
CAF promotes financing of road infrastructure in Ecuador

CAF, Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean, together with the Ministry of Finance of Ecuador, has signed a loan agreement for $218 million to finance the first phase of the “Logistics Infrastructure Program.” This program includes seven road projects aimed at improving the transportation network in the provinces of Azuay, Cañar, Carchi, Chimborazo and Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas.

Patricia Alborta, CAF representative in Ecuador, highlighted this milestone, demonstrating CAF’s commitment to the economic and productive reactivation of Ecuador through the construction of quality infrastructure that will generate employment and promote development in the benefited areas.

Details of the financed works.

The financing of $218 million will be allocated to seven important road projects, detailed below:

Traffic Distributors on the Cuenca-Azogues-Biblián Highway (Azuay and Cañar)

  • 12 de Octubre traffic distributor: This project on the Cuenca-Azogues-Biblián highway, province of Azuay, will receive $35.9 million.
  • Monay-IESS traffic distributor: Also on the Cuenca-Azogues-Biblián highway, Azuay, it will have financing of $42.9 million.
  • Gapal traffic distributor: Another project on the same highway in Azuay, with financing of $23.1 million.
  • Bellavista traffic distributor: This distributor, located on the Cuenca-Azogues-Biblián highway between Azuay and Cañar, will receive $5.9 million.

Binational Border Service Center (Cebaf)-Rumichaca (Carchi)

  • Binational Border Service Center (Cebaf)-Rumichaca: This center will include a cargo and passenger terminal and will have $19.8 million in funding.

Cornelio Dávalos Bridge (Chimborazo)

  • Cornelio Dávalos Bridge: Located on the Balbanera-Pallatanga-Cumandá highway, this bridge will have $20.6 million in funding.

Expansion and Rehabilitation of the Alóag-Santo Domingo Road (Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas)

  • La Unión del Toachi-Santo Domingo road section: This work, which is part of the expansion and rehabilitation of the Alóag-Santo Domingo road, will receive $70 million in funding.

You can access the full news at the following link.

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