115210: Plumbing materials
44115220: Heating materials
44115310: Roller-type shutters
44115400: Skylights
44115500: Sprinkler systems
44115600: Stairlifts
44115700: Exterior blinds
44115710: Canopies
44115800: Building internal fittings
44115810: Curtain rails and hangings
44115811: Curtain rails
44115900: Sun protection devices
44130000: Sewer mains
44131000: Sewage chambers
44132000: Culvert elements
44133000: Ductile-iron end caps
44134000: Bends
44140000: Products related to construction materials
44141000: Conduit
44141100: Electric conduit
44142000: Frames
44143000: Pallets
44144000: Posts
44160000: Pipeline, piping, pipes, casing, tubing and related items
44161000: Pipelines
44161100: Gas pipelines
44161110: Gas-distribution network
44161200: Water mains
44161400: Underwater pipeline
44161410: Subsea pipelines
44161500: High-pressure pipeline
44161600: Low-pressure pipeline
44161700: Pipeline pigs
44161710: Pig launchers
44161720: Pig receivers
44161730: Pig traps
44162000: Piping
44162100: Piping supplies
44162200: Distribution piping
44162300: Outfall piping
44162400: Vitrified clay manholes
44162500: Drinking-water piping
44163000: Pipes and fittings
44163100: Pipes
44163110: Drainage pipes
44163111: Drain pipes
44163112: Drainage system
44163120: Distance-heating pipes
44163121: Heating pipes
44163130: Sewer pipes
44163140: Steam and water pipes
44163150: Low-pressure pipes
44163160: Distribution pipes and accessories
44163200: Pipe fittings
44163210: Pipe clamps
44163230: Pipe connectors
44163240: Pipe joints
44163241: Insulated joints
44164000: Casing and tubing
44164100: Casing
44164200: Tubing
44164300: Tubular goods
44164310: Tubes and fittings
44165000: Hoses, risers and sleeves
44165100: Hoses
44165110: Drilling hoses
44165200: Risers
44165210: Flexible risers
44165300: Sleeves
44166000: Oil country tubular goods
44167000: Various pipe fittings
44167100: Couplings
44167110: Flanges
44167111: Flange adaptors
44167200: Repair clamps and collars
44167300: Bends, tees and pipe fittings
44167400: Elbows
44170000: Plates, sheets, strip and foil related to construction materials
44171000: Plates (construction)
44172000: Sheets (construction)
44173000: Strip
44174000: Foil
44175000: Panels
44176000: Film
44190000: Miscellaneous construction materials
44191000: Miscellaneous construction materials in wood
44191100: Plywood
44191200: Laminated wood
44191300: Particle board
44191400: Fibreboard
44191500: Densified wood
44191600: Parquet panels
44192000: Other miscellaneous construction materials
44192100: PVC foam
44192200: Nails
44200000: Structural products
44210000: Structures and parts of structures
44211000: Prefabricated buildings
44211100: Modular and portable buildings
44211110: Cabins
44211200: Cubicles
44211300: Field hospital
44211400: Field kitchens
44211500: Glasshouses
44212000: Structural products and parts except prefabricated buildings
44212100: Bridge
44212110: Bridge sections
44212120: Structures of bridges
44212200: Towers, lattice masts, derricks and pylons
44212210: Derricks
44212211: Drilling derricks
44212212: Static drilling derricks
44212220: Pylons, poles and pickets
44212221: Pylons
44212222: Electricity transmission pylons
44212223: Pylon supports
44212224: Poles for carrying overhead lines
44212225: Poles
44212226: Electricity poles
44212227: Pickets
44212230: Towers
44212233: Water towers
44212240: Girders
44212250: Masts
44212260: Radio or television masts
44212261: Radio masts
44212262: Television masts
44212263: Lattice masts
44212300: Structures and parts
44212310: Scaffolding
44212311: Arch struts
44212312: Arch stilts
44212313: Supports
44212314: Pipe-hanging brackets
44212315: Equipment for scaffolding
44212316: Arch clips
44212317: Scaffolding structures
44212318: Pipeline supports
44212320: Miscellaneous structures
44212321: Bus shelters
44212322: Telephone booths
44212329: Security screens
44212380: Parts of structures
44212381: Cladding
44212382: Floodgates
44212383: Lock gates
44212390: Sluices
44212391: Sluice gates
44212400: Piling
44212410: Sheet piling
44212500: Angles and sections
44212510: Angles
44212520: Sections
44220000: Builders' joinery
44221000: Windows, doors and related items
44221100: Windows
44221110: Window frames
44221111: Double-glazed units
44221120: French windows
44221200: Doors
44221210: Door blanks
44221211: Door frames
44221212: Door screens
44221213: Door thresholds
44221220: Fire doors
44221230: Sliding doors
44221240: Garage doors
44221300: Gates
44221310: Access gates
44221400: Shutters
44221500: Thresholds
44230000: Builders' carpentry
44231000: Made-up fencing panels
44232000: Timber roof trusses
44233000: Staircases
44300000: Cable, wire and related products
44310000: Wire products
44311000: Stranded wire
44312000: Fencing wire
44312300: Barbed wire
44313000: Metal netting
44313100: Wire-mesh fencing
44313200: Wire cloth
44315000: Wire rods
44315100: Welding accessories
44315200: Welding materials
44315300: Soldering or brazing materials
44315310: Soldering materials
44315320: Brazing materials
44316000: Ironmongery
44316100: Anvils
44316200: Portable forge
44316300: Grilles
44316400: Hardware
44316500: Smiths' wares
44316510: Blacksmiths' wares
44317000: Iron or steel slings
44318000: Conductors
44320000: Cable and related products
44321000: Cable
44322000: Cable accessories
44322100: Cable conduits
44322200: Cable connectors
44322300: Cable ducts
44322400: Cable fasteners
44330000: Bars, rods, wire and profiles used in construction
44331000: Bars
44332000: Rods (construction)
44333000: Wire
44334000: Profiles
44400000: Miscellaneous fabricated products and related items
44410000: Articles for the bathroom and kitchen
44411000: Sanitary ware
44411100: Taps
44411200: Baths
44411300: Washbasins
44411400: Shower basins
44411600: Bidets
44411700: Lavatory seats, covers, bowls and cisterns
44411710: Lavatory seats
44411720: Lavatory covers
44411740: Lavatory bowls
44411750: Lavatory cisterns
44411800: Urinals
44420000: Goods used in construction
44421000: Armoured or reinforced safes, strongboxes and doors
44421300: Safes
44421500: Armoured or reinforced doors
44421600: Safe-deposit lockers
44421700: Boxes and lockers
44421710: Left-luggage lockers
44421720: Lockers
44421721: Safe-deposit boxes
44421722: Safety cases
44421780: Deed boxes
44421790: Cash boxes
44422000: Letterboxes
44423000: Miscellaneous articles
44423100: Bells
44423200: Ladders
44423220: Folding steps
44423230: Step stools
44423300: Goods-handling equipment
44423330: Platforms for handling goods
44423340: Wire-rope accessories for handling goods
44423400: Signs and related items
44423450: Nameplates
44423460: Address plates
44423700: Manhole elements
44423710: Surface boxes
44423720: Boundary boxes
44423730: Manhole frames
44423740: Manhole covers
44423750: Drain covers
44423760: Access covers
44423790: Manhole step irons
44423800: Metal stamps
44423810: Rubber stamps
44423850: Shapes
44423900: Sacrificial anodes
44424000: Meter-housing boxes and tape
44424100: Meter-housing boxes
44424200: Adhesive tape
44424300: Reflective tape
44425000: Rings, seals, bands, sticks and grout packers
44425100: Elastic rings
44425110: Self-adhesive reinforcement rings
44425200: Rubber seals
44425300: Rubber bands
44425400: Grout packers
44425500: Plastic sticks
44430000: Armour plating
44431000: Cover plates
44440000: Bearings
44441000: Microbeads
44442000: Roller bearings
44450000: Mild steel
44451000: Coin blanks
44452000: Coin boxes
44460000: Props and mining struts
44461000: Props
44461100: Mine props
44462000: Mining struts
44464000: Caterpillar tracks
44470000: Cast-iron products
44480000: Miscellaneous fire-protection equipment
44481000: Platforms ladders
44481100: Fire ladders
44482000: Fire-protection devices
44482100: Fire hoses
44482200: Fire hydrants
44500000: Tools, locks, keys, hinges, fasteners, chain and springs
44510000: Tools
44511000: Hand tools
44511100: Spades and shovels
44511110: Spades
44511120: Shovels
44511200: Gardening forks
44511300: Mattocks, picks, hoes, rakes and beach rakes
44511310: Mattocks
44511320: Picks
44511330: Hoes
44511340: Rakes
44511341: Beach rakes
44511400: Axes
44511500: Hand saws
44511510: Handsaw blades
44512000: Miscellaneous hand tools
44512100: Chisels
44512200: Pliers
44512210: Crimping pliers
44512300: Hammers
44512400: Wire grips
44512500: Spanners
44512600: Roadworking tools
44512610: Spikes for piercing road surfaces
44512700: Files or rasps
44512800: Screwdrivers
44512900: Drill bits, screwdriver bits and other accessories
44512910: Drill bits
44512920: Screwdriver bits
44512930: Tool carriers
44512940: Tool kits
44513000: Treadle-operated tools
44514000: Tool handles and tool parts
44514100: Tool handles
44514200: Tool parts
44520000: Locks, keys and hinges
44521000: Miscellaneous padlocks and locks
44521100: Locks
44521110: Door locks
44521120: Electronic security lock
44521130: Enhanced security lock
44521140: Furniture locks
44521200: Padlocks and chains
44521210: Padlocks
44522000: Clasps, lock parts and keys
44522100: Clasps
44522200: Keys
44522300: Parts of padlocks
44522400: Parts of locks
44523000: Hinges, mountings and fittings
44523100: Hinges
44523200: Mountings
44523300: Fittings
44530000: Fasteners
44531000: Threaded fasteners
44531100: Wood screws
44531200: Screw hooks or screw rings
44531300: Self-tapping screws
44531400: Bolts
44531500: Flange jointing sets
44531510: Bolts and screws
44531520: Coach bolts and screws
44531600: Nuts
44531700: Iron or steel threaded articles
44532000: Non-threaded fasteners
44532100: Rivets
44532200: Washers
44532300: Cotter pins
44532400: Steel fishplates
44533000: Copper fasteners
44540000: Chain
44541000: Articulated chain
44542000: Parts of chain
44550000: Springs
44600000: Tanks, reservoirs and containers; central-heating radiators and boilers
44610000: Tanks, reservoirs, containers and pressure vessels
44611000: Tanks
44611100: Air cylinders
44611110: Compressed-air cylinders
44611200: Breathing apparatus
44611400: Storage tanks
44611410: Oil-storage tanks
44611420: Sludge-storage tanks
44611500: Water tanks
44611600: Reservoirs
44612000: Liquefied-gas containers
44612100: Gas cylinders
44612200: Gas tanks
44613000: Large containers
44613110: Silos
44613200: Refrigerated containers
44613210: Water chambers
44613300: Standard freight containers
44613400: Storage containers
44613500: Water containers
44613600: Wheeled containers
44613700: Refuse skips
44613800: Containers for waste material
44614000: Casks
44614100: Storage bins
44614300: Container storage system
44614310: Stacking machinery
44615000: Pressure vessels
44615100: Steel pressure vessels
44616000: Drums
44616200: Waste drums
44617000: Boxes
44617100: Cartons
44617200: Meter housings
44617300: Prefabricated boxes
44618000: Light containers, corks, tops for containers, vats and lids
44618100: Light containers
44618300: Corks, stoppers, tops for containers and lids
44618310: Corks
44618320: Stoppers
44618330: Tops for containers
44618340: Lids
44618350: Plastic caps
44618400: Cans
44618420: Food cans
44618500: Vats
44619000: Other containers
44619100: Cases
44619200: Cable drums
44619300: Crates
44619400: Barrels
44619500: Pallet boxes
44620000: Central-heating radiators and boilers and parts
44621000: Radiators and boilers
44621100: Radiators
44621110: Central-heating radiators
44621111: Non-electrically-heated central-heating radiators
44621112: Parts of central-heating radiators
44621200: Boilers
44621210: Water boilers
44621220: Central-heating boilers
44621221: Parts of central-heating boilers
44622000: Heat-recovery systems
44622100: Heat-recovery equipment
44800000: Paints, varnishes and mastics
44810000: Paints
44811000: Road paint
44812000: Artists' paints
44812100: Enamels and glazes
44812200: Oil and water paints
44812210: Oil paints
44812220: Water paints
44812300: Students' paints
44812310: Colours in sets
44812320: Signboard painters' colours
44812400: Decorating supplies
44820000: Varnishes
44830000: Mastics, fillers, putty and solvents
44831000: Mastics, fillers, putty
44831100: Mastics
44831200: Fillers
44831300: Putty
44831400: Grout
44832000: Solvents
44832100: Paint stripper
44832200: Thinners
44900000: Stone for construction, limestone, gypsum and slate
44910000: Stone for construction
44911000: Marble and calcarous building stone
44911100: Marble
44911200: Travertine
44912000: Miscellaneous building stone
44912100: Granite
44912200: Sandstone
44912300: Basalt
44912400: Kerbstones
44920000: Limestone, gypsum and chalk
44921000: Limestone and gypsum
44921100: Gypsum
44921200: Lime
44921210: Powdered lime
44921300: Limestone
44922000: Chalk and dolomite
44922100: Chalk
44922200: Dolomite
44930000: Slate
45000000: Construction work
45100000: Site preparation work
45110000: Building demolition and wrecking work and earthmoving work
45111000: Demolition, site preparation and clearance work
45111100: Demolition work
45111200: Site preparation and clearance work
45111210: Blasting and associated rock-removal work
45111211: Blasting work
45111212: Rock-removal work
45111213: Site-clearance work
45111214: Blast-clearing work
45111220: Scrub-removal work
45111230: Ground-stabilisation work
45111240: Ground-drainage work
45111250: Ground investigation work
45111260: Site-preparation work for mining
45111290: Primary works for services
45111291: Site-development work
45111300: Dismantling works
45111310: Dismantling works for military installations
45111320: Dismantling works for security installations
45112000: Excavating and earthmoving work
45112100: Trench-digging work
45112200: Soil-stripping work
45112210: Topsoil-stripping work
45112300: Infill and land-reclamation work
45112310: Infill work
45112320: Land-reclamation work
45112330: Site-reclamation work
45112340: Soil-decontamination work
45112350: Reclamation of waste land
45112360: Land rehabilitation work
45112400: Excavating work
45112410: Grave-digging work
45112420: Basement excavation work
45112440: Terracing of hillsides
45112441: Terracing work
45112450: Excavation work at archaeological sites
45112500: Earthmoving work
45112600: Cut and fill
45112700: Landscaping work
45112710: Landscaping work for green areas
45112711: Landscaping work for parks
45112712: Landscaping work for gardens
45112713: Landscaping work for roof gardens
45112714: Landscaping work for cemeteries
45112720: Landscaping work for sports grounds and recreational areas
45112721: Landscaping work for golf courses
45112722: Landscaping work for riding areas
45112723: Landscaping work for playgrounds
45112730: Landscaping work for roads and motorways
45112740: Landscaping work for airports
45113000: Siteworks
45120000: Test drilling and boring work
45121000: Test drilling work
45122000: Test boring work
45200000: Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
45210000: Building construction work
45211000: Construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses
45211100: Construction work for houses
45211200: Sheltered housing construction work
45211300: Houses construction work
45211310: Bathrooms construction work
45211320: Porches construction work
45211340: Multi-dwelling buildings construction work
45211341: Flats construction work
45211350: Multi-functional buildings construction work
45211360: Urban development construction work
45211370: Construction works for saunas
45212000: Construction work for buildings relating to leisure, sports, culture, lodging and restaurants
45212100: Construction work of leisure facilities
45212110: Leisure centre construction work
45212120: Theme park construction work
45212130: Amusement park construction work
45212140: Recreation installation
45212150: Cinema construction work
45212160: Casino construction work
45212170: Entertainment building construction work
45212171: Entertainment centre construction work
45212172: Recreation centre construction work
45212180: Ticket offices construction work
45212190: Sun-protection works
45212200: Construction work for sports facilities
45212210: Single-purpose sports facilities construction work
45212211: Ice rink construction work
45212212: Construction work for swimming pool
45212213: Sport markings works
45212220: Multi-purpose sports facilities construction work
45212221: Construction work in connection with structures for sports ground
45212222: Gymnasium construction work
45212223: Winter-sports facilities construction work
45212224: Stadium construction work
45212225: Sports hall construction work
45212230: Installation of changing rooms
45212290: Repair and maintenance work in connection with sports facilities
45212300: Construction work for art and cultural buildings
45212310: Construction work for buildings relating to exhibitions
45212311: Art gallery construction work
45212312: Exhibition centre construction work
45212313: Museum construction work
45212314: Historical monument or memorial construction work
45212320: Construction work for buildings relating to artistic performances
45212321: Auditorium construction work
45212322: Theatre construction work
45212330: Library construction work
45212331: Multimedia library construction work
45212340: Lecture hall construction work
45212350: Buildings of particular historical or architectural interest
45212351: Prehistoric monument construction work
45212352: Industrial monument construction work
45212353: Palace construction work
45212354: Castle construction work
45212360: Religious buildings construction work
45212361: Church construction work
45212400: Accommodation and restaurant buildings
45212410: Construction work for lodging buildings
45212411: Hotel construction work
45212412: Hostel construction work
45212413: Short-stay accommodation construction work
45212420: Construction work for restaurants and similar facilities
45212421: Restaurant construction work
45212422: Canteen construction work
45212423: Cafeteria construction work
45212500: Kitchen or restaurant conversion
45212600: Pavilion construction work
45213100: Construction work for commercial buildings
45213110: Shop buildings construction work
45213111: Shopping centre construction work
45213112: Shop units construction work
45213120: Post office construction work
45213130: Bank construction work
45213140: Market construction work
45213141: Covered market construction work
45213142: Open-air market construction work
45213150: Office block construction work
45213200: Construction work for warehouses and industrial buildings
45213210: Cold-storage installations
45213220: Construction work for warehouses
45213221: Warehouse stores construction work
45213230: Abattoir construction work
45213240: Agricultural buildings construction work
45213241: Barn construction work
45213242: Cowsheds construction work
45213250: Construction work for industrial buildings
45213251: Industrial units construction work
45213252: Workshops construction work
45213260: Stores depot construction work
45213270: Construction works for recycling station
45213280: Construction works for compost facility
45213300: Buildings associated with transport
45213310: Construction work for buildings relating to road transport
45213311: Bus station construction work
45213312: Car park building construction work
45213313: Service-area building construction work
45213314: Bus garage construction work
45213315: Bus-stop shelter construction work
45213316: Installation works of walkways
45213320: Construction work for buildings relating to railway transport
45213321: Railway station construction work
45213322: Rail terminal building construction work
45213330: Construction work for buildings relating to air transport
45213331: Airport buildings construction work
45213332: Airport control tower construction work
45213333: Installation works of airport check-in counters
45213340: Construction work for buildings relating to water transport
45213341: Ferry terminal building construction work
45213342: Ro-ro terminal construction work
45213350: Construction work for buildings relating to various means of transport
45213351: Maintenance hangar construction work
45213352: Service depot construction work
45213353: Installation works of passenger boarding bridges
45213400: Installation of staff rooms
45214000: Construction work for buildings relating to education and research
45214100: Construction work for kindergarten buildings
45214200: Construction work for school buildings
45214210: Primary school construction work
45214220: Secondary school construction work
45214230: Special school construction work
45214300: Construction work for college buildings
45214310: Vocational college construction work
45214320: Technical college construction work
45214400: Construction work for university buildings
45214410: Polytechnic construction work
45214420: Lecture theatre construction work
45214430: Language laboratory construction work
45214500: Construction work for buildings of further education
45214600: Construction work for research buildings
45214610: Laboratory building construction work
45214620: Research and testing facilities construction work
45214630: Scientific installations
45214631: Installation works of cleanrooms
45214640: Meteorological stations construction work
45214700: Construction work for halls of residence
45214710: Entrance hall construction work
45214800: Training facilities building
45215100: Construction work for buildings relating to health
45215110: Spa construction work
45215120: Special medical building construction work
45215130: Clinic construction work
45215140: Hospital facilities construction work
45215141: Operating theatre construction work
45215142: Intensive-care unit construction work
45215143: Diagnostic screening room construction work
45215144: Screening rooms construction work
45215145: Fluoroscopy room construction work
45215146: Pathology room construction work
45215147: Forensic room construction work
45215148: Catheter room construction work
45215200: Construction work for social services buildings
45215210: Construction work for subsidised residential accommodation
45215212: Retirement home construction work
45215213: Nursing home construction work
45215214: Residential homes construction work
45215215: Children's home construction work
45215220: Construction work for social facilities other than subsidised residential accommodation
45215221: Daycare centre construction work
45215222: Civic centre construction work
45215300: Construction work for crematoriums
45215400: Cemetery works
45215500: Public conveniences
45216100: Construction work for buildings relating to law and order or emergency services
45216110: Construction work for buildings relating to law and order
45216111: Police station construction work
45216112: Court building construction work
45216113: Prison building construction work
45216114: Parliament and public assembly buildings
45216120: Construction work for buildings relating to emergency services
45216121: Fire station construction work
45216122: Ambulance station construction work
45216123: Mountain-rescue building construction work
45216124: Lifeboat station construction work
45216125: Emergency-services building construction work
45216126: Coastguard building construction work
45216127: Rescue-service station construction work
45216128: Lighthouse construction work
45216129: Protective shelters
45216200: Construction work for military buildings and installations
45216220: Military bunker construction work
45216230: Military shelter construction work
45216250: Trench defences construction work
45217000: Inflatable buildings construction work
45220000: Engineering works and construction works
45221000: Construction work for bridges and tunnels, shafts and subways
45221100: Construction work for bridges
45221110: Bridge construction work
45221111: Road bridge construction work
45221112: Railway bridge construction work
45221113: Footbridge construction work
45221114: Construction work for iron bridges
45221115: Construction work for steel bridges
45221117: Weighbridge construction work
45221118: Pipeline-carrying bridge construction work
45221119: Bridge renewal construction work
45221120: Viaduct construction work
45221121: Road viaduct construction work
45221122: Railway viaduct construction work
45221200: Construction work for tunnels, shafts and subways
45221210: Covered or partially-covered excavations
45221211: Underpass
45221213: Covered or partially-covered railway excavations
45221214: Covered or partially-covered road excavations
45221220: Culverts
45221230: Shafts
45221240: Construction work for tunnels
45221241: Road tunnel construction work
45221242: Railway tunnel construction work
45221243: Pedestrian tunnel construction work
45221244: Canal tunnel construction work
45221245: Under-river tunnel construction work
45221246: Undersea tunnel construction work
45221247: Tunnelling works
45221248: Tunnel linings construction work
45221250: Underground work other than tunnels, shafts and subways
45222000: Construction work for engineering works except bridges, tunnels, shafts and subways
45222100: Waste-treatment plant construction work
45222110: Waste disposal site construction work
45222200: Engineering work for military installations
45222300: Engineering work for security installations
45223000: Structures construction work
45223100: Assembly of metal structures
45223110: Installation of metal structures
45223200: Structural works
45223210: Structural steelworks
45223220: Structural shell work
45223300: Parking lot construction work
45223310: Underground car park construction work
45223320: Park-and-ride facility construction work
45223400: Radar station construction work
45223500: Reinforced-concrete structures
45223600: Dog kennels construction work
45223700: Service area construction work
45223710: Motorway service area construction work
45223720: Petrol/gas stations construction work
45223800: Assembly and erection of prefabricated structures
45223810: Prefabricated constructions
45223820: Prefabricated units and components
45223821: Prefabricated units
45223822: Prefabricated components
45231000: Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines
45231100: General construction work for pipelines
45231110: Pipelaying construction work
45231111: Pipeline lifting and relaying
45231112: Installation of pipe system
45231113: Pipeline relaying works
45231200: Construction work for oil and gas pipelines
45231210: Construction work for oil pipelines
45231220: Construction work for gas pipelines
45231221: Gas supply mains construction work
45231222: Gasholder works
45231223: Gas distribution ancillary work
45231300: Construction work for water and sewage pipelines
45231400: Construction work for electricity power lines
45231500: Compressed-air pipeline work
45231510: Compressed-air pipeline work for mailing system
45231600: Construction work for communication lines
45232000: Ancillary works for pipelines and cables
45232100: Ancillary works for water pipelines
45232120: Irrigation works
45232121: Irrigation piping construction work
45232130: Storm-water piping construction work
45232140: District-heating mains construction work
45232141: Heating works
45232142: Heat-transfer station construction work
45232150: Works related to water-distribution pipelines
45232151: Water-main refurbishment construction work
45232152: Pumping station construction work
45232153: Construction work for water towers
45232154: Construction work of elevated tanks for drinking water
45232200: Ancillary works for electricity power lines
45232210: Overhead line construction
45232220: Substation construction work
45232221: Transformer substation
45232300: Construction and ancillary works for telephone and communication lines
45232310: Construction work for telephone lines
45232311: Roadside emergency telephone lines
45232320: Cable broadcasting lines
45232330: Erection of aerials
45232331: Ancillary works for broadcasting
45232332: Ancillary works for telecommunications
45232340: Mobile-telephone base-stations construction work
45232400: Sewer construction work
45232410: Sewerage work
45232411: Foul-water piping construction work
45232420: Sewage work
45232421: Sewage treatment works
45232422: Sludge-treatment works
45232423: Sewage pumping stations construction work
45232424: Sewage outfall construction work
45232430: Water-treatment work
45232431: Wastewater pumping station
45232440: Construction work for sewage pipes
45232450: Drainage construction works
45232451: Drainage and surface works
45232452: Drainage works
45232453: Drains construction work
45232454: Rain-water basin construction work
45232460: Sanitary works
45232470: Waste transfer station
45233000: Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads
45233100: Construction work for highways, roads
45233110: Motorway construction works
45233120: Road construction works
45233121: Main road construction works
45233122: Ring road construction work
45233123: Secondary road construction work
45233124: Trunk road construction work
45233125: Road junction construction work
45233126: Grade-separated junction construction work
45233127: T-junction construction work
45233128: Roundabout construction work
45233129: Crossroad construction work
45233130: Construction work for highways
45233131: Construction work for elevated highways
45233139: Highway maintenance work
45233140: Roadworks
45233141: Road-maintenance works
45233142: Road-repair works
45233144: Overpass construction work
45233150: Traffic-calming works
45233160: Paths and other metalled surfaces
45233161: Footpath construction work
45233162: Cycle path construction work
45233200: Various surface works
45233210: Surface work for highways
45233220: Surface work for roads
45233221: Road-surface painting work
45233222: Paving and asphalting works
45233223: Carriageway resurfacing works
45233224: Dual carriageway construction work
45233225: Single carriageway construction work
45233226: Access road construction work
45233227: Slip road construction work
45233228: Surface coating construction work
45233229: Verge maintenance work
45233250: Surfacing work except for roads
45233251: Resurfacing works
45233252: Surface work for streets
45233253: Surface work for footpaths
45233260: Pedestrian ways construction work
45233261: Pedestrian overpass construction work
45233262: Pedestrian zone construction work
45233270: Parking-lot-surface painting work
45233280: Erection of road-barriers
45233290: Installation of road signs
45233291: Installation of bollards
45233292: Installation of safety equipment
45233293: Installation of street furniture
45233294: Installation of road signals
45233300: Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths
45233310: Foundation work for highways
45233320: Foundation work for roads
45233330: Foundation work for streets
45233340: Foundation work for footpaths
45234000: Construction work for railways and cable transport systems
45234100: Railway construction works
45234110: Intercity railway works
45234111: City railway construction work
45234112: Railway depot construction work
45234113: Demolition of tracks
45234114: Railway embankment construction work
45234115: Railway signalling works
45234116: Track construction works
45234120: Urban railway works
45234121: Tramway works
45234122: Underground railway works
45234123: Partially underground railway works
45234124: Underground passenger railway transport
45234125: Underground railway station
45234126: Tramline construction works
45234127: Tramway depot construction work
45234128: Tramway platforms construction work
45234129: Urban railway track construction works
45234130: Ballast construction works
45234140: Level crossing construction works
45234160: Catenary's construction works
45234170: Locomotive-substations construction works
45234180: Construction work for railways workshop
45234181: Construction work for rail track sectioning cabins
45234200: Cable-supported transport systems
45234210: Cable-supported transport systems with cabins
45234220: Construction work for ski lifts
45234230: Construction work for chair lifts
45234240: Funicular railway system
45234250: Teleferic construction work
45235000: Construction work for airfields, runways and manoeuvring surfaces
45235100: Construction work for airports
45235110: Construction work for airfields
45235111: Airfield pavement construction work
45235200: Runway construction works
45235210: Runway resurfacing
45235300: Construction work for aircraft-manoeuvring surfaces
45235310: Taxiway construction work
45235311: Taxiway pavement construction work
45235320: Construction work for aircraft aprons
45236000: Flatwork
45236100: Flatwork for miscellaneous sports installations
45236110: Flatwork for sports fields
45236111: Flatwork for golf course
45236112: Flatwork for tennis court
45236113: Flatwork for racecourse
45236114: Flatwork for running tracks
45236119: Repair work on sports fields
45236200: Flatwork for recreation installations
45236210: Flatwork for children's play area
45236220: Flatwork for zoo
45236230: Flatwork for gardens
45236250: Flatwork for parks
45236290: Repair work on recreational areas
45236300: Flatwork for cemeteries
45237000: Stage construction works
45240000: Construction work for water projects
45241000: Harbour construction works
45241100: Quay construction work
45241200: Offshore terminal in situ construction work
45241300: Pier construction work
45241400: Dock construction work
45241500: Wharf construction work
45241600: Installation of port lighting equipment
45242000: Waterside leisure facilities construction work
45242100: Water-sports facilities construction work
45242110: Launchway construction work
45242200: Marina construction work
45242210: Yacht harbour construction work
45243000: Coastal-defence works
45243100: Cliff-protection works
45243110: Cliff-stabilisation works
45243200: Breakwater construction work
45243300: Sea wall construction work
45243400: Beach-consolidation works
45243500: Sea defences construction work
45243510: Embankment works
45243600: Quay wall construction work
45244000: Marine construction works
45244100: Marine installations
45244200: Jetties
45245000: Dredging and pumping works for water treatment plant installations
45246000: River regulation and flood control works
45246100: River-wall construction
45246200: Riverbank protection works
45246400: Flood-prevention works
45246410: Flood-defences maintenance works
45246500: Promenade construction work
45246510: Boardwalk construction work
45247000: Construction work for dams, canals, irrigation channels and aqueducts
45247100: Construction work for waterways
45247110: Canal construction
45247111: Irrigation channel construction work
45247112: Drainage canal construction work
45247120: Waterways except canals
45247130: Aqueduct construction work
45247200: Construction work for dams and similar fixed structures
45247210: Dam construction work
45247211: Dam wall construction work
45247212: Dam-reinforcement works
45247220: Weir construction work
45247230: Dyke construction work
45247240: Static barrage construction work
45247270: Reservoir construction works
45248000: Construction work for hydro-mechanical structures
45248100: Canal locks construction work
45248200: Dry docks construction work
45248300: Construction work for floating docks
45248400: Landing stages construction work
45248500: Movable barrages construction work
45251000: Construction works for power plants and heating plants
45251100: Construction work for power plant
45251110: Nuclear-power station construction work
45251111: Construction work for nuclear reactors
45251120: Hydro-electric plant construction work
45251140: Thermal power plant construction work
45251141: Geothermal power station construction work
45251142: Wood-fired power station construction work
45251143: Compressed-air generating plant construction work
45251150: Construction work for cooling towers
45251160: Wind-power installation works
45251200: Heating plant construction work
45251220: Cogeneration plant construction work
45251230: Steam-generation plant construction work
45251240: Landfill-gas electricity generating plant construction work
45251250: District-heating plant construction work
45252000: Construction works for sewage treatment plants, purification plants and refuse incineration plants
45252100: Sewage-treatment plant construction work
45252110: Mobile plant construction work
45252120: Water-treatment plant construction work
45252121: Sedimentation installations
45252122: Sewage digesters
45252123: Screening installations
45252124: Dredging and pumping works
45252125: Rock-dumping work
45252126: Drinking-water treatment plant construction work
45252127: Wastewater treatment plant construction work
45252130: Sewage plant equipment
45252140: Sludge-dewatering plant construction work
45252150: Coal-handling plant construction work
45252200: Purification plant equipment
45252210: Water purification plant construction work
45252300: Refuse-incineration plant construction work
45253000: Construction work for chemical-processing plant
45253100: Demineralisation plant construction work
45253200: Desulphurisation plant construction work
45253300: Distilling or rectifying plant construction work
45253310: Water-distillation plants construction work
45253320: Alcohol-distillation plants construction work
45253400: Construction work for petrochemical plant
45253500: Construction work for pharmaceutical plant
45253600: Deionisation plant construction work
45253700: Digestion plant construction work
45253800: Composting plant construction work
45254000: Construction work for mining and manufacturing
45254100: Construction work for mining
45254110: Pithead construction work
45254200: Construction work for manufacturing plant
45255000: Construction work for the oil and gas industry
45255100: Construction work for production platforms
45255110: Wells construction work
45255120: Platforms facilities construction work
45255121: Topside facilities construction work
45255200: Oil refinery construction work
45255210: Oil terminal construction work
45255300: Gas terminal construction work
45255400: Fabrication work
45255410: Offshore fabrication work
45255420: Onshore fabrication work
45255430: Demolition of oil platforms
45255500: Drilling and exploration work
45255600: Coiled-tubing wellwork
45255700: Coal-gasification plant construction work
45255800: Gas-production plant construction work
45259000: Repair and maintenance of plant
45259100: Wastewater-plant repair and maintenance work
45259200: Purification-plant repair and maintenance work
45259300: Heating-plant repair and maintenance work
45259900: Plant upgrade work
45260000: Roof works and other special trade construction works
45261000: Erection and related works of roof frames and coverings
45261100: Roof-framing work
45261200: Roof-covering and roof-painting work
45261210: Roof-covering work
45261211: Roof-tiling work
45261212: Roof-slating work
45261213: Metal roof-covering work
45261214: Bituminous roof-covering work
45261215: Solar panel roof-covering work
45261220: Roof-painting and other coating work
45261221: Roof-painting work
45261222: Cement roof-coating work
45261300: Flashing and guttering work
45261310: Flashing work
45261320: Guttering work
45261400: Sheeting work
45261410: Roof insulation work
45261420: Waterproofing work
45261900: Roof repair and maintenance work
45261910: Roof repair
45261920: Roof maintenance work
45262000: Special trade construction works other than roof works
45262100: Scaffolding work
45262110: Scaffolding dismantling work
45262120: Scaffolding erection work
45262200: Foundation work and water-well drilling
45262210: Foundation work
45262211: Pile driving
45262212: Trench sheeting work
45262213: Diaphragm wall technique
45262220: Water-well drilling
45262300: Concrete work
45262310: Reinforced-concrete work
45262311: Concrete carcassing work
45262320: Screed works
45262321: Floor-screed works
45262330: Concrete repair work
45262340: Grouting work
45262350: Unreinforced-concrete work
45262360: Cementing work
45262370: Concrete-coating work
45262400: Structural steel erection work
45262410: Structural steel erection work for buildings
45262420: Structural steel erection work for structures
45262421: Offshore mooring work
45262422: Subsea drilling work
45262423: Deck-fabrication work
45262424: Offshore-module fabrication work
45262425: Jacket-fabrication work
45262426: Pile-fabrication work
45262500: Masonry and bricklaying work
45262510: Stonework
45262511: Stone carving
45262512: Dressed stonework
45262520: Bricklaying work
45262521: Facing brickwork
45262522: Masonry work
45262600: Miscellaneous special-trade construction work
45262610: Industrial chimneys
45262620: Supporting walls
45262630: Construction of furnaces
45262640: Environmental improvement works
45262650: Cladding works
45262660: Asbestos-removal work
45262670: Metalworking
45262680: Welding
45262690: Refurbishment of run-down buildings
45262700: Building alteration work
45262710: Fresco maintenance work
45262800: Building extension work
45262900: Balcony work
45300000: Building installation work
45310000: Electrical installation work
45311000: Electrical wiring and fitting work
45311100: Electrical wiring work
45311200: Electrical fitting work
45312000: Alarm system and antenna installation work
45312100: Fire-alarm system installation work
45312200: Burglar-alarm system installation work
45312300: Antenna installation work
45312310: Lightning-protection works
45312311: Lightning-conductor installation work
45312320: Television aerial installation work
45312330: Radio aerial installation work
45313000: Lift and escalator installation work
45313100: Lift installation work
45313200: Escalator installation work
45313210: Travelator installation work
45314000: Installation of telecommunications equipment
45314100: Installation of telephone exchanges
45314120: Installation of switchboards
45314200: Installation of telephone lines
45314300: Installation of cable infrastructure
45314310: Installation of cable laying
45314320: Installation of computer cabling
45315000: Electrical installation work of heating and other electrical building-equipment
45315100: Electrical engineering installation works
45315200: Turbine works
45315300: Electricity supply installations
45315400: High voltage installation work
45315500: Medium-voltage installation work
45315600: Low-voltage installation work
45315700: Switching station installation work
45316000: Installation work of illumination and signalling systems
45316100: Installation of outdoor illumination equipment
45316110: Installation of road lighting equipment
45316200: Installation of signalling equipment
45316210: Installation of traffic monitoring equipment
45316211: Installation of illuminated road signs
45316212: Installation of traffic lights
45316213: Installation of traffic guidance equipment
45316220: Installation of airport signalling equipment
45316230: Installation of port signalling equipment
45317000: Other electrical installation work
45317100: Electrical installation work of pumping equipment
45317200: Electrical installation work of transformers
45317300: Electrical installation work of electrical distribution apparatus
45317400: Electrical installation work of filtration equipment
45320000: Insulation work
45321000: Thermal insulation work
45323000: Sound insulation work
45324000: Plasterboard works
45330000: Plumbing and sanitary works
45331000: Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installation work
45331100: Central-heating installation work
45331110: Boiler installation work
45331200: Ventilation and air-conditioning installation work
45331210: Ventilation installation work
45331211: Outdoor ventilation installation work
45331220: Air-conditioning installation work
45331221: Partial air-conditioning installation work
45331230: Installation work of cooling equipment
45331231: Installation work of refrigeration equipment
45332000: Plumbing and drain-laying work
45332200: Water plumbing work
45332300: Drain-laying work
45332400: Sanitary fixture installation work
45333000: Gas-fitting installation work
45333100: Gas regulation equipment installation work
45333200: Gas meter installation work
45340000: Fencing, railing and safety equipment installation work
45341000: Erection of railings
45342000: Erection of fencing
45343000: Fire-prevention installation works
45343100: Fireproofing work
45343200: Firefighting equipment installation work
45343210: CO2 fire-extinguishing equipment installation work
45343220: Fire-extinguishers installation work
45343230: Sprinkler systems installation work
45350000: Mechanical installations
45351000: Mechanical engineering installation works
45400000: Building completion work
45410000: Plastering work
45420000: Joinery and carpentry installation work
45421000: Joinery work
45421100: Installation of doors and windows and related components
45421110: Installation of door and window frames
45421111: Installation of door frames
45421112: Installation of window frames
45421120: Installation of thresholds
45421130: Installation of doors and windows
45421131: Installation of doors
45421132: Installation of windows
45421140: Installation of metal joinery except doors and windows
45421141: Installation of partitioning
45421142: Installation of shutters
45421143: Installation work of blinds
45421144: Installation work of awnings
45421145: Installation work of roller blinds
45421146: Installation of suspended ceilings
45421147: Installation of grilles
45421148: Installation of gates
45421150: Non-metal joinery installation work
45421151: Installation of fitted kitchens
45421152: Installation of partition walls
45421153: Installation of built-in furniture
45421160: Ironmongery work
45422000: Carpentry installation work
45422100: Woodwork
45430000: Floor and wall covering work
45431000: Tiling work
45431100: Floor-tiling work
45431200: Wall-tiling work
45432000: Floor-laying and covering, wall-covering and wall-papering work
45432100: Floor laying and covering work
45432110: Floor-laying work
45432111: Laying work of flexible floor coverings
45432112: Laying of paving
45432113: Parquet flooring
45432114: Wood flooring work
45432120: False floor installation work
45432121: Computer floors
45432130: Floor-covering work
45432200: Wall-covering and wall-papering work
45432210: Wall-covering work
45432220: Wall-papering work
45440000: Painting and glazing work
45441000: Glazing work
45442000: Application work of protective coatings
45442100: Painting work
45442110: Painting work of buildings
45442120: Painting and protective-coating work of structures
45442121: Painting work of structures
45442180: Repainting work
45442190: Paint-stripping work
45442200: Application work of anti-corrosive coatings
45442210: Galvanizing works
45442300: Surface-protection work
45443000: Facade work
45450000: Other building completion work
45451000: Decoration work
45451100: Ornamentation fitting work
45451200: Panelling work
45451300: Interior gardens
45452000: Exterior cleaning work for buildings
45452100: Blast cleaning work for building exteriors
45453000: Overhaul and refurbishment work
45453100: Refurbishment work
45454000: Restructuring work
45454100: Restoration work
45500000: Hire of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment with operator
45510000: Hire of cranes with operator
45520000: Hire of earthmoving equipment with operator
48000000: Software package and information systems
48100000: Industry specific software package
48110000: Point of sale (POS) software package
48120000: Flight control software package
48121000: Air traffic control software package
48130000: Aviation ground support and test software package
48131000: Aviation ground support software package
48132000: Aviation test software package
48140000: Railway traffic control software package
48150000: Industrial control software package
48151000: Computer control system
48160000: Library software package
48161000: Library management system
48170000: Compliance software package
48180000: Medical software package
48190000: Educational software package
48200000: Networking, Internet and intranet software package
48210000: Networking software package
48211000: Platform interconnectivity software package
48212000: Optical jukebox server software package
48213000: Operating system enhancement software package
48214000: Network operating system software package
48215000: Networking developers' software package
48216000: Network connectivity terminal emulation software package
48217000: Transaction-processing software package
48217100: Mainframe transaction processing software package
48217200: Minicomputer transaction processing software package
48217300: Microcomputer transaction processing software package
48218000: License management software package
48219000: Miscellaneous networking software package
48219100: Gateway software package
48219200: Compact disk (CD) server software package
48219300: Administration software package
48219400: Transaction server software package
48219500: Switch or router software package
48219600: Multiplexer software package
48219700: Communications server software package
48219800: Bridge software package
48220000: Internet and intranet software package
48221000: Internet browsing software package
48222000: Web server software package
48223000: Electronic mail software package
48224000: Web page editing software package
48300000: Document creation, drawing, imaging, scheduling and productivity software package
48310000: Document creation software package
48311000: Document management software package
48311100: Document management system
48312000: Electronic publishing software package
48313000: Optical-character-recognition (OCR) software package
48313100: Optical reading system
48314000: Voice recognition software package
48315000: Desktop-publishing software package
48316000: Presentation software package
48317000: Word-processing software package
48318000: Scanner software package
48319000: Spell checkers
48320000: Drawing and imaging software package
48321000: Computer-aided design (CAD) software package
48321100: Computer-aided design (CAD) system
48322000: Graphics software package
48323000: Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software package
48324000: Charting software package
48325000: Form-making software package
48326000: Mapping software package
48326100: Digital mapping system
48327000: Drawing and painting software package
48328000: Image-processing software package
48329000: Imaging and archiving system
48330000: Scheduling and productivity software package
48331000: Project management software package
48332000: Scheduling software package
48333000: Contact management software package
48400000: Business transaction and personal business software package
48410000: Investment management and tax preparation software package
48411000: Investment management software package
48412000: Tax preparation software package
48420000: Facilities management software package and software package suite
48421000: Facilities management software package
48422000: Software package suites
48430000: Inventory management software package
48440000: Financial analysis and accounting software package
48441000: Financial analysis software package
48442000: Financial systems software package
48443000: Accounting software package
48444000: Accounting system
48444100: Billing system
48445000: Customer Relation Management software package
48450000: Time accounting or human resources software package
48451000: Enterprise resource planning software package
48460000: Analytical, scientific, mathematical or forecasting software package
48461000: Analytical or scientific software package
48462000: Mathematical or forecasting software package
48463000: Statistical software package
48470000: Auction software package
48480000: Sales, marketing and business intelligence software package
48481000: Sales or marketing software package
48482000: Business intelligence software package
48490000: Procurement software package
48500000: Communication and multimedia software package
48510000: Communication software package
48511000: Desktop communications software package
48512000: Interactive voice response software package
48513000: Modem software package
48514000: Remote access software package
48515000: Video conferencing software package
48516000: Exchange software package
48517000: IT software package
48518000: Emulation software package
48519000: Memory-management software package
48520000: Multimedia software package
48521000: Music or sound editing software package
48522000: Virtual keyboard software package
48600000: Database and operating software package
48610000: Database systems
48611000: Database software package
48612000: Database-management system
48613000: Electronic data management (EDM)
48614000: Data-acquisition system
48620000: Operating systems
48621000: Mainframe operating system software package
48622000: Minicomputer operating system software package
48623000: Microcomputer operating system software package
48624000: Personal computer (PC) operating system software package
48625000: Open systems operating systems
48626000: Clustering software package
48627000: Real-time operating system software package
48628000: Micro-channel architecture
48700000: Software package utilities
48710000: Backup or recovery software package
48720000: Bar coding software package
48730000: Security software package
48731000: File security software package
48732000: Data security software package
48740000: Foreign language translation software package
48750000: Storage media loading software package
48760000: Virus protection software package
48761000: Anti-virus software package
48770000: General, compression and print utility software package
48771000: General utility software package
48772000: Compression utilities
48773000: Print utility software package
48773100: Print-spooling software package
48780000: System, storage and content management software package
48781000: System management software package
48782000: Storage management software package
48783000: Content management software package
48790000: Version checker software package
48800000: Information systems and servers
48810000: Information systems
48811000: E-mail system
48812000: Financial information systems
48813000: Passenger information system
48813100: Electronic bulletin boards
48813200: Real-time passenger information system
48814000: Medical information systems
48814100: Nursing information system
48814200: Patient-administration system
48814300: Theatre management system
48814400: Clinical information system
48814500: Casemix system
48820000: Servers
48821000: Network servers
48822000: Computer servers
48823000: File servers
48824000: Printer servers
48825000: Web servers
48900000: Miscellaneous software package and computer systems
48910000: Computer game software package, family titles and screen savers
48911000: Computer game software package
48912000: Family titles
48913000: Screen savers
48920000: Office automation software package
48921000: Automation system
48930000: Training and entertainment software package
48931000: Training software package
48932000: Entertainment software package
48940000: Pattern design and calendar software package
48941000: Pattern design software package
48942000: Calendar software package
48950000: Boat-location and public address system
48951000: Boat-location system
48952000: Public address systems
48960000: Drivers and system software package
48961000: Ethernet drivers
48962000: Graphics card drivers
48970000: Print shop software package
48971000: Address book making software package
48972000: Label making software package
48980000: Programming languages and tools
48981000: Compiling software packages
48982000: Configuration management software package
48983000: Development software package
48984000: Graphical user interface (GUI) tools
48985000: Programming languages
48986000: Program testing software package
48987000: Debugging software package
48990000: Spreadsheets and enhancement software package
48991000: Spreadsheet software package
50000000: Repair and maintenance services
50100000: Repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment
50110000: Repair and maintenance services of motor vehicles and associated equipment
50111000: Fleet management, repair and maintenance services
50111100: Vehicle-fleet management services
50111110: Vehicle-fleet-support services
50112000: Repair and maintenance services of cars
50112100: Car repair services
50112110: Body-repair services for vehicles
50112111: Panel-beating services
50112120: Windscreen replacement services
50112200: Car maintenance services
50112300: Car-washing and similar services
50113000: Repair and maintenance services of buses
50113100: Bus repair services
50113200: Bus maintenance services
50114000: Repair and maintenance services of trucks
50114100: Truck repair services
50114200: Truck maintenance services
50115000: Repair and maintenance services of motorcycles
50115100: Motorcycle repair services
50115200: Motorcycle maintenance services
50116000: Maintenance and repair services related to specific parts of vehicles
50116100: Electrical-system repair services
50116200: Repair and maintenance services of vehicle brakes and brake parts
50116300: Repair and maintenance services of vehicle gearboxes
50116400: Repair and maintenance services of vehicle transmissions
50116500: Tyre repair services, including fitting and balancing
50116510: Tyre-remoulding services
50116600: Repair and maintenance services of starter motors
50117000: Vehicle conversion and reconditioning services
50117100: Motor vehicle conversion services
50117200: Ambulance conversion services
50117300: Reconditioning services of vehicles
50118000: Automobile emergency road services
50118100: Breakdown and recovery services for cars
50118110: Vehicle towing-away services
50118200: Breakdown and recovery services for commercial vehicles
50118300: Breakdown and recovery services for buses
50118400: Breakdown and recovery services for motor vehicles
50118500: Breakdown and recovery services for motorcycles
50190000: Demolition services of vehicles
50210000: Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft and other equipment
50211000: Repair and maintenance services of aircraft
50211100: Aircraft maintenance services
50211200: Aircraft repair services
50211210: Repair and maintenance services of aircraft engines
50211211: Aircraft-engine maintenance services
50211212: Aircraft-engine repair services
50211300: Reconditioning services of aircraft
50211310: Reconditioning services of aircraft engines
50212000: Repair and maintenance services of helicopters
50220000: Repair, maintenance and associated services related to railways and other equipment
50221000: Repair and maintenance services of locomotives
50221100: Repair and maintenance services of locomotive gearboxes
50221200: Repair and maintenance services of locomotive transmissions
50221300: Repair and maintenance services of locomotive wheelsets
50221400: Repair and maintenance services of locomotive brakes and brake parts
50222000: Repair and maintenance services of rolling stock
50222100: Repair and maintenance services of dampers
50223000: Reconditioning services of locomotives
50224000: Reconditioning services of rolling stock
50224100: Reconditioning services of rolling stock seats
50224200: Reconditioning services of passenger coaches
50225000: Railway-track maintenance services
50229000: Demolition of rolling stock
50230000: Repair, maintenance and associated services related to roads and other equipment
50232000: Maintenance services of public-lighting installations and traffic lights
50232100: Street-lighting maintenance services
50232110: Commissioning of public lighting installations
50232200: Traffic-signal maintenance services
50240000: Repair, maintenance and associated services related to marine and other equipment
50241000: Repair and maintenance services of ships
50241100: Vessel repair services
50241200: Ferry repair services
50242000: Conversion services of ships
50243000: Demolition services of ships
50244000: Reconditioning services of ships or boats
50245000: Upgrading services of ships
50246000: Harbour equipment maintenance services
50246100: Dry-docking services
50246200: Buoy maintenance services
50246300: Repair and maintenance services of floating structures
50246400: Repair and maintenance services of floating platforms
50310000: Maintenance and repair of office machinery
50311000: Maintenance and repair of office accounting machinery
50311400: Maintenance and repair of calculators and accounting machinery
50312000: Maintenance and repair of computer equipment
50312100: Maintenance and repair of mainframe computers
50312110: Maintenance of mainframe computers
50312120: Repair of mainframe computers
50312200: Maintenance and repair of minicomputers
50312210: Maintenance of minicomputers
50312220: Repair of minicomputers
50312300: Maintenance and repair of data network equipment
50312310: Maintenance of data network equipment
50312320: Repair of data network equipment
50312400: Maintenance and repair of microcomputers
50312410: Maintenance of microcomputers
50312420: Repair of microcomputers
50312600: Maintenance and repair of information technology equipment
50312610: Maintenance of information technology equipment
50312620: Repair of information technology equipment
50313000: Maintenance and repair of reprographic machinery
50313100: Photocopier repair services
50313200: Photocopier maintenance services
50314000: Repair and maintenance services of facsimile machines
50315000: Repair and maintenance services of telephone-answering machines
50316000: Maintenance and repair of ticket-issuing machinery
50317000: Maintenance and repair of ticket-validation machinery
50320000: Repair and maintenance services of personal computers
50321000: Repair services of personal computers
50322000: Maintenance services of personal computers
50323000: Maintenance and repair of computer peripherals
50323100: Maintenance of computer peripherals
50323200: Repair of computer peripherals
50324000: Support services of personal computers
50324100: System maintenance services
50324200: Preventive maintenance services
50330000: Maintenance services of telecommunications equipment
50331000: Repair and maintenance services of telecommunications lines
50332000: Telecommunications-infrastructure maintenance services
50333000: Maintenance services of radio-communications equipment
50333100: Repair and maintenance services of radio transmitters
50333200: Repair and maintenance services of radiotelephony apparatus
50334000: Repair and maintenance services of line telephony and line telegraphy equipment
50334100: Repair and maintenance services of line telephony equipment
50334110: Telephone network maintenance services
50334120: Upgrade services of telephone switching equipment
50334130: Repair and maintenance services of telephone switching apparatus
50334140: Repair and maintenance services of telephone sets
50334200: Repair and maintenance services of line telegraphy equipment
50334300: Repair and maintenance services of line telex equipment
50334400: Communications system maintenance services
50340000: Repair and maintenance services of audio-visual and optical equipment
50341000: Repair and maintenance services of television equipment
50341100: Repair and maintenance services of videotext equipment
50341200: Repair and maintenance services of television transmitters
50342000: Repair and maintenance services of audio equipment
50343000: Repair and maintenance services of video equipment
50344000: Repair and maintenance services of optical equipment
50344100: Repair and maintenance services of photographic equipment
50344200: Repair and maintenance services of cinematographic equipment
50400000: Repair and maintenance services of medical and precision equipment
50410000: Repair and maintenance services of measuring, testing and checking apparatus
50411000: Repair and maintenance services of measuring apparatus
50411100: Repair and maintenance services of water meters
50411200: Repair and maintenance services of gas meters
50411300: Repair and maintenance services of electricity meters
50411400: Repair and maintenance services of tachometers
50411500: Repair and maintenance services of industrial time-measuring equipment
50412000: Repair and maintenance services of testing apparatus
50413000: Repair and maintenance services of checking apparatus
50413100: Repair and maintenance services of gas-detection equipment
50413200: Repair and maintenance services of firefighting equipment
50420000: Repair and maintenance services of medical and surgical equipment
50421000: Repair and maintenance services of medical equipment
50421100: Repair and maintenance services of wheelchairs
50421200: Repair and maintenance services of X-ray equipment
50422000: Repair and maintenance services of surgical equipment
50430000: Repair and maintenance services of precision equipment
50431000: Repair and maintenance services of watches
50432000: Repair and maintenance services of clocks
50433000: Calibration services
50500000: Repair and maintenance services for pumps, valves, taps and metal containers and machinery
50510000: Repair and maintenance services of pumps, valves, taps and metal containers
50511000: Repair and maintenance services of pumps
50511100: Repair and maintenance services of liquid pumps
50511200: Repair and maintenance services of gas pumps
50512000: Repair and maintenance services of valves
50513000: Repair and maintenance services of taps
50514000: Repair and maintenance services of metal containers
50514100: Repair and maintenance services of tanks
50514200: Repair and maintenance services of reservoirs
50514300: Sleeving repair services
50530000: Repair and maintenance services of machinery
50531000: Repair and maintenance services for non-electrical machinery
50531100: Repair and maintenance services of boilers
50531200: Gas appliance maintenance services
50531300: Repair and maintenance services of compressors
50531400: Repair and maintenance services of cranes
50531500: Repair and maintenance services of derricks
50531510: Derrick-dismantling services
50532000: Repair and maintenance services of electrical machinery, apparatus and associated equipment
50532100: Repair and maintenance services of electric motors
50532200: Repair and maintenance services of transformers
50532300: Repair and maintenance services of generators
50532400: Repair and maintenance services of electrical distribution equipment
50600000: Repair and maintenance services of security and defence materials
50610000: Repair and maintenance services of security equipment
50620000: Repair and maintenance services of firearms and ammunition
50630000: Repair and maintenance services of military vehicles
50640000: Repair and maintenance services of warships
50650000: Repair and maintenance services of military aircrafts, missiles and spacecrafts
50660000: Repair and maintenance services of military electronic systems
50700000: Repair and maintenance services of building installations
50710000: Repair and maintenance services of electrical and mechanical building installations
50711000: Repair and maintenance services of electrical building installations
50712000: Repair and maintenance services of mechanical building installations
50720000: Repair and maintenance services of central heating
50721000: Commissioning of heating installations
50730000: Repair and maintenance services of cooler groups
50740000: Repair and maintenance services of escalators
50750000: Lift-maintenance services
50760000: Repair and maintenance of public conveniences
50800000: Miscellaneous repair and maintenance services
50810000: Repair services of jewellery
50820000: Repair services of leather personal goods
50821000: Repair services of boots
50822000: Repair services of shoes
50830000: Repair services of garments and textiles
50840000: Repair and maintenance services of weapons and weapon systems
50841000: Repair and maintenance services of weapons
50842000: Repair and maintenance services of weapon systems
50850000: Repair and maintenance services of furniture
50860000: Repair and maintenance services of musical instruments
50870000: Repair and maintenance services of playground equipment
50880000: Repair and maintenance services of hotel and restaurant equipment
50881000: Repair and maintenance services of hotel equipment
50882000: Repair and maintenance services of restaurant equipment
50883000: Repair and maintenance services of catering equipment
50884000: Repair and maintenance services of camping equipment
51000000: Installation services (except software)
51100000: Installation services of electrical and mechanical equipment
51110000: Installation services of electrical equipment
51111000: Installation services of electric motors, generators and transformers
51111100: Installation services of electric motors
51111200: Installation services of generators
51111300: Installation services of transformers
51112000: Installation services of electricity distribution and control equipment
51112100: Installation services of electricity distribution equipment
51112200: Installation services of electricity control equipment
51120000: Installation services of mechanical equipment
51121000: Installation services of fitness equipment
51122000: Installation services of flagpoles
51130000: Installation services of steam generators, turbines, compressors and burners
51131000: Installation services of steam generators
51133000: Installation services of turbines
51133100: Installation services of gas turbines
51134000: Installation services of compressors
51135000: Installation services of furnaces
51135100: Installation services of burners
51135110: Installation services of waste incinerators
51140000: Installation services of engines
51141000: Installation services of petrol engines
51142000: Installation services of diesel engines
51143000: Installation services of railway engines
51144000: Installation services of vehicle engines
51145000: Installation services of marine engines
51146000: Installation services of aircraft engines
51200000: Installation services of equipment for measuring, checking, testing and navigating
51210000: Installation services of measuring equipment
51211000: Installation services of time-measuring equipment
51212000: Installation services of time register equipment
51213000: Installation services of time recorder equipment
51214000: Installation services of parking meter equipment
51215000: Installation services of meteorological equipment
51216000: Installation services of geological equipment
51220000: Installation services of checking equipment
51221000: Installation services of automatic airport check-in devices
51230000: Installation services of testing equipment
51240000: Installation services of navigating equipment
51300000: Installation services of communications equipment
51310000: Installation services of radio, television, sound and video equipment
51311000: Installation services of radio equipment
51312000: Installation services of television equipment
51313000: Installation services of sound equipment
51314000: Installation services of video equipment
51320000: Installation services of radio and television transmitters
51321000: Installation services of radio transmitters
51322000: Installation services of television transmitters
51330000: Installation services of radiotelephony apparatus
51340000: Installation services of line telephony equipment
51350000: Installation services of line telegraphy equipment
51400000: Installation services of medical and surgical equipment
51410000: Installation services of medical equipment
51411000: Installation services of imaging equipment
51412000: Installation services of dental and subspecialty equipment
51413000: Installation services of radiotherapy equipment
51414000: Installation services of mechanotherapy equipment
51415000: Installation services of electrotherapy equipment
51416000: Installation services of physical therapy equipment
51420000: Installation services of surgical equipment
51430000: Installation services of laboratory equipment
51500000: Installation services of machinery and equipment
51510000: Installation services of general-purpose machinery and equipment
51511000: Installation services of lifting and handling equipment, except lifts and escalators
51511100: Installation services of lifting equipment
51511110: Installation services of cranes
51511200: Installation services of handling equipment
51511300: Installation services of suspended access equipment
51511400: Installation services of special conveying systems
51514000: Installation services of miscellaneous general-purpose machinery
51514100: Installation services of liquid filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus
51514110: Installation services of machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying water
51520000: Installation services of agricultural and forestry machinery
51521000: Installation services of agricultural machinery
51522000: Installation services of forestry machinery
51530000: Installation services of machine tools
51540000: Installation services of special-purpose machinery and equipment
51541000: Installation services of mining, quarrying, construction and metallurgy machinery
51541100: Installation services of mining machinery
51541200: Installation services of quarrying machinery
51541300: Installation services of construction machinery
51541400: Installation services of metallurgy machinery
51542000: Installation services of food-, beverage- and tobacco-processing machinery
51542100: Installation services of food-processing machinery
51542200: Installation services of beverage-processing machinery
51542300: Installation services of tobacco-processing machinery
51543000: Installation services of textile-, clothing- and leather-production machinery
51543100: Installation services of textile-production machinery
51543200: Installation services of clothing-production machinery
51543300: Installation services of leather-production machinery
51543400: Installation services of laundry washing, dry-cleaning and drying machines
51544000: Installation services of paper- and paperboard-production machinery
51544100: Installation services of paper-production machinery
51544200: Installation services of paperboard-production machinery
51545000: Installation services of street mailboxes
51550000: Installation services of weapon systems
51600000: Installation services of computers and office equipment
51610000: Installation services of computers and information-processing equipment
51611000: Installation services of computers
51611100: Hardware installation services
51611110: Installation services of airport real-time departures and arrival display screens or boards
51611120: Installation services of railway real-time departures and arrival display screens or boards
51612000: Installation services of information-processing equipment
51620000: Installation services of office equipment
51700000: Installation services of fire protection equipment
51800000: Installation services of metal containers
51810000: Installation services of tanks
51820000: Installation services of reservoirs
51900000: Installation services of guidance and control systems
55000000: Hotel, restaurant and retail trade services
55100000: Hotel services
55110000: Hotel accommodation services
55120000: Hotel meeting and conference services
55130000: Other hotel services
55200000: Camping sites and other non-hotel accommodation
55210000: Youth hostel services
55220000: Camping-site services
55221000: Caravan-site services
55240000: Holiday centre and holiday home services
55241000: Holiday centre services
55242000: Holiday home services
55243000: Children's holiday-camp services
55250000: Letting services of short-stay furnished accommodation
55260000: Sleeping-car services
55270000: Services provided by bed and breakfast establishments
55300000: Restaurant and food-serving services
55310000: Restaurant waiter services
55311000: Restricted-clientele restaurant waiter services
55312000: Unrestricted-clientele restaurant waiter services
55320000: Meal-serving services
55321000: Meal-preparation services
55322000: Meal-cooking services
55330000: Cafeteria services
55400000: Beverage-serving services
55410000: Bar management services
55500000: Canteen and catering services
55510000: Canteen services
55511000: Canteen and other restricted-clientele cafeteria services
55512000: Canteen management services
55520000: Catering services
55521000: Catering services for private households
55521100: Meals-on-wheels services
55521200: Meal delivery service
55522000: Catering services for transport enterprises
55523000: Catering services for other enterprises or other institutions
55523100: School-meal services
55524000: School catering services
55900000: Retail trade services
60000000: Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
60100000: Road transport services
60112000: Public road transport services
60120000: Taxi services
60130000: Special-purpose road passenger-transport services
60140000: Non-scheduled passenger transport
60150000: Passenger transport by animal-drawn vehicles
60160000: Mail transport by road
60161000: Parcel transport services
60170000: Hire of passenger transport vehicles with driver
60171000: Hire of passenger cars with driver
60172000: Hire of buses and coaches with driver
60180000: Hire of goods-transport vehicles with driver
60181000: Hire of trucks with driver
60182000: Hire of industrial vehicles with driver
60183000: Hire of vans with driver
60200000: Railway transport services
60210000: Public transport services by railways
60220000: Mail transport by railway
60300000: Pipeline transport services
60400000: Air transport services
60410000: Scheduled air transport services
60411000: Scheduled airmail transport services
60420000: Non-scheduled air transport services
60421000: Non-scheduled airmail transport services
60423000: Air-charter services
60424000: Hire of air transport equipment with crew
60424100: Hire of aircraft with crew
60424110: Hire of fixed-wing aircraft with crew
60424120: Hire of helicopters with crew
60440000: Aerial and related services
60441000: Aerial spraying services
60442000: Aerial forest-firefighting services
60443000: Air-rescue services
60443100: Air-sea rescue services
60444000: Aircraft-operation services
60444100: Pilot services
60445000: Aircraft operating services
60500000: Space transport services
60510000: Satellite launch services
60520000: Experimental payload services
60600000: Water transport services
60610000: Ferry transport services
60620000: Transport by water of mail
60630000: Cable-laying ship services
60640000: Shipping operations
60650000: Hire of water transport equipment with crew
60651000: Hire of vessels with crew
60651100: Hire of sea-going vessels with crew
60651200: Hire of inland waterway vessels with crew
60651300: Anti-pollution ship services
60651400: Heavy-lift ship services
60651500: Standby ship services
60651600: Offshore supply ship services
60653000: Hire of boats with crew
63000000: Supporting and auxiliary transport services; travel agencies services
63100000: Cargo handling and storage services
63110000: Cargo handling services
63111000: Container handling services
63112000: Baggage handling services
63112100: Passenger baggage handling services
63112110: Baggage collection services
63120000: Storage and warehousing services
63121000: Storage and retrieval services
63121100: Storage services
63121110: Gas storage services
63122000: Warehousing services
63500000: Travel agency, tour operator and tourist assistance services
63510000: Travel agency and similar services
63511000: Organisation of package tours
63512000: Sale of travel tickets and package tours services
63513000: Tourist information services
63514000: Tourist guide services
63515000: Travel services
63516000: Travel management services
63520000: Transport agency services
63521000: Freight transport agency services
63522000: Ship brokerage services
63523000: Port and forwarding agency services
63524000: Transport document preparation services
63700000: Support services for land, water and air transport
63710000: Support services for land transport
63711000: Support services for railway transport
63711100: Train monitoring services
63711200: Moving workshops services
63712000: Support services for road transport
63712100: Bus station services
63712200: Highway operation services
63712210: Highway toll services
63712300: Bridge and tunnel operation services
63712310: Bridge operating services
63712311: Bridge toll services
63712320: Tunnel operation services
63712321: Tunnel toll services
63712400: Parking services
63712500: Weighbridge services
63712600: Vehicle refuelling services
63712700: Traffic control services
63712710: Traffic monitoring services
63720000: Support services for water transport
63721000: Port and waterway operation services and associated services
63721100: Bunkering services
63721200: Port operation services
63721300: Waterway operation services
63721400: Ship refuelling services
63721500: Passenger terminal operation services
63722000: Ship-piloting services
63723000: Berthing services
63724000: Navigation services
63724100: Offshore positioning services
63724110: Lightship positioning services
63724200: Lightship services
63724300: Buoy positioning services
63724310: Buoy marking services
63724400: Lighthouse services
63725000: Salvage and refloating services
63725100: Vessel-salvaging services
63725200: Standby vessel services
63725300: Vessel refloating services
63726000: Miscellaneous water transport support services
63726100: Vessel registration services
63726200: Ice-breaking services
63726300: Vessel storage services
63726400: Ship chartering services
63726500: Vessel laying-up services
63726600: Ship-operating services
63726610: Ship-launching services
63726620: ROV services
63726700: Fishing-vessel services
63726800: Research vessel services
63726900: Anchor handling services
63727000: Towing and pushing services of ships
63727100: Towing services
63727200: Pushing services
63730000: Support services for air transport
63731000: Airport operation services
63731100: Airport slot coordination services
63732000: Air-traffic control services
63733000: Aircraft refuelling services
63734000: Hangar services
64000000: Postal and telecommunications services
64100000: Post and courier services
64110000: Postal services
64111000: Postal services related to newspapers and periodicals
64112000: Postal services related to letters
64113000: Postal services related to parcels
64114000: Post office counter services
64115000: Mailbox rental
64116000: Post-restante services
64120000: Courier services
64121000: Multi-modal courier services
64121100: Mail delivery services
64121200: Parcel delivery services
64122000: Internal office mail and messenger services
64200000: Telecommunications services
64210000: Telephone and data transmission services
64211000: Public-telephone services
64211100: Local telephone services
64211200: Long distance telephone services
64212000: Mobile-telephone services
64212100: Short Message Service (SMS) services
64212200: Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS) services
64212300: Multimedia Message Service (MMS) services
64212400: Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) services
64212500: General Packet Radio Services (GPRS) services
64212600: Enhanced Data for GSM Evolution (EDGE) services
64212700: Universal Mobile Telephone System (UMTS) services
64212800: Pay phone provider services
64212900: Pre-paid phone card provider services
64213000: Shared-business telephone network services
64214000: Dedicated-business telephone network services
64214100: Satellite circuit rental services
64214200: Telephone switchboard services
64214400: Communication land-line rental
64215000: IP telephone services
64216000: Electronic message and information services
64216100: Electronic message services
64216110: Electronic data exchange services
64216120: Electronic mail services
64216130: Telex services
64216140: Telegraph services
64216200: Electronic information services
64216210: Value-added information services
64216300: Teletext services
64220000: Telecommunication services except telephone and data transmission services
64221000: Interconnection services
64222000: Teleworking services
64223000: Paging services
64224000: Teleconferencing services
64225000: Air-to-ground telecommunications services
64226000: Telematics services
64227000: Integrated telecommunications services
64228000: Television and radio broadcast transmission services
64228100: Television broadcast transmission services
64228200: Radio broadcast transmission services
65000000: Public utilities
65100000: Water distribution and related services
65110000: Water distribution
65111000: Drinking-water distribution
65120000: Operation of a water-purification plant
65121000: Water demineralisation services
65122000: Water desalination services
65123000: Water softening services
65130000: Operation of water supplies
65200000: Gas distribution and related services
65210000: Gas distribution
65300000: Electricity distribution and related services
65310000: Electricity distribution
65320000: Operation of electrical installations
65400000: Other sources of energy supplies and distribution
65410000: Operation of a power plant
65500000: Meter reading service
66000000: Financial and insurance services
66100000: Banking and investment services
66110000: Banking services
66111000: Central bank services
66112000: Deposit services
66113000: Credit granting services
66113100: Micro-credit granting services
66114000: Financial leasing services
66115000: International payment transfer services
66120000: Investment banking services and related services
66121000: Mergers and acquisition services
66122000: Corporate finance and venture capital services
66130000: Brokerage and related securities and commodities services
66131000: Security brokerage services
66131100: Pension investment services
66132000: Commodity brokerage services
66133000: Processing and clearing services
66140000: Portfolio management services
66141000: Pension fund management services
66150000: Financial markets administration services
66151000: Financial market operational services
66151100: Electronic marketplace retailing services
66152000: Financial market regulatory services
66160000: Trust and custody services
66161000: Trust services
66162000: Custody services
66170000: Financial consultancy, financial transaction processing and clearing-house services
66171000: Financial consultancy services
66172000: Financial transaction processing and clearing-house services
66180000: Foreign exchange services
66190000: Loan brokerage services
66500000: Insurance and pension services
66510000: Insurance services
66511000: Life insurance services
66512000: Accident and health insurance services
66512100: Accident insurance services
66512200: Health insurance services
66512210: Voluntary health insurance services
66512220: Medical insurance services
66513000: Legal insurance and all-risk insurance services
66513100: Legal expenses insurance services
66513200: Contractor's all-risk insurance services
66514000: Freight insurance and Insurance services relating to transport
66514100: Insurance related to Transport
66514110: Motor vehicle insurance services
66514120: Marine, aviation and other transport insurance services
66514130: Railway insurance services
66514140: Aircraft insurance services
66514150: Vessel insurance services
66514200: Freight insurance services
66515000: Damage or loss insurance services
66515100: Fire insurance services
66515200: Property insurance services
66515300: Weather and financial loss insurance services
66515400: Weather-related insurance services
66515410: Financial loss insurance services
66515411: Pecuniary loss insurance services
66516000: Liability insurance services
66516100: Motor vehicle liability insurance services
66516200: Aircraft liability insurance services
66516300: Vessel liability insurance services
66516400: General liability insurance services
66516500: Professional liability insurance services
66517000: Credit and surety insurance services
66517100: Credit insurance services
66517200: Surety insurance services
66517300: Risk management insurance services
66518000: Insurance brokerage and agency services
66518100: Insurance brokerage services
66518200: Insurance agency services
66518300: Insurance claims adjustment services
66519000: Engineering, auxiliary, average, loss, actuarial and salvage insurance services
66519100: Oil or gas platforms insurance services
66519200: Engineering insurance services
66519300: Auxiliary insurance services
66519310: Insurance consultancy services
66519400: Average adjustment services
66519500: Loss adjustment services
66519600: Actuarial services
66519700: Salvage administration services
66520000: Pension services
66521000: Individual pension services
66522000: Group pension services
66523000: Pension fund consultancy services
66523100: Pension fund administration services
66600000: Treasury services
66700000: Reinsurance services
66710000: Life reinsurance services
66720000: Accident and health reinsurance services
70000000: Real estate services
70100000: Real estate services with own property
70110000: Development services of real estate
70111000: Development of residential real estate
70112000: Development of non-residential real estate
70120000: Buying and selling of real estate
70121000: Building sale or purchase services
70121100: Building sale services
70121200: Building purchase services
70122000: Land sale or purchase services
70122100: Land sale services
70122110: Vacant-land sale services
70122200: Land purchase services
70122210: Vacant-land purchase services
70123000: Sale of real estate
70123100: Sale of residential real estate
70123200: Sale of non-residential estate
70130000: Letting services of own property
70200000: Renting or leasing services of own property
70210000: Residential property renting or leasing services
70220000: Non-residential property renting or leasing services
70300000: Real estate agency services on a fee or contract basis
70310000: Building rental or sale services
70311000: Residential building rental or sale services
70320000: Land rental or sale services
70321000: Land rental services
70322000: Vacant-land rental or sale services
70330000: Property management services of real estate on a fee or contract basis
70331000: Residential property services
70331100: Institution management services
70332000: Non-residential property services
70332100: Land management services
70332200: Commercial property management services
70332300: Industrial property services
70333000: Housing services
70340000: Time-sharing services
71000000: Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
71200000: Architectural and related services
71210000: Advisory architectural services
71220000: Architectural design services
71221000: Architectural services for buildings
71222000: Architectural services for outdoor areas
71222100: Urban areas mapping services
71222200: Rural areas mapping services
71223000: Architectural services for building extensions
71230000: Organisation of architectural design contests
71240000: Architectural, engineering and planning services
71241000: Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis
71242000: Project and design preparation, estimation of costs
71243000: Draft plans (systems and integration)
71244000: Calculation of costs, monitoring of costs
71245000: Approval plans, working drawings and specifications
71246000: Determining and listing of quantities in construction
71247000: Supervision of building work
71248000: Supervision of project and documentation
71250000: Architectural, engineering and surveying services
71251000: Architectural and building-surveying services
71300000: Engineering services
71310000: Consultative engineering and construction services
71311000: Civil engineering consultancy services
71311100: Civil engineering support services
71311200: Transport systems consultancy services
71311210: Highways consultancy services
71311220: Highways engineering services
71311230: Railway engineering services
71311240: Airport engineering services
71311300: Infrastructure works consultancy services
71312000: Structural engineering consultancy services
71313000: Environmental engineering consultancy services
71313100: Noise-control consultancy services
71313200: Sound insulation and room acoustics consultancy services
71313400: Environmental impact assessment for construction
71313410: Risk or hazard assessment for construction
71313420: Environmental standards for construction
71313430: Environmental indicators analysis for construction
71313440: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) services for construction
71313450: Environmental monitoring for construction
71314000: Energy and related services
71314100: Electrical services
71314200: Energy-management services
71314300: Energy-efficiency consultancy services
71314310: Heating engineering services for buildings
71315000: Building services
71315100: Building-fabric consultancy services
71315200: Building consultancy services
71315210: Building services consultancy services
71315300: Building surveying services
71315400: Building-inspection services
71315410: Inspection of ventilation system
71316000: Telecommunication consultancy services
71317000: Hazard protection and control consultancy services
71317100: Fire and explosion protection and control consultancy services
71317200: Health and safety services
71317210: Health and safety consultancy services
71318000: Advisory and consultative engineering services
71318100: Artificial and natural lighting engineering services for buildings
71319000: Expert witness services
71320000: Engineering design services
71321000: Engineering design services for mechanical and electrical installations for buildings
71321100: Construction economics services
71321200: Heating-system design services
71321300: Plumbing consultancy services
71321400: Ventilation consultancy services
71322000: Engineering design services for the construction of civil engineering works
71322100: Quantity surveying services for civil engineering works
71322200: Pipeline-design services
71322300: Bridge-design services
71322400: Dam-design services
71322500: Engineering-design services for traffic installations
71323000: Engineering-design services for industrial process and production
71323100: Electrical power systems design services
71323200: Plant engineering design services
71324000: Quantity surveying services
71325000: Foundation-design services
71326000: Ancillary building services
71327000: Load-bearing structure design services
71328000: Verification of load-bearing structure design services
71330000: Miscellaneous engineering services
71331000: Drilling-mud engineering services
71332000: Geotechnical engineering services
71333000: Mechanical engineering services
71334000: Mechanical and electrical engineering services
71335000: Engineering studies
71336000: Engineering support services
71337000: Corrosion engineering services
71340000: Integrated engineering services
71350000: Engineering-related scientific and technical services
71351000: Geological, geophysical and other scientific prospecting services
71351100: Core preparation and analysis services
71351200: Geological and geophysical consultancy services
71351210: Geophysical consultancy services
71351220: Geological consultancy services
71351300: Micropalaeontological analysis services
71351400: Petrophysical interpretation services
71351500: Ground investigation services
71351600: Weather-forecasting services
71351610: Meteorology services
71351611: Climatology services
71351612: Hydrometeorology services
71351700: Scientific prospecting services
71351710: Geophysical prospecting services
71351720: Geophysical surveys of archaeological sites
71351730: Geological prospecting services
71351800: Topographical and water divining services
71351810: Topographical services
71351811: Topographical surveys of archaeological sites
71351820: Water divining services
71351900: Geology, oceanography and hydrology services
71351910: Geology services
71351911: Photogeology services
71351912: Stratigraphic geology services
71351913: Geological exploration services
71351914: Archaeological services
71351920: Oceanography and hydrology services
71351921: Estuarine oceanography services
71351922: Physical oceanography services
71351923: Bathymetric surveys services
71351924: Underwater exploration services
71352000: Subsurface surveying services
71352100: Seismic services
71352110: Seismographic surveying services
71352120: Seismic data acquisition services
71352130: Seismic data collection services
71352140: Seismic processing services
71352300: Magnetometric surveying services
71353000: Surface surveying services
71353100: Hydrographic surveying services
71353200: Dimensional surveying services
71354000: Map-making services
71354100: Digital mapping services
71354200: Aerial mapping services
71354300: Cadastral surveying services
71354400: Hydrographic services
71354500: Marine survey services
71355000: Surveying services
71355100: Photogrammetry services
71355200: Ordnance surveying
71356000: Technical services
71356100: Technical control services
71356200: Technical assistance services
71356300: Technical support services
71356400: Technical planning services
71400000: Urban planning and landscape architectural services
71410000: Urban planning services
71420000: Landscape architectural services
71421000: Landscape gardening services
71500000: Construction-related services
71510000: Site-investigation services
71520000: Construction supervision services
71521000: Construction-site supervision services
71530000: Construction consultancy services
71540000: Construction management services
71541000: Construction project management services
71550000: Blacksmith services
71600000: Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services
71610000: Composition and purity testing and analysis services
71620000: Analysis services
71621000: Technical analysis or consultancy services
71630000: Technical inspection and testing services
71631000: Technical inspection services
71631100: Machinery-inspection services
71631200: Technical automobile inspection services
71631300: Technical building-inspection services
71631400: Technical inspection services of engineering structures
71631420: Maritime safety inspection services
71631430: Leak-testing services
71631440: Flow-monitoring services
71631450: Bridge-inspection services
71631460: Dam-inspection services
71631470: Railway-track inspection services
71631480: Road-inspection services
71631490: Runway-inspection services
71632000: Technical testing services
71632100: Valve-testing services
71632200: Non-destructive testing services
71700000: Monitoring and control services
71730000: Industrial inspection services
71731000: Industrial quality control services
71800000: Consulting services for water-supply and waste consultancy
71900000: Laboratory services
72000000: IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
72100000: Hardware consultancy services
72110000: Hardware selection consultancy services
72120000: Hardware disaster-recovery consultancy services
72130000: Computer-site planning consultancy services
72140000: Computer hardware acceptance testing consultancy services
72150000: Computer audit consultancy and hardware consultancy services
72200000: Software programming and consultancy services
72210000: Programming services of packaged software products
72211000: Programming services of systems and user software
72212000: Programming services of application software
72212100: Industry specific software development services
72212110: Point of sale (POS) software development services
72212120: Flight control software development services
72212121: Air traffic control software development services
72212130: Aviation ground support and test software development services
72212131: Aviation ground support software development services
72212132: Aviation test software development services
72212140: Railway traffic control software development services
72212150: Industrial control software development services
72212160: Library software development services
72212170: Compliance software development services
72212180: Medical software development services
72212190: Educational software development services
72212200: Networking, Internet and intranet software development services
72212210: Networking software development services
72212211: Platform interconnectivity software development services
72212212: Optical jukebox server software development services
72212213: Operating system enhancement software development services
72212214: Network operating system software development services
72212215: Networking developers software development services
72212216: Network connectivity terminal emulation software development services
72212217: Transaction-processing software development services
72212218: License management software development services
72212219: Miscellaneous networking software development services
72212220: Internet and intranet software development services
72212221: Internet browsing software development services
72212222: Web server software development services
72212223: Electronic mail software development services
72212224: Web page editing software development services
72212300: Document creation, drawing, imaging, scheduling and productivity software development services
72212310: Document creation software development services
72212311: Document management software development services
72212312: Electronic publishing software development services
72212313: Optical-character-recognition (OCR) software development services
72212314: Voice recognition software development services
72212315: Desktop-publishing software development services
72212316: Presentation software development services
72212317: Word-processing software development services
72212318: Scanner software development services
72212320: Drawing and imaging software development services
72212321: Computer-aided design (CAD) software development services
72212322: Graphics software development services
72212323: Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software development services
72212324: Charting software development services
72212325: Form making software development services
72212326: Mapping software development services
72212327: Drawing and painting software development services
72212328: Image-processing software development services
72212330: Scheduling and productivity software development services
72212331: Project management software development services
72212332: Scheduling software development services
72212333: Contact management software development services
72212400: Business transaction and personal business software development services
72212410: Investment management and tax preparation software development services
72212411: Investment management software development services
72212412: Tax preparation software development services
72212420: Facilities management software development services and software development services suite
72212421: Facilities management software development services
72212422: Software development services suites
72212430: Inventory management software development services
72212440: Financial analysis and accounting software development services
72212441: Financial analysis software development services
72212442: Financial systems software development services
72212443: Accounting software development services
72212445: Customer Relation Management software development services
72212450: Time accounting or human resources software development services
72212451: Enterprise resource planning software development services
72212460: Analytical, scientific, mathematical or forecasting software development services
72212461: Analytical or scientific software development services
72212462: Mathematical or forecasting software development services
72212463: Statistical software development services
72212470: Auction software development services
72212480: Sales, marketing and business intelligence software development services
72212481: Sales or marketing software development services
72212482: Business intelligence software development services
72212490: Procurement software development services
72212500: Communication and multimedia software development services
72212510: Communication software development services
72212511: Desktop communications software development services
72212512: Interactive voice response software development services
72212513: Modem software development services
72212514: Remote access software development services
72212515: Video conferencing software development services
72212516: Exchange software development services
72212517: IT software development services
72212518: Emulation software development services
72212519: Memory-management software development services
72212520: Multimedia software development services
72212521: Music or sound editing software development services
72212522: Virtual keyboard software development services
72212600: Database and operating software development services
72212610: Database software development services
72212620: Mainframe operating system software development services
72212630: Minicomputer operating system software development services
72212640: Microcomputer operating system software development services
72212650: Personal computer (PC) operating system software development services
72212660: Clustering software development services
72212670: Real time operating system software development services
72212700: Software development services utilities
72212710: Backup or recovery software development services
72212720: Bar coding software development services
72212730: Security software development services
72212731: File security software development services
72212732: Data security software development services
72212740: Foreign language translation software development services
72212750: Storage media loading software development services
72212760: Virus protection software development services
72212761: Anti-virus software development services
72212770: General, compression and print utility software development services
72212771: General utility software development services
72212772: Print utility software development services
72212780: System, storage and content management software development services
72212781: System management software development services
72212782: Storage management software development services
72212783: Content management software development services
72212790: Version checker software development services
72212900: Miscellaneous software development services and computer systems
72212910: Computer game software development services, family titles and screen savers
72212911: Computer game software development services
72212920: Office automation software development services
72212930: Training and entertainment software development services
72212931: Training software development services
72212932: Entertainment software development services
72212940: Pattern design and calendar software development services
72212941: Pattern design software development services
72212942: Calendar software development services
72212960: Drivers and system software development services
72212970: Print shop software development services
72212971: Address book making software development services
72212972: Label making software development services
72212980: Programming languages and tools development services
72212981: Compiling software development services
72212982: Configuration management software development services
72212983: Development software development services
72212984: Program testing software development services
72212985: Debugging software development services
72212990: Spreadsheets and enhancement software development services
72212991: Spreadsheet software development services
72220000: Systems and technical consultancy services
72221000: Business analysis consultancy services
72222000: Information systems or technology strategic review and planning services
72222100: Information systems or technology strategic review services
72222200: Information systems or technology planning services
72222300: Information technology services
72223000: Information technology requirements review services
72224000: Project management consultancy services
72224100: System implementation planning services
72224200: System quality assurance planning services
72225000: System quality assurance assessment and review services
72226000: System software acceptance testing consultancy services
72227000: Software integration consultancy services
72228000: Hardware integration consultancy services
72230000: Custom software development services
72231000: Development of software for military applications
72232000: Development of transaction processing and custom software
72240000: Systems analysis and programming services
72241000: Critical design target specification services
72242000: Design-modelling services
72243000: Programming services
72244000: Prototyping services
72245000: Contract systems analysis and programming services
72246000: Systems consultancy services
72250000: System and support services
72251000: Disaster recovery services
72252000: Computer archiving services
72253000: Helpdesk and support services
72253100: Helpdesk services
72253200: Systems support services
72254000: Software testing
72254100: Systems testing services
72260000: Software-related services
72261000: Software support services
72262000: Software development services
72263000: Software implementation services
72264000: Software reproduction services
72265000: Software configuration services
72266000: Software consultancy services
72267000: Software maintenance and repair services
72267100: Maintenance of information technology software
72267200: Repair of information technology software
72268000: Software supply services
72300000: Data services
72310000: Data-processing services
72311000: Computer tabulation services
72311100: Data conversion services
72311200: Batch processing services
72311300: Computer time-sharing services
72312000: Data entry services
72312100: Data preparation services
72312200: Optical character recognition services
72313000: Data capture services
72314000: Data collection and collation services
72315000: Data network management and support services
72315100: Data network support services
72315200: Data network management services
72316000: Data analysis services
72317000: Data storage services
72318000: Data transmission services
72319000: Data supply services
72320000: Database services
72321000: Added-value database services
72322000: Data management services
72330000: Content or data standardization and classification services
72400000: Internet services
72410000: Provider services
72411000: Internet service providers ISP
72412000: Electronic mail service provider
72413000: World wide web (www) site design services
72414000: Web search engine providers
72415000: World wide web (www) site operation host services
72416000: Application service providers
72417000: Internet domain names
72420000: Internet development services
72421000: Internet or intranet client application development services
72422000: Internet or intranet server application development services
72500000: Computer-related services
72510000: Computer-related management services
72511000: Network management software services
72512000: Document management services
72513000: Office automation services
72514000: Computer facilities management services
72514100: Facilities management services involving computer operation
72514200: Facilities management services for computer systems development
72514300: Facilities management services for computer systems maintenance
72540000: Computer upgrade services
72541000: Computer expansion services
72541100: Memory expansion services
72590000: Computer-related professional services
72591000: Development of service level agreements
72600000: Computer support and consultancy services
72610000: Computer support services
72611000: Technical computer support services
72700000: Computer network services
72710000: Local area network services
72720000: Wide area network services
72800000: Computer audit and testing services
72810000: Computer audit services
72820000: Computer testing services
72900000: Computer back-up and catalogue conversion services
72910000: Computer back-up services
72920000: Computer catalogue conversion services
73000000: Research and development services and related consultancy services
73100000: Research and experimental development services
73110000: Research services
73111000: Research laboratory services
73112000: Marine research services
73120000: Experimental development services
73200000: Research and development consultancy services
73210000: Research consultancy services
73220000: Development consultancy services
73300000: Design and execution of research and development
73400000: Research and Development services on security and defence materials
73410000: Military research and technology
73420000: Pre-feasibility study and technological demonstration
73421000: Development of security equipment
73422000: Development of firearms and ammunition
73423000: Development of military vehicles
73424000: Development of warships
73425000: Development of military aircrafts, missiles and spacecrafts
73426000: Development of military electronic systems
73430000: Test and evaluation
73431000: Test and evaluation of security equipment
73432000: Test and evaluation of firearms and ammunition
73433000: Test and evaluation of military vehicles
73434000: Test and evaluation of warships
73435000: Test and evaluation of military aircrafts, missiles and spacecrafts
73436000: Test and evaluation of military electronic systems
75000000: Administration, defence and social security services
75100000: Administration services
75110000: General public services
75111000: Executive and legislative services
75111100: Executive services
75111200: Legislative services
75112000: Administrative services for business operations
75112100: Administrative development project services
75120000: Administrative services of agencies
75121000: Administrative educational services
75122000: Administrative healthcare services
75123000: Administrative housing services
75124000: Administrative recreational, cultural and religious services
75125000: Administrative services related to tourism affairs
75130000: Supporting services for the government
75131000: Government services
75131100: General personnel services for the government
75200000: Provision of services to the community
75210000: Foreign affairs and other services
75211000: Foreign-affairs services
75211100: Diplomatic services
75211110: Consular services
75211200: Foreign economic-aid-related services
75211300: Foreign military-aid-related services
75220000: Defence services
75221000: Military defence services
75222000: Civil defence services
75230000: Justice services
75231000: Judicial services
75231100: Law-courts-related administrative services
75231200: Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals
75231210: Imprisonment services
75231220: Prisoner-escort services
75231230: Prison services
75231240: Probation services
75240000: Public security, law and order services
75241000: Public security services
75241100: Police services
75242000: Public law and order services
75242100: Public-order services
75242110: Bailiff services
75250000: Fire-brigade and rescue services
75251000: Fire-brigade services
75251100: Firefighting services
75251110: Fire-prevention services
75251120: Forest-firefighting services
75252000: Rescue services
75300000: Compulsory social security services
75310000: Benefit services
75311000: Sickness benefits
75312000: Maternity benefits
75313000: Disability benefits
75313100: Temporary disablement benefits
75314000: Unemployment compensation benefits
75320000: Government employee pension schemes
75330000: Family allowances
75340000: Child allowances
76000000: Services related to the oil and gas industry
76100000: Professional services for the gas industry
76110000: Services incidental to gas extraction
76111000: Regasification services
76120000: Diving services incidental to gas extraction
76121000: Subsea well diving services
76200000: Professional services for the oil industry
76210000: Services incidental to oil extraction
76211000: Liner-hanger services
76211100: Lining services
76211110: Test pit lining services
76211120: Well site pit lining services
76211200: Mudlogging services
76300000: Drilling services
76310000: Drilling services incidental to gas extraction
76320000: Offshore drilling services
76330000: Turbine drilling services
76331000: Coiled turbine drilling services
76340000: Core drilling
76400000: Rig-positioning services
76410000: Well-casing and tubing services
76411000: Well-casing services
76411100: Well-casing crew services
76411200: Well-casing planning services
76411300: Well-casing milling services
76411400: Well-casing completion services
76420000: Well-cementing services
76421000: Liner cementing services
76422000: Plug cementing services
76423000: Foam cementing services
76430000: Well-drilling and production services
76431000: Well-drilling services
76431100: Well-drilling control services
76431200: Well-drilling pickup services
76431300: Well-drilling laydown services
76431400: Rathole well-drilling services
76431500: Well-drilling supervision services
76431600: Well-drilling rig monitor services
76440000: Well-logging services
76441000: Cased hole logging services
76442000: Open hole logging services
76443000: Other logging services
76450000: Well-management services
76460000: Well-support services
76470000: Well-testing services
76471000: Well fracture testing services
76472000: Well site inspection or testing services
76473000: Well equipment testing services
76480000: Tubing services
76490000: Well-completion services
76491000: Well-plugging services
76492000: Well-positioning services
76500000: Onshore and offshore services
76510000: Onshore services
76520000: Offshore services
76521000: Offshore installation services
76522000: Offshore supply-vessel services
76530000: Downhole services
76531000: Downhole logging services
76532000: Downhole pumping services
76533000: Downhole recording services
76534000: Downhole underreaming services
76535000: Downhole hole opening services
76536000: Downhole vibration control services
76537000: Downhole tool services
76537100: Downhole oilifield tools services
76600000: Pipeline-inspection services
77000000: Agricultural, forestry, horticultural, aquacultural and apicultural services
77100000: Agricultural services
77110000: Services incidental to agricultural production
77111000: Hire of agricultural machinery with operator
77112000: Hire of mowers or agricultural equipment with operator
77120000: Composting services
77200000: Forestry services
77210000: Logging services
77211000: Services incidental to logging
77211100: Timber harvesting services
77211200: Transport of logs within the forest
77211300: Tree-clearing services
77211400: Tree-cutting services
77211500: Tree-maintenance services
77211600: Tree seeding
77220000: Timber-impregnation services
77230000: Services incidental to forestry
77231000: Forestry management services
77231100: Forest resources management services
77231200: Forest pest control services
77231300: Forest administration services
77231400: Forest inventory services
77231500: Forest monitoring or evaluation services
77231600: Afforestation services
77231700: Forestry extension services
77231800: Forest nursery management services
77231900: Forest sectoral planning services
77300000: Horticultural services
77310000: Planting and maintenance services of green areas
77311000: Ornamental and pleasure gardens maintenance services
77312000: Weed-clearance services
77312100: Weed-killing services
77313000: Parks maintenance services
77314000: Grounds maintenance services
77314100: Grassing services
77315000: Seeding services
77320000: Sports fields maintenance services
77330000: Floral-display services
77340000: Tree pruning and hedge trimming
77341000: Tree pruning
77342000: Hedge trimming
77400000: Zoological services
77500000: Animal husbandry services
77510000: Game-propagation services
77600000: Hunting services
77610000: Trapping services
77700000: Services incidental to fishing
77800000: Aquaculture services
77810000: Mariculture services
77820000: Ostreiculture services
77830000: Shellfish culture services
77840000: Shrimp farming services
77850000: Fish farming services
77900000: Apiculture services
79000000: Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
79100000: Legal services
79110000: Legal advisory and representation services
79111000: Legal advisory services
79112000: Legal representation services
79112100: Stakeholders representation services
79120000: Patent and copyright consultancy services
79121000: Copyright consultancy services
79121100: Software copyright consultancy services
79130000: Legal documentation and certification services
79131000: Documentation services
79132000: Certification services
79132100: Electronic signature certification services
79140000: Legal advisory and information services
79200000: Accounting, auditing and fiscal services
79210000: Accounting and auditing services
79211000: Accounting services
79211100: Bookkeeping services
79211110: Payroll management services
79211120: Sales and purchases recording services
79211200: Compilation of financial statements services
79212000: Auditing services
79212100: Financial auditing services
79212110: Corporate governance rating services
79212200: Internal audit services
79212300: Statutory audit services
79212400: Fraud audit services
79212500: Accounting review services
79220000: Fiscal services
79221000: Tax consultancy services
79222000: Tax-return preparation services
79223000: Custom broker services
79300000: Market and economic research; polling and statistics
79310000: Market research services
79311000: Survey services
79311100: Survey design services
79311200: Survey conduction services
79311210: Telephone survey services
79311300: Survey analysis services
79311400: Economic research services
79311410: Economic impact assessment
79312000: Market-testing services
79313000: Performance review services
79314000: Feasibility study
79315000: Social research services
79320000: Public-opinion polling services
79330000: Statistical services
79340000: Advertising and marketing services
79341000: Advertising services
79341100: Advertising consultancy services
79341200: Advertising management services
79341400: Advertising campaign services
79341500: Aeral advertising services
79342000: Marketing services
79342100: Direct marketing services
79342200: Promotional services
79342300: Customer services
79342310: Customer survey services
79342311: Customer satisfaction survey
79342320: Customer-care services
79342321: Customer-loyalty programme
79342400: Auction services
79342410: Electronic auction services
79400000: Business and management consultancy and related services
79410000: Business and management consultancy services
79411000: General management consultancy services
79411100: Business development consultancy services
79412000: Financial management consultancy services
79413000: Marketing management consultancy services
79414000: Human resources management consultancy services
79415000: Production management consultancy services
79415200: Design consultancy services
79416000: Public relations services
79416100: Public relations management services
79416200: Public relations consultancy services
79417000: Safety consultancy services
79418000: Procurement consultancy services
79419000: Evaluation consultancy services
79420000: Management-related services
79421000: Project-management services other than for construction work
79421100: Project-supervision services other than for construction work
79421200: Project-design services other than for construction work
79422000: Arbitration and conciliation services
79430000: Crisis management services
79500000: Office-support services
79510000: Telephone-answering services
79511000: Telephone operator services
79512000: Call centre
79520000: Reprographic services
79521000: Photocopying services
79530000: Translation services
79540000: Interpretation services
79550000: Typing, word-processing and desktop publishing services
79551000: Typing services
79552000: Word-processing services
79553000: Desktop publishing services
79560000: Filing services
79570000: Mailing-list compilation and mailing services
79571000: Mailing services
79600000: Recruitment services
79610000: Placement services of personnel
79611000: Job search services
79612000: Placement services of office-support personnel
79613000: Employee relocation services
79620000: Supply services of personnel including temporary staff
79621000: Supply services of office personnel
79622000: Supply services of domestic help personnel
79623000: Supply services of commercial or industrial workers
79624000: Supply services of nursing personnel
79625000: Supply services of medical personnel
79630000: Personnel services except placement and supply services
79631000: Personnel and payroll services
79632000: Personnel-training services
79633000: Staff development services
79634000: Career guidance services
79635000: Assessment centre services for recruitment
79700000: Investigation and security services
79710000: Security services
79711000: Alarm-monitoring services
79713000: Guard services
79714000: Surveillance services
79714100: Tracing system services
79714110: Absconder-tracing services
79715000: Patrol services
79716000: Identification badge release services
79720000: Investigation services
79721000: Detective agency services
79722000: Graphology services
79723000: Waste analysis services
79800000: Printing and related services
79810000: Printing services
79811000: Digital printing services
79812000: Banknote printing services
79820000: Services related to printing
79821000: Print finishing services
79821100: Proofreading services
79822000: Composition services
79822100: Print-plate making services
79822200: Photogravure services
79822300: Typesetting services
79822400: Lithographic services
79822500: Graphic design services
79823000: Printing and delivery services
79824000: Printing and distribution services
79900000: Miscellaneous business and business-related services
79910000: Management holdings services
79920000: Packaging and related services
79921000: Packaging services
79930000: Specialty design services
79931000: Interior decorating services
79932000: Interior design services
79933000: Design support services
79934000: Furniture design services
79940000: Collection agency services
79941000: Toll-collection services
79950000: Exhibition, fair and congress organisation services
79951000: Seminar organisation services
79952000: Event services
79952100: Cultural event organisation services
79953000: Festival organisation services
79954000: Party organisation services
79955000: Fashion shows organisation services
79956000: Fair and exhibition organisation services
79957000: Auction organisation services
79960000: Photographic and ancillary services
79961000: Photographic services
79961100: Advertising photography services
79961200: Aerial photography services
79961300: Specialised photography services
79961310: Downhole photography services
79961320: Underwater photography services
79961330: Microfilming services
79961340: X-ray photography services
79961350: Studio photography services
79962000: Photograph processing services
79963000: Photograph restoration, copying and retouching services
79970000: Publishing services
79971000: Bookbinding and finishing services
79971100: Book finishing services
79971200: Bookbinding services
79972000: Language dictionary publishing services
79972100: Regional language dictionary publishing services
79980000: Subscription services
79990000: Miscellaneous business-related services
79991000: Stock-control services
79992000: Reception services
79993000: Building and facilities management services
79993100: Facilities management services
79994000: Contract administration services
79995000: Library management services
79995100: Archiving services
79995200: Cataloguing services
79996000: Business organisation services
79996100: Records management
79997000: Business travel services
79998000: Coaching services
79999000: Scanning and invoicing services
79999100: Scanning services
79999200: Invoicing services
80000000: Education and training services
80100000: Primary education services
80110000: Pre-school education services
80200000: Secondary education services
80210000: Technical and vocational secondary education services
80211000: Technical secondary education services
80212000: Vocational secondary education services
80300000: Higher education services
80310000: Youth education services
80320000: Medical education services
80330000: Safety education services
80340000: Special education services
80400000: Adult and other education services
80410000: Various school services
80411000: Driving-school services
80411100: Driving-test services
80411200: Driving lessons
80412000: Flying-school services
80413000: Sailing-school services
80414000: Diving-school services
80415000: Ski-training services
80420000: E-learning services
80430000: Adult-education services at university level
80490000: Operation of an educational centre
80500000: Training services
80510000: Specialist training services
80511000: Staff training services
80512000: Dog training services
80513000: Horse riding school services
80520000: Training facilities
80521000: Training programme services
80522000: Training seminars
80530000: Vocational training services
80531000: Industrial and technical training services
80531100: Industrial training services
80531200: Technical training services
80532000: Management training services
80533000: Computer-user familiarisation and training services
80533100: Computer training services
80533200: Computer courses
80540000: Environmental training services
80550000: Safety training services
80560000: Health and first-aid training services
80561000: Health training services
80562000: First-aid training services
80570000: Personal development training services
80580000: Provision of language courses
80590000: Tutorial services
80600000: Training services in defence and security materials
80610000: Training and simulation in security equipment
80620000: Training and simulation in firearms and ammunition
80630000: Training and simulation in military vehicles
80640000: Training and simulation in warships
80650000: Training and simulation in aircrafts, missiles and spacecrafts
80660000: Training and simulation in military electronic systems
85000000: Health and social work services
85100000: Health services
85110000: Hospital and related services
85111000: Hospital services
85111100: Surgical hospital services
85111200: Medical hospital services
85111300: Gynaecological hospital services
85111310: In vitro fertilisation services
85111320: Obstetrical hospital services
85111400: Rehabilitation hospital services
85111500: Psychiatric hospital services
85111600: Orthotic services
85111700: Oxygen-therapy services
85111800: Pathology services
85111810: Blood analysis services
85111820: Bacteriological analysis services
85111900: Hospital dialysis services
85112000: Hospital support services
85112100: Hospital-bedding services
85112200: Outpatient care services
85120000: Medical practice and related services
85121000: Medical practice services
85121100: General-practitioner services
85121200: Medical specialist services
85121210: Gyneacologic or obstetric services
85121220: Nephrology or nervous system specialist services
85121230: Cardiology services or pulmonary specialists services
85121231: Cardiology services
85121232: Pulmonary specialists services
85121240: ENT or audiologist services
85121250: Gastroenterologist and geriatric services
85121251: Gastroenterologist services
85121252: Geriatric services
85121270: Psychiatrist or psychologist services
85121271: Home for the psychologically disturbed services
85121280: Ophthalmologist, dermatology or orthopedics services
85121281: Ophthalmologist services
85121282: Dermatology services
85121283: Orthopaedic services
85121290: Paediatric or urologist services
85121291: Paediatric services
85121292: Urologist services
85121300: Surgical specialist services
85130000: Dental practice and related services
85131000: Dental-practice services
85131100: Orthodontic services
85131110: Orthodontic-surgery services
85140000: Miscellaneous health services
85141000: Services provided by medical personnel
85141100: Services provided by midwives
85141200: Services provided by nurses
85141210: Home medical treatment services
85141211: Dialysis home medical treatment services
85141220: Advisory services provided by nurses
85142000: Paramedical services
85142100: Physiotherapy services
85142200: Homeopathic services
85142300: Hygiene services
85142400: Home delivery of incontinence products
85143000: Ambulance services
85144000: Residential health facilities services
85144100: Residential nursing care services
85145000: Services provided by medical laboratories
85146000: Services provided by blood banks
85146100: Services provided by sperm banks
85146200: Services provided by transplant organ banks
85147000: Company health services
85148000: Medical analysis services
85149000: Pharmacy services
85150000: Medical imaging services
85160000: Optician services
85170000: Acupuncture and chiropractor services
85171000: Acupuncture services
85172000: Chiropractor services
85200000: Veterinary services
85210000: Domestic animal nurseries
85300000: Social work and related services
85310000: Social work services
85311000: Social work services with accommodation
85311100: Welfare services for the elderly
85311200: Welfare services for the handicapped
85311300: Welfare services for children and young people
85312000: Social work services without accommodation
85312100: Daycare services
85312110: Child daycare services
85312120: Daycare services for handicapped children and young people
85312200: Homedelivery of provisions
85312300: Guidance and counselling services
85312310: Guidance services
85312320: Counselling services
85312330: Family-planning services
85312400: Welfare services not delivered through residential institutions
85312500: Rehabilitation services
85312510: Vocational rehabilitation services
85320000: Social services
85321000: Administrative social services
85322000: Community action programme
85323000: Community health services
90000000: Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
90400000: Sewage services
90410000: Sewage removal services
90420000: Sewage treatment services
90430000: Sewage disposal services
90440000: Treatment services of cesspools
90450000: Treatment services of septic tanks
90460000: Cesspool or septic tank emptying services
90470000: Sewer cleaning services
90480000: Sewerage management services
90481000: Operation of a sewage plant
90490000: Sewer survey and sewage treatment consultancy services
90491000: Sewer survey services
90492000: Sewage treatment consultancy services
90500000: Refuse and waste related services
90510000: Refuse disposal and treatment
90511000: Refuse collection services
90511100: Urban solid-refuse collection services
90511200: Household-refuse collection services
90511300: Litter collection services
90511400: Paper collecting services
90512000: Refuse transport services
90513000: Non-hazardous refuse and waste treatment and disposal services
90513100: Household-refuse disposal services
90513200: Urban solid-refuse disposal services
90513300: Refuse incineration services
90513400: Ash disposal services
90513500: Treatment and disposal of foul liquids
90513600: Sludge removal services
90513700: Sludge transport services
90513800: Sludge treatment services
90513900: Sludge disposal services
90514000: Refuse recycling services
90520000: Radioactive-, toxic-, medical- and hazardous waste services
90521000: Radioactive waste treatment services
90521100: Collection of radioactive waste
90521200: Radioactive waste storage services
90521300: Disposal of radioactive waste
90521400: Transport of radioactive waste
90521410: Transportation of low level nuclear waste
90521420: Transportation of intermediate level nuclear waste
90521500: Packaging of radioactive waste
90521510: Packaging of low level nuclear waste
90521520: Packaging of intermediate level nuclear waste
90522000: Services relating to contaminated soil
90522100: Removal of contaminated soil
90522200: Disposal of contaminated soil
90522300: Contaminated-soil treatment services
90522400: Cleaning and treatment of soil
90523000: Toxic waste disposal services except radioactive waste and contaminated soil
90523100: Weapons and ammunition disposal services
90523200: Bomb-disposal services
90523300: Mine sweeping services
90524000: Medical waste services
90524100: Clinical-waste collection services
90524200: Clinical-waste disposal services
90524300: Removal services of biological waste
90524400: Collection, transport and disposal of hospital waste
90530000: Operation of a refuse site
90531000: Landfill management services
90532000: Coal-tip management services
90533000: Waste-tip management services
90600000: Cleaning and sanitation services in urban or rural areas, and related services
90610000: Street-cleaning and sweeping services
90611000: Street-cleaning services
90612000: Street-sweeping services
90620000: Snow-clearing services
90630000: Ice-clearing services
90640000: Gully cleaning and emptying services
90641000: Gully cleaning services
90642000: Gully emptying services
90650000: Asbestos removal services
90660000: Deleading services
90670000: Disinfecting and exterminating services in urban or rural areas
90680000: Beach cleaning services
90690000: Graffiti removal services
90700000: Environmental services
90710000: Environmental management
90711000: Environmental impact assessment other than for construction
90711100: Risk or hazard assessment other than for construction
90711200: Environmental standards other than for construction
90711300: Environmental indicators analysis other than for construction
90711400: Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) services other than for construction
90711500: Environmental monitoring other than for construction
90712000: Environmental planning
90712100: Urban environmental development planning
90712200: Forest conservation strategy planning
90712300: Marine conservation strategy planning
90712400: Natural resources management or conservation strategy planning services
90712500: Environmental institution building or planning
90713000: Environmental issues consultancy services
90713100: Consulting services for water-supply and waste-water other than for construction
90714000: Environmental auditing
90714100: Environmental information systems
90714200: Corporate environmental auditing services
90714300: Sectoral environmental auditing services
90714400: Activity specific environmental auditing services
90714500: Environmental quality control services
90714600: Environmental security control services
90715000: Pollution investigation services
90715100: Chemicals and oil pollution investigation services
90715110: Gasworks site investigation
90715120: Chemical works or oil refinery waste site investigation
90715200: Other pollution investigation services
90715210: Oil depot or terminal site investigation
90715220: Industrial site investigation
90715230: Industrial waste site investigation
90715240: Wood treatment plant site investigation
90715250: Dry cleaning plants site investigation
90715260: Foundry site investigation
90715270: Recycling plant site investigation
90715280: Food processing plant site investigation
90720000: Environmental protection
90721000: Environmental safety services
90721100: Landscape protection services
90721200: Ozone protection services
90721300: Food or feed contamination protection services
90721400: Genetic resources protection services
90721500: Toxic substances protection services
90721600: Radiation protection services
90721700: Endangered species protection services
90721800: Natural risks or hazards protection services
90722000: Environmental rehabilitation
90722100: Industrial site rehabilitation
90722200: Environmental decontamination services
90722300: Land reclamation services
90730000: Pollution tracking and monitoring and rehabilitation
90731000: Services related to air pollution
90731100: Air quality management
90731200: Transboundary air pollution management or control services
90731210: Purchase of CO2 emission credits
90731300: Air pollution protection services
90731400: Air pollution monitoring or measurement services
90731500: Toxic gas detection services
90731600: Methane monitoring
90731700: Carbon dioxide monitoring services
90731800: Airborne particle monitoring
90731900: Ozone depletion monitoring services
90732000: Services related to soil pollution
90732100: Soil pollution protection services
90732200: Polluted soil removal services
90732300: Polluted soil treatment or rehabilitation
90732400: Soil pollution advisory services
90732500: Soil pollution mapping
90732600: Soil pollution measurement or monitoring
90732700: Organic fertilizer pollution assessment
90732800: Pesticides pollution assessment
90732900: Nitrates and phosphates pollution assessment
90732910: Nitrates pollution assessment
90732920: Phosphates pollution assessment
90733000: Services related to water pollution
90733100: Surface water pollution monitoring or control services
90733200: Surface water pollution rehabilitation services
90733300: Surface water pollution protection services
90733400: Surface water treatment services
90733500: Surface water pollution drainage services
90733600: Transboundary water pollution management or control services
90733700: Groundwater pollution monitoring or control services
90733800: Groundwater pollution drainage services
90733900: Groundwater pollution treatment or rehabilitation
90740000: Pollutants tracking and monitoring and rehabilitation services
90741000: Services related to oil pollution
90741100: Oil spillage monitoring services
90741200: Oil spillage control services
90741300: Oil spillage rehabilitation services
90742000: Services related to noise pollution
90742100: Noise control services
90742200: Noise pollution protection services
90742300: Noise pollution monitoring services
90742400: Noise pollution advisory services
90743000: Services related to toxic substances pollution
90743100: Toxic substances monitoring services
90743200: Toxic substances rehabilitation services
90900000: Cleaning and sanitation services
90910000: Cleaning services
90911000: Accommodation, building and window cleaning services
90911100: Accommodation cleaning services
90911200: Building-cleaning services
90911300: Window-cleaning services
90912000: Blast-cleaning services for tubular structures
90913000: Tank and reservoir cleaning services
90913100: Tank-cleaning services
90913200: Reservoir cleaning services
90914000: Car park cleaning services
90915000: Furnace and chimney cleaning services
90916000: Cleaning services of telephone equipment
90917000: Cleaning services of transport equipment
90918000: Bin-cleaning services
90919000: Office, school and office equipment cleaning services
90919100: Cleaning services of office equipment
90919200: Office cleaning services
90919300: School cleaning services
90920000: Facility related sanitation services
90921000: Disinfecting and exterminating services
90922000: Pest-control services
90923000: Rat-disinfestation services
90924000: Fumigation services
92000000: Recreational, cultural and sporting services
92100000: Motion picture and video services
92110000: Motion picture and video tape production and related services
92111000: Motion picture and video production services
92111100: Training-film and video-tape production
92111200: Advertising, propaganda and information film and video-tape production
92111210: Advertising film production
92111220: Advertising video-tape production
92111230: Propaganda film production
92111240: Propaganda video-tape production
92111250: Information film production
92111260: Information video-tape production
92111300: Entertainment film and video-tape production
92111310: Entertainment film production
92111320: Entertainment video-tape production
92112000: Services in connection with motion-picture and video-tape production
92120000: Motion-picture or video-tape distribution services
92121000: Video-tape distribution services
92122000: Motion picture distribution services
92130000: Motion picture projection services
92140000: Video-tape projection services
92200000: Radio and television services
92210000: Radio services
92211000: Radio production services
92213000: Small scale radio systems services
92214000: Radio studio or equipment services
92215000: General Mobile Radio Services (GMRS)
92216000: Family Radio Services (FRS)
92217000: General Mobile Radio Services/Family Radio Services (GMRS/FRS)
92220000: Television services
92221000: Television production services
92222000: Closed circuit television services
92224000: Digital television
92225000: Interactive television
92225100: Film-on-demand television
92226000: Teleprogrammation
92230000: Radio and television cable services
92231000: International bilateral services and international private leased lines
92232000: Cable TV
92300000: Entertainment services
92310000: Artistic and literary creation and interpretation services
92311000: Works of art
92312000: Artistic services
92312100: Theatrical producers', singer groups', bands' and orchestras' entertainment services
92312110: Theatrical producer entertainment services
92312120: Singer group entertainment services
92312130: Band entertainment services
92312140: Orchestral entertainment services
92312200: Services provided by authors, composers, sculptors, entertainers and other individual artists
92312210: Services provided by authors
92312211: Writing agency services
92312212: Services related to the preparation of training manuals
92312213: Technical author services
92312220: Services provided by composers
92312230: Services provided by sculptors
92312240: Services provided by entertainers
92312250: Services provided by individual artists
92312251: Disk-jockey services
92320000: Arts-facility operation services
92330000: Recreational-area services
92331000: Fair and amusement park services
92331100: Fair services
92331200: Amusement park services
92331210: Children animation services
92332000: Beach services
92340000: Dance and performance entertainment services
92341000: Circus services
92342000: Dance-instruction services
92342100: Ballroom dance-instruction services
92342200: Discotheque dance-instruction services
92350000: Gambling and betting services
92351000: Gambling services
92351100: Lottery operating services
92351200: Casino operating services
92352000: Betting services
92352100: Totalisator operating services
92352200: Bookmaking services
92360000: Pyrotechnic services
92370000: Sound technician
92400000: News-agency services
92500000: Library, archives, museums and other cultural services
92510000: Library and archive services
92511000: Library services
92512000: Archive services
92512100: Archive destruction services
92520000: Museum services and preservation services of historical sites and buildings
92521000: Museum services
92521100: Museum-exhibition services
92521200: Preservation services of exhibits and specimens
92521210: Preservation services of exhibits
92521220: Preservation services of specimens
92522000: Preservation services of historical sites and buildings
92522100: Preservation services of historical sites
92522200: Preservation services of historical buildings
92530000: Botanical and zoological garden services and nature reserve services
92531000: Botanical garden services
92532000: Zoological garden services
92533000: Nature reserve services
92534000: Wildlife preservation services
92600000: Sporting services
92610000: Sports facilities operation services
92620000: Sport-related services
92621000: Sports-event promotion services
92622000: Sports-event organisation services
92700000: Cybercafé services
98000000: Other community, social and personal services
98100000: Membership organisation services
98110000: Services furnished by business, professional and specialist organisations
98111000: Services furnished by business organisations
98112000: Services furnished by professional organisations
98113000: Services furnished by specialist organisations
98113100: Nuclear safety services
98120000: Services furnished by trade unions
98130000: Miscellaneous membership organisations services
98131000: Religious services
98132000: Services furnished by political organisations
98133000: Services furnished by social membership organisations
98133100: Civic betterment and community facility support services
98133110: Services provided by youth associations
98200000: Equal opportunities consultancy services
98300000: Miscellaneous services
98310000: Washing and dry-cleaning services
98311000: Laundry-collection services
98311100: Laundry-management services
98311200: Laundry-operation services
98312000: Textile-cleaning services
98312100: Textile-impregnation services
98313000: Fur-products cleaning services
98314000: Colouring services
98315000: Pressing services
98316000: Dyeing services
98320000: Hairdressing and beauty treatment services
98321000: Hairdressing services
98321100: Barbers' services
98322000: Beauty treatment services
98322100: Cosmetic treatment, manicuring and pedicuring services
98322110: Cosmetic treatment services
98322120: Manicuring services
98322130: Pedicuring services
98322140: Make-up services
98330000: Physical well-being services
98331000: Turkish bath services
98332000: Spa services
98333000: Massage services
98334000: Wellness services
98336000: Training, workout or aerobic services
98340000: Accommodation and office services
98341000: Accommodation services
98341100: Accommodation management services
98341110: Housekeeping services
98341120: Portering services
98341130: Janitorial services
98341140: Caretaker services
98342000: Work environment services
98350000: Civic-amenity services
98351000: Car park management services
98351100: Car park services
98351110: Parking enforcement services
98360000: Marine services
98361000: Aquatic marine services
98362000: Port management services
98362100: Marine-base support services
98363000: Diving services
98370000: Funeral and related services
98371000: Funeral services
98371100: Cemetery services and cremation services
98371110: Cemetery services
98371111: Cemetery maintenance services
98371120: Cremation services
98371200: Undertaking services
98380000: Dog kennel services
98390000: Other services
98391000: Decommissioning services
98392000: Relocation services
98393000: Tailoring services
98394000: Upholstering services
98395000: Locksmith services
98396000: Instrument tuning services
98500000: Private households with employed persons
98510000: Services of commercial and industrial workers
98511000: Services of commercial workers
98512000: Services of industrial workers
98513000: Manpower services for households
98513100: Agency staff services for households
98513200: Clerical staff services for households
98513300: Temporary staff for households
98513310: Home-help services
98514000: Domestic services
98900000: Services provided by extra-territorial organisations and bodies
98910000: Services specific to international organisations and bodies
Search your NAICS
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11: Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and HuntingT
111: Crop ProductionT
1111: Oilseed and Grain FarmingT
11111: Soybean FarmingT
111110: Soybean Farming
11112: Oilseed (except Soybean) FarmingT
111120: Oilseed (except Soybean) Farming
11113: Dry Pea and Bean FarmingT
111130: Dry Pea and Bean Farming
11114: Wheat FarmingT
111140: Wheat Farming
11115: Corn FarmingT
111150: Corn Farming
11116: Rice FarmingT
111160: Rice Farming
11119: Other Grain FarmingT
111191: Oilseed and Grain Combination Farming
111199: All Other Grain Farming
1112: Vegetable and Melon FarmingT
11121: Vegetable and Melon FarmingT
111211: Potato Farming
111219: Other Vegetable (except Potato) and Melon Farming
1113: Fruit and Tree Nut FarmingT
11131: Orange GrovesT
111310: Orange Groves
11132: Citrus (except Orange) GrovesT
111320: Citrus (except Orange) Groves
11133: Noncitrus Fruit and Tree Nut FarmingT
111331: Apple Orchards
111332: Grape Vineyards
111333: Strawberry Farming
111334: Berry (except Strawberry) Farming
111335: Tree Nut Farming
111336: Fruit and Tree Nut Combination Farming
111339: Other Noncitrus Fruit Farming
1114: Greenhouse, Nursery, and Floriculture ProductionT
11141: Food Crops Grown Under CoverT
111411: Mushroom Production
111419: Other Food Crops Grown Under Cover
11142: Nursery and Floriculture ProductionT
111421: Nursery and Tree Production
111422: Floriculture Production
1119: Other Crop FarmingT
11191: Tobacco FarmingT
111910: Tobacco Farming
11192: Cotton FarmingT
111920: Cotton Farming
11193: Sugarcane FarmingT
111930: Sugarcane Farming
11194: Hay FarmingT
111940: Hay Farming
11199: All Other Crop FarmingT
111991: Sugar Beet Farming
111992: Peanut Farming
111998: All Other Miscellaneous Crop Farming
112: Animal Production and AquacultureT
1121: Cattle Ranching and FarmingT
11211: Beef Cattle Ranching and Farming, including FeedlotsT
112111: Beef Cattle Ranching and Farming
112112: Cattle Feedlots
11212: Dairy Cattle and Milk ProductionT
112120: Dairy Cattle and Milk Production
11213: Dual-Purpose Cattle Ranching and FarmingT
112130: Dual-Purpose Cattle Ranching and Farming
1122: Hog and Pig FarmingT
11221: Hog and Pig FarmingT
112210: Hog and Pig Farming
1123: Poultry and Egg ProductionT
11231: Chicken Egg ProductionT
112310: Chicken Egg Production
11232: Broilers and Other Meat Type Chicken ProductionT
112320: Broilers and Other Meat Type Chicken Production
11233: Turkey ProductionT
112330: Turkey Production
11234: Poultry HatcheriesT
112340: Poultry Hatcheries
11239: Other Poultry ProductionT
112390: Other Poultry Production
1124: Sheep and Goat FarmingT
11241: Sheep FarmingT
112410: Sheep Farming
11242: Goat FarmingT
112420: Goat Farming
1125: AquacultureT
11251: AquacultureT
112511: Finfish Farming and Fish Hatcheries
112512: Shellfish Farming
112519: Other Aquaculture
1129: Other Animal ProductionT
11291: ApicultureT
112910: Apiculture
11292: Horses and Other Equine ProductionT
112920: Horses and Other Equine Production
11293: Fur-Bearing Animal and Rabbit ProductionT
112930: Fur-Bearing Animal and Rabbit Production
11299: All Other Animal ProductionT
112990: All Other Animal Production
113: Forestry and LoggingT
1131: Timber Tract OperationsT
11311: Timber Tract OperationsT
113110: Timber Tract Operations
1132: Forest Nurseries and Gathering of Forest ProductsT
11321: Forest Nurseries and Gathering of Forest ProductsT
113210: Forest Nurseries and Gathering of Forest Products
1133: LoggingT
11331: LoggingT
113310: Logging
114: Fishing, Hunting and TrappingT
1141: FishingT
11411: FishingT
114111: Finfish Fishing
114112: Shellfish Fishing
114119: Other Marine Fishing
1142: Hunting and TrappingT
11421: Hunting and TrappingT
114210: Hunting and Trapping
115: Support Activities for Agriculture and ForestryT
1151: Support Activities for Crop ProductionT
11511: Support Activities for Crop ProductionT
115111: Cotton Ginning
115112: Soil Preparation, Planting, and Cultivating
115113: Crop Harvesting, Primarily by Machine
115114: Postharvest Crop Activities (except Cotton Ginning)
115115: Farm Labor Contractors and Crew Leaders
115116: Farm Management Services
1152: Support Activities for Animal ProductionT
11521: Support Activities for Animal ProductionT
115210: Support Activities for Animal Production
1153: Support Activities for ForestryT
11531: Support Activities for ForestryT
115310: Support Activities for Forestry
21: Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas ExtractionT
211: Oil and Gas ExtractionT
2111: Oil and Gas ExtractionT
21112: Crude Petroleum Extraction
211120: Crude Petroleum Extraction
21113: Natural Gas Extraction
211130: Natural Gas Extraction
212: Mining (except Oil and Gas)T
2121: Coal MiningT
21211: Coal MiningT
212114: Surface Coal Mining
212115: Underground Coal Mining
2122: Metal Ore MiningT
21221: Iron Ore MiningT
212210: Iron Ore Mining
21222: Gold Ore and Silver Ore MiningT
212220: Gold Ore and Silver Ore Mining
21223: Copper, Nickel, Lead, and Zinc MiningT
212230: Copper, Nickel, Lead, and Zinc Mining
21229: Other Metal Ore MiningT
212290: Other Metal Ore Mining
2123: Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and QuarryingT
21231: Stone Mining and QuarryingT
212311: Dimension Stone Mining and Quarrying
212312: Crushed and Broken Limestone Mining and Quarrying
212313: Crushed and Broken Granite Mining and Quarrying
212319: Other Crushed and Broken Stone Mining and Quarrying
21232: Sand, Gravel, Clay, and Ceramic and Refractory Minerals Mining and QuarryingT
212321: Construction Sand and Gravel Mining
212322: Industrial Sand Mining
212323: Kaolin, Clay, and Ceramic and Refractory Minerals Mining
21239: Other Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and QuarryingT
212390: Other Nonmetallic Mineral Mining and Quarrying
213: Support Activities for MiningT
2131: Support Activities for MiningT
21311: Support Activities for MiningT
213111: Drilling Oil and Gas Wells
213112: Support Activities for Oil and Gas Operations
213113: Support Activities for Coal Mining
213114: Support Activities for Metal Mining
213115: Support Activities for Nonmetallic Minerals (except Fuels) Mining
22: UtilitiesT
221: UtilitiesT
2211: Electric Power Generation, Transmission and DistributionT
22111: Electric Power GenerationT
221111: Hydroelectric Power Generation
221112: Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation
221113: Nuclear Electric Power Generation
221114: Solar Electric Power Generation
221115: Wind Electric Power Generation
221116: Geothermal Electric Power Generation
221117: Biomass Electric Power Generation
221118: Other Electric Power Generation
22112: Electric Power Transmission, Control, and DistributionT
221121: Electric Bulk Power Transmission and Control
221122: Electric Power Distribution
2212: Natural Gas DistributionT
22121: Natural Gas DistributionT
221210: Natural Gas Distribution
2213: Water, Sewage and Other SystemsT
22131: Water Supply and Irrigation Systems
221310: Water Supply and Irrigation Systems
22132: Sewage Treatment Facilities
221320: Sewage Treatment Facilities
22133: Steam and Air-Conditioning Supply
221330: Steam and Air-Conditioning Supply
23: ConstructionT
236: Construction of BuildingsT
2361: Residential Building ConstructionT
23611: Residential Building ConstructionT
236115: New Single-Family Housing Construction (except For-Sale Builders)
236116: New Multifamily Housing Construction (except For-Sale Builders)
236117: New Housing For-Sale Builders
236118: Residential Remodelers
2362: Nonresidential Building ConstructionT
23621: Industrial Building ConstructionT
236210: Industrial Building Construction
23622: Commercial and Institutional Building ConstructionT
236220: Commercial and Institutional Building Construction
237: Heavy and Civil Engineering ConstructionT
2371: Utility System ConstructionT
23711: Water and Sewer Line and Related Structures ConstructionT
237110: Water and Sewer Line and Related Structures Construction
23712: Oil and Gas Pipeline and Related Structures ConstructionT
237120: Oil and Gas Pipeline and Related Structures Construction
23713: Power and Communication Line and Related Structures ConstructionT
237130: Power and Communication Line and Related Structures Construction
2372: Land SubdivisionT
23721: Land SubdivisionT
237210: Land Subdivision
2373: Highway, Street, and Bridge ConstructionT
23731: Highway, Street, and Bridge ConstructionT
237310: Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction
2379: Other Heavy and Civil Engineering ConstructionT
23799: Other Heavy and Civil Engineering ConstructionT
237990: Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction
238: Specialty Trade ContractorsT
2381: Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior ContractorsT
23811: Poured Concrete Foundation and Structure Contractors
238110: Poured Concrete Foundation and Structure Contractors
23812: Structural Steel and Precast Concrete Contractors
238120: Structural Steel and Precast Concrete Contractors
23813: Framing Contractors
238130: Framing Contractors
23814: Masonry Contractors
238140: Masonry Contractors
23815: Glass and Glazing Contractors
238150: Glass and Glazing Contractors
23816: Roofing Contractors
238160: Roofing Contractors
23817: Siding Contractors
238170: Siding Contractors
23819: Other Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors
238190: Other Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors
2382: Building Equipment ContractorsT
23821: Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring Installation ContractorsT
238210: Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring Installation Contractors
23822: Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning ContractorsT
238220: Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors
23829: Other Building Equipment ContractorsT
238290: Other Building Equipment Contractors
2383: Building Finishing ContractorsT
23831: Drywall and Insulation ContractorsT
238310: Drywall and Insulation Contractors
23832: Painting and Wall Covering ContractorsT
238320: Painting and Wall Covering Contractors
23833: Flooring ContractorsT
238330: Flooring Contractors
23834: Tile and Terrazzo ContractorsT
238340: Tile and Terrazzo Contractors
23835: Finish Carpentry ContractorsT
238350: Finish Carpentry Contractors
23839: Other Building Finishing ContractorsT
238390: Other Building Finishing Contractors
2389: Other Specialty Trade ContractorsT
23891: Site Preparation ContractorsT
238910: Site Preparation Contractors
23899: All Other Specialty Trade ContractorsT
238990: All Other Specialty Trade Contractors
31-33: ManufacturingT
311: Food ManufacturingT
3111: Animal Food ManufacturingT
31111: Animal Food ManufacturingT
311111: Dog and Cat Food Manufacturing
311119: Other Animal Food Manufacturing
3112: Grain and Oilseed MillingT
31121: Flour Milling and Malt ManufacturingT
311211: Flour Milling
311212: Rice Milling
311213: Malt Manufacturing
31122: Starch and Vegetable Fats and Oils ManufacturingT
311221: Wet Corn Milling and Starch Manufacturing
311224: Soybean and Other Oilseed Processing
311225: Fats and Oils Refining and Blending
31123: Breakfast Cereal ManufacturingT
311230: Breakfast Cereal Manufacturing
3113: Sugar and Confectionery Product ManufacturingT
31131: Sugar ManufacturingT
311313: Beet Sugar Manufacturing
311314: Cane Sugar Manufacturing
31134: Nonchocolate Confectionery ManufacturingT
311340: Nonchocolate Confectionery Manufacturing
31135: Chocolate and Confectionery ManufacturingT
311351: Chocolate and Confectionery Manufacturing from Cacao Beans
311352: Confectionery Manufacturing from Purchased Chocolate
3114: Fruit and Vegetable Preserving and Specialty Food ManufacturingT
31141: Frozen Food ManufacturingT
311411: Frozen Fruit, Juice, and Vegetable Manufacturing
311412: Frozen Specialty Food Manufacturing
31142: Fruit and Vegetable Canning, Pickling, and DryingT
311421: Fruit and Vegetable Canning
311422: Specialty Canning
311423: Dried and Dehydrated Food Manufacturing
3115: Dairy Product ManufacturingT
31151: Dairy Product (except Frozen) ManufacturingT
311511: Fluid Milk Manufacturing
311512: Creamery Butter Manufacturing
311513: Cheese Manufacturing
311514: Dry, Condensed, and Evaporated Dairy Product Manufacturing
31152: Ice Cream and Frozen Dessert ManufacturingT
311520: Ice Cream and Frozen Dessert Manufacturing
3116: Animal Slaughtering and ProcessingT
31161: Animal Slaughtering and ProcessingT
311611: Animal (except Poultry) Slaughtering
311612: Meat Processed from Carcasses
311613: Rendering and Meat Byproduct Processing
311615: Poultry Processing
3117: Seafood Product Preparation and PackagingT
31171: Seafood Product Preparation and PackagingT
311710: Seafood Product Preparation and Packaging
3118: Bakeries and Tortilla ManufacturingT
31181: Bread and Bakery Product ManufacturingT
311811: Retail Bakeries
311812: Commercial Bakeries
311813: Frozen Cakes, Pies, and Other Pastries Manufacturing
31182: Cookie, Cracker, and Pasta ManufacturingT
311821: Cookie and Cracker Manufacturing
311824: Dry Pasta, Dough, and Flour Mixes Manufacturing from Purchased Flour
31183: Tortilla ManufacturingT
311830: Tortilla Manufacturing
3119: Other Food ManufacturingT
31191: Snack Food ManufacturingT
311911: Roasted Nuts and Peanut Butter Manufacturing
311919: Other Snack Food Manufacturing
31192: Coffee and Tea ManufacturingT
311920: Coffee and Tea Manufacturing
31193: Flavoring Syrup and Concentrate ManufacturingT
311930: Flavoring Syrup and Concentrate Manufacturing
31194: Seasoning and Dressing ManufacturingT
311941: Mayonnaise, Dressing, and Other Prepared Sauce Manufacturing
311942: Spice and Extract Manufacturing
31199: All Other Food ManufacturingT
311991: Perishable Prepared Food Manufacturing
311999: All Other Miscellaneous Food Manufacturing
312: Beverage and Tobacco Product ManufacturingT
3121: Beverage ManufacturingT
31211: Soft Drink and Ice ManufacturingT
312111: Soft Drink Manufacturing
312112: Bottled Water Manufacturing
312113: Ice Manufacturing
31212: BreweriesT
312120: Breweries
31213: WineriesT
312130: Wineries
31214: DistilleriesT
312140: Distilleries
3122: Tobacco ManufacturingT
31223: Tobacco Manufacturing
312230: Tobacco Manufacturing
313: Textile MillsT
3131: Fiber, Yarn, and Thread MillsT
31311: Fiber, Yarn, and Thread MillsT
313110: Fiber, Yarn, and Thread Mills
3132: Fabric MillsT
31321: Broadwoven Fabric MillsT
313210: Broadwoven Fabric Mills
31322: Narrow Fabric Mills and Schiffli Machine EmbroideryT
313220: Narrow Fabric Mills and Schiffli Machine Embroidery
31323: Nonwoven Fabric MillsT
313230: Nonwoven Fabric Mills
31324: Knit Fabric MillsT
313240: Knit Fabric Mills
3133: Textile and Fabric Finishing and Fabric Coating MillsT
31331: Textile and Fabric Finishing MillsT
313310: Textile and Fabric Finishing Mills
31332: Fabric Coating MillsT
313320: Fabric Coating Mills
314: Textile Product MillsT
3141: Textile Furnishings MillsT
31411: Carpet and Rug MillsT
314110: Carpet and Rug Mills
31412: Curtain and Linen MillsT
314120: Curtain and Linen Mills
3149: Other Textile Product MillsT
31491: Textile Bag and Canvas MillsT
314910: Textile Bag and Canvas Mills
31499: All Other Textile Product MillsT
314994: Rope, Cordage, Twine, Tire Cord, and Tire Fabric Mills
314999: All Other Miscellaneous Textile Product Mills
315: Apparel ManufacturingT
3151: Apparel Knitting MillsT
31512: Apparel Knitting MillsT
315120: Apparel Knitting Mills
3152: Cut and Sew Apparel ManufacturingT
31521: Cut and Sew Apparel Contractors
315210: Cut and Sew Apparel Contractors
31525: Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing (except Contractors)
315250: Cut and Sew Apparel Manufacturing (except Contractors)
3159: Apparel Accessories and Other Apparel ManufacturingT
31599: Apparel Accessories and Other Apparel ManufacturingT
315990: Apparel Accessories and Other Apparel Manufacturing
316: Leather and Allied Product ManufacturingT
3161: Leather and Hide Tanning and FinishingT
31611: Leather and Hide Tanning and FinishingT
316110: Leather and Hide Tanning and Finishing
3162: Footwear ManufacturingT
31621: Footwear ManufacturingT
316210: Footwear Manufacturing
3169: Other Leather and Allied Product ManufacturingT
31699: Other Leather and Allied Product ManufacturingT
316990: Other Leather and Allied Product Manufacturing
321: Wood Product ManufacturingT
3211: Sawmills and Wood PreservationT
32111: Sawmills and Wood PreservationT
321113: Sawmills
321114: Wood Preservation
3212: Veneer, Plywood, and Engineered Wood Product ManufacturingT
32121: Veneer, Plywood, and Engineered Wood Product ManufacturingT
321211: Hardwood Veneer and Plywood Manufacturing
321212: Softwood Veneer and Plywood Manufacturing
321215: Engineered Wood Member Manufacturing
321219: Reconstituted Wood Product Manufacturing
3219: Other Wood Product ManufacturingT
32191: MillworkT
321911: Wood Window and Door Manufacturing
321912: Cut Stock, Resawing Lumber, and Planing
321918: Other Millwork (including Flooring)
32192: Wood Container and Pallet ManufacturingT
321920: Wood Container and Pallet Manufacturing
32199: All Other Wood Product ManufacturingT
321991: Manufactured Home (Mobile Home) Manufacturing
321992: Prefabricated Wood Building Manufacturing
321999: All Other Miscellaneous Wood Product Manufacturing
322: Paper ManufacturingT
3221: Pulp, Paper, and Paperboard MillsT
32211: Pulp MillsT
322110: Pulp Mills
32212: Paper MillsT
322120: Paper Mills
32213: Paperboard MillsT
322130: Paperboard Mills
3222: Converted Paper Product ManufacturingT
32221: Paperboard Container ManufacturingT
322211: Corrugated and Solid Fiber Box Manufacturing
322212: Folding Paperboard Box Manufacturing
322219: Other Paperboard Container Manufacturing
32222: Paper Bag and Coated and Treated Paper ManufacturingT
322220: Paper Bag and Coated and Treated Paper Manufacturing
32223: Stationery Product ManufacturingT
322230: Stationery Product Manufacturing
32229: Other Converted Paper Product ManufacturingT
322291: Sanitary Paper Product Manufacturing
322299: All Other Converted Paper Product Manufacturing
323: Printing and Related Support ActivitiesT
3231: Printing and Related Support ActivitiesT
32311: PrintingT
323111: Commercial Printing (except Screen and Books)
323113: Commercial Screen Printing
323117: Books Printing
32312: Support Activities for PrintingT
323120: Support Activities for Printing
324: Petroleum and Coal Products ManufacturingT
3241: Petroleum and Coal Products ManufacturingT
32411: Petroleum RefineriesT
324110: Petroleum Refineries
32412: Asphalt Paving, Roofing, and Saturated Materials ManufacturingT
324121: Asphalt Paving Mixture and Block Manufacturing
324122: Asphalt Shingle and Coating Materials Manufacturing
32419: Other Petroleum and Coal Products ManufacturingT
324191: Petroleum Lubricating Oil and Grease Manufacturing
324199: All Other Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing
325: Chemical ManufacturingT
3251: Basic Chemical ManufacturingT
32511: Petrochemical ManufacturingT
325110: Petrochemical Manufacturing
32512: Industrial Gas ManufacturingT
325120: Industrial Gas Manufacturing
32513: Synthetic Dye and Pigment ManufacturingT
325130: Synthetic Dye and Pigment Manufacturing
32518: Other Basic Inorganic Chemical ManufacturingT
325180: Other Basic Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing
32519: Other Basic Organic Chemical ManufacturingT
325193: Ethyl Alcohol Manufacturing
325194: Cyclic Crude, Intermediate, and Gum and Wood Chemical Manufacturing
325199: All Other Basic Organic Chemical Manufacturing
3252: Resin, Synthetic Rubber, and Artificial and Synthetic Fibers and Filaments ManufacturingT
32521: Resin and Synthetic Rubber ManufacturingT
325211: Plastics Material and Resin Manufacturing
325212: Synthetic Rubber Manufacturing
32522: Artificial and Synthetic Fibers and Filaments ManufacturingT
325220: Artificial and Synthetic Fibers and Filaments Manufacturing
3253: Pesticide, Fertilizer, and Other Agricultural Chemical ManufacturingT
32531: Fertilizer and Compost ManufacturingT
325311: Nitrogenous Fertilizer Manufacturing
325312: Phosphatic Fertilizer Manufacturing
325314: Fertilizer (Mixing Only) Manufacturing
325315: Compost Manufacturing
32532: Pesticide and Other Agricultural Chemical ManufacturingT
325320: Pesticide and Other Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing
3254: Pharmaceutical and Medicine ManufacturingT
32541: Pharmaceutical and Medicine ManufacturingT
325411: Medicinal and Botanical Manufacturing
325412: Pharmaceutical Preparation Manufacturing
325413: In-Vitro Diagnostic Substance Manufacturing
325414: Biological Product (except Diagnostic) Manufacturing
3255: Paint, Coating, and Adhesive ManufacturingT
32551: Paint and Coating ManufacturingT
325510: Paint and Coating Manufacturing
32552: Adhesive ManufacturingT
325520: Adhesive Manufacturing
3256: Soap, Cleaning Compound, and Toilet Preparation ManufacturingT
32561: Soap and Cleaning Compound ManufacturingT
325611: Soap and Other Detergent Manufacturing
325612: Polish and Other Sanitation Good Manufacturing
325613: Surface Active Agent Manufacturing
32562: Toilet Preparation ManufacturingT
325620: Toilet Preparation Manufacturing
3259: Other Chemical Product and Preparation ManufacturingT
32591: Printing Ink ManufacturingT
325910: Printing Ink Manufacturing
32592: Explosives ManufacturingT
325920: Explosives Manufacturing
32599: All Other Chemical Product and Preparation ManufacturingT
325991: Custom Compounding of Purchased Resins
325992: Photographic Film, Paper, Plate, Chemical, and Copy Toner Manufacturing
325998: All Other Miscellaneous Chemical Product and Preparation Manufacturing
326: Plastics and Rubber Products ManufacturingT
3261: Plastics Product ManufacturingT
32611: Plastics Packaging Materials and Unlaminated Film and Sheet ManufacturingT
326111: Plastics Bag and Pouch Manufacturing
326112: Plastics Packaging Film and Sheet (including Laminated) Manufacturing
326113: Unlaminated Plastics Film and Sheet (except Packaging) Manufacturing
32612: Plastics Pipe, Pipe Fitting, and Unlaminated Profile Shape ManufacturingT
326121: Unlaminated Plastics Profile Shape Manufacturing
326122: Plastics Pipe and Pipe Fitting Manufacturing
32613: Laminated Plastics Plate, Sheet (except Packaging), and Shape ManufacturingT
326130: Laminated Plastics Plate, Sheet (except Packaging), and Shape Manufacturing
32614: Polystyrene Foam Product ManufacturingT
326140: Polystyrene Foam Product Manufacturing
32615: Urethane and Other Foam Product (except Polystyrene) ManufacturingT
326150: Urethane and Other Foam Product (except Polystyrene) Manufacturing
32616: Plastics Bottle ManufacturingT
326160: Plastics Bottle Manufacturing
32619: Other Plastics Product ManufacturingT
326191: Plastics Plumbing Fixture Manufacturing
326199: All Other Plastics Product Manufacturing
3262: Rubber Product ManufacturingT
32621: Tire ManufacturingT
326211: Tire Manufacturing (except Retreading)
326212: Tire Retreading
32622: Rubber and Plastics Hoses and Belting ManufacturingT
326220: Rubber and Plastics Hoses and Belting Manufacturing
32629: Other Rubber Product ManufacturingT
326291: Rubber Product Manufacturing for Mechanical Use
326299: All Other Rubber Product Manufacturing
327: Nonmetallic Mineral Product ManufacturingT
3271: Clay Product and Refractory ManufacturingT
32711: Pottery, Ceramics, and Plumbing Fixture ManufacturingT
327110: Pottery, Ceramics, and Plumbing Fixture Manufacturing
32712: Clay Building Material and Refractories ManufacturingT
327120: Clay Building Material and Refractories Manufacturing
3272: Glass and Glass Product ManufacturingT
32721: Glass and Glass Product ManufacturingT
327211: Flat Glass Manufacturing
327212: Other Pressed and Blown Glass and Glassware Manufacturing
327213: Glass Container Manufacturing
327215: Glass Product Manufacturing Made of Purchased Glass
3273: Cement and Concrete Product ManufacturingT
32731: Cement ManufacturingT
327310: Cement Manufacturing
32732: Ready-Mix Concrete ManufacturingT
327320: Ready-Mix Concrete Manufacturing
32733: Concrete Pipe, Brick, and Block ManufacturingT
327331: Concrete Block and Brick Manufacturing
327332: Concrete Pipe Manufacturing
32739: Other Concrete Product ManufacturingT
327390: Other Concrete Product Manufacturing
3274: Lime and Gypsum Product ManufacturingT
32741: Lime ManufacturingT
327410: Lime Manufacturing
32742: Gypsum Product ManufacturingT
327420: Gypsum Product Manufacturing
3279: Other Nonmetallic Mineral Product ManufacturingT
32791: Abrasive Product ManufacturingT
327910: Abrasive Product Manufacturing
32799: All Other Nonmetallic Mineral Product ManufacturingT
327991: Cut Stone and Stone Product Manufacturing
327992: Ground or Treated Mineral and Earth Manufacturing
327993: Mineral Wool Manufacturing
327999: All Other Miscellaneous Nonmetallic Mineral Product Manufacturing
331: Primary Metal ManufacturingT
3311: Iron and Steel Mills and Ferroalloy ManufacturingT
33111: Iron and Steel Mills and Ferroalloy ManufacturingT
331110: Iron and Steel Mills and Ferroalloy Manufacturing
3312: Steel Product Manufacturing from Purchased SteelT
33121: Iron and Steel Pipe and Tube Manufacturing from Purchased SteelT
331210: Iron and Steel Pipe and Tube Manufacturing from Purchased Steel
33122: Rolling and Drawing of Purchased SteelT
331221: Rolled Steel Shape Manufacturing
331222: Steel Wire Drawing
3313: Alumina and Aluminum Production and ProcessingT
33131: Alumina and Aluminum Production and ProcessingT
331313: Alumina Refining and Primary Aluminum Production
331314: Secondary Smelting and Alloying of Aluminum
331315: Aluminum Sheet, Plate, and Foil Manufacturing
331318: Other Aluminum Rolling, Drawing, and Extruding
3314: Nonferrous Metal (except Aluminum) Production and ProcessingT
33141: Nonferrous Metal (except Aluminum) Smelting and RefiningT
331410: Nonferrous Metal (except Aluminum) Smelting and Refining
33142: Copper Rolling, Drawing, Extruding, and AlloyingT
331420: Copper Rolling, Drawing, Extruding, and Alloying
33149: Nonferrous Metal (except Copper and Aluminum) Rolling, Drawing, Extruding, and AlloyingT
331491: Nonferrous Metal (except Copper and Aluminum) Rolling, Drawing, and Extruding
331492: Secondary Smelting, Refining, and Alloying of Nonferrous Metal (except Copper and Aluminum)
3315: FoundriesT
33151: Ferrous Metal FoundriesT
331511: Iron Foundries
331512: Steel Investment Foundries
331513: Steel Foundries (except Investment)
33152: Nonferrous Metal FoundriesT
331523: Nonferrous Metal Die-Casting Foundries
331524: Aluminum Foundries (except Die-Casting)
331529: Other Nonferrous Metal Foundries (except Die-Casting)
332: Fabricated Metal Product ManufacturingT
3321: Forging and StampingT
33211: Forging and StampingT
332111: Iron and Steel Forging
332112: Nonferrous Forging
332114: Custom Roll Forming
332117: Powder Metallurgy Part Manufacturing
332119: Metal Crown, Closure, and Other Metal Stamping (except Automotive)
3322: Cutlery and Handtool ManufacturingT
33221: Cutlery and Handtool ManufacturingT
332215: Metal Kitchen Cookware, Utensil, Cutlery, and Flatware (except Precious) Manufacturing
332216: Saw Blade and Handtool Manufacturing
3323: Architectural and Structural Metals ManufacturingT
33231: Plate Work and Fabricated Structural Product ManufacturingT
332311: Prefabricated Metal Building and Component Manufacturing
332312: Fabricated Structural Metal Manufacturing
332313: Plate Work Manufacturing
33232: Ornamental and Architectural Metal Products ManufacturingT
332321: Metal Window and Door Manufacturing
332322: Sheet Metal Work Manufacturing
332323: Ornamental and Architectural Metal Work Manufacturing
3324: Boiler, Tank, and Shipping Container ManufacturingT
33241: Power Boiler and Heat Exchanger ManufacturingT
332410: Power Boiler and Heat Exchanger Manufacturing
33242: Metal Tank (Heavy Gauge) ManufacturingT
332420: Metal Tank (Heavy Gauge) Manufacturing
33243: Metal Can, Box, and Other Metal Container (Light Gauge) ManufacturingT
332431: Metal Can Manufacturing
332439: Other Metal Container Manufacturing
3325: Hardware ManufacturingT
33251: Hardware ManufacturingT
332510: Hardware Manufacturing
3326: Spring and Wire Product ManufacturingT
33261: Spring and Wire Product ManufacturingT
332613: Spring Manufacturing
332618: Other Fabricated Wire Product Manufacturing
3327: Machine Shops; Turned Product; and Screw, Nut, and Bolt ManufacturingT
33271: Machine ShopsT
332710: Machine Shops
33272: Turned Product and Screw, Nut, and Bolt ManufacturingT
332721: Precision Turned Product Manufacturing
332722: Bolt, Nut, Screw, Rivet, and Washer Manufacturing
3328: Coating, Engraving, Heat Treating, and Allied ActivitiesT
33281: Coating, Engraving, Heat Treating, and Allied ActivitiesT
332811: Metal Heat Treating
332812: Metal Coating, Engraving (except Jewelry and Silverware), and Allied Services to Manufacturers
332813: Electroplating, Plating, Polishing, Anodizing, and Coloring
3329: Other Fabricated Metal Product ManufacturingT
33291: Metal Valve ManufacturingT
332911: Industrial Valve Manufacturing
332912: Fluid Power Valve and Hose Fitting Manufacturing
332913: Plumbing Fixture Fitting and Trim Manufacturing
332919: Other Metal Valve and Pipe Fitting Manufacturing
33299: All Other Fabricated Metal Product ManufacturingT
332991: Ball and Roller Bearing Manufacturing
332992: Small Arms Ammunition Manufacturing
332993: Ammunition (except Small Arms) Manufacturing
332994: Small Arms, Ordnance, and Ordnance Accessories Manufacturing
332996: Fabricated Pipe and Pipe Fitting Manufacturing
332999: All Other Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing
333: Machinery ManufacturingT
3331: Agriculture, Construction, and Mining Machinery ManufacturingT
33311: Agricultural Implement ManufacturingT
333111: Farm Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing
333112: Lawn and Garden Tractor and Home Lawn and Garden Equipment Manufacturing
33312: Construction Machinery ManufacturingT
333120: Construction Machinery Manufacturing
33313: Mining and Oil and Gas Field Machinery ManufacturingT
333131: Mining Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing
333132: Oil and Gas Field Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing
3332: Industrial Machinery ManufacturingT
33324: Industrial Machinery ManufacturingT
333241: Food Product Machinery Manufacturing
333242: Semiconductor Machinery Manufacturing
333243: Sawmill, Woodworking, and Paper Machinery Manufacturing
333248: All Other Industrial Machinery Manufacturing
3333: Commercial and Service Industry Machinery ManufacturingT
33331: Commercial and Service Industry Machinery ManufacturingT
333310: Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing
3334: Ventilation, Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Commercial Refrigeration Equipment ManufacturingT
33341: Ventilation, Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Commercial Refrigeration Equipment ManufacturingT
333413: Industrial and Commercial Fan and Blower and Air Purification Equipment Manufacturing
333414: Heating Equipment (except Warm Air Furnaces) Manufacturing
3335: Metalworking Machinery ManufacturingT
33351: Metalworking Machinery ManufacturingT
333511: Industrial Mold Manufacturing
333514: Special Die and Tool, Die Set, Jig, and Fixture Manufacturing
333515: Cutting Tool and Machine Tool Accessory Manufacturing
333517: Machine Tool Manufacturing
333519: Rolling Mill and Other Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing
3336: Engine, Turbine, and Power Transmission Equipment ManufacturingT
33361: Engine, Turbine, and Power Transmission Equipment ManufacturingT
333611: Turbine and Turbine Generator Set Units Manufacturing
333612: Speed Changer, Industrial High-Speed Drive, and Gear Manufacturing
333613: Mechanical Power Transmission Equipment Manufacturing
333618: Other Engine Equipment Manufacturing
3339: Other General Purpose Machinery ManufacturingT
33391: Pump and Compressor ManufacturingT
333912: Air and Gas Compressor Manufacturing
333914: Measuring, Dispensing, and Other Pumping Equipment Manufacturing
33392: Material Handling Equipment ManufacturingT
333921: Elevator and Moving Stairway Manufacturing
333922: Conveyor and Conveying Equipment Manufacturing
333923: Overhead Traveling Crane, Hoist, and Monorail System Manufacturing
333924: Industrial Truck, Tractor, Trailer, and Stacker Machinery Manufacturing
33399: All Other General Purpose Machinery ManufacturingT
333991: Power-Driven Handtool Manufacturing
333992: Welding and Soldering Equipment Manufacturing
333993: Packaging Machinery Manufacturing
333994: Industrial Process Furnace and Oven Manufacturing
333995: Fluid Power Cylinder and Actuator Manufacturing
333996: Fluid Power Pump and Motor Manufacturing
333998: All Other Miscellaneous General Purpose Machinery Manufacturing
334: Computer and Electronic Product ManufacturingT
3341: Computer and Peripheral Equipment ManufacturingT
33411: Computer and Peripheral Equipment ManufacturingT
334111: Electronic Computer Manufacturing
334112: Computer Storage Device Manufacturing
334118: Computer Terminal and Other Computer Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing
3342: Communications Equipment ManufacturingT
33421: Telephone Apparatus ManufacturingT
334210: Telephone Apparatus Manufacturing
33422: Radio and Television Broadcasting and Wireless Communications Equipment ManufacturingT
334220: Radio and Television Broadcasting and Wireless Communications Equipment Manufacturing
33429: Other Communications Equipment ManufacturingT
334290: Other Communications Equipment Manufacturing
3343: Audio and Video Equipment ManufacturingT
33431: Audio and Video Equipment ManufacturingT
334310: Audio and Video Equipment Manufacturing
3344: Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component ManufacturingT
33441: Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component ManufacturingT
334412: Bare Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing
334413: Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing
334416: Capacitor, Resistor, Coil, Transformer, and Other Inductor Manufacturing
334417: Electronic Connector Manufacturing
334418: Printed Circuit Assembly (Electronic Assembly) Manufacturing
334419: Other Electronic Component Manufacturing
3345: Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments ManufacturingT
33451: Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical, and Control Instruments ManufacturingT
334510: Electromedical and Electrotherapeutic Apparatus Manufacturing
334512: Automatic Environmental Control Manufacturing for Residential, Commercial, and Appliance Use
334514: Totalizing Fluid Meter and Counting Device Manufacturing
334515: Instrument Manufacturing for Measuring and Testing Electricity and Electrical Signals
334516: Analytical Laboratory Instrument Manufacturing
334517: Irradiation Apparatus Manufacturing
334519: Other Measuring and Controlling Device Manufacturing
3346: Manufacturing and Reproducing Magnetic and Optical MediaT
33461: Manufacturing and Reproducing Magnetic and Optical MediaT
334610: Manufacturing and Reproducing Magnetic and Optical Media
335: Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component ManufacturingT
3351: Electric Lighting Equipment ManufacturingT
33513: Electric Lighting Equipment ManufacturingT
335131: Residential Electric Lighting Fixture Manufacturing
335132: Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Electric Lighting Fixture Manufacturing
335139: Electric Lamp Bulb and Other Lighting Equipment Manufacturing
3352: Household Appliance ManufacturingT
33521: Small Electrical Appliance ManufacturingT
335210: Small Electrical Appliance Manufacturing
33522: Major Household Appliance ManufacturingT
335220: Major Household Appliance Manufacturing
3353: Electrical Equipment ManufacturingT
33531: Electrical Equipment ManufacturingT
335311: Power, Distribution, and Specialty Transformer Manufacturing
335312: Motor and Generator Manufacturing
335313: Switchgear and Switchboard Apparatus Manufacturing
335314: Relay and Industrial Control Manufacturing
3359: Other Electrical Equipment and Component ManufacturingT
33591: Battery ManufacturingT
335910: Battery Manufacturing
33592: Communication and Energy Wire and Cable ManufacturingT
335921: Fiber Optic Cable Manufacturing
335929: Other Communication and Energy Wire Manufacturing
33593: Wiring Device ManufacturingT
335931: Current-Carrying Wiring Device Manufacturing
335932: Noncurrent-Carrying Wiring Device Manufacturing
33599: All Other Electrical Equipment and Component ManufacturingT
335991: Carbon and Graphite Product Manufacturing
335999: All Other Miscellaneous Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing
336: Transportation Equipment ManufacturingT
3361: Motor Vehicle ManufacturingT
33611: Automobile and Light Duty Motor Vehicle ManufacturingT
336110: Automobile and Light Duty Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
33612: Heavy Duty Truck ManufacturingT
336120: Heavy Duty Truck Manufacturing
3362: Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer ManufacturingT
33621: Motor Vehicle Body and Trailer ManufacturingT
336211: Motor Vehicle Body Manufacturing
336212: Truck Trailer Manufacturing
336213: Motor Home Manufacturing
336214: Travel Trailer and Camper Manufacturing
3363: Motor Vehicle Parts ManufacturingT
33631: Motor Vehicle Gasoline Engine and Engine Parts ManufacturingT
336310: Motor Vehicle Gasoline Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing
33632: Motor Vehicle Electrical and Electronic Equipment ManufacturingT
336320: Motor Vehicle Electrical and Electronic Equipment Manufacturing
33633: Motor Vehicle Steering and Suspension Components (except Spring) ManufacturingT
336330: Motor Vehicle Steering and Suspension Components (except Spring) Manufacturing
33634: Motor Vehicle Brake System ManufacturingT
336340: Motor Vehicle Brake System Manufacturing
33635: Motor Vehicle Transmission and Power Train Parts ManufacturingT
336350: Motor Vehicle Transmission and Power Train Parts Manufacturing
33636: Motor Vehicle Seating and Interior Trim ManufacturingT
336360: Motor Vehicle Seating and Interior Trim Manufacturing
33637: Motor Vehicle Metal StampingT
336370: Motor Vehicle Metal Stamping
33639: Other Motor Vehicle Parts ManufacturingT
336390: Other Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing
3364: Aerospace Product and Parts ManufacturingT
33641: Aerospace Product and Parts ManufacturingT
336411: Aircraft Manufacturing
336412: Aircraft Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing
336413: Other Aircraft Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing
336414: Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Manufacturing
336415: Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Propulsion Unit and Propulsion Unit Parts Manufacturing
336419: Other Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Parts and Auxiliary Equipment Manufacturing
3365: Railroad Rolling Stock ManufacturingT
33651: Railroad Rolling Stock ManufacturingT
336510: Railroad Rolling Stock Manufacturing
3366: Ship and Boat BuildingT
33661: Ship and Boat BuildingT
336611: Ship Building and Repairing
336612: Boat Building
3369: Other Transportation Equipment ManufacturingT
33699: Other Transportation Equipment ManufacturingT
336991: Motorcycle, Bicycle, and Parts Manufacturing
336992: Military Armored Vehicle, Tank, and Tank Component Manufacturing
336999: All Other Transportation Equipment Manufacturing
337: Furniture and Related Product ManufacturingT
3371: Household and Institutional Furniture and Kitchen Cabinet ManufacturingT
33711: Wood Kitchen Cabinet and Countertop ManufacturingT
337110: Wood Kitchen Cabinet and Countertop Manufacturing
33712: Household and Institutional Furniture ManufacturingT
337121: Upholstered Household Furniture Manufacturing
337122: Nonupholstered Wood Household Furniture Manufacturing
337126: Household Furniture (except Wood and Upholstered) Manufacturing
337127: Institutional Furniture Manufacturing
3372: Office Furniture (including Fixtures) ManufacturingT
33721: Office Furniture (including Fixtures) ManufacturingT
337211: Wood Office Furniture Manufacturing
337212: Custom Architectural Woodwork and Millwork Manufacturing
337214: Office Furniture (except Wood) Manufacturing
337215: Showcase, Partition, Shelving, and Locker Manufacturing
3379: Other Furniture Related Product ManufacturingT
33791: Mattress ManufacturingT
337910: Mattress Manufacturing
33792: Blind and Shade ManufacturingT
337920: Blind and Shade Manufacturing
339: Miscellaneous ManufacturingT
3391: Medical Equipment and Supplies ManufacturingT
33911: Medical Equipment and Supplies ManufacturingT
339112: Surgical and Medical Instrument Manufacturing
339113: Surgical Appliance and Supplies Manufacturing
339114: Dental Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing
339115: Ophthalmic Goods Manufacturing
339116: Dental Laboratories
3399: Other Miscellaneous ManufacturingT
33991: Jewelry and Silverware ManufacturingT
339910: Jewelry and Silverware Manufacturing
33992: Sporting and Athletic Goods ManufacturingT
339920: Sporting and Athletic Goods Manufacturing
33993: Doll, Toy, and Game ManufacturingT
339930: Doll, Toy, and Game Manufacturing
33994: Office Supplies (except Paper) ManufacturingT
339940: Office Supplies (except Paper) Manufacturing
33995: Sign ManufacturingT
339950: Sign Manufacturing
33999: All Other Miscellaneous ManufacturingT
339991: Gasket, Packing, and Sealing Device Manufacturing
339992: Musical Instrument Manufacturing
339993: Fastener, Button, Needle, and Pin Manufacturing
339994: Broom, Brush, and Mop Manufacturing
339995: Burial Casket Manufacturing
339999: All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing
42: Wholesale TradeT
423: Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods
4231: Motor Vehicle and Motor Vehicle Parts and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
42311: Automobile and Other Motor Vehicle Merchant Wholesalers
423110: Automobile and Other Motor Vehicle Merchant Wholesalers
42312: Motor Vehicle Supplies and New Parts Merchant Wholesalers
423120: Motor Vehicle Supplies and New Parts Merchant Wholesalers
42313: Tire and Tube Merchant Wholesalers
423130: Tire and Tube Merchant Wholesalers
42314: Motor Vehicle Parts (Used) Merchant Wholesalers
423140: Motor Vehicle Parts (Used) Merchant Wholesalers
4232: Furniture and Home Furnishing Merchant Wholesalers
42321: Furniture Merchant Wholesalers
423210: Furniture Merchant Wholesalers
42322: Home Furnishing Merchant Wholesalers
423220: Home Furnishing Merchant Wholesalers
4233: Lumber and Other Construction Materials Merchant Wholesalers
42331: Lumber, Plywood, Millwork, and Wood Panel Merchant Wholesalers
423310: Lumber, Plywood, Millwork, and Wood Panel Merchant Wholesalers
42332: Brick, Stone, and Related Construction Material Merchant Wholesalers
423320: Brick, Stone, and Related Construction Material Merchant Wholesalers
42333: Roofing, Siding, and Insulation Material Merchant Wholesalers
423330: Roofing, Siding, and Insulation Material Merchant Wholesalers
42339: Other Construction Material Merchant Wholesalers
423390: Other Construction Material Merchant Wholesalers
4234: Professional and Commercial Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
42341: Photographic Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
423410: Photographic Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
42342: Office Equipment Merchant Wholesalers
423420: Office Equipment Merchant Wholesalers
42343: Computer and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software Merchant Wholesalers
423430: Computer and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software Merchant Wholesalers
42344: Other Commercial Equipment Merchant Wholesalers
423440: Other Commercial Equipment Merchant Wholesalers
42345: Medical, Dental, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
423450: Medical, Dental, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
42346: Ophthalmic Goods Merchant Wholesalers
423460: Ophthalmic Goods Merchant Wholesalers
42349: Other Professional Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
423490: Other Professional Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
4235: Metal and Mineral (except Petroleum) Merchant Wholesalers
42351: Metal Service Centers and Other Metal Merchant Wholesalers
423510: Metal Service Centers and Other Metal Merchant Wholesalers
42352: Coal and Other Mineral and Ore Merchant Wholesalers
423520: Coal and Other Mineral and Ore Merchant Wholesalers
4236: Household Appliances and Electrical and Electronic Goods Merchant Wholesalers
42361: Electrical Apparatus and Equipment, Wiring Supplies, and Related Equipment Merchant Wholesalers
423610: Electrical Apparatus and Equipment, Wiring Supplies, and Related Equipment Merchant Wholesalers
42362: Household Appliances, Electric Housewares, and Consumer Electronics Merchant Wholesalers
423620: Household Appliances, Electric Housewares, and Consumer Electronics Merchant Wholesalers
42369: Other Electronic Parts and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers
423690: Other Electronic Parts and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers
4237: Hardware, and Plumbing and Heating Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
42371: Hardware Merchant Wholesalers
423710: Hardware Merchant Wholesalers
42372: Plumbing and Heating Equipment and Supplies (Hydronics) Merchant Wholesalers
423720: Plumbing and Heating Equipment and Supplies (Hydronics) Merchant Wholesalers
42373: Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
423730: Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
42374: Refrigeration Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
423740: Refrigeration Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
4238: Machinery, Equipment, and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
42381: Construction and Mining (except Oil Well) Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers
423810: Construction and Mining (except Oil Well) Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers
42382: Farm and Garden Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers
423820: Farm and Garden Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers
42383: Industrial Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers
423830: Industrial Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers
42384: Industrial Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
423840: Industrial Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
42385: Service Establishment Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
423850: Service Establishment Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
42386: Transportation Equipment and Supplies (except Motor Vehicle) Merchant Wholesalers
423860: Transportation Equipment and Supplies (except Motor Vehicle) Merchant Wholesalers
4239: Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers
42391: Sporting and Recreational Goods and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
423910: Sporting and Recreational Goods and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
42392: Toy and Hobby Goods and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
423920: Toy and Hobby Goods and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
42393: Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesalers
423930: Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesalers
42394: Jewelry, Watch, Precious Stone, and Precious Metal Merchant Wholesalers
423940: Jewelry, Watch, Precious Stone, and Precious Metal Merchant Wholesalers
42399: Other Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers
423990: Other Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers
424: Merchant Wholesalers, Nondurable Goods
4241: Paper and Paper Product Merchant Wholesalers
42411: Printing and Writing Paper Merchant Wholesalers
424110: Printing and Writing Paper Merchant Wholesalers
42412: Stationery and Office Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
424120: Stationery and Office Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
42413: Industrial and Personal Service Paper Merchant Wholesalers
424130: Industrial and Personal Service Paper Merchant Wholesalers
4242: Drugs and Druggists' Sundries Merchant Wholesalers
42421: Drugs and Druggists' Sundries Merchant Wholesalers
424210: Drugs and Druggists' Sundries Merchant Wholesalers
4243: Apparel, Piece Goods, and Notions Merchant Wholesalers
42431: Piece Goods, Notions, and Other Dry Goods Merchant Wholesalers
424310: Piece Goods, Notions, and Other Dry Goods Merchant Wholesalers
42434: Footwear Merchant Wholesalers
424340: Footwear Merchant Wholesalers
42435: Clothing and Clothing Accessories Merchant Wholesalers
424350: Clothing and Clothing Accessories Merchant Wholesalers
4244: Grocery and Related Product Merchant Wholesalers
42441: General Line Grocery Merchant Wholesalers
424410: General Line Grocery Merchant Wholesalers
42442: Packaged Frozen Food Merchant Wholesalers
424420: Packaged Frozen Food Merchant Wholesalers
42443: Dairy Product (except Dried or Canned) Merchant Wholesalers
424430: Dairy Product (except Dried or Canned) Merchant Wholesalers
42444: Poultry and Poultry Product Merchant Wholesalers
424440: Poultry and Poultry Product Merchant Wholesalers
42445: Confectionery Merchant Wholesalers
424450: Confectionery Merchant Wholesalers
42446: Fish and Seafood Merchant Wholesalers
424460: Fish and Seafood Merchant Wholesalers
42447: Meat and Meat Product Merchant Wholesalers
424470: Meat and Meat Product Merchant Wholesalers
42448: Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Merchant Wholesalers
424480: Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Merchant Wholesalers
42449: Other Grocery and Related Products Merchant Wholesalers
424490: Other Grocery and Related Products Merchant Wholesalers
4245: Farm Product Raw Material Merchant Wholesalers
42451: Grain and Field Bean Merchant Wholesalers
424510: Grain and Field Bean Merchant Wholesalers
42452: Livestock Merchant Wholesalers
424520: Livestock Merchant Wholesalers
42459: Other Farm Product Raw Material Merchant Wholesalers
424590: Other Farm Product Raw Material Merchant Wholesalers
4246: Chemical and Allied Products Merchant Wholesalers
42461: Plastics Materials and Basic Forms and Shapes Merchant Wholesalers
424610: Plastics Materials and Basic Forms and Shapes Merchant Wholesalers
42469: Other Chemical and Allied Products Merchant Wholesalers
424690: Other Chemical and Allied Products Merchant Wholesalers
4247: Petroleum and Petroleum Products Merchant Wholesalers
42471: Petroleum Bulk Stations and Terminals
424710: Petroleum Bulk Stations and Terminals
42472: Petroleum and Petroleum Products Merchant Wholesalers (except Bulk Stations and Terminals)
424720: Petroleum and Petroleum Products Merchant Wholesalers (except Bulk Stations and Terminals)
4248: Beer, Wine, and Distilled Alcoholic Beverage Merchant Wholesalers
42481: Beer and Ale Merchant Wholesalers
424810: Beer and Ale Merchant Wholesalers
42482: Wine and Distilled Alcoholic Beverage Merchant Wholesalers
424820: Wine and Distilled Alcoholic Beverage Merchant Wholesalers
4249: Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers
42491: Farm Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
424910: Farm Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
42492: Book, Periodical, and Newspaper Merchant Wholesalers
424920: Book, Periodical, and Newspaper Merchant Wholesalers
42493: Flower, Nursery Stock, and Florists' Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
424930: Flower, Nursery Stock, and Florists' Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
42494: Tobacco Product and Electronic Cigarette Merchant Wholesalers
424940: Tobacco Product and Electronic Cigarette Merchant Wholesalers
42495: Paint, Varnish, and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
424950: Paint, Varnish, and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers
42499: Other Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers
424990: Other Miscellaneous Nondurable Goods Merchant Wholesalers
425: Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers
4251: Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers
42512: Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers
425120: Wholesale Trade Agents and Brokers
44-45: Retail TradeT
441: Motor Vehicle and Parts Dealers
4411: Automobile Dealers
44111: New Car Dealers
441110: New Car Dealers
44112: Used Car Dealers
441120: Used Car Dealers
4412: Other Motor Vehicle Dealers
44121: Recreational Vehicle Dealers
441210: Recreational Vehicle Dealers
44122: Motorcycle, Boat, and Other Motor Vehicle Dealers
441222: Boat Dealers
441227: Motorcycle, ATV, and All Other Motor Vehicle Dealers
4413: Automotive Parts, Accessories, and Tire Retailers
44133: Automotive Parts and Accessories Retailers
441330: Automotive Parts and Accessories Retailers
44134: Tire Dealers
441340: Tire Dealers
444: Building Material and Garden Equipment and Supplies Dealers
4441: Building Material and Supplies Dealers
44411: Home Centers
444110: Home Centers
44412: Paint and Wallpaper Retailers
444120: Paint and Wallpaper Retailers
44414: Hardware Retailers
444140: Hardware Retailers
44418: Other Building Material Dealers
444180: Other Building Material Dealers
4442: Lawn and Garden Equipment and Supplies Retailers
44423: Outdoor Power Equipment Retailers
444230: Outdoor Power Equipment Retailers
44424: Nursery, Garden Center, and Farm Supply Retailers
444240: Nursery, Garden Center, and Farm Supply Retailers
445: Food and Beverage Retailers
4451: Grocery and Convenience Retailers
44511: Supermarkets and Other Grocery Retailers (except Convenience Retailers)
445110: Supermarkets and Other Grocery Retailers (except Convenience Retailers)
44513: Convenience Retailers and Vending Machine Operators
445131: Convenience Retailers
445132: Vending Machine Operators
4452: Specialty Food Retailers
44523: Fruit and Vegetable Retailers
445230: Fruit and Vegetable Retailers
44524: Meat Retailers
445240: Meat Retailers
44525: Fish and Seafood Retailers
445250: Fish and Seafood Retailers
44529: Other Specialty Food Retailers
445291: Baked Goods Retailers
445292: Confectionery and Nut Retailers
445298: All Other Specialty Food Retailers
4453: Beer, Wine, and Liquor Retailers
44532: Beer, Wine, and Liquor Retailers
445320: Beer, Wine, and Liquor Retailers
449: Furniture, Home Furnishings, Electronics, and Appliance Retailers
4491: Furniture and Home Furnishings Retailers
44911: Furniture Retailers
449110: Furniture Retailers
44912: Home Furnishings Retailers
449121: Floor Covering Retailers
449122: Window Treatment Retailers
449129: All Other Home Furnishings Retailers
4492: Electronics and Appliance Retailers
44921: Electronics and Appliance Retailers
449210: Electronics and Appliance Retailers
455: General Merchandise Retailers
4551: Department Stores
45511: Department Stores
455110: Department Stores
4552: Warehouse Clubs, Supercenters, and Other General Merchandise Retailers
45521: Warehouse Clubs, Supercenters, and Other General Merchandise Retailers
455211: Warehouse Clubs and Supercenters
455219: All Other General Merchandise Retailers
456: Health and Personal Care Retailers
4561: Health and Personal Care Retailers
45611: Pharmacies and Drug Retailers
456110: Pharmacies and Drug Retailers
45612: Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, and Perfume Retailers
456120: Cosmetics, Beauty Supplies, and Perfume Retailers
45613: Optical Goods Retailers
456130: Optical Goods Retailers
45619: Other Health and Personal Care Retailers
456191: Food (Health) Supplement Retailers
456199: All Other Health and Personal Care Retailers
457: Gasoline Stations and Fuel Dealers
4571: Gasoline Stations
45711: Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores
457110: Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores
45712: Other Gasoline Stations
457120: Other Gasoline Stations
4572: Fuel Dealers
45721: Fuel Dealers
457210: Fuel Dealers
458: Clothing, Clothing Accessories, Shoe, and Jewelry Retailers
4581: Clothing and Clothing Accessories Retailers
45811: Clothing and Clothing Accessories Retailers
458110: Clothing and Clothing Accessories Retailers
4582: Shoe Retailers
45821: Shoe Retailers
458210: Shoe Retailers
4583: Jewelry, Luggage, and Leather Goods Retailers
45831: Jewelry Retailers
458310: Jewelry Retailers
45832: Luggage and Leather Goods Retailers
458320: Luggage and Leather Goods Retailers
459: Sporting Goods, Hobby, Musical Instrument, Book, and Miscellaneous Retailers
4591: Sporting Goods, Hobby, and Musical Instrument Retailers
45911: Sporting Goods Retailers
459110: Sporting Goods Retailers
45912: Hobby, Toy, and Game Retailers
459120: Hobby, Toy, and Game Retailers
45913: Sewing, Needlework, and Piece Goods Retailers
459130: Sewing, Needlework, and Piece Goods Retailers
45914: Musical Instrument and Supplies Retailers
459140: Musical Instrument and Supplies Retailers
4592: Book Retailers and News Dealers
45921: Book Retailers and News Dealers
459210: Book Retailers and News Dealers
4593: Florists
45931: Florists
459310: Florists
4594: Office Supplies, Stationery, and Gift Retailers
45941: Office Supplies and Stationery Retailers
459410: Office Supplies and Stationery Retailers
45942: Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Retailers
459420: Gift, Novelty, and Souvenir Retailers
4595: Used Merchandise Retailers
45951: Used Merchandise Retailers
459510: Used Merchandise Retailers
4599: Other Miscellaneous Retailers
45991: Pet and Pet Supplies Retailers
459910: Pet and Pet Supplies Retailers
45992: Art Dealers
459920: Art Dealers
45993: Manufactured (Mobile) Home Dealers
459930: Manufactured (Mobile) Home Dealers
45999: All Other Miscellaneous Retailers
459991: Tobacco, Electronic Cigarette, and Other Smoking Supplies Retailers
459999: All Other Miscellaneous Retailers
48-49: Transportation and WarehousingT
481: Air TransportationT
4811: Scheduled Air TransportationT
48111: Scheduled Air TransportationT
481111: Scheduled Passenger Air Transportation
481112: Scheduled Freight Air Transportation
4812: Nonscheduled Air TransportationT
48121: Nonscheduled Air TransportationT
481211: Nonscheduled Chartered Passenger Air Transportation
481212: Nonscheduled Chartered Freight Air Transportation
481219: Other Nonscheduled Air Transportation
482: Rail TransportationT
4821: Rail TransportationT
48211: Rail TransportationT
482111: Line-Haul Railroads
482112: Short Line Railroads
483: Water TransportationT
4831: Deep Sea, Coastal, and Great Lakes Water TransportationT
48311: Deep Sea, Coastal, and Great Lakes Water TransportationT
483111: Deep Sea Freight Transportation
483112: Deep Sea Passenger Transportation
483113: Coastal and Great Lakes Freight Transportation
483114: Coastal and Great Lakes Passenger Transportation
4832: Inland Water TransportationT
48321: Inland Water TransportationT
483211: Inland Water Freight Transportation
483212: Inland Water Passenger Transportation
484: Truck TransportationT
4841: General Freight TruckingT
48411: General Freight Trucking, LocalT
484110: General Freight Trucking, Local
48412: General Freight Trucking, Long-DistanceT
484121: General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance, Truckload
484122: General Freight Trucking, Long-Distance, Less Than Truckload
4842: Specialized Freight TruckingT
48421: Used Household and Office Goods MovingT
484210: Used Household and Office Goods Moving
48422: Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, LocalT
484220: Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Local
48423: Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Long-DistanceT
484230: Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Long-Distance
485: Transit and Ground Passenger TransportationT
4851: Urban Transit SystemsT
48511: Urban Transit SystemsT
485111: Mixed Mode Transit Systems
485112: Commuter Rail Systems
485113: Bus and Other Motor Vehicle Transit Systems
485119: Other Urban Transit Systems
4852: Interurban and Rural Bus TransportationT
48521: Interurban and Rural Bus TransportationT
485210: Interurban and Rural Bus Transportation
4853: Taxi and Limousine ServiceT
48531: Taxi and Ridesharing ServicesT
485310: Taxi and Ridesharing Services
48532: Limousine ServiceT
485320: Limousine Service
4854: School and Employee Bus TransportationT
48541: School and Employee Bus TransportationT
485410: School and Employee Bus Transportation
4855: Charter Bus IndustryT
48551: Charter Bus IndustryT
485510: Charter Bus Industry
4859: Other Transit and Ground Passenger TransportationT
48599: Other Transit and Ground Passenger TransportationT
485991: Special Needs Transportation
485999: All Other Transit and Ground Passenger Transportation
486: Pipeline TransportationT
4861: Pipeline Transportation of Crude OilT
48611: Pipeline Transportation of Crude OilT
486110: Pipeline Transportation of Crude Oil
4862: Pipeline Transportation of Natural GasT
48621: Pipeline Transportation of Natural GasT
486210: Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas
4869: Other Pipeline TransportationT
48691: Pipeline Transportation of Refined Petroleum ProductsT
486910: Pipeline Transportation of Refined Petroleum Products
48699: All Other Pipeline TransportationT
486990: All Other Pipeline Transportation
487: Scenic and Sightseeing TransportationT
4871: Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, LandT
48711: Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, LandT
487110: Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, Land
4872: Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, WaterT
48721: Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, WaterT
487210: Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, Water
4879: Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, OtherT
48799: Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, OtherT
487990: Scenic and Sightseeing Transportation, Other
488: Support Activities for TransportationT
4881: Support Activities for Air TransportationT
48811: Airport OperationsT
488111: Air Traffic Control
488119: Other Airport Operations
48819: Other Support Activities for Air TransportationT
488190: Other Support Activities for Air Transportation
4882: Support Activities for Rail TransportationT
48821: Support Activities for Rail TransportationT
488210: Support Activities for Rail Transportation
4883: Support Activities for Water TransportationT
48831: Port and Harbor OperationsT
488310: Port and Harbor Operations
48832: Marine Cargo HandlingT
488320: Marine Cargo Handling
48833: Navigational Services to ShippingT
488330: Navigational Services to Shipping
48839: Other Support Activities for Water TransportationT
488390: Other Support Activities for Water Transportation
4884: Support Activities for Road TransportationT
48841: Motor Vehicle TowingT
488410: Motor Vehicle Towing
48849: Other Support Activities for Road TransportationT
488490: Other Support Activities for Road Transportation
4885: Freight Transportation ArrangementT
48851: Freight Transportation ArrangementT
488510: Freight Transportation Arrangement
4889: Other Support Activities for TransportationT
48899: Other Support Activities for TransportationT
488991: Packing and Crating
488999: All Other Support Activities for Transportation
491: Postal ServiceT
4911: Postal ServiceT
49111: Postal ServiceT
491110: Postal Service
492: Couriers and MessengersT
4921: Couriers and Express Delivery ServicesT
49211: Couriers and Express Delivery ServicesT
492110: Couriers and Express Delivery Services
4922: Local Messengers and Local DeliveryT
49221: Local Messengers and Local DeliveryT
492210: Local Messengers and Local Delivery
493: Warehousing and StorageT
4931: Warehousing and StorageT
49311: General Warehousing and StorageT
493110: General Warehousing and Storage
49312: Refrigerated Warehousing and StorageT
493120: Refrigerated Warehousing and Storage
49313: Farm Product Warehousing and StorageT
493130: Farm Product Warehousing and Storage
49319: Other Warehousing and StorageT
493190: Other Warehousing and Storage
51: InformationT
512: Motion Picture and Sound Recording IndustriesT
5121: Motion Picture and Video IndustriesT
51211: Motion Picture and Video ProductionT
512110: Motion Picture and Video Production
51212: Motion Picture and Video DistributionT
512120: Motion Picture and Video Distribution
51213: Motion Picture and Video ExhibitionT
512131: Motion Picture Theaters (except Drive-Ins)
512132: Drive-In Motion Picture Theaters
51219: Postproduction Services and Other Motion Picture and Video IndustriesT
512191: Teleproduction and Other Postproduction Services
512199: Other Motion Picture and Video Industries
5122: Sound Recording IndustriesT
51223: Music PublishersT
512230: Music Publishers
51224: Sound Recording StudiosT
512240: Sound Recording Studios
51225: Record Production and DistributionT
512250: Record Production and Distribution
51229: Other Sound Recording IndustriesT
512290: Other Sound Recording Industries
513: Publishing IndustriesT
5131: Newspaper, Periodical, Book, and Directory PublishersT
51311: Newspaper PublishersT
513110: Newspaper Publishers
51312: Periodical PublishersT
513120: Periodical Publishers
51313: Book PublishersT
513130: Book Publishers
51314: Directory and Mailing List PublishersT
513140: Directory and Mailing List Publishers
51319: Other PublishersT
513191: Greeting Card Publishers
513199: All Other Publishers
5132: Software PublishersT
51321: Software PublishersT
513210: Software Publishers
516: Broadcasting and Content ProvidersT
5161: Radio and Television Broadcasting StationsT
51611: Radio Broadcasting StationsT
516110: Radio Broadcasting Stations
51612: Television Broadcasting StationsT
516120: Television Broadcasting Stations
517: TelecommunicationsT
5171: Wired and Wireless Telecommunications (except Satellite)
51711: Wired and Wireless Telecommunications Carriers (except Satellite)
517111: Wired Telecommunications Carriers
517112: Wireless Telecommunications Carriers (except Satellite)
51712: Telecommunications Resellers and Agents for Wireless Telecommunication Services
517121: Telecommunications Resellers
517122: Agents for Wireless Telecommunications Services
5174: Satellite TelecommunicationsT
51741: Satellite TelecommunicationsT
517410: Satellite Telecommunications
5178: All Other Telecommunications
51781: All Other Telecommunications
517810: All Other Telecommunications
518: Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, Web Hosting, and Related ServicesT
5182: Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, Web Hosting, and Related ServicesT
51821: Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, Web Hosting, and Related ServicesT
518210: Computing Infrastructure Providers, Data Processing, Web Hosting, and Related Services
519: Web Search Portals, Libraries, Archives, and Other Information ServicesT
5192: Web Search Portals, Libraries, Archives, and Other Information ServicesT
51921: Libraries and ArchivesT
519210: Libraries and Archives
51929: Web Search Portals and All Other Information ServicesT
519290: Web Search Portals and All Other Information Services
52: Finance and InsuranceT
521: Monetary Authorities-Central BankT
5211: Monetary Authorities-Central BankT
52111: Monetary Authorities-Central BankT
521110: Monetary Authorities-Central Bank
522: Credit Intermediation and Related ActivitiesT
5221: Depository Credit Intermediation
52211: Commercial Banking
522110: Commercial Banking
52213: Credit Unions
522130: Credit Unions
52218: Savings Institutions and Other Depository Credit Intermediation
522180: Savings Institutions and Other Depository Credit Intermediation
5222: Nondepository Credit Intermediation
52221: Credit Card Issuing
522210: Credit Card Issuing
52222: Sales Financing
522220: Sales Financing
52229: Other Nondepository Credit Intermediation
522291: Consumer Lending
522292: Real Estate Credit
522299: International, Secondary Market, and All Other Nondepository Credit Intermediation
5223: Activities Related to Credit Intermediation
52231: Mortgage and Nonmortgage Loan Brokers
522310: Mortgage and Nonmortgage Loan Brokers
52232: Financial Transactions Processing, Reserve, and Clearinghouse Activities
522320: Financial Transactions Processing, Reserve, and Clearinghouse Activities
52239: Other Activities Related to Credit Intermediation
522390: Other Activities Related to Credit Intermediation
523: Securities, Commodity Contracts, and Other Financial Investments and Related ActivitiesT
5231: Securities and Commodity Contracts Intermediation and BrokerageT
52315: Investment Banking and Securities Intermediation
523150: Investment Banking and Securities Intermediation
52316: Commodity Contracts Intermediation
523160: Commodity Contracts Intermediation
5232: Securities and Commodity ExchangesT
52321: Securities and Commodity ExchangesT
523210: Securities and Commodity Exchanges
5239: Other Financial Investment ActivitiesT
52391: Miscellaneous Intermediation
523910: Miscellaneous Intermediation
52394: Portfolio Management and Investment Advice
523940: Portfolio Management and Investment Advice
52399: All Other Financial Investment Activities
523991: Trust, Fiduciary, and Custody Activities
523999: Miscellaneous Financial Investment Activities
524: Insurance Carriers and Related ActivitiesT
5241: Insurance CarriersT
52411: Direct Life, Health, and Medical Insurance Carriers
524113: Direct Life Insurance Carriers
524114: Direct Health and Medical Insurance Carriers
52412: Direct Insurance (except Life, Health, and Medical) Carriers
524126: Direct Property and Casualty Insurance Carriers
524127: Direct Title Insurance Carriers
524128: Other Direct Insurance (except Life, Health, and Medical) Carriers
52413: Reinsurance Carriers
524130: Reinsurance Carriers
5242: Agencies, Brokerages, and Other Insurance Related ActivitiesT
52421: Insurance Agencies and Brokerages
524210: Insurance Agencies and Brokerages
52429: Other Insurance Related Activities
524291: Claims Adjusting
524292: Pharmacy Benefit Management and Other Third Party Administration of Insurance and Pension Funds
524298: All Other Insurance Related Activities
525: Funds, Trusts, and Other Financial Vehicles
5251: Insurance and Employee Benefit Funds
52511: Pension Funds
525110: Pension Funds
52512: Health and Welfare Funds
525120: Health and Welfare Funds
52519: Other Insurance Funds
525190: Other Insurance Funds
5259: Other Investment Pools and Funds
52591: Open-End Investment Funds
525910: Open-End Investment Funds
52592: Trusts, Estates, and Agency Accounts
525920: Trusts, Estates, and Agency Accounts
52599: Other Financial Vehicles
525990: Other Financial Vehicles
53: Real Estate and Rental and LeasingT
531: Real EstateT
5311: Lessors of Real EstateT
53111: Lessors of Residential Buildings and Dwellings
531110: Lessors of Residential Buildings and Dwellings
53112: Lessors of Nonresidential Buildings (except Miniwarehouses)
531120: Lessors of Nonresidential Buildings (except Miniwarehouses)
53113: Lessors of Miniwarehouses and Self-Storage Units
531130: Lessors of Miniwarehouses and Self-Storage Units
53119: Lessors of Other Real Estate Property
531190: Lessors of Other Real Estate Property
5312: Offices of Real Estate Agents and BrokersT
53121: Offices of Real Estate Agents and BrokersT
531210: Offices of Real Estate Agents and Brokers
5313: Activities Related to Real EstateT
53131: Real Estate Property Managers
531311: Residential Property Managers
531312: Nonresidential Property Managers
53132: Offices of Real Estate Appraisers
531320: Offices of Real Estate Appraisers
53139: Other Activities Related to Real Estate
531390: Other Activities Related to Real Estate
532: Rental and Leasing ServicesT
5321: Automotive Equipment Rental and LeasingT
53211: Passenger Car Rental and LeasingT
532111: Passenger Car Rental
532112: Passenger Car Leasing
53212: Truck, Utility Trailer, and RV (Recreational Vehicle) Rental and LeasingT
532120: Truck, Utility Trailer, and RV (Recreational Vehicle) Rental and Leasing
5322: Consumer Goods RentalT
53221: Consumer Electronics and Appliances RentalT
532210: Consumer Electronics and Appliances Rental
53228: Other Consumer Goods RentalT
532281: Formal Wear and Costume Rental
532282: Video Tape and Disc Rental
532283: Home Health Equipment Rental
532284: Recreational Goods Rental
532289: All Other Consumer Goods Rental
5323: General Rental CentersT
53231: General Rental CentersT
532310: General Rental Centers
5324: Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and LeasingT
53241: Construction, Transportation, Mining, and Forestry Machinery and Equipment Rental and LeasingT
532411: Commercial Air, Rail, and Water Transportation Equipment Rental and Leasing
532412: Construction, Mining, and Forestry Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing
53242: Office Machinery and Equipment Rental and LeasingT
532420: Office Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing
53249: Other Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and LeasingT
532490: Other Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing
533: Lessors of Nonfinancial Intangible Assets (except Copyrighted Works)T
5331: Lessors of Nonfinancial Intangible Assets (except Copyrighted Works)T
53311: Lessors of Nonfinancial Intangible Assets (except Copyrighted Works)T
533110: Lessors of Nonfinancial Intangible Assets (except Copyrighted Works)
54: Professional, Scientific, and Technical ServicesT
541: Professional, Scientific, and Technical ServicesT
5411: Legal ServicesT
54111: Offices of LawyersT
541110: Offices of Lawyers
54112: Offices of NotariesT
541120: Offices of Notaries
54119: Other Legal ServicesT
541191: Title Abstract and Settlement Offices
541199: All Other Legal Services
5412: Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, and Payroll ServicesT
54121: Accounting, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, and Payroll ServicesT
541211: Offices of Certified Public Accountants
541213: Tax Preparation Services
541214: Payroll Services
541219: Other Accounting Services
5413: Architectural, Engineering, and Related ServicesT
54131: Architectural ServicesT
541310: Architectural Services
54132: Landscape Architectural ServicesT
541320: Landscape Architectural Services
54133: Engineering ServicesT
541330: Engineering Services
54134: Drafting ServicesT
541340: Drafting Services
54135: Building Inspection ServicesT
541350: Building Inspection Services
54136: Geophysical Surveying and Mapping ServicesT
541360: Geophysical Surveying and Mapping Services
54137: Surveying and Mapping (except Geophysical) ServicesT
541370: Surveying and Mapping (except Geophysical) Services
54138: Testing Laboratories and ServicesT
541380: Testing Laboratories and Services
5414: Specialized Design ServicesT
54141: Interior Design ServicesT
541410: Interior Design Services
54142: Industrial Design ServicesT
541420: Industrial Design Services
54143: Graphic Design ServicesT
541430: Graphic Design Services
54149: Other Specialized Design ServicesT
541490: Other Specialized Design Services
5415: Computer Systems Design and Related ServicesT
54151: Computer Systems Design and Related ServicesT
541511: Custom Computer Programming Services
541512: Computer Systems Design Services
541513: Computer Facilities Management Services
541519: Other Computer Related Services
5416: Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting ServicesT
54161: Management Consulting ServicesT
541611: Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services
541612: Human Resources Consulting Services
541613: Marketing Consulting Services
541614: Process, Physical Distribution, and Logistics Consulting Services
541618: Other Management Consulting Services
54162: Environmental Consulting ServicesT
541620: Environmental Consulting Services
54169: Other Scientific and Technical Consulting ServicesT
541690: Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services
5417: Scientific Research and Development ServicesT
54171: Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life SciencesT
541713: Research and Development in Nanotechnology
541714: Research and Development in Biotechnology (except Nanobiotechnology)
54172: Research and Development in the Social Sciences and HumanitiesT
541720: Research and Development in the Social Sciences and Humanities
5418: Advertising, Public Relations, and Related ServicesT
54181: Advertising AgenciesT
541810: Advertising Agencies
54182: Public Relations AgenciesT
541820: Public Relations Agencies
54183: Media Buying AgenciesT
541830: Media Buying Agencies
54184: Media RepresentativesT
541840: Media Representatives
54185: Indoor and Outdoor Display AdvertisingT
541850: Indoor and Outdoor Display Advertising
54186: Direct Mail AdvertisingT
541860: Direct Mail Advertising
54187: Advertising Material Distribution ServicesT
541870: Advertising Material Distribution Services
54189: Other Services Related to AdvertisingT
541890: Other Services Related to Advertising
5419: Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical ServicesT
54191: Marketing Research and Public Opinion PollingT
541910: Marketing Research and Public Opinion Polling
54192: Photographic ServicesT
541921: Photography Studios, Portrait
541922: Commercial Photography
54193: Translation and Interpretation ServicesT
541930: Translation and Interpretation Services
54194: Veterinary ServicesT
541940: Veterinary Services
54199: All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical ServicesT
541990: All Other Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
55: Management of Companies and EnterprisesT
551: Management of Companies and EnterprisesT
5511: Management of Companies and EnterprisesT
55111: Management of Companies and EnterprisesT
551111: Offices of Bank Holding Companies
551112: Offices of Other Holding Companies
551114: Corporate, Subsidiary, and Regional Managing Offices
56: Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation ServicesT
561: Administrative and Support ServicesT
5611: Office Administrative ServicesT
56111: Office Administrative ServicesT
561110: Office Administrative Services
5612: Facilities Support ServicesT
56121: Facilities Support ServicesT
561210: Facilities Support Services
5613: Employment ServicesT
56131: Employment Placement Agencies and Executive Search ServicesT
561311: Employment Placement Agencies
561312: Executive Search Services
56132: Temporary Help ServicesT
561320: Temporary Help Services
56133: Professional Employer OrganizationsT
561330: Professional Employer Organizations
5614: Business Support ServicesT
56141: Document Preparation ServicesT
561410: Document Preparation Services
56142: Telephone Call CentersT
561421: Telephone Answering Services
561422: Telemarketing Bureaus and Other Contact Centers
56143: Business Service CentersT
561431: Private Mail Centers
561439: Other Business Service Centers (including Copy Shops)
56144: Collection AgenciesT
561440: Collection Agencies
56145: Credit BureausT
561450: Credit Bureaus
56149: Other Business Support ServicesT
561491: Repossession Services
561492: Court Reporting and Stenotype Services
561499: All Other Business Support Services
5615: Travel Arrangement and Reservation ServicesT
56151: Travel AgenciesT
561510: Travel Agencies
56152: Tour OperatorsT
561520: Tour Operators
56159: Other Travel Arrangement and Reservation ServicesT
561591: Convention and Visitors Bureaus
561599: All Other Travel Arrangement and Reservation Services
5616: Investigation and Security ServicesT
56161: Investigation, Guard, and Armored Car ServicesT
561611: Investigation and Personal Background Check Services
561612: Security Guards and Patrol Services
561613: Armored Car Services
56162: Security Systems ServicesT
561621: Security Systems Services (except Locksmiths)
561622: Locksmiths
5617: Services to Buildings and DwellingsT
56171: Exterminating and Pest Control ServicesT
561710: Exterminating and Pest Control Services
56172: Janitorial ServicesT
561720: Janitorial Services
56173: Landscaping ServicesT
561730: Landscaping Services
56174: Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning ServicesT
561740: Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Services
56179: Other Services to Buildings and DwellingsT
561790: Other Services to Buildings and Dwellings
5619: Other Support ServicesT
56191: Packaging and Labeling ServicesT
561910: Packaging and Labeling Services
56192: Convention and Trade Show OrganizersT
561920: Convention and Trade Show Organizers
56199: All Other Support ServicesT
561990: All Other Support Services
562: Waste Management and Remediation ServicesT
5621: Waste Collection
56211: Waste Collection
562111: Solid Waste Collection
562112: Hazardous Waste Collection
562119: Other Waste Collection
5622: Waste Treatment and Disposal
56221: Waste Treatment and Disposal
562211: Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal
562212: Solid Waste Landfill
562213: Solid Waste Combustors and Incinerators
562219: Other Nonhazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal
5629: Remediation and Other Waste Management Services
56291: Remediation Services
562910: Remediation Services
56292: Materials Recovery Facilities
562920: Materials Recovery Facilities
56299: All Other Waste Management Services
562991: Septic Tank and Related Services
562998: All Other Miscellaneous Waste Management Services
61: Educational ServicesT
611: Educational ServicesT
6111: Elementary and Secondary SchoolsT
61111: Elementary and Secondary Schools
611110: Elementary and Secondary Schools
6112: Junior CollegesT
61121: Junior CollegesT
611210: Junior Colleges
6113: Colleges, Universities, and Professional SchoolsT
61131: Colleges, Universities, and Professional SchoolsT
611310: Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools
6114: Business Schools and Computer and Management TrainingT
61141: Business and Secretarial SchoolsT
611410: Business and Secretarial Schools
61142: Computer TrainingT
611420: Computer Training
61143: Professional and Management Development TrainingT
611430: Professional and Management Development Training
6115: Technical and Trade SchoolsT
61151: Technical and Trade SchoolsT
611511: Cosmetology and Barber Schools
611512: Flight Training
611513: Apprenticeship Training
611519: Other Technical and Trade Schools
6116: Other Schools and InstructionT
61161: Fine Arts SchoolsT
611610: Fine Arts Schools
61162: Sports and Recreation InstructionT
611620: Sports and Recreation Instruction
61163: Language SchoolsT
611630: Language Schools
61169: All Other Schools and InstructionT
611691: Exam Preparation and Tutoring
611692: Automobile Driving Schools
611699: All Other Miscellaneous Schools and Instruction
6117: Educational Support ServicesT
61171: Educational Support ServicesT
611710: Educational Support Services
62: Health Care and Social AssistanceT
621: Ambulatory Health Care ServicesT
6211: Offices of PhysiciansT
62111: Offices of PhysiciansT
621111: Offices of Physicians (except Mental Health Specialists)
621112: Offices of Physicians, Mental Health Specialists
6212: Offices of DentistsT
62121: Offices of DentistsT
621210: Offices of Dentists
6213: Offices of Other Health PractitionersT
62131: Offices of ChiropractorsT
621310: Offices of Chiropractors
62132: Offices of OptometristsT
621320: Offices of Optometrists
62133: Offices of Mental Health Practitioners (except Physicians)T
621330: Offices of Mental Health Practitioners (except Physicians)
62134: Offices of Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapists, and AudiologistsT
621340: Offices of Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapists, and Audiologists
62139: Offices of All Other Health PractitionersT
621391: Offices of Podiatrists
621399: Offices of All Other Miscellaneous Health Practitioners
6214: Outpatient Care CentersT
62141: Family Planning CentersT
621410: Family Planning Centers
62142: Outpatient Mental Health and Substance Abuse CentersT
621420: Outpatient Mental Health and Substance Abuse Centers
62149: Other Outpatient Care CentersT
621491: HMO Medical Centers
621492: Kidney Dialysis Centers
621493: Freestanding Ambulatory Surgical and Emergency Centers
621498: All Other Outpatient Care Centers
6215: Medical and Diagnostic LaboratoriesT
62151: Medical and Diagnostic LaboratoriesT
621511: Medical Laboratories
621512: Diagnostic Imaging Centers
6216: Home Health Care ServicesT
62161: Home Health Care ServicesT
621610: Home Health Care Services
6219: Other Ambulatory Health Care ServicesT
62191: Ambulance ServicesT
621910: Ambulance Services
62199: All Other Ambulatory Health Care ServicesT
621991: Blood and Organ Banks
621999: All Other Miscellaneous Ambulatory Health Care Services
622: HospitalsT
6221: General Medical and Surgical HospitalsT
62211: General Medical and Surgical HospitalsT
622110: General Medical and Surgical Hospitals
6222: Psychiatric and Substance Abuse HospitalsT
62221: Psychiatric and Substance Abuse HospitalsT
622210: Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Hospitals
6223: Specialty (except Psychiatric and Substance Abuse) HospitalsT
62231: Specialty (except Psychiatric and Substance Abuse) HospitalsT
622310: Specialty (except Psychiatric and Substance Abuse) Hospitals
623: Nursing and Residential Care FacilitiesT
6231: Nursing Care Facilities (Skilled Nursing Facilities)T
62311: Nursing Care Facilities (Skilled Nursing Facilities)T
623110: Nursing Care Facilities (Skilled Nursing Facilities)
62321: Residential Intellectual and Developmental Disability FacilitiesT
623210: Residential Intellectual and Developmental Disability Facilities
62322: Residential Mental Health and Substance Abuse FacilitiesT
623220: Residential Mental Health and Substance Abuse Facilities
6233: Continuing Care Retirement Communities and Assisted Living Facilities for the ElderlyT
62331: Continuing Care Retirement Communities and Assisted Living Facilities for the ElderlyT
623311: Continuing Care Retirement Communities
623312: Assisted Living Facilities for the Elderly
6239: Other Residential Care FacilitiesT
62399: Other Residential Care FacilitiesT
623990: Other Residential Care Facilities
624: Social AssistanceT
6241: Individual and Family ServicesT
62411: Child and Youth ServicesT
624110: Child and Youth Services
62412: Services for the Elderly and Persons with DisabilitiesT
624120: Services for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities
62419: Other Individual and Family ServicesT
624190: Other Individual and Family Services
6242: Community Food and Housing, and Emergency and Other Relief ServicesT
62421: Community Food ServicesT
624210: Community Food Services
62422: Community Housing ServicesT
624221: Temporary Shelters
624229: Other Community Housing Services
62423: Emergency and Other Relief ServicesT
624230: Emergency and Other Relief Services
6243: Vocational Rehabilitation ServicesT
62431: Vocational Rehabilitation ServicesT
624310: Vocational Rehabilitation Services
6244: Child Care ServicesT
62441: Child Care ServicesT
624410: Child Care Services
71: Arts, Entertainment, and RecreationT
711: Performing Arts, Spectator Sports, and Related IndustriesT
7111: Performing Arts CompaniesT
71111: Theater Companies and Dinner TheatersT
711110: Theater Companies and Dinner Theaters
71112: Dance CompaniesT
711120: Dance Companies
71113: Musical Groups and ArtistsT
711130: Musical Groups and Artists
71119: Other Performing Arts CompaniesT
711190: Other Performing Arts Companies
7112: Spectator SportsT
71121: Spectator SportsT
711211: Sports Teams and Clubs
711212: Racetracks
711219: Other Spectator Sports
7113: Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar EventsT
71131: Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events with FacilitiesT
711310: Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events with Facilities
71132: Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events without FacilitiesT
711320: Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports, and Similar Events without Facilities
7114: Agents and Managers for Artists, Athletes, Entertainers, and Other Public FiguresT
71141: Agents and Managers for Artists, Athletes, Entertainers, and Other Public FiguresT
711410: Agents and Managers for Artists, Athletes, Entertainers, and Other Public Figures
7115: Independent Artists, Writers, and PerformersT
71151: Independent Artists, Writers, and PerformersT
711510: Independent Artists, Writers, and Performers
712: Museums, Historical Sites, and Similar InstitutionsT
7121: Museums, Historical Sites, and Similar InstitutionsT
71211: MuseumsT
712110: Museums
71212: Historical SitesT
712120: Historical Sites
71213: Zoos and Botanical GardensT
712130: Zoos and Botanical Gardens
71219: Nature Parks and Other Similar InstitutionsT
712190: Nature Parks and Other Similar Institutions
713: Amusement, Gambling, and Recreation IndustriesT
7131: Amusement Parks and ArcadesT
71311: Amusement and Theme ParksT
713110: Amusement and Theme Parks
71312: Amusement ArcadesT
713120: Amusement Arcades
7132: Gambling IndustriesT
71321: Casinos (except Casino Hotels)T
713210: Casinos (except Casino Hotels)
71329: Other Gambling IndustriesT
713290: Other Gambling Industries
7139: Other Amusement and Recreation IndustriesT
71391: Golf Courses and Country ClubsT
713910: Golf Courses and Country Clubs
71392: Skiing FacilitiesT
713920: Skiing Facilities
71393: MarinasT
713930: Marinas
71394: Fitness and Recreational Sports CentersT
713940: Fitness and Recreational Sports Centers
71395: Bowling CentersT
713950: Bowling Centers
71399: All Other Amusement and Recreation IndustriesT
713990: All Other Amusement and Recreation Industries
72: Accommodation and Food ServicesT
721: AccommodationT
7211: Traveler AccommodationT
72111: Hotels (except Casino Hotels) and MotelsT
721110: Hotels (except Casino Hotels) and Motels
72112: Casino HotelsT
721120: Casino Hotels
72119: Other Traveler AccommodationT
721191: Bed-and-Breakfast Inns
721199: All Other Traveler Accommodation
7212: RV (Recreational Vehicle) Parks and Recreational CampsT
72121: RV (Recreational Vehicle) Parks and Recreational CampsT
721211: RV (Recreational Vehicle) Parks and Campgrounds
721214: Recreational and Vacation Camps (except Campgrounds)
7213: Rooming and Boarding Houses, Dormitories, and Workers' CampsT
72131: Rooming and Boarding Houses, Dormitories, and Workers' CampsT
721310: Rooming and Boarding Houses, Dormitories, and Workers' Camps
722: Food Services and Drinking PlacesT
7223: Special Food ServicesT
72231: Food Service ContractorsT
722310: Food Service Contractors
72232: CaterersT
722320: Caterers
72233: Mobile Food ServicesT
722330: Mobile Food Services
7224: Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages)T
72241: Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages)T
722410: Drinking Places (Alcoholic Beverages)
7225: Restaurants and Other Eating PlacesT
72251: Restaurants and Other Eating PlacesT
722511: Full-Service Restaurants
722513: Limited-Service Restaurants
722514: Cafeterias, Grill Buffets, and Buffets
722515: Snack and Nonalcoholic Beverage Bars
81: Other Services (except Public Administration)T
811: Repair and MaintenanceT
8111: Automotive Repair and MaintenanceT
81111: Automotive Mechanical and Electrical Repair and MaintenanceT
811111: General Automotive Repair
811114: Specialized Automotive Repair
81112: Automotive Body, Paint, Interior, and Glass RepairT
811121: Automotive Body, Paint, and Interior Repair and Maintenance
811122: Automotive Glass Replacement Shops
81119: Other Automotive Repair and MaintenanceT
811191: Automotive Oil Change and Lubrication Shops
811192: Car Washes
811198: All Other Automotive Repair and Maintenance
8112: Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and MaintenanceT
81121: Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and MaintenanceT
811210: Electronic and Precision Equipment Repair and Maintenance
8114: Personal and Household Goods Repair and MaintenanceT
81141: Home and Garden Equipment and Appliance Repair and MaintenanceT
811411: Home and Garden Equipment Repair and Maintenance
811412: Appliance Repair and Maintenance
81142: Reupholstery and Furniture RepairT
811420: Reupholstery and Furniture Repair
81143: Footwear and Leather Goods RepairT
811430: Footwear and Leather Goods Repair
81149: Other Personal and Household Goods Repair and MaintenanceT
811490: Other Personal and Household Goods Repair and Maintenance
812: Personal and Laundry ServicesT
8121: Personal Care Services
81211: Hair, Nail, and Skin Care Services
812111: Barber Shops
812112: Beauty Salons
812113: Nail Salons
81219: Other Personal Care Services
812191: Diet and Weight Reducing Centers
812199: Other Personal Care Services
8122: Death Care Services
81221: Funeral Homes and Funeral Services
812210: Funeral Homes and Funeral Services
81222: Cemeteries and Crematories
812220: Cemeteries and Crematories
8123: Drycleaning and Laundry Services
81231: Coin-Operated Laundries and Drycleaners
812310: Coin-Operated Laundries and Drycleaners
81232: Drycleaning and Laundry Services (except Coin-Operated)
812320: Drycleaning and Laundry Services (except Coin-Operated)
81233: Linen and Uniform Supply
812331: Linen Supply
812332: Industrial Launderers
8129: Other Personal Services
81291: Pet Care (except Veterinary) Services
812910: Pet Care (except Veterinary) Services
81292: Photofinishing
812921: Photofinishing Laboratories (except One-Hour)
812922: One-Hour Photofinishing
81293: Parking Lots and Garages
812930: Parking Lots and Garages
81299: All Other Personal Services
812990: All Other Personal Services
813: Religious, Grantmaking, Civic, Professional, and Similar OrganizationsT
8131: Religious Organizations
81311: Religious Organizations
813110: Religious Organizations
8132: Grantmaking and Giving Services
81321: Grantmaking and Giving Services
813211: Grantmaking Foundations
813212: Voluntary Health Organizations
813219: Other Grantmaking and Giving Services
8133: Social Advocacy Organizations
81331: Social Advocacy Organizations
813311: Human Rights Organizations
813312: Environment, Conservation and Wildlife Organizations
813319: Other Social Advocacy Organizations
8134: Civic and Social Organizations
81341: Civic and Social Organizations
813410: Civic and Social Organizations
8139: Business, Professional, Labor, Political, and Similar Organizations
81391: Business Associations
813910: Business Associations
81392: Professional Organizations
813920: Professional Organizations
81393: Labor Unions and Similar Labor Organizations
813930: Labor Unions and Similar Labor Organizations
81394: Political Organizations
813940: Political Organizations
81399: Other Similar Organizations (except Business, Professional, Labor, and Political Organizations)
813990: Other Similar Organizations (except Business, Professional, Labor, and Political Organizations)
814: Private HouseholdsT
8141: Private HouseholdsT
81411: Private HouseholdsT
814110: Private Households
92: Public AdministrationT
921: Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support
9211: Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support
92111: Executive Offices
921110: Executive Offices
92112: Legislative Bodies
921120: Legislative Bodies
92113: Public Finance Activities
921130: Public Finance Activities
92114: Executive and Legislative Offices, Combined
921140: Executive and Legislative Offices, Combined
92115: American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal Governments
921150: American Indian and Alaska Native Tribal Governments
92119: Other General Government Support
921190: Other General Government Support
922: Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities
9221: Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities
92211: Courts
922110: Courts
92212: Police Protection
922120: Police Protection
92213: Legal Counsel and Prosecution
922130: Legal Counsel and Prosecution
92214: Correctional Institutions
922140: Correctional Institutions
92215: Parole Offices and Probation Offices
922150: Parole Offices and Probation Offices
92216: Fire Protection
922160: Fire Protection
92219: Other Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities
922190: Other Justice, Public Order, and Safety Activities
923: Administration of Human Resource Programs
9231: Administration of Human Resource Programs
92311: Administration of Education Programs
923110: Administration of Education Programs
92312: Administration of Public Health Programs
923120: Administration of Public Health Programs
92314: Administration of Veterans' Affairs
923140: Administration of Veterans' Affairs
924: Administration of Environmental Quality Programs
9241: Administration of Environmental Quality Programs
92411: Administration of Air and Water Resource and Solid Waste Management Programs
924110: Administration of Air and Water Resource and Solid Waste Management Programs
92412: Administration of Conservation Programs
924120: Administration of Conservation Programs
925: Administration of Housing Programs, Urban Planning, and Community Development
9251: Administration of Housing Programs, Urban Planning, and Community Development
92511: Administration of Housing Programs
925110: Administration of Housing Programs
92512: Administration of Urban Planning and Community and Rural Development
925120: Administration of Urban Planning and Community and Rural Development
926: Administration of Economic Programs
9261: Administration of Economic Programs
92611: Administration of General Economic Programs
926110: Administration of General Economic Programs
92612: Regulation and Administration of Transportation Programs
926120: Regulation and Administration of Transportation Programs
92613: Regulation and Administration of Communications, Electric, Gas, and Other Utilities
926130: Regulation and Administration of Communications, Electric, Gas, and Other Utilities
92614: Regulation of Agricultural Marketing and Commodities
926140: Regulation of Agricultural Marketing and Commodities
92615: Regulation, Licensing, and Inspection of Miscellaneous Commercial Sectors
926150: Regulation, Licensing, and Inspection of Miscellaneous Commercial Sectors
927: Space Research and Technology
9271: Space Research and Technology
92711: Space Research and Technology
927110: Space Research and Technology
928: National Security and International Affairs
9281: National Security and International Affairs
92811: National Security
928110: National Security
92812: International Affairs
928120: International Affairs
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10000000: Live Plant and Animal Material and Accessories and Supplies
10100000: Live animals
10101500: Livestock
10101501: Cats
10101502: Dogs
10101506: Horses
10101507: Sheep
10101508: Goats
10101509: Asses
10101511: Swine
10101512: Rabbits
10101513: Guinea pigs
10101516: Cattle
10101517: Camels
10101518: Alpaca
10101600: Birds and fowl
10101601: Live chickens
10101602: Live ducks
10101603: Live turkeys
10101604: Live geese
10101605: Live pheasants
10101607: Live guinea fowl
10101700: Live fish
10101701: Live salmon
10101800: Shellfish and aquatic invertebrates
10101801: Live shrimp
10101900: Insects
10101903: Bees
10101904: Silkworms
10102000: Wild animals
10102100: Birds and fowl hatching eggs
10102101: Chicken hatching eggs
10110000: Domestic pet products
10120000: Animal feed
10121500: Livestock feed
10121501: Pure wheat bran
10121600: Bird and fowl food
10121601: Live food for birds
10121700: Fish food
10121701: Fresh or frozen brine
10121800: Dog and cat food
10121801: Dry food for dogs
10122100: Miscellaneous animal food
10130000: Animal containment and habitats
10131500: Animal shelters
10131506: Livestock stables
10131600: Animal containment
10131601: Cages or its accessories
10131602: Kennels
10131605: Animal transport cage
10131700: Animal habitats
10131701: Terrariums
10140000: Saddlery and harness goods
10141500: Saddlery
10141501: Saddles
10150000: Seeds and bulbs and seedlings and cuttings
10151500: Vegetable seeds and seedlings
10151503: Celery seeds or seedlings
10151504: Chili seeds or seedlings
10151505: Courgette seeds or seedlings
10151506: Pea seeds or seedlings
10151507: Cucumber seeds or seedlings
10151508: Eggplant seeds or seedlings
10151509: Endive seeds or seedlings
10151510: Garlic seeds or seedlings
10151511: Leek seeds or seedlings
10151512: Lettuce seeds or seedlings
10151513: Corn seeds or seedlings
10151514: Melon seeds or seedlings
10151515: Onion seeds or seedlings
10151517: Spinach seeds or seedlings
10151518: Tomato seeds or seedlings
10151520: Chard seeds or seedlings
10151521: Sweet pepper seeds or seedlings
10151522: Beet seeds or seedlings
10151523: Cauliflower seeds or seedlings
10151524: Parsley seeds or seedlings
10151525: Broccoli seeds or seedlings
10151526: Cabbage seeds or seedlings
10151529: Pumpkin seeds or seedlings
10151531: Brussel sprout seeds or seedlings
10151532: Squash seeds or seedlings
10151533: Okra seeds or seedlings
10151534: Cantaloupe seeds or seedlings
10151535: Peanut seeds or seedlings
10151536: Caigua seeds or seedlings
10151537: Asparagus seeds or seedlings
10151538: Chickpea seeds or seedlings
10151539: Fava or broad bean seeds or seedlings
10151540: Centrocema or butterfly pea seed or seedlings
10151541: Nettle seed or seedlings
10151600: Cereal seeds
10151601: Wheat seeds
10151602: Colza seeds
10151603: Barley seeds
10151604: Millet seeds
10151605: Oat seeds
10151606: Sesame seeds
10151607: Linseed seeds
10151608: Castor oil seeds
10151609: Maize seeds
10151610: Rye seeds
10151611: Sorghum seeds
10151612: Kiwicha seeds or seedlings
10151613: Quinoa seeds or seedlings
10151614: Rice seeds or seedlings
10151616: Teff seed
10151700: Grass and forage seeds and seedlings
10151800: Spice crop seeds and seedlings
10151900: Flower seeds and bulbs and seedlings and cuttings
10151904: Sunflower seeds
10152000: Tree and shrub seeds and cuttings
10152001: Fruit tree seeds or cuttings
10152003: Nut tree seeds or cuttings
10152008: Coffee seed or seedlings
10152048: Castor oil bush seed or cutting
10152055: Date palm cutting
10152056: Oil palm seed
10152057: Cassava seed or cutting
10152100: Residues other than animal feed
10152200: Fibrous crop seeds and seedlings
10152201: Cotton seeds or seedlings
10152300: Legume seeds and seedlings
10152301: Bean seeds or seedlings
10152302: Soya seeds or seedlings
10152400: Tuber seeds and seedlings
10152401: Potato seeds or seedlings
10152402: Turnip seeds or seedlings
10152403: Sweet potato seeds or seedlings
10152404: Carrot seeds or seedlings
10152405: Radish seeds or seedlings
10160000: Floriculture and silviculture products
10161500: Trees and shrubs
10170000: Fertilizers and plant nutrients and herbicides
10171500: Organic fertilizers and plant nutrients
10171501: Manure or guano
10171502: Plant hormones
10171504: Compost
10171506: Humus
10171507: Urea fertilizer
10171600: Chemical fertilizers and plant nutrients
10171601: Ammonium nitrate fertilizer
10171602: Potassic fertilizer
10171603: Phosphatic fertilizer
10171604: Sulphuric fertilizer
10171605: Nitrogen Phosphorous Potassium Mixtures NPK
10171611: Calcium fertilizer
10171612: Superphosphate fertilizer
10171613: Ammonium nitrate mixed with calcium carbonate fertilizer
10171616: Diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate fertilizer
10171700: Herbicides
10171702: Fungicides
10171800: Soil conditioners
10190000: Pest control products
10191500: Pesticides or pest repellents
10191506: Rodenticides
10191507: Bird repellents
10191508: Termite shields
10191509: Insecticides
10191510: Abamectin
10191511: Fipronil
10191513: Deltamethrin
10191514: Fenitrothion
10191515: Chlorphyriphos
10191516: Malathion
10191519: Telfubenzuron
10191520: Non-chemical biological pest control solution
10191700: Pest control devices
10191701: Animal control traps
10191703: Flying insect control traps
10191704: Fly swatters
10191705: Lariats
10191706: Leghold traps
10191707: Ultrasonic pest repeller
10191708: Fumigation backpack
10200000: Live rose bushes
10210000: Live plants of high species or variety count flowers
10220000: Live plants of low species or variety count flowers
11000000: Mineral and Textile and Inedible Plant and Animal Materials
11100000: Minerals and ores and metals
11101500: Minerals
11101501: Mica
11101506: Chalk
11101600: Ores
11101700: Base Metals
11101800: Precious metals
11110000: Earth and stone
11111500: Dirt and soil
11111501: Soil
11111600: Stone
11111601: Gypsum
11111602: Travertine
11111603: Ecaussine or alabaster
11111604: Granite
11111605: Marble
11111606: Slate
11111607: Sandstone
11111608: Limestone
11111609: Basalt
11111610: Pumice stone
11111611: Gravel
11111612: Limestone dust or mine rock dust
11111613: Wollastonite
11111700: Sand
11111701: Silica sand
11111800: Clays
11111801: Terra cotta
11111802: Fireclay
11111803: Kaolin or other kaolinic clays
11111804: Bentonite
11111805: Andalusite
11111806: Mullite
11111807: Chamotte
11111808: Common clay
11111809: Ball clay
11111810: Fullers earth
11111811: Haydite
11111812: Vermiculite
11120000: Non edible plant and forestry products
11121500: Sap
11121502: Rosin
11121600: Wood
11121603: Logs
11121604: Soft timber
11121605: Rattan
11121606: Cork
11121607: Wood pulp
11121608: Bamboo
11121610: Hardwoods
11121614: Teak wood
11121616: Pine wood
11121621: Pashaco wood
11121622: Catahua wood
11121623: Capirona wood
11121624: Copaiba wood
11121625: Eucalyptus wood
11121700: Forestry byproducts
11121800: Plant fibers
11121900: Perfumery products
11122000: Engineered wood products
11122001: Plywood
11122002: Particleboard
11122003: Medium density fiberboard
11122004: Wood veneers
11122005: Glued laminated timber
11122006: Treated timber
11130000: Non edible animal products
11131500: Animal hides and skins and animal textile materials
11131501: Feathers
11131600: Other animal products
11131602: Semen
11131607: Embryos
11131609: Bovine semen
11131610: Non-edible bird and poultry eggs
11140000: Scrap and waste materials
11141600: Non metallic waste and scrap
11141700: Food and tobacco waste and scrap
11150000: Fibers and threads and yarns
11151500: Fibers
11151600: Threads
11151700: Yarns
11160000: Fabrics and leather materials
11161500: Silk fabrics
11161600: Wool fabrics
11161700: Cotton fabrics
11161800: Synthetic fabrics
11162000: Fabrics of vegetable material other than cotton
11162100: Specialty fabrics or cloth
11162101: Cheese cloth or fabric
11162102: Bismalemide fabric or cloth
11162104: Graphite fabric or cloth
11162105: Glass fabric or cloth
11162107: Resin impregnated fabric or cloth
11162108: Wire mesh fabric or cloth
11162109: Lace
11162110: Netting
11162111: Mesh
11162112: Coated fabrics
11162113: Upholstery fabrics
11162114: Hook and loop fabrics or tapes
11162115: Elastic braid
11162116: Burlap cloth
11162117: Rubber fabrics
11162118: Paper yarn fabric
11162119: Tracing cloth
11162120: Bolting cloth
11162121: Ornamental trimmings
11162122: Binding fabrics
11162123: Tape fabrics
11162124: Felt fabrics
11162125: Webbing fabrics
11162126: Quilted cloth
11162127: Camouflage cloth
11162128: Parachute cloth
11162129: Marquisette cloth
11162130: Dossal
11162131: Welting fabrics
11162132: Damask fabric
11162133: Satin fabric
11162200: Nonwoven fabrics
11162300: Leathers
11162400: Batting
11170000: Alloys
11171500: Basic steels
11171501: E24-2 or A37-2 steel
11171600: Stainless steel alloys
11171601: Stainless steel alloy 304
11171602: Stainless steel alloy 304l
11171603: Stainless steel alloy 316
11171700: High speed steels
11171701: Z90WDCV6542 or M2 high speed steel
11171702: Z90WDKCV65542 or M35 high speed steel
11171800: Nickel based super alloys
11171801: Inconel 600 super alloy
11171900: Titanium based super alloys
11171901: TA6V super alloy
11172000: Aluminum based alloys
11172001: Aluminum alloy 7178
11172100: Cobalt based super alloys
11172101: Pygmalion or 846 alloy
11172200: Magnesium based alloys
11172300: Manganese based alloys
11180000: Metal oxide
11190000: Metal waste scrap and by products
12000000: Chemicals including Bio Chemicals and Gas Materials
12130000: Explosive materials
12131500: Explosives
12131501: Dynamite
12131502: Explosive cartridges
12131503: Propellant explosives
12131504: Explosive charges
12131505: Plastic explosives
12131506: Aluminized explosives
12131507: Ammonium nitrate explosives
12131508: Nitroglycerin powder explosives
12131509: Ammonium nitrate and fuel oil ANFO
12131600: Pyrotechnics
12131700: Igniters
12131702: Detonators
12131703: Explosives fuses
12131704: Explosive initiators
12131705: Explosive primers
12131706: Matches
12131707: Lighters
12131708: Detonator box
12131709: Explosive tamper
12131800: Propellants
12140000: Elements and gases
12141500: Earth metals
12141600: Rare earth metals
12141700: Transition metals
12141800: Alkali metals
12141900: Non metals and pure and elemental gases
12142000: Noble gases
12142100: Industrial use gases
12142200: Isotopes
12142201: Deuterated solvents
12142202: Heavy water
12142203: Alpha sources
12142204: Beta sources
12142205: Cobalt sources
12142206: Gamma sources
12142207: Radioisotope sources
12142208: Calibration sources
12160000: Additives
12161500: Indicators and Reagents
12161700: Buffers
12161800: Colloids
12161804: Emulsions
12161900: Surfactants
12162000: Plasticizers
12162100: Flame retardants
12162200: Anti oxidants
12162300: Curing agents
12162700: Fluid loss additives
12162800: Friction reducers
12163100: Anti sludgers
12163200: Anti gas migration agents
12163600: Corrosion inhibitors
12164100: In situ
12164300: Iron controllers
12164400: Non emulsifiers
12164500: Food or drug additives
12164900: Waterproofing agents
12165100: Chemicals for enhanced oil recovery
12170000: Colorants
12171500: Dyes
12171600: Pigments
12171700: Color compounds and dispersions
12180000: Waxes and oils
12181500: Waxes
12181600: Oils
12190000: Solvents
12191500: Hydrocarbonated solvents
12350000: Compounds and mixtures
12352000: Aliphatic and aromatic compounds
12352100: Organic derivatives and substituted compounds
12352200: Biochemicals
12352300: Inorganic compounds
12352324: Calcium HC, chemical pool product
12352400: Mixtures
12352500: Fixatives
13000000: Resin and Rosin and Rubber and Foam and Film and Elastomeric Materials
13100000: Rubber and elastomers
13101500: Natural rubber
13101600: Processed and synthetic rubber
13101700: Elastomers
13101900: Thermoset plastics
13102000: Thermoplastic plastics
13110000: Resins and rosins and other resin derived materials
13111000: Resins
13111100: Rosins
13111200: Plastic films
13111201: Polyethylene films
13111202: Polyurethane films
13111203: Acetate films
13111204: Acrylic films
13111205: Coextruded films
13111206: Flouropolymer films
13111207: Metalized films
13111208: Nylon films
13111209: Polycarbonate films
13111210: Polyester films
13111211: Polypropylene films
13111212: Biaxially orientated polypropylene
13111213: Polymide films
13111214: Polystyrene films
13111215: Flexible polyvinyl chloride film
13111216: Rigid polyvinyl chloride film
13111217: Ethylene vinyl alcohol film
13111218: Polyvinylidene chloride
13111219: Polyvinyl alcohol films
13111220: Silicone coated films
13111300: Foams
14000000: Paper Materials and Products
14100000: Paper materials
14101500: Raw materials
14101501: Paper pulp
14110000: Paper products
14111500: Printing and writing paper
14111501: Onion skin paper
14111502: Vellum paper
14111503: Parchment paper
14111504: Tractor feed paper
14111505: Mimeograph paper
14111506: Computer printout paper
14111507: Printer or copier paper
14111508: Facsimile paper
14111509: Stationery
14111510: Plotter paper
14111511: Writing paper
14111512: Graph paper
14111513: Ledger paper
14111514: Paper pads or notebooks
14111515: Calculator or cash register paper
14111516: Notebook filler paper
14111518: Index cards
14111519: Cardstock papers
14111520: Blotter paper
14111523: Tracing paper
14111524: Foolscap sheets
14111525: Multipurpose paper
14111526: Telephone message pads or books
14111527: Carbonless paper
14111528: Magnet paper
14111529: Telex rolls
14111530: Self adhesive note paper
14111531: Log books or pads
14111532: Assorted paper kits
14111533: Examination booklets or forms
14111534: Music score or manuscript papers
14111535: Telegraph papers
14111536: Library book or borrowers cards
14111537: Label papers
14111538: Digital paper
14111539: Medical monitoring or tracing or recording paper
14111540: Stamp paper
14111541: Optical mark reader paper
14111542: Korean paper for stationery
14111543: Inkstone
14111544: Security paper
14111545: Wide format printer paper
14111600: Novelty paper
14111601: Gift wrapping paper or bags or boxes
14111604: Business cards
14111605: Greeting or note or post cards
14111606: Art or craft paper
14111607: Poster boards
14111608: Gift certificate
14111609: Cover paper
14111610: Construction paper
14111611: Invitation or announcement cards
14111613: Banner paper
14111614: Album papers or tissues
14111615: Poster papers
14111616: Lining papers
14111617: Leathack paper
14111618: Kent paper
14111700: Personal paper products
14111701: Facial tissues
14111702: Toilet seat covers
14111703: Paper towels
14111704: Toilet tissue
14111705: Paper napkins or serviettes
14111706: Paper table cloth
14111800: Business use papers
14111801: Tickets or ticket rolls
14111802: Receipts or receipt books
14111803: Vouchers
14111804: Bills or bill books
14111805: Checks or check books
14111806: Business forms or questionnaires
14111807: Multipurpose business book
14111808: Accounting forms or accounting books
14111809: Bill of lading forms or bill of lading books
14111810: Personnel forms or personnel books
14111811: Sales forms or sales books
14111812: Inventory forms or inventory books
14111813: Correspondence forms or correspondence books
14111814: Tax forms or tax books
14111815: Tent cards
14111816: Applicant fingerprint cards
14111817: Deposit verification form
14111818: Thermal paper
14111819: Booking forms or reservation books
14111820: Game of chance forms or coupons
14111821: Order forms or order books
14111822: Delivery forms or delivery books
14111823: Control forms or control books
14111824: Pharmacy prescription pad
14111825: Menu
14111826: Birth certificate
14111827: Death certificate
14111828: Business letterhead paper
14111829: Pre-printed notepad
14111830: Engrossing paper
14111831: Visitor or guest book
14120000: Industrial use papers
14121500: Paperboard and packaging papers
14121501: Bleached paperboard
14121502: Unbleached paperboard
14121503: Cardboard
14121504: Packaging paper
14121505: Fiberboards
14121506: Corrugated fiberboard or container board CCM
14121507: Volatile corrosion inhibitor or VCI paper
14121508: Kaolin treated paperboard
14121509: Composite paper or paperboard without surface coating
14121510: Test liner paperboard
14121600: Tissue papers
14121601: Unbleached crepe papers
14121602: Semi bleached crepe papers
14121603: Wet strength tissue papers
14121604: Acid free tissue papers
14121605: Kraft tissue paper
14121700: Laminated papers
14121701: Papers bonded with film
14121702: Cylinder papers or multi layer heavyweight paper
14121703: Laminated aluminum foil paper
14121800: Coated papers
14121801: Clay coated papers
14121802: Polyethylene coated papers
14121803: Polyester coated papers
14121804: Silicone coated papers
14121805: Latex treated coated paper
14121806: Waxed paper
14121807: Butcher papers
14121808: Freezer paper
14121809: Masking paper
14121810: Carbon papers
14121811: Sensitized copying papers
14121812: Photography paper
14121813: Satin paper
14121900: Newsprint and offset papers
14121901: Standard newsprint
14121902: Colored newsprint
14121903: High brightness newsprint
14121904: Offset paper
14121905: Tympan papers
14122100: Uncoated base papers
14122101: Super calendared kraft paper
14122102: Machine finished or glazed kraft paper
14122103: Non treated uncoated paper
14122104: Non treated crepe paper
14122105: Latex treated crepe paper
14122106: Latex treated uncoated paper
14122107: Corrugated base paper
14122108: Wrapping Crepe
14122200: Specialty industrial use papers
14122201: Seed germinating papers
14122202: Tea bag paper
14122203: Transfer paper
14122204: Impressed stamp paper
15000000: Fuels and Fuel Additives and Lubricants and Anti corrosive Materials
15100000: Fuels
15101500: Petroleum and distillates
15101502: Kerosene
15101503: Naphtha
15101504: Aviation fuel
15101505: Diesel fuel
15101506: Gasoline or Petrol
15101507: Benzene
15101508: Crude oil
15101509: Marine fuel
15101510: Condensate
15101513: Diesel fuel off road
15101600: Solid and gel fuels
15101605: Charcoal
15101700: Fuel Oils
15101800: Plant based liquid fuels or biofuels
15101801: Biodiesel
15101802: Ethanol
15110000: Gaseous fuels and additives
15111500: Gaseous fuels
15111501: Propane
15111502: Methane
15111503: Propylene
15111504: Ethylene
15111505: Butane
15111506: Acetylene
15111507: Water gas or producer gas
15111508: Coal gas
15111509: Methylacetylene propadiene MAPP gas
15111510: Liquified petroleum gas
15111511: Liquefied natural gas LNG
15111700: Fuel additives
15120000: Lubricants and oils and greases and anti corrosives
15121500: Lubricating preparations
15121501: Engine oil
15121504: Hydraulic oil
15121508: Transmission oil
15121800: Anti corrosives
15121807: Antifreeze
15121900: Greases
15130000: Fuel for nuclear reactors
15131500: Nuclear fuel
15131502: Depleted uranium
15131503: Enriched uranium
15131504: Iridium
15131505: Enriched plutonium
15131506: Depleted plutonium
15131600: Fission fuel assemblies
15131601: Nuclear fuel rod
20000000: Mining and Well Drilling Machinery and Accessories
20100000: Mining and quarrying machinery and equipment
20101500: Cutting equipment
20101501: Continuous mining equipment
20101502: Longwall shears
20101600: Screens and feeding equipment
20101700: Crushers and breakers and grinders
20101709: Ball mills
20101800: Mechanized ground support systems
20101900: Secondary rock breaking systems
20102000: Exploration and development systems
20102100: Rock drills
20102200: Explosive loading machinery
20102300: Underground mining service vehicles
20102301: Personnel carriers
20102302: Crane vehicles
20102303: Flat deck material carriers
20102304: Bulk material carriers
20102305: Utility service vehicles
20102306: Elevating platform vehicles or scissor lifts
20102307: Underground mining service vehicle spare parts or accessories
20110000: Well drilling and operation equipment
20111500: Drilling and exploration equipment
20111504: Water well drilling equipment
20111505: Uranium exploration equipment
20111600: Drilling and operation machinery
20111700: Drilling and operation accessories
20120000: Oil and gas drilling and exploration equipment
20121400: Completion tools and equipment
20121449: Plunger lift equipment
20121600: Drilling bits
20130000: Oil and gas drilling and operation materials
20140000: Oil and gas operating and production equipment
21000000: Farming and Fishing and Forestry and Wildlife Machinery and Accessories
21100000: Agricultural and forestry and landscape machinery and equipment
21101500: Agricultural machinery for soil preparation
21101501: Ploughs
21101502: Harrows
21101503: Cultivators
21101504: Weeders
21101505: Hoeing machines
21101506: Graders or land levelers
21101507: Agricultural rollers
21101508: Rollers for lawn or sports grounds
21101509: Trencher drainage machine
21101517: Rotary tiller or power tiller
21101600: Agricultural machinery for planting and seeding
21101601: Planters
21101700: Agricultural machinery for harvesting
21101701: Mowers
21101703: Harvesters
21101705: Threshing machines
21101708: Mower parts or accessories
21101709: Baler
21101800: Dispersing and spraying appliances for agriculture
21101801: Sprayers
21101802: Dusters
21101803: Water sprinklers
21101804: Fertilizer spreaders or distributors
21101805: Fog or mist generators
21101806: Composter
21101807: Pollination equipment or supplies
21101808: Frost protection equipment
21101810: Spare parts and accessories for dispersing and spraying appliances for agriculture
21101900: Poultry and livestock equipment
21101901: Milking machines
21101903: Incubators or brooders for poultry
21101905: Livestock identification equipment
21101906: Egg inspection or collecting equipment
21101916: Milking machine parts and accessories
21102000: Agricultural machinery for cleaning and sorting and grading
21102001: Cleaning machines for seed or grain or dried leguminous vegetables
21102002: Sorting machines for seed or grain or dried leguminous vegetables
21102009: Cleaning, sorting, and grading machine parts and accessories
21102100: Agricultural processing machinery and equipment
21102200: Forestry machinery and equipment
21102300: Greenhouse equipment
21102305: Agricultural sun shade material
21102400: Insect equipment
21102401: Beekeeping equipment
21102500: Irrigation systems and equipment
21102501: Irrigation trickles
21102502: Irrigation overheads
21102503: Irrigation parts and accessories
21102600: Agricultural protection materials
21102601: Plastic film for agriculture
21110000: Fishing and aquaculture equipment
21111500: Commercial fishing equipment
21111501: Commercial fish hooks
21111504: Commercial fishing nets
21111600: Aquaculture equipment
22000000: Building and Construction Machinery and Accessories
22100000: Heavy construction machinery and equipment
22101500: Earth moving machinery
22101501: Front end loaders
22101502: Graders
22101504: Pile drivers
22101505: Rollers
22101507: Tampers
22101508: Trenching machines
22101509: Backhoes
22101511: Compactors
22101513: Draglines
22101514: Dredgers
22101516: Ditchers
22101518: Elevating scrapers
22101519: Twin engine open bowl scrapers
22101520: Twin engine elevating scrapers
22101521: Pulled scrapers
22101522: Track bulldozers
22101523: Wheel bulldozers
22101524: Mobile excavators
22101525: Wheel excavators
22101526: Track excavators
22101527: Integrated tool carriers
22101528: Wheel loaders
22101529: Skid steer loaders
22101530: Open bowl scrapers
22101531: Snow blowers
22101532: Track loaders
22101533: Treedozers
22101534: Combat earthmovers
22101535: Pile extractor
22101536: Tire washer
22101537: Concrete pile cutter
22101538: Snow plow
22101539: Earthmoving machinery parts and accessories
22101600: Paving equipment
22101632: Paint Stripping Machine
22101633: Pavement Crack Sealing Equipment
22101700: Heavy equipment components
22101800: Aerial lifts
22101900: Building construction machinery and accessories
22101901: Concrete mixers or plants
22101909: Slurry Machine
22102000: Building demolition machinery and equipment
23000000: Industrial Manufacturing and Processing Machinery and Accessories
23100000: Raw materials processing machinery
23101500: Machinery for working wood and stone and ceramic and the like
23101501: Coping machines
23101513: Milling machines
23110000: Petroleum processing machinery
23120000: Textile and fabric machinery and accessories
23121500: Textile processing machinery and accessories
23121501: Embroidery making machines
23121600: Textile working machinery and equipment and accessories
23121614: Sewing machines
23130000: Lapidary machinery and equipment
23131500: Grinding and sanding and polishing equipment and supplies
23131501: Abrasive compounds
23131503: Grinding wheels
23131600: Faceting equipment and accessories
23131700: Cabbing equipment
23140000: Leatherworking repairing machinery and equipment
23141600: Leather preparing machinery and accessories
23141601: Leather fleshing machines
23141700: Leather working and repairing machinery and accessories
23150000: Industrial process machinery and equipment and supplies
23151500: Rubber and plastic processing machinery and equipment and supplies
23151600: Cement and ceramics and glass industry machinery and equipment and supplies
23151700: Optical industry machinery and equipment and supplies
23151800: Pharmaceutical industry machinery and equipment and supplies
23151816: Chromatography columns
23151817: Chromatography media
23151900: Paper making and paper processing machinery and equipment and supplies
23152000: Web handling and control machinery and equipment and supplies
23152100: Separation machinery and equipment
23152200: Manufacturing tables and stands
23152900: Packaging machinery
23152901: Wrapping machinery
23153000: Holding and positioning and guiding systems and devices
23153100: Industrial machinery components and accessories
23153145: Spray gun
23153200: Robotics
23153400: Assembly machines
23153500: Paint systems
23153600: Part marking machines
23153605: Dot marking machine
23153700: Precision fastening or torque equipment
23153800: Coating systems
23160000: Foundry machines and equipment and supplies
23161500: Foundry machines and equipment
23161501: Foundry blowers
23161600: Foundry supplies
23161700: Foundry dies and tooling
23180000: Industrial food and beverage equipment
23181500: Food preparation machinery
23181501: Filling machinery
23181502: Milling machinery
23181507: Crushing machinery
23181514: Cheese making machine
23181522: Seed or nut sheller
23181523: Slaughterhouse or abattoir equipment
23181600: Food cutting machinery
23181601: Dicing machinery
23181700: Food cooking and smoking machinery
23181800: Industrial beverage processing machinery
23190000: Mixers and their parts and accessories
23191000: Batch mixers
23191001: Change can mixers
23191100: Continuous mixers
23191101: Single screw mixers
23200000: Mass transfer equipment
23201000: Gas liquid contacting systems
23201200: Industrial drying equipment
23201201: Spray dryers
23201202: Air dryers
23201203: Fluidbed dryers
23201204: Food drying equipment
23210000: Electronic manufacturing machinery and equipment and accessories
23220000: Chicken processing machinery and equipment
23221000: Arrival department machinery and equipment
23221001: Crate unloading system
23221100: Killing and defeathering department machinery and equipment
23230000: Sawmilling and lumber processing machinery and equipment
23231000: Log debarkers and accessories
23231001: Tool holder
23240000: Metal cutting machinery and accessories
23241400: Metal grinding machines
23241401: Bench grinder
23241500: Metal cutting machines
23241600: Metal cutting tools
23241615: Taps
23241700: Metal deburring machines
23241800: Metal drilling machines
23241900: Metal boring machines
23242100: Metal cutting machine attachments
23242200: Gear manufacturing machines
23242300: Lathes and turning centers
23242400: Machining centers
23242500: Metal milling machines
23242600: Specialized or miscellaneous metal cutting machines
23242612: Metal engraving machine
23250000: Metal forming machinery and accessories
23251500: Metal bending machines
23251501: Hydraulic press brake
23251600: Metal rolling machines
23251700: Forging machines
23251800: Metal forming dies and tooling
23251900: Metal container manufacturing machinery and equipment
23260000: Rapid prototyping machinery and accessories
23261500: Rapid prototyping machines
23261501: Fused deposition modeling machine
23270000: Welding and soldering and brazing machinery and accessories and supplies
23271400: Welding machinery
23271401: Submerged arc welding machine
23271423: Alternating current AC arc welder
23271500: Brazing machinery
23271600: Soldering machines
23271603: Soldering iron
23271700: Welding and soldering and brazing accessories
23271712: Welding or soldering kit
23271800: Welding and soldering and brazing supplies
23271812: Welding rod
23280000: Metal treatment machinery
23281500: Coating or plating machines
23290000: Industrial machine tools
23291500: Industrial drilling tools
23300000: Wire machinery and equipment
23301500: Wire working machinery and equipment and accessories
24000000: Material Handling and Conditioning and Storage Machinery and their Accessories and Supplies
24100000: Material handling machinery and equipment
24101500: Industrial trucks
24101501: Carts
24101502: Bulk transporters
24101503: Dollies
24101504: Hand trucks or accessories
24101505: Pallet trucks
24101506: Pushcarts
24101507: Wheelbarrows
24101508: Creepers
24101509: Wagons
24101510: Tilt trucks
24101511: Shelf trolleys
24101512: Power buggies
24101513: Tugger
24101514: Platform truck
24101515: Straddle carrier truck
24101516: Powered platform truck
24101517: Electric tow tractor
24101600: Lifting equipment and accessories
24101601: Elevators
24101602: Hoists
24101603: Forklifts
24101604: Lifts
24101605: Loading equipment
24101606: Stackers
24101608: Winches
24101609: Tilts
24101610: Manipulators
24101611: Slings
24101612: Jacks
24101613: Blocks or pulleys
24101615: Loading ramps
24101625: Conventional truck cranes
24101626: Escalator or walkways
24101629: Forklift or elevator accessories or supplies
24101630: Workshop cranes
24101633: Hoist drums
24101644: Dumb waiter
24101655: Vehicle parking lift system
24101656: Tractor towed crane
24101658: Lifting magnet
24101659: Vehicle movable jack or dolly
24101661: Vehicle lift
24101663: Container handler/Side loader
24101700: Conveyors and accessories
24101706: Trolleys or accessories
24101751: Baggage Conveyor
24101800: Dock equipment
24101900: Drum handling equipment
24102000: Shelving and storage
24102100: Warehousing equipment and supplies
24102101: Cargo handling equipment
24102102: Warehouse carousels
24102103: Warehouse casers
24102104: Depalletizers
24102105: Palletizers
24102106: Industrial shrink wrap equipment
24102107: Cartoning machinery
24102108: Packaging compactors
24102109: Sack holders
24102200: Packing tools
24102300: Automatic guided vehicles AGV
24102400: Waste material handling and recycling systems
24102401: Vertical waste compactor
24102402: Stationary waste compactor
24102403: Industrial shredder
24110000: Containers and storage
24111500: Bags
24111501: Canvas bags
24111502: Paper bags
24111503: Plastic bags
24111507: Tool bags
24111508: Tent bag
24111509: Water bags
24111510: Rope bags and rope packs
24111511: Fiber mesh bag
24111512: Straw bag
24111513: Cotton bag
24111514: Zipper bag
24111515: Unwoven fabric bag
24111800: Tanks and cylinders and their accessories
24111801: Reservoirs
24111802: Air or gas tanks or cylinders
24111803: Storage tanks
24111804: Calibrating tanks
24111805: Chemical tanks
24111806: Dip tanks
24111807: Expansion tanks
24111808: Fuel storage tanks
24111809: Processing tanks
24111810: Water storage tanks
24111811: Carboys
24111812: Containment basin
24111813: Rinse tanks
24111814: Hot water tank
24111815: Steam condensate tank
24111816: Liquified gas tank or cylinder
24111817: Cement silo
24111825: Small seed storage silos
24112000: Bins and baskets
24112003: Non metallic bins
24112004: Metallic bins
24112005: Metallic baskets
24112006: Non metallic baskets
24112007: Material handling racks
24112100: Casks and barrels and drums
24112101: Casks
24112113: Static fuel drum
24112200: Cans and pails
24112204: Metallic pails
24112209: Jerrycans
24112400: Storage chests and cabinets and trunks
24112401: Tool chest or cabinet
24112402: Hazardous materials cabinets
24112412: Equipment transportation case
24112500: Corrugated and other supplies for distribution
24112501: Slotted corrugated cartons
24112600: Liquid containers
24112603: Water distribution kit
24112700: Pallets
24112701: Wood pallet
24112702: Plastic pallet
24112800: Freight containers
24112801: Dry freight container
24112802: Open top freight container
24112803: Platform freight container
24112805: Temperature controlled freight container
24112806: Static fuel container
24112807: Storage and transit units
24112900: Crates
24113000: Slip sheets
24113003: Plastic slip sheet
24113100: Boxes
24113101: Mail box
24113102: Antistatic box
24113103: Box lid
24113104: Cold storage box
24113105: Ballot box
24113106: Tool box
24113107: Box partition
24113108: Insulated box for vaccines
24113109: Molded box
24113110: Customised, Multipurpose Box e.g Baby box, school box
24120000: Packaging materials
24121500: Packaging boxes and bags and pouches
24121502: Packaging pouches or bags
24121511: Packaging carton
24121512: Cold pack or ice brick
24121513: Packaging case
24121514: Insulation pack
24121800: Packaging cans
24122000: Bottles
24122002: Plastic bottles
24122003: Glass bottles
24130000: Industrial refrigeration
24131500: Industrial refrigerators
24131501: Combined refrigerator freezers
24131502: Liquid nitrogen refrigerators
24131503: Walk in refrigerators
24131504: Refrigerated containers
24131505: Refrigerated vessels
24131506: Refrigerated tanks
24131513: Refrigerant
24131515: Pharmaceutical refrigerator and freezer
24131516: Cold storage room
24131600: Industrial freezers
24131601: Chest freezers
24131602: Upright cabinet freezer
24131603: Low temperature freezers
24131604: Freeze drying equipment
24131605: Walk in freezers
24131606: Plate freezers
24131607: Blast freezers
24131900: Ice makers
24140000: Packing supplies
24141500: Securing and protecting supplies
24141501: Stretch wrap films
24141504: Tamper proof or security seals
24141506: Tarpaulins
24141510: Cable protectors
24141521: Fumigation sheet
24141600: Cushioning supplies
24141700: Packaging tubes and cores and labels and accessories
25000000: Commercial and Military and Private Vehicles and their Accessories and Components
25100000: Motor vehicles
25101500: Passenger motor vehicles
25101501: Minibuses
25101502: Busses
25101503: Automobiles or cars
25101504: Station wagons
25101505: Minivans or vans
25101506: Limousines
25101507: Light trucks or sport utility vehicles
25101508: Sports car
25101509: Electrically powered vehicle
25101510: Armored motor vehicle
25101600: Product and material transport vehicles
25101601: Dump trucks
25101602: Tow trucks
25101604: Delivery trucks
25101609: Sludge or sewage handling trucks
25101610: Water trucks
25101611: Cargo trucks
25101612: Concrete transport truck
25101613: Concrete pump truck
25101614: Load motovan
25101615: Swap truck chassis/Platform lifting system truck
25101700: Safety and rescue vehicles
25101702: Police vehicles
25101703: Ambulances
25101704: Fire fighting pump truck
25101705: Fire fighting water tank truck
25101706: Fire fighting chemical truck
25101707: Fire fighting ladder truck
25101708: Rescue truck
25101709: Smoke exhaust truck
25101710: Smoke exhaust truck with lighting
25101711: Fire fighting truck with remote control nozzle
25101712: Fire investigation car
25101713: Armored ambulance
25101714: Armored recovery vehicle
25101715: Mine Protected Vehicles - Ambulance
25101716: Mine Protected Vehicles – Recovery Vehicle
25101800: Motorized cycles
25101801: Motorcycles
25101802: Scooters
25101803: Mopeds
25101804: Motorcycle sidecar
25101900: Specialized and recreational vehicles
25101901: Agricultural tractors
25101902: Motor homes
25101903: Snowmobiles or snow scooter
25101904: Golf carts
25101905: All terrain vehicles tracked or wheeled
25101906: Go cart
25101907: Trailer, travel or caravan
25101908: Quads
25101909: Amphibious vehicle
25101910: Water sprinkling truck
25101911: Aerial working platform truck
25101912: Ladder lift truck
25101913: Refrigerator truck
25101914: Waste collection vehicle or garbage truck
25101915: Oil tank truck
25101916: Hopper truck
25101917: Flatbed truck
25101918: Neighborhood electric vehicle NEV
25101919: Road sweeper
25101920: Tank trucks
25101921: Van trucks
25101922: Road repair truck
25101923: Crawler type tractor
25101924: Guard rail cleaning vehicle
25101925: Sign truck
25101926: Snow plow truck
25101927: Salt spreader truck
25101928: Mobile media truck
25101929: Mobile office van
25101930: Lighting truck
25101931: Outside broadcasting van
25101932: Crowd control truck
25101933: Crane truck
25101934: Funeral vehicle or hearse
25101935: Spray truck
25101936: Vacuum truck
25101937: Medical examination and treatment bus
25101938: Bloodmobile
25101939: Trailer, mobile classroom
25101940: Utility task vehicle UTV or recreational off highway vehicle ROV
25101941: Mobile laboratory
25101942: Runway Sweeper, Self-Propelled
25101943: Runway Sweeper, Towed
25101944: Runway Rubber Removal Machine
25101945: Scrubber, Runway
25101946: Water Tanker
25101947: Drilling truck/Auger truck
25101948: Workshop truck
25102000: War vehicles
25102001: Tanks
25102002: Armored fighting vehicles
25102003: Self propelled artillery
25102100: Truck tractors
25102101: Low cab forward tractors
25102102: Long nose tractors with sleeper
25102103: Long nose tractors without sleeper
25102104: Cab over engine tractors with sleeper
25102105: Cab over engine tractors without sleeper
25102106: Tractor head
25110000: Marine transport
25111500: Commercial marine craft
25111501: Trawlers
25111502: Fishing boats
25111503: Cargo or container ships
25111504: Dredging craft
25111505: Tankers
25111506: Tug boats
25111507: Barges
25111508: Passenger or automobile ferries
25111509: Cruise ships
25111510: Salvage ships
25111511: Oil or gas crew boat
25111512: Oil or gas workboat
25111513: Seismic vessel
25111514: Icebreaker
25111515: Liquified gas carrier
25111516: Inflatable rubber boat
25111517: Hovercraft
25111518: Hospital ship
25111520: Buoy
25111524: Bulk carrier
25111527: Row boat
25111528: Quarantine boat
25111529: Weather ship
25111532: Debris collection vessel
25111533: Training ship
25111600: Safety and rescue water craft
25111601: Lifeboats or liferafts
25111602: Fire fighting watercraft
25111603: Rescue ships or boats
25111700: Military watercraft
25111722: Coast guard boat or cutter
25111724: Fishery training ship
25111725: Fishery research ship
25111726: Marine pollution control ship
25111800: Recreational watercraft
25111801: Recreational sailboats
25111802: Recreational motorboats
25111803: Recreational rowboats
25111804: Canoes or kayaks
25111805: Personal motorized watercraft
25111806: Rafts
25111807: Dinghies
25111808: Yachts
25111809: Skiff
25111900: Marine craft systems and subassemblies
25111901: Marine craft communications systems
25111902: Marine propellers
25111903: Sails
25111904: Paddles
25111905: Marine ballast systems
25111906: Anchor chocks
25111907: Anchor lines
25120000: Railway and tramway machinery and equipment
25121500: Locomotives and electric trolleys
25121501: Diesel freight locomotives
25130000: Aircraft
25131400: Safety and Rescue Aircraft
25131401: Rescue And Firefighting Aircraft, 150 Gallons
25131402: Rescue And Firefighting Aircraft, 3000 Gallons (12,000 Litres)
25131403: Rescue And Firefighting Aircraft,1500 Gallons (6,000 Litres)
25131500: Powered fixed wing aircraft
25131504: Commercial passenger propeller aircraft
25131505: Cargo jet aircraft
25131506: Commercial passenger jet aircraft
25131507: Private or business propeller aircraft
25131508: Private or business jet aircraft
25131509: Fixed wing training aircraft or trainer
25131510: Aircraft, Single Engine
25131511: Aircraft, Twin Engine
25131512: Aircraft, Jet Widebody
25131513: Aircraft, Flight Inspection (Fully Equipped)
25131600: Civilian and commercial rotary wing aircraft
25131601: Passenger transport helicopters
25131602: Cargo transport helicopters
25131604: Medical or rescue helicopters
25131700: Military fixed wing aircraft
25131705: Target or reconnaissance drones
25131707: Reconnaissance or surveillance aircraft
25131709: Military transport aircraft
25131800: Specialty aircraft
25131900: Military rotary wing aircraft
25131902: Military transport helicopters
25132100: Unmanned aerial vehicle
25132101: Agricultural drone
25150000: Spacecraft
25151700: Satellites
25151701: Communication satellites
25160000: Non motorized cycles
25161500: Pedal powered vehicles
25161505: Mountain bicycles
25161506: Racing bicycles
25161507: Bicycles
25170000: Transportation components and systems
25171500: Windshield wipers
25171507: Wiper blades
25171600: Defrosting and defogging systems
25171700: Braking systems and components
25171702: Automotive braking systems
25171713: Disc brake pads
25171900: Wheels and wheel trims
25171901: Automobile rims or wheels
25172000: Suspension system components
25172100: Vehicle safety and security systems and components
25172200: Vehicle doors
25172300: Vehicle windows and windshields
25172400: Fuel tanks and systems
25172406: Fuel tanks
25172500: Tires and tire tubes
25172502: Automobile tire tubes
25172503: Heavy truck tires
25172504: Automobile or light truck tires
25172505: Bicycle tubes
25172506: Bicycle tires
25172509: Heavy truck tire tube
25172511: Tire repair kit
25172512: Motorcycle tire
25172514: Motorcycle tire inner tube
25172600: Vehicle trim and exterior covering
25172607: Vehicle side panels
25172614: Truck cover sheet
25172700: Environmental control systems
25172709: Vehicle air conditioner
25172710: Vehicle heater
25172711: Vehicle air purifier
25172800: Hydraulic systems and components
25172804: Hydraulic Motor
25172805: Hydraulic Servicing Unit
25172900: Exterior vehicle lighting
25172908: Vehicle rear light
25173000: Interior vehicle lighting
25173100: Location and navigation systems and components
25173107: Vehicular global positioning system GPS
25173108: Vehicle navigation systems
25173110: Ground Navigational Aids and Landing Aids
25173111: Satellite Navigation Equipment
25173112: Digital global navigation satellite system (DGNSS) Local Area Augmentation System (LAAS)
25173113: Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS)
25173114: Very High Frequency (VHF) Digital Global Navigation Satellite System (GGNSS) Data Link
25173115: Navigation Sensor
25173116: Global Positioning System (GPS) Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
25173118: Doppler VHF Omnidirectional Range (DVOR) And DVOR/DME Systems
25173119: Doppler VHF Omnidirectional Range (DVOR) Complete Ground Station
25173120: Doppler VHF Omnidirectional Range (DVOR)/Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) Systems
25173121: Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) System
25173122: Instrument Landing System And Instrument Landing System/Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) System
25173123: Instrument Landing System (ILS)
25173124: Instrument Landing System (ILS) Localizer Equipment
25173125: Instrument Landing System (ILS) Glide Path Equipment
25173126: Instrument Landing System (ILS)/Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)
25173127: Non-Directional Beacon (NDB) And Associated Equipment
25173128: Non-Directional Beacon (Non-Directional Beacon)
25173129: Direction Finding Equipment
25173130: Direction Finder
25173131: Doppler Direction Finder
25173132: Direction Finding Equipment, Accessories
25173133: Very High Frequency (VHF) Marker Beacon And Associated Equipment
25173134: Global Positioning System (GPS) Complete
25173135: Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) - Ground Station
25173300: Master control systems
25173700: Exhaust and emission controls
25173800: Drivetrain systems
25173900: Electrical components
25174000: Engine coolant system
25174100: Roof systems
25174200: Steering system
25174213: Steering cylinder assemblies
25174400: Vehicle interior systems
25174414: Tachograph
25174600: Vehicle seating systems
25174700: Non motorized cycle components and accessories
25174800: Specialized vehicle systems and components
25174900: Vehicle vibration dampeners and isolators
25175000: Electric vehicle charging systems
25175100: Transportation repair parts kits
25175101: Motor vehicle repair part kit
25175102: Motorcycle repair part kit
25175103: Marine transport repair part kits
25175106: Non motorized cycle repair part kit
25175200: Specialised, Safety and Rescue Vehicle Accessories
25175201: Ambulance Accessories
25175202: Fire Fighting Vehicle Accessories
25175203: Search And Rescue Vehicle Accessories
25180000: Vehicle bodies and trailers
25181600: Automotive chassis
25181601: Automobile chassis
25181604: Cargo truck body
25181605: Dump truck body
25181606: Trailer body
25181610: Air cargo trailer
25181612: Agricultural trailer
25181614: Swap body/Platform lifting system module
25181700: Product and material trailers
25181701: Container trailers
25181703: Livestock trailers
25181708: Trailer hitches
25181719: Refrigerated trailer
25181720: Trailer and semi-trailer parts
25190000: Transportation services equipment
25191500: Air transportation support systems and equipment
25191501: Ground support training systems
25191502: Ground support test or maintenance systems
25191503: Integrated maintenance information systems
25191504: Aircraft flight simulators or trainers
25191505: Aircraft cargo handling equipment
25191506: Aircraft refueling equipment
25191507: Aircraft deicing equipment
25191508: Jetways
25191509: Aircraft pushback or tow tractors
25191510: Ground power units for aircraft
25191511: Lavatory service equipment for aircraft
25191512: Airstairs or stair trucks
25191513: Ground support vehicle maintenance kit
25191514: Aircraft towbar
25191515: Ground controlled approach system
25191516: Aircraft air start unit
25191517: Aircraft air conditioning and heating truck
25191518: Aeronautical sensor test equipment
25191519: Aircraft towing adapter
25191520: Environmental test chamber
25191521: Retractable hook cable support system
25191522: Aircraft engine maintenance set
25191523: Airplane baggage tug or tractor
25191524: Airfreight conveyor truck
25191525: Aircraft refueling truck
25191526: Aircraft Parts And Accessories
25191527: Helicopter Parts and Accessories
25191528: Aircraft And Airborne Equipment For Fire Fighting & Rescue
25191529: Nitrogen Filling Cart
25191530: Airport Flight Management System
25191531: Common Use Terminal Equipment (CUTE)
25191532: Oxygen Filling Cart
25191533: Airport Information System
25191534: Baggage And Cargo Handling Systems
25191535: Aircraft Cabin Cleaning Unit
25191536: Automated Flight Inquiry Response Systems
25191537: Baggage Handling System (BHS)
25191538: Water Servicing Unit
25191539: Baggage Reconciliation System
25191540: Catering Service Unit
25191541: Servicing Platform
25191542: Ground Vehicle Tracking System
25191543: Solid Waste Disposal Equipment for Aircraft
25191544: Trailer, Baggage/Cargo (Towable & Self-Propelled)
25191545: Reduced Mobility Passenger Loader
25191546: Fixed Passenger Walkway
25191547: Air Traffic Control (ATC) Simulators
25191548: Navaids Training Systems
25191549: Flight Information Display System (FIDS)
25191550: Preconditioned Air Unit (PCA)
25191551: Mobile ATA Control Tower
25191552: Cart, Baggage (Passenger)
25191553: Cart, Baggage - Accessories
25191554: Airport or Aviation billing system
25191600: Space transportation support systems and equipment
25191700: Vehicle servicing equipment
25191800: Vehicle testing and measuring equipment
25200000: Aerospace systems and components and equipment
25201700: Flight communications related systems
25201701: Aircraft communication systems
25201702: Flight data recorders
25201800: Aircraft master control systems
25201801: Flight computer systems
25201900: Aircraft emergency systems
25201901: Aircraft fire control or extinguishing systems
25202100: Flight instrumentation
25202300: Aircraft passenger restraints
25202301: Aircraft lapbelts
25202800: Aeronautical Data Communications Equipment
25202801: ATS Message Handling System (AMHS)
25202802: Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Network (AFTN)
25202803: Communications Control And Monitoring Equipment
25202900: Air Traffic Management Equipment
25202901: Controller Workstation
25202902: Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS)
25202903: Air Traffic Services (ATS) Consoles And Console Equipment
25202904: Digital Voice Recording And Playback System
25202905: Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) Equipment
25202906: Aeronautical Information System (AIS)
25202907: Aeronautical Information Management System (AIM)
25202908: Volmet Equipment
25202909: Selective Calling Equipment (Selcal)
25202910: Flight Progress Strips
25202911: Multilateration Surveillance (MLAT)
26000000: Power Generation and Distribution Machinery and Accessories
26100000: Power sources
26101100: Electric alternating current AC motors
26101200: Electric direct current DC motors
26101300: Non electric motors
26101400: Motor or generator components
26101412: Motor repair kit
26101500: Engines
26101501: Hydraulic engines
26101502: Pneumatic engines
26101503: Gas engines
26101504: Diesel engines
26101505: Steam engines
26101506: Turbine engines
26101507: Turbofan engines
26101508: Thermal engines
26101509: Hydroelectric engines
26101511: Hydraulic turbine engines
26101513: Engine Repair Kit
26101515: Gasoline outboard motor
26101700: Engine components and accessories
26101720: Turbocharger
26101732: Spark plugs
26101736: Pistons
26101740: Fuel injectors
26101764: Cylinder liners
26101900: Internal combustion engine components
26110000: Batteries and generators and kinetic power transmission
26111500: Kinetic power transmission
26111600: Power generators
26111601: Diesel generators
26111602: Hydro electric generators
26111603: Wind generators
26111604: Gas generators
26111605: Thermal generators
26111606: Hydraulic generators
26111607: Solar generators
26111608: Steam generators
26111609: Gas turbine generator
26111610: Selsyn generator
26111611: Auxiliary generator
26111612: Impulse generator
26111613: Tidal wave generator
26111614: Petrol generator
26111700: Batteries and cells and accessories
26111701: Rechargeable batteries
26111702: Alkaline batteries
26111703: Vehicle batteries
26111704: Battery chargers
26111705: Dry cell batteries
26111706: Electronic batteries
26111707: Lead acid batteries
26111708: Nickel iron batteries
26111709: Nickel cadmium batteries
26111710: Product specific battery packs
26111711: Lithium batteries
26111712: Nickel hydrogen batteries
26111713: Thermal batteries
26111714: Zinc air
26111715: Zinc coal battery
26111716: Mercury oxide battery
26111717: Manganese batteries
26111718: Silver oxide batteries
26111719: Battery testers
26111720: Battery holders
26111721: Nickel metal hydride batteries
26111722: Battery adapter or accessories
26111723: Battery cabinets or covers or doors
26111724: Tool kits for batteries
26111725: Nickel sodium chloride batteries
26111726: Fluorescent ballast battery unit
26111727: Battery discharger
26111728: Standard cell
26111729: Auto battery charger unit
26111800: Drive components
26111801: V belts
26111900: Clutches
26112000: Clutch parts and accessories
26112001: Pressure plate
26112003: Clutch plates
26112004: Clutch repair kits
26112100: Industrial braking systems
26120000: Electrical wire and cable and harness
26121500: Electrical wire
26121600: Electrical cable and accessories
26121609: Network cable
26121700: Wiring harness
26121800: Automotive cable
26130000: Power generation
26131500: Power plants
26131501: Diesel power plants
26131502: Geothermal power plants
26131503: Hydro power plants
26131504: Gas power plants
26131505: Marine power plants
26131506: Petrol power plants
26131507: Solar power plants
26131508: Steam power plants
26131509: Wind power plants
26131510: Thermal power plants
26131511: Generating Set, Gasoline
26131600: Exhaust structures or screening equipment
26131700: Power generation monitoring or detecting equipment
26131800: Power generation control equipment
26140000: Atomic and nuclear energy machinery and equipment
26141600: Subcritical assembly equipment
26141700: Dosimetry equipment
26141800: Hot cell devices
26141900: Industrial nucleonic instruments
26142000: Irradiation equipment
26142100: Nuclear reactor equipment
26142200: Nuclear fuel equipment
26142300: Radiation shielding equipment
26142302: Lead screens
26142400: Radioactive waste equipment
26142407: Radioactive waste disposal systems
27000000: Tools and General Machinery
27110000: Hand tools
27111500: Cutting and crimping and punching tools
27111504: Pocket knives
27111509: Augers
27111600: Forming tools
27111700: Wrenches and drivers
27111701: Screwdrivers
27111704: Sockets
27111800: Measuring and layout tools
27111801: Tape measures
27111900: Rough and finishing tools
27111913: Edge trimmer
27112000: Agriculture, forestry and garden handtools
27112004: Shovels
27112035: Hedge trimmer
27112100: Holding and clamping tools
27112200: Masonry and concrete tools
27112300: Marking tools
27112400: Fastener setting tools
27112500: Prying and bending tools
27112600: Sealing tools
27112700: Power tools
27112712: Power trimmers
27112800: Tool attachments and accessories
27112841: Hand drill bit for metal