
Scheduled Tender Plan of the General Directorate for the Environment of the European Commission for 2023

The European Commission’s Directorate General for the Environment is responsible for developing, implementing and enforcing the environmental policy of the European Union. This Directorate General works closely with Member States and other stakeholders to improve the quality of the environment and protect human health throughout the EU.

Some of the work areas of the General Directorate for the Environment include:

  • Climate change: develop policies and measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change.
  • Biodiversity: protect and enhance the EU’s biodiversity, including the protection of endangered species and the conservation of natural habitats.
  • Air and water quality: set standards and guidelines to ensure air and water quality throughout the EU.
  • Waste and resources: promote the circular economy and reduce the amount of waste generated in the EU.
  • Health and environment: develop policies to ensure that the environment does not have negative effects on human health.

On March 24, the General Directorate has published the “Announcement of global prior information of the DG for the Environment regarding the open calls for tenders scheduled for 2023”. It should be noted that as it is prior information, no tenders have been published at the moment, but it is expected that they will go out.

The tenders will be published in the Commission’s TED (Tenders Electronic Daily) which I can access at this link:

For more information on the Call for Tenders of the General Directorate, it is recommended to access the following link: