
Keys to the pill: Consulting contracts with the Inter-American Development Bank

The International Tender Service – SALT continues the line of information pills started this past April. On this occasion, Galician companies were introduced to the world of business opportunities provided by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), with special emphasis on consulting contracts.

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) provides financing to countries in Latin America and the Caribbean for a wide variety of development projects and programs, awarding between 20,000 and 30,000 contracts for these operations each year. During the pill, the following points were mainly focused on:

  • Be able to identify projects.
  • Search for the best consortium/leader.
  • Prepare administrative documentation.
  • Submit “expressions of interest”.
  • Short list.
  • Prepare technical offers.
  • Win the tender.

Regarding the characteristics of these tenders, it is essential to know that they are governed by the standard procurement documents that we can access through the following link:

The usual type of procedure is restricted, that is, any company from any donor state may submit a request to participate in a call for tenders, but only those companies that are on the shortlist may participate.

Steps for companies when managing Standard Bidding Documents:

  1. Registration on the IDB purchasing platform.
  2. Value the experience of our institution: What do we know how to do and what activities/projects have we developed in recent years?
  3. Fill out the required documentation according to the IDB templates.
  4. Identification of projects of interest.
  5. Search for the best consortium, which means greater technical and economic robustness, greater probability of entering the shortlist, distribution of work, possibility of local partners, less benefit when there are more.
  6. Preparation of the Expression of interest and management of administrative documentation with the objective of entering the shortlist: partner declaration (financial and personal table), declaration of honor, references.

Once we enter the shortlist we will receive the technical specifications that will include:

  1. The invitation letter.
  2. Instructions to consultants.
  3. The data sheet.
  4. Technical proposal.
  5. Price proposal
  6. Eligible countries.
  7. Term of reference (TDR).

At SALT we support companies throughout the bidding process by identifying personalized tenders, advising on reading specifications and tender requirements, providing forms and resolving doubts and queries from companies at any phase of the multilateral project cycle.

Register on our website and contact us for advice!