
Consorcio Zona Franca de Vigo Workshop. Internationalization Wednesday: International Tenders

On Wednesday, June 5th, the Consorcio de la Zona Franca de Vigo organizes a conference on tenders where the opportunities that the multilateral market represents will be discussed.

The workshop will cover what multilateral tenders consist of, the cycle and management of multilateral projects, the main sources of information and identification of opportunities and a series of recommendations and tips for submitting a bid will be shared. This presentation will be given by José Luis González, economic promotion technician, international consultant and bidding expert.

The team of the International Tenders Service – SALT, which is run by the Galician Confederation of Entrepreneurs (CEG), in agreement with the Galician Institute of Economic Promotion (IGAPE), will also participate in the session to present the operation of this service to help Galician companies interested in the multilateral market.

After a coffee break, the event will be concluded with a round table discussion of companies with experience in international tenders in different sectors.

Registration is free and will be done in hybrid format. In addition, it offers the possibility of personalized tutorials to resolve any doubts.


09:30 h – Welcome

09:35 h – Tenders: A market of opportunities from international organizations.

10:35 h – Presentation of SALT: International Bidding Service

11:00 h – Coffee break

11:20 h – Round table: Experiences of Galician companies in international tenders

12:15 h – Questions and discussion

Link to the complete program.

Registration link.

If you want to be aware of this opportunity and other opportunities in the multilateral market register on our SALT web platform and we will contact you!